SAINT AUGUSTINE’S Catholic High School & Sixth Form Centre Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Company Principal Mr A F Quinn BA (Hons) NPQH Stonepits Lane, Hunt End, Redditch, Worcs, B97 5LX tel 01527 550400 SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2015/16 In conjunction with Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic MAC Development Plan 1 SAINT AUGUSTINE’S Catholic High School & Sixth Form Centre Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Company Principal Mr A F Quinn BA (Hons) NPQH Stonepits Lane, Hunt End, Redditch, Worcs, B97 5LX tel 01527 550400 RISK REGISTER AND STRATEGIC PRIORITIES (SUMMARY) Summary of the Risk Register Risk Competition from local schools eg High Schools/Middle and First Schools/two tier/three tier system. Loss of Bromsgrove students Consequence(s) • Loss of income due to falling rolls • Reduction in Catholic students coming through. Impact on Sixth Form numbers. Possible reduction in school performance as traditionally high achieving students. Lower achievement Possible disaffection issues Poor staff morale Parental concerns. • • Loss of experience/failure to recruit high quality teachers • • • • Categorisation Unacceptable risk Unacceptable risk Unacceptable risk Action ( including timescale) • Monitoring admissions policies of other local schools. • Increasing the PAN. • Raising achievement to compete. • Promoting the school through media. • Offering wider curriculum at all Key Stages. • Academy Development plan. • High examination results and positive Ofsted. • Transport solution through Academy status. • Continued marketing of the school. • • • • • Progress CPD investment. Comprehensive NQT, Middle Leader and Senior leadership training. Links with universities and TSA. Quality support for staff. High expectations at the recruitment process. 2 Changes to school performance eg drop in GCSE/A Level results • • • • Negative publicity Falling rolls Loss of revenue streams Loss of quality staff Unacceptable risk • • • • • • Reduction in funding streams • Academy – Fair Funding WCC • Academy – Capital grants • VA implications • National education reductions • • • • • Impact of Academy status does not lead • to a raising of standards at all tiers. • • Disappointing Ofsted for the school or • one of the MAC schools. • • Staff numbers Low staff morale Reduction in quality of service Quality of provision Loss of students Significant – requiring action Fragmented approach to acceptable standards – low entry levels in Year 9 Continued issues of transition students in Year 9 Bromsgrove issue remains unresolved Implications for recruitment of staff and students Re-evaluation of support network through TSA, Diocese and MAC Additional pressure for staff especially leadership Critical risk • • • • • • • Critical risk • • • • • Raising Achievement agenda for MAC. Curriculum Plan implements for 3 year GCSEs. Deployment of SLEs. Emphasis on Teaching Standards and take action. Comprehensive staff training. Wide Intervention programme esp ENMA Draft contingency plan Academy Representatives Finance and QI. Emphasis on importance of academy status. Bids for capital grants. Certain contracts on temporary basis. Continue to consolidate the academy. Provide consolidated funding comparisons to consider with all stakeholders. Termly reviews of academy action plan. MAC Ofsted Action Plan – September 2015. Linking standards across the tiers. Sharing leadership roles. Building capacity to ensure all key areas are covered. Setting MAC targets. 3 To enrich and sustain the Catholic Life of the school; a Catholic School for All; To consolidate and develop Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Company for the benefit of all students in our community; To maintain the safety and welfare of all our students and staff in our school community; To offer a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of all our students; To maintain and even improve upon the achievement levels at KS3, GCSE and A Level. 4 OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN AND LEARNERS (1of 4) Current 1 2 3 4 Priority: To provide a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of all Grade our students. Key Notes: This should take into consideration the changes to National Curriculum, GCSE and BTECs and A Level and Level 3 courses. In addition, reference should be made to the individual department development plans, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic MAC Development Plan, and RAISE on Line/Data Dashboard What will we do? • Develop the three year GCSE curriculum beginning in Year 9 • Consolidate the Middle Schools Intervention programme especially with St Bede’s and Walkwood When will we do it? Autumn 2015 Key staff OC & HoDs Achieve ment Leader Autumn 2015 PD Success criteria • Curriculum Plan 2015-2016/ tracking data shows consistent progress against target grades. • Evidence of student outcomes when joining STA in Year 9; Secondary Ready Test data Establishment of a common curriculum between ourselves and all our feeder middle schools. • • Further develop our Year 9 Transition programme to incorporate key skills in literacy and numeracy in the summer school. Termly Review Days AM/PD • Transition programme established Autumn 2015 • Continue to review the Pathways system to offer a broad and balanced curriculum for to Year 8 students Monitoring throughout Year 9 OC • Pathways programme and feedback – Spring 2016 • Prepare staff and students for the array of changes to the curriculum, qualifications, accountability measures and funding in the near future: GCSE Reforms (current) GCSE reforms (2017 onwards) A Level reforms A Level reforms (future) Vocational Qualifications (KS4) – list 96 Vocational Qualifications (post 16) Performance Tables – Progress 8 (2016) RPA – 18 in 2015 September 2015 onwards OC/QI/ CO • Staff are aware of the proposed changes and make the necessary amendments to the curriculum. Pathways at KS4 and KS5 are tailored to meet the changes. No significant shift in performance at KS4 and KS5 Training programme both internally and externally provides suitable support. Continue to explore new subject/topic and vocational areas to offer our students at GCSE and A Level. • • • • Review Comments 5 OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN AND LEARNERS (2 of 4) Current 1 2 3 Priority: To consolidate the GCSE 5+ A*-C with English and Mathematics to Grade 65%+ (FFT A prediction for 2016= 57%) Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the individual DDPs, the Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic MAC Development Plan and the ENMA Action Plan. What will we do? When will we do it? Ongoing – SLT Monitoring Key staff OC and HoDs Autumn 2015 • Support staff to deliver quality teaching to the students whilst challenging and holding all to account. • Continue to use the iGCSE in English. • Continue with the ENMA support group with individual action plans, including interventions and early entry. • Support and consolidate the development of German and French in the school curriculum. Food Technology Action Plan. October onwards • Immerse the new GCSE curriculum into the Pathways system and KS4 Curriculum offer. NovemberDecember 2015 • Consolidate the vocational strand of the curriculum to increase post 16 student rolls. • To continue to Close the Gaps in achievement levels between specific groupings and whole school achievement. • • • Target grades are met and bettered for the majority of students. OC, DK PD ENMA Group • Results in positive ENMA outcomes for targeted students (ie C+ in ENMA) 3LPS/4 LPS and VA for the school Early entry positives-Jan 2016 65%+ ENMA results – August 2016 HOD and PD WI and AS OC & HoDs • NovemberDecember 2015 OC • Evidence of increased vocational course (Applied/BTEC in the Pathway’s programme – March 2016 Ongoing – targeted intervention OC • Gaps continue to narrow especially with Pupil Premium and DSEND students/also stretching other groups. • Evidence of progress from Secondary Ready Test outcomes to the end of Year 9; impact of new 3 Year GCSE Tracking evidence above FFT (A) of 58% in 2016 outcomes. Recruitment and retention of quality ENMA teachers including HOD of English. Year 10 tracking data positive. Ongoing – weekly meetings/rewards system On-going Pupil Premium students. DSEND students. Non-white British students – Asian/Eastern European/Black To continue to challenge and beat the predictive data of downward achievement levels (FFT A) on entry (2016 = 58%, 2017 = 65%). Success criteria October 2015 through to August 2016/2017/2018 QI, PD, OC, DK • • • • • • Strategies: • Year 9 Curriculum and Pathways offer – review and evaluate • Early entry using iGCSE English • 4 Review Comments Target grades of 100% for German and 95.6% for French – August 2016 Food Technology GCSE results above target grade. New curriculum evaluated in summer term 2016. 6 • • • • • • Dedicated use of PIXL and the Think Tank to focus school improvement on consolidated and long term Continue to overstaff, (where possible) in Mathematics and English. Continue empowerment of middle leadership to raise standards Implement intervention strategies for Mathematics in Year 9, 10 and 11 through the deployment of Graduate Coaches and the Achievement Leader. Full implementation of the support programme for middle schools to avert future decline esp Walkwood and St Bede’s OLOL MAC Development Plan - deployment OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN AND LEARNERS (3 of 4) Current Priority: To consolidate the success rates of the A Level outcomes (100% 3+ A Grade Level pass rate/ positive VA) Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with individual DDPs and the Sixth Form Action Plan What will we do? When will we do it? On-going – Set monitoring times Key staff CO and Teacher s of A Level October August 2016 CO November 2015 onwards to spring 2016 CO & QI 1 2 • Success criteria Evidence of increased points score and grades for this cohort. • Results data compared to 2015/16 (3 year trend) • Action points implemented summer 2015 65% retention rates – September 2016 • Improve the teaching and learning of students with low entry grades. • Continue to improve results and retention at AS Level. • Consolidate the Transition Programme between Year 11 and Sixth Form. • New Curriculum review of provision and service using external TSA support and local 6th Forms. Autumn 2015 CO and TSA • Action points implemented January 2016. • Sustaining the high achievement rates at A2 levels, especially VA scores. August 2015 onwards CO and HoDs • 100% 3 or more A Level pass rate. Comparative high achievements to the rest of the county for key measures. • Work on increasing the number of students going to Russell Group universities. November 2015 – August 2016 CO/EA C • Destination Report 2016. 3 4 Review Comments 7 OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN AND LEARNERS (4 of 4) Current 1 2 3 Grade Priority: To enrich and sustain the Catholic life of the school. Key Notes: This should work alongside the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic MAC Development Plan, Chaplaincy Development Plan and the Religious Education Development Plan What will we do? • Build on the positive outcomes of the Section 48 Inspection Report to ensure quality SEF • Consolidate the HOD into SLE status within the academic year ( in addition to impact on SLT secondment) • Establish a suitable and appropriate induction programme for non-RC staff and students • Enhance the moral and faith life of the school – organize a Whole MAC/School Mission as part of OLOL MAC initiative • Consolidate the successful examination outcomes at GCSE and A Level. • When will we do it? September 2015 onwards Key staff QI/CN September 2015 ongoing Success criteria • Clear evidence of actions from the Section 48 Inspection/SEF supported by Diocese CN/MN • • NCTL external verification CN - impact on Our Values Autumn 2015 Easter 2016 CN/SC • Student surveys/Parental evaluations/SMSC audit – Ofsted; Non Catholic student/staff survey September 2015 onwards CN/SC • Establishment of Whole MAC/School Mission week for summer term. On-going September 2014 CN/CO • Examination results in 2016 above 80% A – C grades at GCSE/100% A Level Further strengthen the links with our Partnership schools and parishes through Our Lady of Lourdes MAC Spiritual Group On-going CN • • Evidence of clear and consolidated links eg curriculum, events, partnerships, joint initiatives and cross phase. Catholic Mission – summer term 2016 • Regular and systematic evaluation of Chaplaincy/Appointment of permanent Chaplain On-going CN • Annual Pastoral Review 2016 • Further develop student leadership within the school esp in the field of chaplaincy and Catholic Life On-going CN • Student feedback/evaluation in RE and Catholic Life Development Plan 4 Review Comments 8 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE OF PUPILS Current 1 2 Priorities: Safeguarding, Pupil Welfare, Attendance, Behaviour and Rewards, Grade Student Leadership, and PHSE (to include careers guidance and E-safety) Staffing Key Notes: This should be viewed in conjunction with the Pastoral Development Plan; Attendance Plan and OLOL Catholic Mac Development Plan. What will we do? Priority 1a: Ensure all students are safe Safeguarding Training: • All relevant staff will be trained up to level 1. With Safeguarding Lead and Deputy at level 2 • All staff will receive regular training on safeguarding matters. • All student teachers, cover teachers, new staff will receive safeguarding as part of their induction. When will we do it? September 2015 and ongoing January 2016 for the whole staff 3 year renewal. Safeguarding Policies: • All safeguarding policies will be regularly updated and be reflective of the school concerns. • All staff will be briefed of any changes during extended pastoral briefings and CPD days. Safeguarding procedures: • Systems and procedures will be regularly audited to ensure they are robust. Priority 1b: Pupil Welfare • Ensure all students have access to additional learning support. This will be in the form of: PLC and Smith Proforma Academic mentoring 1 to 1 In lesson additional support Breakfast club Homework club • Ensure all students have access to emotional and wellbeing support. This will be in the form of: Educational Psychologist sessions School Nurse Refocus In house mentoring Samaritan sessions Crush Exam anxiety Key staff & Resour ces FL & BL 3 Success criteria • All staff are trained on all safeguarding matters and understand procedures that need to be followed so that rapid and appropriate action is taken. • All students feel safe and are confident that staff will deal with all concerns effectively taking rapid and appropriate action. (Pupil welfare Survey) 4 Review Comments FL Monthly during the Safeguarding Panel meetings. FL/BL/Q I/CO • All paperwork is up to date showing concerns are dealt with as per the Safeguarding Policy. September on-going FL, GA, Plus Achieve ment Leader, Graduat e coaches, HOY • All students have access to additional support emotionally and academically. Students are able to achieve target grades. • All students can access breakfast / homework club and have support from staff members on subjects they need. 9 Priority 1c: Attendance • Ensure attendance is at or above the school target of 96%. This includes the gap narrowing for PP students. PP will be targeted for regular intervention. New tracking system for all students so that tutors can be the first intervention point if students show their attendance has dropped. Use of rewards to promote attendance for all (iPad, Prom, Drayton Manor) Regular parent meetings Text and calls Included on all school reports explaining what this means to their learning. (colour coded) Colour coded system for all students Priority 1d: Behaviour and Rewards • Ensure staff follow the whole school behavior system so there is a consistency. • September on-going FL/BI/ HOY/Tr ansition leader/ Achieve ment Leader There are no groups of students who are disadvantaged by low attendance. The attendance of students who have previously had exceptionally high rates of absence is rising quickly towards the national average. • Whole school target is met at 96% • September on-going All departments to have a time-out rota that is used for persistent low level disruptions. Consequences are consistent with the behavior policy and flowchart across all departments Behaviour for learning is an agenda item in all departments. The inclusion centre to be used as an alternative to exclusion and to include a re-integration meeting with relevant staff. Behaviour point system introduced FL/HOY /Transiti on Leader/ Achieve ment Leader Ensure staff follow the rewards system so that there is a consistency and all students are rewarded where earned. Reward point system introduced Rewards desk introduced to trade in points for prizes Priority 1e: Student Leadership • All students to have the opportunity to apply for leadership roles within school such as: Prefects Bullying Monitors DoE Subject Leaders • September on-going FL/Achi evement Leader/ RS • Behaviour is dealt with consistently across all departments. Procedures are followed as per the behaviour policy. Students are self-disciplined with incidences of low level disruption extremely rare. • Fixed Term exclusions show a reduction as other interventions are developed. • Data for the Inclusion centre shows a reduction and reintervention sessions are taking place for all students. • A points system successfully introduced September where all students are involved and actively are responsible for the points they gain or lose. • Data analysis shows that all students are engaged in a behaviour for Learning system taking ownership. • Data shows that there is sustained improvement in students’ behaviour for individuals or groups with particular needs. • More students are involved in a leadership role which equips them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in school and in wider society. 10 Events/Community • • Launch PiXL Edge to all students within tutor time which will develop leadership skills. (Ofsted June 2015 guidelines) Priority 1f: PHSE (to include E-Safety and Careers and guidance) • Launch Doodle in tutor time to deliver a PHSE program. • Ensure an overview of assemblies that cover PHSE and E-Safety throughout the year is delivered. • Ensure enrichment and topic events run through the year to support the PHSE curriculum. • Careers day introduced for all year groups. September/January September on-going FL/Achi evement Leader/ RS FL • All students develop leadership qualities within Tutor time. A large majority of year 10 achieve the Level 1 Apprentice level, with some progressing to Level 2 Graduate Level. • Tutor time is purposeful with all students engaged in their learning. • Students have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe online and can confidently explain how to keep themselves healthy. • All students have access to high quality impartial careers guidance so they can make informed choices and be prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training. • Staff feel confident within their roles which has a positive impact for all students. Summer term Priority 1g: Staffing • Ensure training needs are met so all pastoral team can develop. On-going All pastoral TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT including MAC, CPD, TSA, ITT (See separate New Technology SDP) Main SLE responsible listed in red Teaching and learning priorities for 2015 – 16 are RWCM and differentiation (focus on most and least able). TEACHING (priorities 1a – 1c) LEARNING (priorities 1d and 1e) ASSESSMENT (priority 1f ) Priority 1a: Improve the consistency of teaching of RWCM across the curriculum PD to oversee Current Grade 1 2 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Achievement; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? RWCM (PD) • These skills will be made visually important within the learning environment by establishing display boards in every classroom to reinforce a love of learning (#LOL) and reinforce a cohesive approach. • Subject teachers will actively focus on these skills as part of the marking process and use agreed codes. When will we do it? September 2015 and ongoing Key staff and Resources All staff led by the literacy and numeracy champions. Success criteria All staff to understand and demonstrate the importance of RWCM within their current practice and apply appropriate and effective strategies within lessons. Review Comments 11 • CPD sessions will be led by the literacy and numeracy champions on a calendared basis. • Graduate coaches will support the most and least able with regards to literacy and numeracy skills. Literacy (PD) Reading : • Active reading - activities based on non-fiction articles covering events in the Weekly Quiz. • ERIC – optional use as a starter to test subject based reading skills. • Accelerated reader - within all year 9 and targeted Year 10 lessons Writing: • QWC – All subjects to develop and use literacy mats to support extended writing activities. • Vocabulary – All subjects to implement the use of Keyword bookmarks. • Skills – All subjects to deliver SPG starter activities as part of the feedback process within the marking cycle. Numeracy (DK) • Numeracy – common mathematical methodology to be illustrated on the reverse of the literacy mats. • Numerical comprehension questions based on nonfiction articles covering events in the Weekly Quiz. Tutor time (weekly) Lessons as appropriate Fortnightly As and when appropriate. Lessons as appropriate Graduate coach/hard copies/hyperlink s to tutors All staff Greater engagement in wider reading activities and increased skills with regards to skimming, scanning, inference and deduction as evident in MER activities. Improved results when retested. Literacy lesson staff led by AS All staff led by the Literacy champions Clear and consistent written responses across a range of subject areas that demonstrate improved levels of accuracy. All staff Tutor time (weekly Increased confidence in the everyday application of number. A cohesive approach to mathematical methodology by all staff. Priority 1b: Deliver a CPD programme to improve the teaching of the Current most able and the least able across the curriculum 1 2 3 4 Grade MN and RE to oversee Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Achievement; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? Regularly share teaching ideas through the Fortnightly buzz – strategies to focus on #LOL priorities of RWCM, most and least able (RE) When will we do it? Demonstrate and share ideas across the school through Buzz weeks once per term Promote the Buzz through a termly newsletter Key Staff And Resources RE, all staff Success Criteria All departments represented regularly at fortnightly Buzz. Attendance consistently above 20 colleagues. Range of T&L strategies for most, least able and RWCM. Impact observed in observations and Learning Walks. 13/11/15, 26/02/16, 15/04/16 RE, all staff After each Buzz Week RE, all staff Buzz weeks embedded. Range of strategies with foci on most able, least able and RWCM offered by range of staff across departments. Promoted on staffroom display. Observed by colleagues. Good practice ideas shared across departments and staff. Impact observed in observations and Learning Walks. Fortnightly from September 2015 Review Comments Three ‘Buzz Briefings’ published, highlighting T&L strategies for most able, least able and RWCM shared 12 • Most able CPD sessions with teacher champions from each curriculum area (RE) • CPD session focusing on research and development, stretch and challenge • Least able CPD sessions with teacher champions from each curriculum area (MN) • CPD sessions focusing on key words, spellings, writing frames • Department reps to attend and be champions that take ownership to develop and share resources/ strategies back in departments. Set up a #LOL board in each classroom which has practical ideas for teachers and students to use during lessons 15/10/15, 14/01/16, 24/03/16 (INSET), 16/06/16 RE, R&D Group of Department reps. 15/10/15, 14/01/16, 24/03/16 (INSET), 16/06/16 MN – least able RE- Most able RE- Challenge focus for #LOL board MN – Support focus for #LOL board through fortnightly Buzz and Buzz Week. Evidence from student voice on impact of strategies. Participation by Department reps. Discussion and sharing good practice on strategies for more able. Action research carried out. Findings shared with Departments and through staff via fortnightly Buzz, Buzz Weeks, the Buzz Briefing and INSET. Impact observed in observations and Learning Walks and evidenced by student voice. High quality CPD on least able teaching and learning strategies delivered and evaluated as good and outstanding. Impact observed in observations and Learning Walks and evidenced by student voice. High quality CPD on most able teaching and learning strategies delivered and evaluated as good and outstanding. Impact observed in observations and Learning Walks and evidenced by student voice. #LOL board to be established in each classroom and used by staff and students in lessons. Resources and strategies to be readily accessible in each classroom. Priority 1c: Successfully induct/train new staff, NQTs and ITT trainees and appraise all other staff to ensure teaching standards are met, recruitment takes place in shortage subjects and there is a clear link between pay progression and performance. MN to oversee Current Grade 1 2 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Achievement; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? Provide a comprehensive programme of New staff induction All new staff 3rd July – full day including induction handbook All new staff to be assigned a mentor/ buddy and timetabled time to be allocated for NQT and ITT mentoring When will we do it? 3rd July – full day including Catholic ethos, T and L, behaviour and safety Key Staff and Resources MN, ON, FL, RE Timetabled mentor time Success Criteria New staff feel welcomed, secure in their understanding of expectations and school standards and routines. Staff make links with their mentors/ buddies. Initial questions answered. Positive and successful start in September as a result of this induction. Fortnightly induction programme, compulsory for NQTs and ITT trainees. Some optional for experienced staff Fortnightly after school for the first term MN plus any relevant school staff As per dates for Ninestiles NQT and ITT programme, MN and NQT/ITT mentors Induction programme in place that covers the teaching standards, whole school aspects, school specific aspects such as teaching the sixth form. High attendance at programme and good feedback that meets the needs of the new staff. New staff and trainees meeting the standards and performing at good or better in learning walks, work scrutinies, leadership skills. Provide NQT registration and high quality support and ITT training and mentoring Review Comments 13 Use CPD Genie and train all appraisers to ensure challenging targets are set which link to the school priorities. • Personal/ professional target to link to the CPD champions • T and L target to link to using the #LOL strategies within their curriculum area plus ITT programmes with Worcs, Wolver, Bham, Newman where we can accommodate. October 2015 plus mid-cycle review High quality mentoring and training that enables all ITT/NQTs to be good or better at each assessment point. All ITT establishment requirements met. High quality staff that we wish to appoint should vacancies arise. MN and appraisers Staff are set challenging targets that enable them to develop their teaching skills plus that of others in the #LOL areas that are priorities for this year. Evidence of #LOL being used in curriculum areas and impact seen in MER activities. Teaching standards being met at good or better. Priority 1d: Use the SLE and Family Leaders structure to ensure learning over time is good or better. MN to line manage CHAMPS; FL to line Current 1 2 3 4 manage Bus and ICT; PD to line manage MFL and English; CN to line Grade manage DT and RE; OC to line manage Sc; DK to line manage Maths. Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Achievement; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? Ensure staff have Learning over time folders in line with school policy When will we do it? INSET September and 3rd July with new staff Key Staff and Resources MN Carry out Learning observations as per the school policy Autumn term SLEs and key HODs As per MER calendar SLEs, HODs and other staff As per calendar Family leaders and subject leaders Carry out MER activities as per calendar • Work scrutiny, learning walks to focus on the 4#LOL areas • Introduce a Pupil voice peer work scrutiny • Pupil voice – identify focus group of 20 KS4/5 pupils to be surveyed during the course of the year, same questions (Sept/ Dec) to assess impact (ON) • Departments to complete more subject specific questions following on from this Continue Middle leader skill development/ consistency/ line management • regular subject family meetings • extend membership of Thinktank • OC fortnightly briefings Success Criteria All staff following school policy for LOT folders (as per Teaching and Learning policy). Evidence of progress over time and differentiation clear for observers to see. All staff identified for learning walks observed and LOT seen as good or better. Any weaknesses identified and addressed via support and/ or CPD Evidence from MER shows consistency of school policies, positive impact of #LOL CPD. Any strengths and weaknesses identified feed into a CPD programme for whole staff and individuals. Middle leaders fully aware of the strengths/ weaknesses of their departments and action points put in place. Effective and informative pupil involvement in MER. Review Comments All Middle leaders performing to the level of the very best. 14 Priority 1e: Actively work with the MAC and TSA to enhance learning and teaching across the Academy and other networks. Current MAC T and L group: PD – Thinktank and assessment, MN – CPD and 1 2 3 4 Grade teaching; TSA School to school support PD to oversee; TSA CPD/ITT/Leadership MN to oversee Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Achievement; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? Think tank: Divide the focus into two areas: • Transition: Develop into the next phase (see action plan) and work with an increased number of subjects within our two main feeder schools. • Pixl: Use the forum to monitor and support HODs in the use of Pixl materials, both tracking and assessment in order to support successful implementation whole school. MAC Teaching, Learning and Assessment development plan • Work with MAC schools and leaders to improve the standard of teaching, learning and assessment (see MAC plan) Teaching School Alliance • Identify opportunities for SLE collaboration over new specs When will we do it? As per plan Priority 1f: Continue to attend PiXL events and embed assessment/ tracking procedures across curriculum areas - FL to oversee Key Staff and Resources As identified in plan Success Criteria Current Grade 1 Review Comments 2 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Achievement; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? All departments to use the PiXL master PLCs to create tracking systems that generate pupil specific targets for intervention and reports • Set up PLC’s for all option subjects • Use PLC’s for intervention groups for core subjects • Use Sharp Proformas as part of the reporting system to identify key targets • Identify a key person as the PiXL champion within departments / families When will we do it? September onwards. Monthly meetings PiXL meetings as per calendared. Key Staff and Resources FL, MN PiXL champions from each department area. Success Criteria PLC’s are used as a common tracking format across all subjects for Options and Science. Review Comments Online PLC’s are used for Maths and English Sharp Proformas are used as part of the reporting system. All students have access to the proforma and be able to take control of their own learning 15 • Attend PiXL meetings to keep up to date with new resources and ideas. Use MOODLE to set up independent revision/ learning resources to support students following on from Smith proformas TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT; New Technologies Priority 1a: Develop effective communication between St Augustine’s staff/MAC Schools (Staff and students)/St Augustine’s and parents Current Grade 1 2 3 4 Key Notes:This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Outcomes for Children and Learners; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? When will we do it? September ongoing Key Staff and Resources LH/BG Success Criteria • Investigate ways of communicating with parents which are more cost effective for Saint Augustine’s • Develop staff and student communication using various media – Communication between teachers in MAC/between students in MAC/Teacher and student • • Further Develop Saint Augustine’s Social media feeds ensuring parents stay up to date using Social Media • Facebook/Twitter will be updated regularly as another communication method for the community. • Ensure E-Safety issues are communicated to all students, staff and parents effectively. • Regular E-Safety assemblies will be carried out. Two E-Safety evenings will be delivered for parents to attend across the MAC. Regular E-Safety sections within the school newsletter. • • Review Comments A streamlines approach which is cost effective to communicate to parents will be set up. The Portal system and Office 365 will be developed and running effectively across the MAC FL/LH/BG Website and VLE is up to date and regular slot in the weekly newsletter. • Priority 1b: Ensure technologies help to support and enhance the achievement of all students Current Grade 1 2 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Outcomes for Children and Learners; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? • Develop an “in house” homework zone to ensure students can stay organized with homework. • Ensure that all hardware and software is fit for purpose and relevant to industry. When will we do it? September ongoing Key Staff and Resources FL/LH/BG • • Success Criteria Success Criteria Review Comments Moodle is used for all students to access work anytime anywhere. Work can be uploaded and marked so that 16 • Ensure all students have access to technology such as PC’s, iPads, Tablets and laptops. • Ensure that Moodle is a key area for all students to access work. • Create and launch an App to act as a planner/diary for 6th form students. students have feedback to ensure they progress. • September • Priority 1c. Ensure technologies help to support and enhance the teaching and learning. Current Grade Students develop skills in all technology areas to prepare them for the world of work. All 6th formers have an online diary planner that can alert them to assignment deadlines. 1 2 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Outcomes for Children and Learners; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? • Investigate the latest technologies that will help improve teaching and learning. Classroom Solutions Moodle • Develop the use of portable devices in subject areas. Ensuring teachers and students can collaboratively work together. • Ensure that all staff are trained using systems that we use here (Portal, Moodle, Cover) When will we do it? September ongoing Key Staff and Resources FL/MN/LH/BG Priority 1d: To develop the Leadership and Management of New Technologies throughout St Augustine’s • Success Criteria Classroom solutions will be used in all lessons to create seating plans to aid with “More able/Less able” • Classroom solutions will be used to issue all behavior and reward points so that data is can be analysed across the different groups. • Hand held devices are seen to be used in more lessons as a collaboration tool. • Training is regular and calendared so that all staff can attend where necessary. Current Grade 1 2 Review Comments 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Subject Development Plans/DEFs; Relevant sections in: Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Library Learning Zone Plan; Sixth Form and the Pupil Premium in Outcomes for Children and Learners; OLOL Catholic MAC Development Plan What will we do? • Ensure PiXL Tracking is developed and supported for all departments. To include PLC’s Smith Proformas When will we do it? September ongoing Key Staff and Resources FL/LH/BH/MO/ LR/OC • • • Success Criteria All option subjects have a PLC style tracker in place. Core subjects (Maths and English) are using the online tracking system available through PiXL. Sharp Proformas are used as part of the reporting system for all option subjects. Review Comments 17 Current Grade EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 1 2 3 4 Key Notes: This should be read in conjunction with the Dept Development Plans/DEFs; Teaching and Learning Plan; Library Learning Zone Plan; the Pupil Premium Action Plan; OLOL MAC Development Plan What will we do? • Continue to develop Leadership opportunities with students eg: Year 9 Ambassadors - Transition Student Council Groups Chaplaincy Team Spiritual Leaders –Catholic Life Digital Leaders Sports Leaders Reading Mentors Music Ambassadors/ Performers Work Experience placements Literacy and Numeracy Peer Tutors Year 11 Prefects Future Leaders Programme MAC Sixth Form Ambassadors Sixth Form Lunchtime Supervisors Library Learning Zone Languages’ Leaders Duke of Edinburgh PIXL – the Edge programme 6th Form Community Service programme • • Consolidate and develop middle leadership at all levels: Nurture and develop emerging and aspiring middle leaders - Leadership Development Bursary scheme/ rolling TLR system – one year opportunities Mentoring and supporting new middle leaders in Transition; PE and Sport; MFL. Empower middle leadership to inform innovation and change within the school – Think Tank Provide opportunities for middle leaders to move to SLE and senior leadership pathways. Establish and consolidate the SLT structure including Head of School (OC), Executive Head (QI) and secondment (CN) Also new job roles for Assistant Principals Support for St John Wall – building capacity OLOL MAC Support Groups When will we do it? September 2015 onwards Key Staff and Resources FL, GI and Achievement Leader 9 in addition to (HODs) Success criteria • • • • • • September 2015 onwards QI, Assistant Principals/SLEs • • • • September 2015 – December 2015 And onwards SLT • • • Review Comments Positive responses from external verification (fellow academy schools and student/staff/parental feedback. Pastoral data – good for targeted students. Community service/vocational placements feedback. Experience used for leadership journey to UCAS form/Apprenticeship application form Student Voice feedback Positive response to the role of the Achievement Leader Evidence from external verification/TSA curriculum reviews/SLT internal reviews/student/parental surveys/CPD rewards/rewards’ log. Evidence the closing of the gap in subject leaders are as good as the best in improving the quality of teaching and students’ achievement. Building on the Ofsted Pilot report on middle leadership – March 2015 Evaluation of impact on SLEs and secondments. Quality of meetings in SLT and Leadership Plus Positive and seamless Executive Head/ Head of School roles in Autumn term 2015 Impact through staff, student and parental feedback. 18 • Ofsted training and preparation Diocesan work TSA link work NPQH accreditation Partnership work – FAPP Panel Financial work Governance PIXL Continue to develop the dual responsibilities of the Governors (Directors and Academy Representatives) and school leaders to bring success to the school by: Ensuring Governance and strategic and management is operational. Developing and supporting the Governing Body in training, recruitment and reviewing performance. Understanding the school and its stakeholders. Establishing a Governors’ Ofsted Preparation Group Prioritizing Safeguarding • Consolidate and continue to develop Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic MAC by: Delivering the MAC Development Plan for 20152016 Working closely with stakeholders, including Governors, staff, students and parents. Thorough preparation for the OLOL MAC Ofsted in Spring term 2016 Participating the MAC focus groups. Communicating effectively and with impartiality. Contributing to the consolidation phase of the MAC Developing strong links with Walkwood and their feeder schools • • • September 2015 – July 2016 QI/Directors/ Academy Reps September 2015 – July 2016 QI/OC/CL/ MAC HTs Student outcomes meet and supersede targets. Accreditation of SLEs by National College of T&L for all St Augustine’s candidates. Succession leadership for Head of Sixth Form; process to begin in autumn term 2015. Evidence of: Safeguarding Monitoring of school progress against SDP targets Well informed and challenge in decision making – evidence in minutes Hard decisions in the interest of students – examples through sub-committees Insightful contribution to self-evaluation. Clarity of roles and responsibilities. Positive and challenging relationship between Principal/Chair and Vice Chair of both Governing groups. Participation in school life and events. The Business Manager and Accounting Officer shows that statutory duties are met. Links with external support networks and professional contacts. MAC status consolidated with clear induction procedures. Reflective practices is evident – changes take place in practice. Positive outcomes for the OLOL MAC Ofsted in Spring term • • • Improvement across the MAC in; Outcomes; Standards in Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare; Leadership and Management as indicated in the MAC Development Plan. Transition data shows improvement in entry data for new Year 9 for 2016 with long term positive trends; based on 2016 SATs data reaching NAs and Years 7 and 8 data from the main feeders Continue to be over-subscribed with a PAN of 230 19 • • • Continue to make an effective contribution to the 2/3 tier debate in Redditch. Retain and further develop the partnerships with other schools to improve the quality of education in the school: Supporting St John Wall in developing capacity to improve – support imminent Ofsted. Bishop Challoner Teaching School Alliance – CPD/Leadership Training/Curriculum Review/Academic Support Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic MAC – see MAC development Plan 2015-2016. Redditch and Bromsgrove High Schools – FAPP/HTs group/Curriculum group Catholic Association of Secondary Schools – Diocese WASH – fellow Worcestershire Schools. Pupil Premium students – to ensure that funding is used to make a significant impact on the targeted students by: Closing the Gap between PP and Whole School achievement levels. Currently 24% so target so 2016 is 12% Supporting Sixth Form uptake Providing constructive Post 16 advice and support. Principal (QI) to lead the OLOL Catholic MAC in Leadership and Management in the following areas: The Leadership of Catholic Life of the academy Student Leadership -Future Leaders’ programme Phase 1-3 Leadership of Staff – TSA and Middle Leadership Leadership of Governance Leadership of Practice – providing common pastoral care and guidance. September 2015 onwards • Positive Ofsted reports in Spring term 2016 • Evidence of continuing strong links and impacts from partnership especially in Leadership and Management – key impact areas should be established: Capacity to Improve at SJW SLE appointment through TSA/ NCTL accreditation – CN MAC developments as outlined Local Curriculum group established Diocese recognition of the role STA plays and supports – QI/ MN QI (MN/FL/CN) • • • • • • OC/ENMA group OC/ENMA Group • • • • September 2015 ongoing QI • • Closing the Gap in terms of the following for Year 11 students: APS 5 x A*-C ENMA 12%; Attainment 8 1.0; Progress 8 – 0.25. Evidence of enrichment of education experience – Trips/the Arts – performance and participation. Destinations – retention rate at St Augustine’s/outcomes – tracking Year 9 – Year 11 students. Clear evidence provided of strong collaboration esp in student leadership through the Future Leaders programme Quality of Governance continues to improve. Common practice established in pastoral care and guidance – attendance/ welfare/ safeguarding and child protection/ behavior expectations/ shared ethos and values 20