KEY ds = double -sided Bold face = divider tab label Italics = you

ds = double -sided
Bold face = divider tab label
Italics = you created or filled it in.
Red = evaluated with IA rubrics
Introductory Handouts
Syllabus (white)
Classroom Orientation (gold)
Laboratory Safety Contract (white)
Chemistry Pre-test, corrected
Learning Targets for IB Biology
Staple each unit’s LT together as you study them; take
the packet out while learning but put it back!
Laboratory IA Rubrics & Related Info. (always peach-colored)
Personal Engagement (PE)
Exploration (Ex)
Analysis (A)
Evaluation (Ev)
Communication (Com)
Content for Lab Reports in IB Bio
Toothpickase (Sept 2014)
Toothpickase Activity pages
Toothpickase Graph
IndiAge (Sept, Oct 2014)
IndiAge Basic Assay handouts: Steps, flowchart
Raw data table from basic assay
Stereoscope Self-Training handout
Way to Go, Indigo - DIY Lab handout
IndiAge DIY proposal (includes data table)
Photograph of mini-poster & all 5 IA rubrics
Cells (Oct 2014)
Compound Microscope Self-Training handout
“Cell-abration” handout (pink)
Cell-abration sketches that you made
“Water Relations of Plant Cells” handout (blue)
Flowchart for “Water Relations…”
Data tables for “Water Relations…”
Graph,“Water Relations…” (potato osmosis data)
Calculations for “Water Relations…”
Problem set for Ψ, with zucchini core graph
Mitosis Study Lab handout (4 pp ds; cream)
Pie chart of Mitotic Index
Metabolism (Nov, Dec 2014)
Cell Resp’n assay: O2 cons. (brown handout)
Your flowchart of O2 assay
Your graph, with the rate written on it!
Cell Resp’n assay: CO2 prod. (blue handout)
Your flowchart of CO2 assay
First LoggerPro graph
Second (improved) Logger Pro table and graph
Seedy Side of Respiration handout (green)
Your DIY Respiration proposal
Your Seedy Side Report & rubric (Ev, Com)
Chromatography, w/ chromatogram (yellow, 4 pp)
“Rise ‘n’ Shine” Flowchart
“Rise ‘n’ Shine” Lab Handout (gold, 3 pp)
DNA (Jan, Feb 2015)
DNA Spooling handout (pink)
DNA Spooling flowchart
MolecuLab 115 Bacterial Transformation Booklet
Paper plasmid page (bacterium with recomb. plasmid)
Bacterial Tx doc’s (flowcharts, plate, Tx efficiency)
DNA Sequencing handout (brown, 1 p. ds)
Plants (Feb, Mar 2015)
“Leaf” Your Cares Behind handout (cream-colored)
Tradescantia zebrina stomata photographs
Coleus Nut and Bolt Microtome handout
Coleus Nut and Bolt Microtome flowchart
Coleus stem section photographs
Transpiration: Open Pipet Assay handout (yellow)
Flowchart, open pipet assay
Data table, open pipet assay data table
Graph, open pipet assay
Transpiration: Gas P. Sensor Assay handout (blue)
Flowchart, gas pressure sensor assay
Data table, gas pressure sensor assay
Graph, gas pressure sensor assay
DIY transpiration handout (green)
Your Proposed DIY Transpiration lab & rubric (PE, Ex)
Gladiolus flower dissection handout (2 pp one-sided)
Gladiolus flower dissection photographs
Seed dissection handout (gray)
Ecology (April, May, June 2015)
“Lemna Part 1: Feeling for the Organism” handout
Lemna data table
Lemna graph
“A Lab Field Study of Biodiversity” handout (3pp cream)
Class data table, fir cone creatures
Shannon Diversity Index analysis, using cone data
Sweet Statistics M’n’M’s handout (3 pp)
Chi Square analysis, using cone data
Ecosphere background, from the manufacturer (1 p.)
Additional ecosphere information (1 p., ds)
Tide pools trip (June 2015)
Tide pools fieldwork assignment choices (1 p.)
Your tide pools field work assignment