Person Served Referral Form Please check: 1st Step Mobile Treatment or Short Stay Housing 1st Step Mobile Treatment ☐ Short Stay Housing ☐ You may send the completed form by Fax to: (250) 851-2949 Attention: Holly-Rose Vesper Person Served Information Name: (First) (Middle) (Last) Date of Birth: Band Member: ☐ YES ☐ NO If Yes, Band name and #: MM/DD/YY Age: Height: Eye Color: Provincial Health Care #: Cultural Background: Gender: Weight: Hair Color: Contact Information Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Parent/Guardian Information Mother: Father: Address: City: Province: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Postal Code: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Emergency Contact Information Please list two people who will be available in case of an emergency or to be contact if the individual leaves group early. 1st Option Name: Phone Number: What is this person’s relationship with you? 2nd Option Name: Phone Number: What is this person’s relationship with you? Referral Agent Axis Family Resource staff is responsible for sharing information related to the placement. Name: Agency: Position: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Reason for referring this youth: Page 1 of 9 Person Served Referral Form Motivation On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most motivated) what is your current level of motivation to make changes? 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Education/Employment Status Are you attending school? ☐ YES ☐ NO If so, what school are you attending and what grade? Are you working? ☐ YES ☐ NO If so, where are you employed? Alcohol and Drug Use History Identify your top three drug/alcohol preferences Name of Drug: Pattern of use: Name of Drug: Pattern of use: (daily, weekend, binge) (daily, weekend, binge) Amount used per occasion: Length of use: Date of last use: Amount used per occasion: Length of use: Date of last use: Name of Drug: Pattern of use: Name of Drug: Pattern of use: (daily, weekend, binge) Amount used per occasion: Length of use: Date of last use: (daily, weekend, binge) Amount used per occasion: Length of use: Date of last use: Psychological History (Emotional/ Behavioral) & Medical History Is there any Health Professionals that 1st Step should be aware of? ☐ YES ☐ NO If yes, please list who and title of the professional: Are you taking prescribed medications? ☐ YES ☐ NO If yes, provide name, dosage and current diagnosis: Have you ever been sexually abused? ☐ YES ☐ NO If yes, when was the abuse reported? Do you have any other health issues? ☐ YES ☐ NO If yes, please explain: Do you have a history of self-harm? ☐ YES ☐NO Do you have a history of suicide? ☐ YES ☐ NO If so, are you suicidal now? ☐ YES ☐ NO Are you pregnant? ☐ YES ☐ NO If yes, due date? Do you have a history of aggressive behavior? ☐ YES ☐ NO Are you displaying withdrawal symptoms? ☐ YES ☐NO If yes, what are they? _____________ Are you aware of any diagnosis such as FAS, FAE, ADD, ADHD, depression? ☐ YES ☐ NO Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 2 of 9 Person Served Referral Form Legal History Are you on Probation? ☐ YES ☐ NO Who is your Probation Officer? Phone: Fax: Please attach a probation order or details. Family/Caregiver Information Is there a family history of alcohol/drug use or dependence? ☐ YES ☐ NO Have you ever been in foster care or a group home? ☐ YES ☐ NO… If yes, how many? Nutrition Do you have any food allergies or dietary needs? ☐ YES ☐ NO If yes, please describe: What is your favorite food? What food do you dislike? Treatment and Counselling History Have you ever attended? 1st Step before? ☐ YES ☐ NO Date: Location: When: Did you complete the program? ☐ YES ☐ NO Residential Treatment before? ☐ YES ☐ NO When: Location: Did you complete the program? ☐ YES ☐ NO Alcohol and Drug Counselling before? ☐ YES ☐ NO Location: When: Did you complete the counselling?☐ YES ☐ NO Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 3 of 9 Person Served Referral Form UNDERSTANDING OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND CONSENT FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION Axis Family Resources programs uses a team approach in helping individuals and families work towards choices for growth and change. This team approach means that the Axis staff who works with you may receive support and feedback from other Axis team members. The purpose of this consent form is to enable us to release information that will assist the team in providing comprehensive and quality services. Many people are concerned about “confidentiality” or “privacy” concerning information about themselves. Axis staff are obliged as part of their employment to keep information about families confidential within the team. The Axis staff involved with you must seek your written consent for release of information about you or your family members prior to making any contact with any other individual or agency. Axis Family Resources Programs have a contract with our funder to provide specific services. Referrals into any of these programs may require our staff to exchange information including a summary letter when we end our services. No information about any persons served will be released to any other persons without their written consent, with the following exceptions; In cases of SUSPECTED OR DISCLOSED CHILD ABUSE or neglect (children witnessing physical abuse is considered child abuse or neglect), staff are obliged to inform appropriate authorities in the Ministry of Children and Family Development. In cases of current or past sexual abuse in which the offender has present access to minor-aged children, staff is obliged to inform appropriate authorities in the Ministry of Children and Family Development. When a person served states that he/she intends to inflict bodily harm to another person, staff will notify the intended victim(s) and/or appropriate authorities. When a person served states that he/she INTENDS to SUICIDE, staff will notify emergency services deemed necessary to save the life of that individual. There are times when records can be subpoenaed to court. There is also the possibility that AXIS staff and records may be subpoenaed to court at the direction of the judge or other court order. Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 4 of 9 Person Served Referral Form Release of Information I, ________________________________________ give consent to Axis staff involved with my family to share with the agencies or individuals specified below. I also give consent to the agencies or individuals I have specified below to share information with the Axis Family Resources team. I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information and consent to receive services under these conditions. These policies have been explained to me and I understand it. Organization name and name of Primary Contact Purpose and content of information shared Phone Number and other contact Information Authorization to release information will expire one year from the date of signing. You may revoke this authorization by writing and submitting a letter to the Axis Branch Manager stating that you revoke your authorization to release information as of (specific date). _________________________ Person Served Name Written: _________________________ Person Served Signature _______________________ Date Signed: _________________________ Parent / Guardian Name Written: _________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature _______________________ Date Signed: _________________________ Axis Worker Name Written: _________________________ Axis Worker Signature: _______________________ Date Signed: ACTIVITY CONSENT FORM Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 5 of 9 Person Served Referral Form I, we, the parent / guardian of ______________________________ agree for him/her to participate in activities while in the care of ___________________________________. Activities conducted may be swimming, skating, hiking, biking, camping and other activities generally performed by this youth’s peer group. The caregiver will ensure that appropriate safety measures such as helmets and lifejackets etc. are in place. ___ Transportation to and from activities in support workers vehicle ___ Swimming, hiking, biking, and other activities ___ Permission for Axis to take a photo for the person served file. ___ Permission for community photos (newspaper) In the case of exceptional activities such as boating or horseback riding etc., the Ministry of Children and Family Development and / or the legal parent or guardian will be contacted for approval. _________________________ Parent / Guardian Name Written: _________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature ______________ Date Signed: _________________________ Axis Program Manager Written: _________________________ Axis Program Manager Signature: Date Signed: Consent for Participating in Activities will expire one year from the date of signing. You may revoke this consent by writing and submitting a letter to the AXIS Branch Manager stating that you revoke your consent as of (specific date). Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 6 of 9 Person Served Referral Form EMERGENCY TREATMENT CONSENT (Emergency Release Authorization) In case of illness or accident of _________________________________, I hereby authorize the Caregiver(s) or his/her representative to send for or seek medical assistance. I agree that the Caregiver IN AN EMERGENCY may call his/her local hospital or an ambulance. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the legal guardian. Minor to moderate injuries such as cuts, scrapes, bruises and burns not requiring medical services but needing first aid treatment must be documented on a Critical Incident Form. _________________________ Parent / Guardian Name Written: _________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature: Date Signed: _________________________ Axis Program Manager Name Written: _________________________ Axis Program Manager Signature: Date Signed: Emergency Treatment Consent will expire one year from the date of signing. You may revoke this treatment consent by writing and submitting a letter to the AXIS Branch Manager stating that you revoke your Emergency Treatment Consent as of (specific date). Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 7 of 9 Person Served Referral Form CONSENT FOR ADMINISTERING MEDICATION I / we the parent / legal guardian of _____________________________ agree the caregiver(s) or his / her representative can administer the medication prescribed by their physician while in the care of ______________________________. _________________________ Parent / Guardian Name Written: _________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________ Date Signed: _________________________ Axis Program Manager Written: _________________________ ____________________ Axis Program Manager Signature: Date Signed: Consent for Administering Medication will expire one year from the date of signing. You may revoke this consent by writing and submitting a letter to the AXIS Branch Manager stating that you revoke your Consent for Administering Medication as of (specific date). Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 8 of 9 Person Served Referral Form PERSON SERVED MEDICATION FORM Person Served: __________________________ D.O.B: __________________________ Medication Prescribed Reason Dosage ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Over the counter medication which can be administered: Medication Reason Dosage ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____ Person Served Name Written: Physician Name Written: Physicians Signature: Date Signed: __________ Please Note: This referral package must be completed in full for acceptance into the program Updated June 2015 9 of 9