CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE The Clinical Approach Dr. Manoj Chaudhary Consultant Nephrologist Kidney Hospital, Jalandhar Why to know about CRF/CKD • IndiaWorld’s sharpest due to Type II DM, Hypertension (CAUSE-VASCULAR DYSFUNCTION) • Death from communicable disease - 20 million-starting to decline, • CVS disease to 26 million in 2020, • DM-150 million in 2000 will to 370 million in 2030 (75% in developing world) • Estimation of CRF/CKD - 1 lakh/yr Minority seen by Nephrologists • CRD - Pathophysiologic process with multiple etiologies, resulting in inexorable attrition of nephron number and function frequently leading to End stage renal disease. • ESRD - Clinical state or condition that has irreversible loss of endogenous renal function of sufficient degree to render the patient dependent on Dialysis or Transplantation in order to avoid Uraemia. • Uraemia - Clinical and laboratory syndrome, reflecting all organ system dysfunction as result of untreated or treated Acute or CRF. STAGES OF CHRONIC RENAL DISEASE STAGE GFR,ML/MIN/1.73M2 1 KIDNEY DAMAGE WITH NORMAL OR INCREASED GFR 90 2 KIDNEY DAMAGE WITH MILDLY 60-89 DECREASED GFR 3 MODERATELY DECREASED GFR 30-59 4 SEVERLY DECREASED GFR 15-29 5 RENAL FAILURE <15(OR DIALYSIS) COCKROFT AND GAULT EQUATION CREATININE.CLEARENCE (ml/min.) = (140 - AGE) X BODY WT. (kg) 72 X PCr (mg/dl) Multiply 0.85 for women CAUSES OF CRF: [SGPGI,PGI,AIIMS] DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY 34.98% CGN CIN PKD HYPERTENSIVE NEPHROSCLEROSIS 26.98% 24.69% 3.96% 5.34% CALCULUS DISEASE 0.92% REFLUX NEPHROPATHY 0.85% OBSTRUCTIVE UROPATHY 1.86% UNSPECIFIED CAUSE 0.51% DIAGNOSIS OF CRF • HISTORY • FACTORS SUGGESTING CHRONICITY – Duration of symptoms for months. – Nocturia – Absence of acute illness in face of high urea and creatinine. – Anaemia of chronic disorders – Bone disease – Sexual dysfunction – Nail changes, Pruritis – Neurological complications – Small kidneys on renal imaging •LAB - Hb, Ca 2+, PO43-, Alk. Phos., HCO3, Alb., 24hrs. U.protein, Urine R/M, Broad Cast, PTH levels. •IMAGING - USG, MCU (Reflux), Renal Doppler, MRA •RENAL BIOPSY - If clear cut Dx not possible in kidney of Normal size. SODIUM AND WATER HOMEOSTATIS • Stable CRD- Increased Total Body Na & H2O -Not clinical apparent • Hyponatremia-Restrict water intake • Wt. gain offset by concomitant loss of lean body mass • Expanded ECFV Restrict salt Restrict fluid Loop diuretics + Metalozone (distally acting diuretics) • Volume depletion-resuscitated with normal saline. ANAEMIA • CLINICAL EFFECTS • • • • • • • • O2 delivery & utilization CO Cardiac enlargement Ventricular hypertrophy Angina CHF Cognition & mental acuity Altered menstrual cycles Bleeding diathesis Impaired host defence against infection Growth retardation in children ANAEMIA Contd….. • Normocytic Normochromic Anaemia • Reticulocyte count low • Reduced, Normal or Bone marrow cellularity, M:E • Reduced red cell life span, Erythropoiesis IRON STUDIES • S.Fe, TIBC, S.Ferritin • If TSAT<20% S.Ferritin<100ng/l give Fe(50-100mg iv) Thrice weekly x 5weeks • If still low repeat same course • Withhold therapy TSAT>50% S.Ferritin>800mg/ml (>800g/L) ERYTHROPOIETIN • Starting dose 50-150 units/kg/wk IV or S.C (once, twice or thrice/ wk) • TARGET Hb-11-12gm/dl • Optimal rate of correction-1-2gm/dl over 4 wks. EPO BENEFITS • • • • • • • • • • • Increased Exercise tolerance Normalization of elevated Cardiac Output Increased BP in 30% of patients Decreased Symptom of Angina Decreased LVH Decreased Cardiac size on chest X-Ray PA Improved quality of life Decreased Uraemic bleeding Improved platelet function Enhanced immune function Decreased Uraemic pruritis ADVERSE EFFECT OF EPO • Hypertension • Seizures/ Encephalopathy • Clotting of dialysis lines • Hyperkalemia • Myalgia/ Influenza like syndrome DARBOPOIETIN ALPHA • Analogue of EPO -Greater biological activity -Prolonged half life • Starting dose -0.45mg/kg iv or s.c. weekly or single dose 0.75mg/kg single iv or s.c. every 2 wks. • Optimal rate of correction -Hb by 1-2 gm/dl over 4 wk period ORAL IRON • POOR ABSORPTION • INTOLERANCE • DIALYSIS Adequate dialysis.(CAPD better HD for 3 yrs., then same.) BLOOD TRANSFUSION • Suppresses residual EPO production • Iron overload deleterious effect on heart, liver, pancreas • Infection HepB, HepC, HIV, CMV • Exposure to wide range of HLA Cytotoxic Ab Risk of +ve crossmatch and Ac. rejection ANDROGEN THERAPY • Effective in mild cases only S/E-Virilization, Muscle & Liver damage, Cholestasis BONE DISEASE AND DISORDERS OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHATE METABOLISM • High turnover bone disease • Low turnover bone disease – Osteomalacia – Adynamic bone disease • LABS: Ca2+, Phosporous, Alk. Phosphatase, S.PTH PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATION • Early CRF CaCO3 2gms/day Dietary Phosphate<1000 mg • Advanced CRF (Cr.Cl-60-40 ml/min) – Phosphate 800-900 mg/day Ca supplement – If S.Calcediol < 20ng/ml Add the metabolite 2mg/day - Metabloic acidosis - Ca Co3/ and or bicarbonate - Avoid citrate - increased absorption of aluminum • FAR advanced stages – – – – – Daily phosphate - 600-750 mg/day CaCo3 - 3gm /day Watch for Metabolic acidosis - NaHCO3 Plasma calcidiol – Add Calcitriol 0.25 pg daily If hypercalcemia - restrict or half the dose calcidiol – hyperphosphatemia - target PTH around 2-3 times the upper limit • Sevalamer – Non reabsorbable, – Non calcium containing polymer, – No Hypercalcemia • Attenuates calcium deposition in coronary arteries and aorta. • Adynamic bone disease Overzealous suppression of secondary Hyperparathyroidism (keep PTH<120 pg/ml) CARDIOVASCULAR ABNORMALITIES Leading cause of mortality and morbidity • IHD Classical risk factors • Hypervolumia • Dyslipidemia • Sympathetic overactivity • S Hyperhomocysteinemia • Tt - HMG COA if + Gem fibozil Risk of Myositis CRD RELATED • Anaemia • Hyperphosphatemia • Hyperparathyroidism • Microinflammation-IL6, CRP • NO CHF • Abnormal cardiac function secondary to IHD or LVH, Salt and Water retention • Unique feature - Even in absence of volume overload there is normal or increased Intracardiac or PCWP • Butterfly wing distribution due to increased permeability of capillary alveolar membrane leading to low pressure pulmonary edema. - Treatment by vigorous dialysis HYPERTENSION • Most common complication • Develop early in course associated with adverse outcome • LVH & Cardiovascular morbidity • Anaemia & LVF If Hypertension absent Salt wasting renal disease, Medullary cystic disease, Chronic T1 disease, Volume depletion or Reduced cardiac index. Treatment: • Slow progression of disease • Prevent complication - CVS disease and stroke • Target BP – 130/ 80 – 85 (Protenuria < 1gm/ 24hrs) • If protenuria > 1gm/ 24hrs – Target BP 125/ 75 • Volume Control - Salt restriction - Diuretics • Ace inhibitor can be used • Avoid direct Vasodilators – Minoxidil Hydralaizne • If increased Cardiac hypertrophy - Use only in Refractory hypertension - Target BP-->130/80-85 (Protenuria<1gm/24hrs) • If protenuria>1gm/24hrs-Target BP 125/75 • Volume control--> Salt restriction --> Diuretics • ACE or ARB ? Or both ? • Avoid direct vasodilators – Minoxidil – Hydralazine Leads to Cardiac hypertrophy – Use only in refractory hypertension NUTRITION PEM- Common problem Indian scenario-malnutrition widely prevalent CAUSES: • Anorexia • Altered taste sensation • Intercurrent stress • Unpalatable prescribed diets • Catabolic response to superimposed illness • Endocrine disorders of uraemia (resistance to IgF, hyperglucagonemia, hyperparathyroidism) Energy - 35 k cal/kg/day On vegetarian diet -Av. Protein intake 0.64 + 0.15 gms/kg/day Diabetic pt.- 30-35 kcal/kg of IBW/day, 60% carbohydrates, 30% - fats 15% from mono unsaturated fats. For MHD- Calories - same Protein -1.2 gm/kg. (50% HBV) INDICATIONS OF RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY • Anorexia & nausea • Fluid & Electrolytes abnormalities that are refractory to conservative means – Volume overload refractory to diuretics – Hyperkalemia unresponsive to protein restricted – Progressive metabolic acidosis that cannot be managed by alkali • • • • Pericarditis Progressive neuropathy attributable to ureamia Encephalopathy Muscle irritability CLINICAL CLUES INDICATING DEVELOPMENT OF URAEMIC COMPLICATIONS • • • • • • • Morning nausea Vomiting Intractable pruritis H/O Hiccuping Muscle twitching & cramps Presence of asterixis Pt’s whose follow up and compliance with conservative management is difficult- considered for earlier management Considerable interindividual variability in severity of uraemic symptoms and renal function It is ill advised to assign a certain usual level of BUN, S.creatinine, GFR to need to start Dialysis Recent controlled studies failed to show a survival advantage for early initiation of RRT prior to onset of clinical indications. Modality of RRT • Haemodialysis • Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis • Renal Transplantation HD- most common modality of ESRD (USA- 80%) PD- Younger pt-because of better manual dexterity and greater visual acuity Difficult vascular access Larger pt-Truncal obesity (>80kg) suited for HD