The 1960's - JJonesUSHIstory

The 1960's
Lainey Hoffman, Melissa Blackwell, Kindale Bridges
o JFK was the youngest elected president.
This was the year of the first televised
presidential debate as well.
o Freedom Ride in Anniston, Alabama
May 14.
o Bay of Pigs in April.
o Berlin Wall built in August.
o Peace Corps founded.
o Late 1961 Anti-Diem agitators threatened
pro-American government. Kennedy
increased troops in South Vietnam.
Steel companies raised their prices. This angered JFK and demanded
the lowering of prices. As well as general tax cuts.
Trade Expansion Act: tariffs cut up to 50%
Cuban Missile Crisis.
o Pact prohibiting nuclear weapons
with Soviet Union
o JFK's speech at American
University urged peaceful
coexistence with Soviet Union.
o Civil rights protesters were "hosed
down" in Birmingham, Alabama.
o JFK called for new civil rights
o March on Washington and MLK's
"I Have A Dream" speech.
o JFK assassinated November 22 in
Dallas, Texas.
o LBJ was immediately sworn in.
o Also in May of '63, the awesome
Mr. Jones was born.
1964 - Economy
o The population is 191.888.791 and the life expectancy is
70.2 years.
o The federal spending was $118.53 billion and the debt was
$316.1 billion.
o Inflation was 1.2% and the consumer index was 31.
o The unemployment level was at 5.7%.
o The price of a new home was $20,500, a gallon of gas was
%0.30, a dozen eggs were $0.54, and a gallon of milk was
Other Important Things in '64
o Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
o LBJ and The Great Society
o The Economic Opportunity Act
o Civil Rights Act of 1964
1965 - Economy
o Population: 194,302,963
o Life expectancy was 70.2 years
o Federal spending was $118.23 billion and the debt was $322.3
o Inflation was 1.6%, consumer index was 31.5, and
unemployment was 5.2%.
o Price of a new home was $21,500, gallon of gas was $0.31, a
dozen eggs $0.53, and a gallon of milk was $0.95.
Other Important Things in '65
o LBJ escalates US military involvement in Vietnam.
o SDS and SNCC led the first anti-war march.
o Voting Rights Act
o Immigration Act of 1965
o Medicaid and Medicare enacted.
o Malcom X was assassinated.
o Watts Riots in LA.
1966 - Economy
o Population: 196,560,338
o Life expectancy was 70.2 years.
o Federal spending was $134.53 billion was debt was $328.5 billion.
o Inflation was 2.7%, consumer index was 32.4%, and unemployment
rates were 4.5%.
o The price of a new home was $23,300, a gallon of gas was $0.32, a
dozen eggs were %0.60, and a gallon of milk was %0.99.
Other Important Things in '66
o Department of Urban Housing and Development
o Department of Transportation
o Nation Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
o Miranda vs. Arizona
o Feminist group (NOW) formed.
o NBC, CBS, and ABC had full color lineups in their primt-time
o Muhammad Ali declared himself a conscientious objector and refused
to go to war.
o The US, Soviet Union, and the UK sign the Outer Space
o The 25th Amendment is ratified.
o Thurgood Marshall is confirmed the first African American on
the Supreme Court.
o MLK was assassinated.
o My Lai massacre.
o Robert Kennedy was assassinated.
o The Tet Offensive was put into action.
o Civil Rights Act of '68
o Richard Nixon is elected.
o Tinker vs. Des Moines
o Stonewall Riots
o The first troops are withdrawn from Vietnam.
Early to Mid 60's
o Featured shorter coats, lowered waistline,
“relaxed shaping”, appearance of little or no
o Abstract effect: side-fastenings on coats,
dresses, side-slanting folds, loose box
dresses/coats, “full-flowing outline”
o American’s love for travel increased during the
60s which influenced fashion immensely:
Weightless, porous fabrics and mixed fibers
which rendered materials more crease-resistant
and easy to care for- climate changes during
o Fashion was inspired by abstract art, geometric
patterns, “offbeat” contrasts, flower patternsloud and big.
o Hair changed drastically and played a vital role
in 60s fashion. Late 60s- boyish haircut (ex:
Twiggy or Edie Sedgwick)
Late 60's
o 1968-California- the “Hippie”
movement: very relaxed, easy,
comfortable clothing.
o headbands, barefoot, long hair, tie
died shirts, sandals, buck-skin vests,
Mexican peasant blouses, scarves,
caftans and being in public without a
bra was all part of this liberating time.
o late 60s- suede mini-skirt, squaretoed boots, French polo tops,
newsboy cap/beret, Psychedelic
prints, “grass”, “weed”, LSD and the
look of “Woodstock”, chain belts,
peace signs, medallion necklaces,
Fashion Icons
Music was a major cultural movement in the
British Invasion
o The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and
Led Zepplin.
o Bob Dylan (major civil rights supporter),
Joan Baez, The Who, David Bowie, Pink
Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Van Morrison, Janis
Joplin, Johnny Cash
o The Supremes, Stevie Wonder, Marvin
Gaye, The Temptations, Miles Davis,
Duke Ellington.
o Monterey Pop Festival
o Woodstock
o Vietnam War
o "Summertime Blues" and
"Eve of Destruction"
o Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the
Wind" about civil rights.
o Counterculture of the
o Flower Child movement
Counterculture of the 60's
Mainly concentrated in the US
and UK.
Regards the war in Vietnam
(tensions around extensive
government interference), race
relations, sexual mores,
women's rights, opposition to
authority, experimentation with
psychoactive drugs, and a
different interpretation of the
American Dream.
o Opposition began on college campuses in '64.
o Mostly among the baby boomers -- large
numbers/disproportionate amount of poverty.
o MacBird by Barbara Garson encouraged nonconformism and anti-establishmentarianism.
Sexual mores/Women's
o Dealt with reproductive
rights, legal inequalities,
marital rape laws,
establishment of rape
crisis and battered
women's shelters, as well
as changes in custody
and divorce laws.
o Counterculture also
preached "free love."
Gay Liberation Movement
o The first cited gay liberation
movement took place June 28,
o The Stonewall Riots.
o Violent demonstrations against
police in a raid on a gay bar.
Drug Movement
o LSD became a recreational
outside medicine.
o The term "dropping acid" was
o Ken Kesey participate in drug
trials and liked the effects. This
started the movement.
Flower Child Movement
o Started with Billy Ray and
Hazel Williams who made
paper flowers and sold them
in the streets of San
Francisco. Their daughters
would wear the flowers in
their hair.
o Became a synonym for
young people at the Summer
of Love (a flock of young
people to San Fran in search
of new values).
o It became custom to give out
flowers to symbolize
brotherhood, peace, and
Flowers and Politics
o Authorities destroyed
People's Park -- hippies
planted flowers as a
peaceful resistance.
o In 1967, March on the
Pentagon, surrounded by
troops groups peacefully
o George Harris put flowers in
the barrels of guns.
Minimalism and Pop Art were popular styles of the 60's.
Andy Warhol was a popular Pop Art artist.
1964 Movies
o Mary Poppins ($102,300,000)
o Goldfinger ($51,100,000)
o Vivalas Vegas ($4,675,000)
o A Fist Full of Dollars ($3,500,000)
o Roustabout ($3,000,000)
Academy Awards
o Best Actor: Rex Harrison starring in My Fair
o Best Actress: Julie Andrews starring in Mary
o Best Director: George Cukor directing My Fair
o Best Picture: Jack L. Warner in My Fair Lady
o Best Supporting Actor: Peter Ustinov in
o Best Supporting Actress: Lila Kedrova im
1965 Movies
o Sound of Music ($163,214,28)
o Doctor Zhivago ($111,722,000)
o Thunderball ($63,600,000)
o Greatest Story Ever Told
o The Sons of Katie Elder ($6,000,000)
Academy Awards
o Best Actor: Lee Marvin in Cat Ballow
o Best Actress: Julie Christie in Darling
o Best Director: Robert Wise for Sound
of Music
o Best Picture: Robert Wise for Sound
of Music
o Best Supporting Actor: Martin Balsam
in A Thousand Clowns
o Best Supporting Actress: Shelley
Winters in A Patch of Blue
1966 Movies
o The Wild Angels ($6,500,000)
o The Good, The Bad, and The
Ugly ($6,100,000)
o Paradise, Hawaiian Style
Academy Awards
o Best Actor: Paul Scofield in A
Man For All Seasons
o Best Actress: Elizabeth Taylor in
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
o Best Director and Best Picture:
Fred Zinnemann for A Man For All
o Best Supporting Actor: Walter
Matthau in The Fortune Cookie
o Best Supporting Actress: Sandy
Dennis in Who's Afraid of Virginia
o Popular TV shows of the 60's
included: Bewitched, Yogi Bear,
Leave it to Beaver, Scooby Doo,
Star Trek, The Addams Family, The
Andy Griffith Show, The Beverly
Hillbillies, The Bugs Bunny Show,
The Ed Sullivan Show, The
Flintstones, Sesame Street, The
Jetsons, The Twilight Zone, and The
o The TV industry received 2 billion
dollars in advertising which was
twice that of what the radio made.
o Cigarette advertising contributed to
lots of the TV aid.