Introduction to microbial world

Welcome to
microbial world
Man, microbe and
Plant - nitrogen
Animal (ruminant animal) – digestion
Ecosystem – enrich soil, degrade waste
Man – wine, cheese, vaccines, antibiotic
Microbes – not only an essential part of our
lives but quite leterally a part of us.
A Brief History
of Microbiology
The Early Years of Microbiology
The early years of microbiology brought the
first observations of microbial life and the
initial efforts to organize them into logical
What Does Life Really Look Like?
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723), a Dutch
tailor, made the first simple microscope in order to
examine the quality of cloth.
The device was little more than a magnifying glass
with screws for manipulating the specimen, but it
allowed him to begin the first rigorous examination
and documentation of the microbial world.
He reported the existence of protozoa in 1674 and of
bacteria in 1676.
By the end of the 19th century, Leeuwenhoek’s
“beasties” were called microorganisms.
Today they are also known as microbes.
How Can Microbes Be Classified?
During the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778), a
Swedish botanist, developed a taxonomic system for naming
plants and animals and grouping similar organisms together.
Biologists still use a modification of Linnaeus’ taxonomy
All living organisms can be classified as either eukaryotic or
Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells contain a nucleus
composed of genetic material surrounded by a distinct
Prokaryotes are unicellular microbes that lack a true nucleus.
Within these categories, microorganisms are further classified
as follows:
Fungi are relatively large microscopic
eukaryotes and include molds and yeasts.
These organisms obtain their food from other
organisms and have cell walls.
multicellular organisms
long filaments, called hyphae
reproduce by sexual and asexual spores
unicellular and typically oval to round
eproduce asexually by budding
sexual spores
Protozoa are single-celled eukaryotes that are
similar to animals in their nutritional needs and
cellular structure. Most are capable of
locomotion, and some cause disease.
unicellular or multicellular
photosynthetic organisms
plant-like eukaryotes that
are photosynthetic; that is,
they make their own food
from carbon dioxide and
water using energy from
Bacteria and archaea
Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes whose
cell walls are composed of peptidoglycan
(though some bacteria lack cell walls). Most
are beneficial, but some cause disease.
Archaea are single-celled prokaryotes whose
cell walls lack peptidoglycan and instead are
composed of other polymers.
Both groups reproduce asexually.
Viruses are microorganisms so small that they
were hidden from microbiologists until the
invention of the electron microscope in 1932.
All are acellular obligatory parasites.
Microbiologists also study parasitic worms,
which range in size from microscopic forms to
adult tapeworms several meters in length.
The Golden Age of Microbiology
During what is now sometimes called the
“Golden Age of Microbiology,” from the late
19th to the early 20th century, microbiologists
competed to be the first to answer several
questions about the nature of microbial life.
Is Spontaneous Generation of
Microbial Life Possible?
The theory of spontaneous generation (or abiogenesis)
proposes that living organisms can arise from nonliving matter.
It was proposed by Aristotle (384–322 BC) and was widely
accepted for almost 2000 years, until experiments by
Francesco Redi (1626–1697) challenged it.
In the 18th century, British scientist John T. Needham (1713–
1781) conducted experiments suggesting that perhaps
spontaneous generation of microscopic life was indeed
possible, but in 1799, experiments by Italian scientist Lazzaro
Spallanzani (1729–1799) reported results that contradicted
Needham’s findings.
The debate continued until experiments by French scientist
Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) using swan-necked flasks that
remained free of microbes disproved the theory definitively.
The debate over spontaneous generation led in part to the
development of a generalized scientific method by which
questions are answered through observations of the outcomes
of carefully controlled experiments.
It consists of four steps:
1. A group of observations leads a scientist to ask a question
about some phenomenon.
2. The scientist generates a hypothesis—a potential answer to the
3. The scientist designs and conducts an experiment to test the
4. Based on the observed results of the experiment, the scientist
either accepts, rejects, or modifies the hypothesis.
What Causes Fermentation?
The mid-19th century also saw the birth of the field of
industrial microbiology (or biotechnology), in which
microbes are intentionally manipulated to manufacture
Pasteur’s investigations into the cause of fermentation led to
the discovery that yeast can grow with or without oxygen, and
that bacteria ferment grape juice to produce acids, whereas
yeast cells ferment grape juice to produce alcohol.
These discoveries suggested a method to prevent the spoilage
of wine by heating the grape juice just enough to kill
contaminating bacteria, so that it could then be inoculated with
Pasteurization, the use of heat to kill pathogens and reduce the
number of spoilage microorganisms in food and beverages, is
an industrialapplication widely used today.
In 1897, experiments by the German scientist
Eduard Buchner (1860–1917) demonstrated
the presence of enzymes, cell-produced
proteins that promote chemical reactions such
as fermentation.
His work began the field of biochemistry and
the study of metabolism, a term that refers to
the sum of all chemical reactions in an
What Causes Disease?
Prior to the 1800s, disease was attributed to various factors
such as evil spirits, sin, imbalances in body fluids, and foul
Pasteur’s discovery that bacteria are responsible for spoiling
wine led to his hypothesis in 1857 that microorganisms are
also responsible for diseases, an idea that came to be known as
the germ theory of disease.
Microorganisms that cause specific diseases are caused
Today we know that diseases are also caused by genetics,
environmental toxins, and allergic reactions; thus, the germ
theory applies only to infectious disease.
Investigations into etiology, the study of the
causation of disease, were dominated by German
physician Robert Koch (1843–1910).
Koch initiated careful microbiological laboratory
techniques in his search for disease agents, such as
the bacterium responsible for anthrax.
He and his colleagues were responsible for
developing techniques to isolate bacteria, stain cells,
estimate population size, sterilize growth media, and
transfer bacteria between media.
They also achieved the first photomicrograph of
But one of Koch’s greatest achievements was the
elaboration, in his publications on tuberculosis, of a
set of steps that must be taken to prove the cause of
any infectious disease.
Koch and his colleagues are also responsible for many other
advances in laboratory microbiology, including:
Simple staining techniques for bacterial cells and flagella
The first photomicrograph of bacteria
The first photograph of bacteria in diseased tissue
Techniques for estimating the number of bacteria in a solution
based on the number of colonies that form after inoculation
onto a solid surface
The use of steam to sterilize growth media
The use of Petri dishes to hold solid growth media
Aseptic laboratory techniques such as transferring bacteria
between media using a platinum wire that had been heatsterilized in a flame
Elucidation of bacteria as distinct species
These four steps are now known as Koch’s
1. The suspected causative agent must be found in every
case of the disease and be absent from healthy hosts.
2. The agent must be isolated and grown outside the
3. When the agent is introduced to a healthy, susceptible
host, the host must get the disease.
4. The same agent must be reisolated from the diseased
experimental host.
In 1884, Danish scientist Christian Gram
(1853–1938) developed a staining technique
involving application of a series of dyes that
leave some microbes purple and others pink.
The Gram stain is still the most widely used
staining technique; it distinguishes Grampositive from Gram-negative bacteria and
reflects differences in composition of the
bacterial cell wall.
How Can We Prevent Infection and
In the mid-19th century, modern principles of hygiene, such as
those involving sewage and water treatment, personal
cleanliness, and pest control, were not widely practiced.
Medical facilities and personnel lacked adequate cleanliness,
and nosocomial infections, those acquired in a health care
facility, were rampant.
In approximately 1848, Viennese physician Ignaz Semmelweis
(1818–1865) noticed that women whose births were attended
by medical students died at a rate 20 times higher than those
whose births were attended by midwives in an adjoining wing
of the same hospital.
He hypothesized that “cadaver particles” from the hands of the
medical students caused puerperal fever, and required medical
students to wash their hands in chlorinated lime water before
attending births.
Mortality from puerperal fever in the subsequent year dropped
A few years later, English physician Joseph Lister
(1827–1912) advanced the idea of antisepsis in health
care settings, reducing deaths among his patients by
two-thirds with the use of phenol.
Florence Nightingale (1820–1910), the founder of
modern nursing, introduced antiseptic techniques that
saved the lives of innumerable soldiers during the
Crimean War of 1854–1856.
In 1854, observations by the English physician John
Snow (1813–1858) mapping the occurrence of
cholera cases in London led to the foundation of two
branches of microbiology: infection control and
epidemiology, the study of the occurrence,
distribution, and spread of disease in humans.
The field of immunology, the study of the
body’s specific defenses against pathogens,
began with the experiments of English
physician Edward Jenner (1749–1823), who
showed that vaccination with pus collected
from cowpox lesions prevented smallpox.
Pasteur later capitalized on Jenner’s work to
develop successful vaccines against fowl
cholera, anthrax, and rabies.
The field of chemotherapy, a branch of medical
microbiology in which chemicals are studied for their
potential to destroy pathogenic microorganisms,
began when German microbiologist Paul Ehrlich
(1854–1915) began to search for a “magic bullet” that
could kill microorganisms but remain nontoxic to
By 1908, he had discovered chemicals effective
against the agents that cause sleeping sickness and
The Modern Age of Microbiology
Since the early 20th century, microbiologists
have worked to answer new questions in new
fields of science.
What Are the Basic Chemical
Reactions of Life?
Biochemistry is the study of metabolism.
It began with Pasteur’s work on fermentation and Buchner’s
discovery of enzymes, but was greatly advanced by the
proposition of microbiologists Albert Kluyver (1888–1956)
and C. B. van Niel (1897–1985) that biochemical reactions are
shared by all living things, are few in number, and involve the
transfer of electrons and hydrogen ions.
In adopting this view, scientists could begin to use microbes as
model systems to answer questions about metabolism in other
Today, biochemical research has many practical applications,
including: the design of herbicides and pesticides; the
diagnosis of illness; the treatment of metabolic diseases; and
the design of drugs to treat various disorders.
How Do Genes Work?
Microbial genetics is the study of inheritance in microorganisms.
Throughout the 20th century, researchers working with microbes
made significant advances in our understanding of how genes work.
For example, they established that a gene’s activity is related to the
function of the specific protein coded by that gene, and they
determined the exact way in which genetic information is translated
into a protein.
Molecular biology combines aspects of biochemistry, cell biology,
and genetics to explain cell function at the molecular level.
It is particularly concerned with genome sequencing.
Genetic engineering involves the manipulation of genes in
microbes, plants, and animals for practical applications, such as the
development of pest-resistant crops and the treatment of disease.
Gene therapy is the use of recombinant DNA (DNA composed of
genes from more than one organism) to insert a missing gene or
repair a defective gene in human cells.
What Roles Do Microorganisms Play
in the Environment?
Environmental microbiology studies the role
microorganisms play in their natural environment.
Microbial communities play an essential role, for
example, in the decay of dead organisms and the
recycling of chemicals such as carbon, nitrogen, and
Environmental microbiologists study the microbes
and chemical reactions involved in such
biodegradation, as well as the effects of communitybased measures to limit the abundance of pathogenic
microbes in the environment, such as sewage
treatment, water purification, and sanitation
How Do We Defend Against Disease?
Although the work of Jenner and Pasteur marked the
birth of the field of immunology, the discovery of
chemicals in the blood that are active against specific
pathogens advanced the field considerably.
Serology is the study of blood serum, the liquid that
remains after blood coagulates, and that carries diseasefighting chemicals.
Serologic studies showed that the body can defend itself
against a remarkable range of diseases.
Nevertheless, medical intervention is often necessary,
and the 20th century saw tremendous advances in
chemotherapy, including the discovery of penicillin in
1929 and sulfa drugs in 1935, both of which are still
first-line antimicrobial drugs today.
What Will the Future Hold?
Among the questions microbiologists are working to answer today are
the following:
• What prevents certain life forms from being grown in the laboratory?
• Can microorganisms be used in ultraminiature technologies such as
computer circuit boards?
• How can an understanding of microbial communities help us
understand communities of larger organisms?
• What can we do at a genetic level to defend against pathogenic
• How can we reduce the threat of new and re-emerging infectious