Patients With Traumatic Injuries


Patients With Traumatic


Condell Medical Center

EMS System

August 2008 CE

Site code #10-7200E1208

Prepared by: Sharon Hopkins, RN, BSN, EMT-P


• Upon successful completion of this module, the EMS provider should be able to:

– Identify the differences between a Category

I, II and III trauma patient

– State transport decisions for trauma patients based on Region X guidelines

– Understand what the mechanism of injury is and the information it provides

– Understand the difference between the index of suspicion and the general impression

Objectives cont’d

– Describe assessment and treatment appropriate for the patient with traumatic insult based on Region X


• Burns, tension pneumothorax, sucking chest wound, flail chest, pericardial tamponade, eviscerated organs

– Successfully calculate the GCS and RTS given the patient’s parameters

– Identify and appropriately state interventions for a variety of EKG rhythms

– Identify ST elevation on a 12 lead EKG

– Successfully identify the landmark and perform chest needle decompression

– Actively participate in trauma scenario discussion

– Successfully complete the quiz with a score of 80% or better

Leading Causes of Death

• In the age groups from 1 to 44, unintentional injury is the leading cause of death

• 45 and over, the leading causes of death are disease

– cardiovascular disease and cancers

• These statistics point to a financial burden placed on the patient as well as society for unintentional injuries

• Source: National Vital Statistics System, National Center for Health

Statistics, CDC

Level I Trauma Centers

• Prepared and committed to handle all types of specialty trauma 24/7

• Provides leadership and resources to other levels of trauma care in the Region

• Participates in data collection, research, continuing education, and public education programs

• Level I: Evanston Hospital, St. Francis in


• Level I non-Region X: Advocate Lutheran

General, Froedtert (Wisconsin)

Level II Trauma Centers

• Increased commitment to trauma care for the most common trauma emergencies with surgical capability available 24/7

• Participates in data collection, continuing education, and public education programs

• Level II: Condell, Glenbrook, Highland

Park, Lake Forest, Rush North Shore, Vista

Medical Center East (VMH)

Additional Level II Trauma Centers

- Not Geographically In Region X

• Centegra – McHenry, Illinois

• Good Shepherd Hospital (GSH) –

Barrington, Illinois

• Northwest Community Hospital (NWCH) –

Arlington Heights

Region X SOP -Trauma Transport

• Systolic B/P < 90 on 2 consecutive readings (or peds

< 80)

–Transport to the highest level

Trauma Center within 25 minutes

–25 minute clock starts from the time of injury

Region X SOP Trauma Transport

• Traumatic arrest, isolated burns >20%

–Transport to the closest Trauma


• No airway

–Transport to the closest

Emergency Department

Region X SOP Trauma Transport

• Category I Trauma Patient

–Unstable vital signs

–Based on anatomy of the injury

–Transport to the highest level

Trauma Center within 25 minutes

–25 minute clock starts from the time of injury

Region X SOP Trauma Transport

• Category II Trauma Patient

–Based on mechanism of injury

• High potential for injury but patient is stable for now

–Based on existence of co-morbid factors that increase the risk of complications to recovery

–Transport to the closest Trauma


Region X SOP Trauma Transport

• Category III Trauma Patient

– All other traumatic injuries and routine care is being provided

– Isolated traumatic injury (generally GCS


• Isolated fractures

• Minor burns

• Lacerations

– Transport the patient to the closest

Trauma Center

Mechanism of Injury

• The process and forces that cause trauma

• Mentally recreate the incident from the evidence noted

• Identify strength of forces involved

• Identify direction forces came from

• Identify areas of the patient’s body most likely affected by the forces

• Start to identify the mechanism of injury during the scene size-up

Injury Patterns – Pedestrians

• Adults

– Generally turn away & present lateral surfaces

– Anatomically, impact is low on the body

– Injuries to tibia, fibula, femur, knee, lateral chest, upper extremity, then head & neck

• Pediatrics

– Generally turn and face the vehicle

– Injuries anatomically higher on the body than adults

– Injuries to femur, pelvis and then those sustained when run over or pushed aside by the vehicle

Injury Patterns – Motor Vehicle

• Rotational (38% of MVC)

– Injuries similar to frontal & lateral

– Deceleration is usually more gradual & injuries less serious although the vehicles look worse

• Frontal (32% of MVC)

– Up and over pathway

• Femur fractures

• Blunt abdominal injury via compression

• Lower chest injuries after steering wheel impact

• Head & neck injuries with windshield impact

Injury Patterns – Motor Vehicle

– Down and under pathway

• Lower leg injuries from sliding under the dash

• Chest injuries with steering wheel impact

• Collapsed lungs from breath holding at time of impact

– Ejection

• 27% of fatalities

• 2 impacts – with interior vehicle & then the objects outside the car (ground, trees, fences, etc)

Injury Patterns – Motor Vehicle

• Lateral impact (15% of MVC; 22% of all MVC fatalities)

– Much less structural steel for protection between victim and impact site

– Vehicle damage may not look severe but internal injury potential is high

– Upper & lower extremity fractures on impact side

– Lateral compression with a large amount of internal injury to chest & abdominal organs

– Unrestrained passengers are missiles and add to injuries other passengers already sustained

Injury Patterns – Motor Vehicle

• Rear end (9% of MVC)

– Head rotates backward and then snaps forward

– Less neck injury if the head rest is in place

• Rollover (6% of MVC)

– Occupant experiences impact every time vehicle impacts a point on the ground

– Vehicle sides and roof provide less crumple zones for absorbing impact forces

– Ejection is common in unrestrained persons

Index of Suspicion

• Your anticipation of injury to a body, region, organ, or structure based on identification of the mechanism of injury

• Your index of suspicion is honed from experience and time on the job

General impression

• Formed from mechanism of injury and index of suspicion

• Will guide the EMS provider regarding a direction on how to proceed in caring for this patient and be a guideline on choosing which SOP to follow

Documentation To Include of The


• O - onset

• P – provocation/palliation

• Q - quality

• R - radiation

• S – severity (0 – 10)

• T – timing – when did it start


• Provide answers to:

–Who (the patient you’re caring for)

–What (happened)

–When (did it happen)

–Where (which body part)

–How (did it occur)

Trauma Care – Amputated Parts

• Routine trauma care

• To remove gross contamination, gently rinse with normal saline

– DO NOT use distilled water to irrigate open wounds

– Normal saline is isotonic and less harmful to tissue

• Cover stump with damp (normal saline) sterile dressing and ace wrap

– Ace provides uniform pressure to stump

• Cover wounds with sterile dressing

Care of Amputated Parts

Place part in a plastic zip lock bag

Place bag in larger bag or container over ice and water

Do not ice the part alone

Pain Management Including for

Adult Burns

• Morphine for pain control

–2 mg slow IVP over 2 minutes

–May repeat every 2 minutes as needed to a maximum of 10 mg

–Watch for respiratory depression

–Monitor for a drop in blood pressure due to vasodilation from the medication

Adult Burns - Electrical

• Immobilize the patient

– High potential for traumatic injury

• Muscle spasms during contact with source

• Thrown when power source cut

– Assess for dysrhythmia – place on cardiac monitor

– Assess distal neurovascular status of affected part

– Cover wounds with dry sterile dressings

Adult Burns - Inhalation

• High risk for airway compromise

• Note presence of wheezing, hoarseness, stridor, carbonaceous sputum, singed nasal hair

• High flow oxygen via non-rebreather mask

• Monitor for need of advanced airway device


– Combitube if trained and approved

Adult Burns - Chemical

• Consider need for HAZ-MAT involvement

• If powdered chemical, first brush away excess dry material

• Remove clothing if possible

• Flush burned area with sterile saline

• If eye involvement, remove contact lenses and flush continuously with sterile saline

• Avoid contamination of noninvolved areas

Adult Burns - Thermal

• Superficial – 1 st degree

– Cool burned area with saline

– <20% BSA involved, apply sterile saline soaked dressings

– >20% BSA, apply dry sterile dressing

• Do not overcool major burns or apply ice directly to burned areas

Adult Burns - Thermal

• Partial or full thickness (2 nd or 3 rd degree)

– Wear sterile gloves and mask while burn areas are exposed

– Cover burn wound with dry sterile dressings

• Preventing air flow over exposed burn areas reduces pain levels

– Place patient on clean sheet on stretcher

– Cover patient with dry clean sheets and blanket – protect from hypothermia

Infant differences: back 13%, each buttocks 2.5%, each entire leg 14%

Case Study #1

• Adult patient who reached over a charcoal grill just as the match was thrown onto the soaked coals

• Injury is restricted to the right arm

• What type of burn is this?

• Using the Rule of Nines, what is the TSBA burned?

• What type of care is appropriate?

• How can the pain be managed?

• What does the documentation look like?

Case Study #1 – Patient with Burns

Case Study #1

• Combination of superficial and partial thickness burns approx 4.5% TSBA (circumferential around forearm)

– Evidence of redness with a blistered area although blister is broken

• Appropriate care includes cooling burn, applying sterile saline soaked dressing (<20% TBSA)

• Additional helpful care

– Elevation of arm, removal of ring before fingers swell

• For pain control

– Morphine 2 mg slow IVP; can repeat 2 mg in

2 minutes up to 10 mg

Case Study #1 - Documentation

• What, when, where, how

• Our 52 year-old patient received superficial and partial thickness burns approximately 20 minutes ago to her right forearm when reaching across flames from a charcoal grill.

• Detailed description of injury

• Description of intervention prior to EMS & that which EMS provided

• Response to intervention

Chest Injuries – Traumatic Arrest –

Category I Trauma

• Begin CPR

• Transport to closest Trauma Center

– A hospital on by-pass must take a patient in life threatening condition if they are the closest appropriate hospital

• Perform bilateral chest decompression

– Use common sense – does your scene size – up, evaluation of mechanism of injury and general impression indicate a potential chest wall injury?

Chest Injuries – Tension

Pneumothorax – Category I Trauma

• History of injury to the chest wall

• Diminished breath sounds

• Hyperresonance if percussion done

• Severe dyspnea

• Hyperinflation of chest

• Jugular vein distention

• Tachycardia

• Hypotension

Needle Decompression

• Landmarks anterior approach

–2 nd intercostal space in the midline of the clavicles

–Place prepared flutter valve needle over the top of the rib

• Avoids potential injury to vessels and nerves that run along the bottom of the rib

Quick Way to Find 2



• Feel for the top of the sternum

• Roll your finger tip to the anterior surface at the top of the sternum

• Feel the little bump near the top of the sternum

– This bump is the Angle of Louis

• From the Angle of Louis slide your fingers angled slightly downward toward the affected side following the rib space

– You are automatically in the 2 nd ICS

• Identify the midline of the clavicle

– The midline is more lateral than persons realize and usually runs in line with the nipple

Alternate Method to Find 2 nd

Intercostal Space

• Palpate the clavicle and find the midline

– The midline is farther out (more lateral) from the sternum than most persons realize

• Move your finger tips under the clavicle into the

1 st intercostal space

– 1 st rib is under the clavicle and is not palpated

– Spaces identified for the numbered rib above the space

• Feel for the firm 2 nd rib and palpate the soft space below the rib

– This is the 2 nd ICS

Needle Decompression

• Find your own 2 nd ICS

• Now find your neighbor’s 2 nd ICS

– Use both methods to find the landmark and decide which is easiest for you

• Documentation

– To include signs and symptoms

– Size of needle used (length and gauge)

– Site needle inserted into

– Response from the patient


• Long needle (preferably 2-3 inch) and large bore needle (preferably 12-14G)

• Flutter valve

• Cleanser to prepare skin overlying the site

• Method to secure needle in place

– Skin will most likely be diaphoretic

– Tape may not stick

– May need to maintain manual control of needle

Skin Preparation

Midline of clavicle

2 nd ICS

Angle of


Inserting the


• Remove proximal end cap from needle

– Will be able to hear trapped air escaping

• Needle inserted over top of rib

– Once hiss of air heard continue to advance catheter while withdrawing stylet

• Stabilize catheter as best as possible

• Patient should symptomatically improve

– Do not expect to hear improved breath sounds; takes time for the lung to reexpand

Case Study #2

• EMS is called to the scene for a 52 year-old male with c/o sudden onset dyspnea with pain between his shoulder blades while watching TV at home. The patient is agitated, short of breath, with increased respiratory rate and SaO of 89%.


• Further assessment reveals decreased breath sounds on the right and clear on the left

• Vital signs: 98/62; HR 118; RR 32 and shallow

• Your impression & intervention plan?

Case Study #2

• Spontaneous tension pneumothorax

– They don’t all develop from trauma

• Begin supplemental oxygen support via nonrebreather, cardiac monitor, preparation for IV


• Quickly prepare for needle decompression while the above are being prepared

– Patients with a tension pneumothorax can’t wait and will deteriorate without needle decompression

Sucking Chest Wound – Category I


• Most common with penetrating wounds

• Free passage of air between the atmosphere and pleural space if the open wound is at least 2 /

3 rd the size of the diameter of the trachea

– Size of trachea about the size of pt’s 5 th finger

• Air is drawn into the chest cavity

• Air replaces lung tissue

• Lung collapses

Sucking Chest Wound

• Severe dyspnea

• Open chest wound

– Check anterior, posterior, axilla areas

• Frothy blood at wound opening

• Sucking sound as air moves in and out

• Tachycardia with hypovolemia

Treatment Sucking Chest Wound

• Immediate treatment is to seal the opening

– May start by placing a gloved hand over the wound

– When able, place an occlusive dressing, taped on 3 sides, over the wound

• Wound now converted to a closed pneumothorax

• Monitor for signs of tension pneumothorax

– May need to lift a corner of the dressing to release trapped air via burping dressing

Flail Chest – Category I Trauma

• 3 or more adjacent ribs broken in 2 or more places

– Segment becomes free with pardoxical chest wall motion during respirations

– Paradoxical movement more evident after the muscles splinting the flail segment fatigue

• Usually takes a tremendous amount of blunt trauma to cause a flail chest

• Often present will be associated severe underlying injury (ie: pulmonary contusion)

• Respiratory volume reduced and respiratory effort increased

Treatment Flail Chest

• Place patient on the injured side (may not be possible to do this in the field based on mechanism of injury)

• High flow oxygen – nonrebreather mask

– Monitor for need to assist ventilations via BVM to deliver positive pressure ventilations

• Evidence of underlying pulmonary injury

• Effort and fatigue

• Pulse oximetry

• EKG monitoring

– Tremendous amount of force is delivered to the chest wall and cardiac injury is highly likely as a result

Pericardial Tamponade – Category I


• Blood or other fluid fills the pericardial sac restricting cardiac filling & contractility

• Most often related to penetrating trauma

• Venous return to the heart is restricted

• Decreased cardiac output

• Pressure on the coronary arteries restricts blood flow to the myocardium

Pericardial Tamponade Signs &


• Usually history of penetrating trauma

• Agitated patient

• Diminished strength of pulses (weak and thready) with tachycardia

• Narrowing pulse pressure

– Diastolic & systolic numbers moving closer together

• Distended neck veins (JVD)

• Diaphoretic and pale

• Muffled, distant heart tones

• Hypotension

Treatment Pericardial Tamponade

• Treatment in the field is limited to being supportive

• Patient requires high index of suspicion and/or rapid identification with rapid transport

– In ED will perform needle thoracentesis and then transfer the patient to the OR for open heart surgery

General Assessment Pearls

• Restlessness and agitation

– You must consider  hypoxia,  shock,

 influence of alcohol and/or drugs

– This is one time you need to assess for all reasons of restlessness and not just stop when you discovered one cause – there may be more than one pathology going on at a time

Evaluation Pearls – Low SaO


• SaO

2 reading may be inaccurate in the presence of:

– Hemorrhagic shock with delayed capillary refill

– Hypothermia

– Lung damage

• Evaluate all parameters together to get the best overall picture in ventilated patient

– What does the ETCO

2 indicate?

– Are you able to ventilate the patient?

– Are there extenuating circumstances where the circulation is affected and would affect the pulse ox reading like those listed above?




Case Study #3

• Your 34 year-old patient received a

GSW to the right upper abdomen.

• They are conscious and alert; B/P 90/62;

HR 120; RR 28; bleeding is minimal

• Category trauma?

• What are your interventions?

Case Study #3 – Category I Trauma

• Make sure the scene is secured

• Consider need for spinal immobilization

• During assessment of wound, consider thoracic injury in addition to abdominal injury depending on the angle of the GSW.

• Examine for an exit wound

– Check the back and the axilla

• Prepare for the worst – assume the patient will deteriorate before ED arrival

• Repeat VS: B/P 80/; HR 140; RR 32, remains conscious and in pain

• Transport to the highest level Trauma Center within 25 minutes

Case Study #3 - Treatment

• Routine trauma care

• Question – is this an isolated abdominal wound or is it a combination abdominal/ chest wound?

– Need to treat patient for potential injuries of both body cavities

– EMS cannot determine in the field the angle of the trajectory

• Cover the wound and watch for evisceration

• Fluid resuscitation – keep B/P at low levels; the higher the B/P the faster the patient bleeds out

Case Study #3 - Documentation

• If patient states anything, put it in quotes

• If information available, add angle patient shot from (ie: above, below) and distance from weapon

• If known, list type of weapon used

• Include results of inspection, auscultation, palpation

– Location of entrance and exit wound

– Size of wound(s)

– Assessment of the general area (ie: contusions, bleeding, swelling/distention, pain, powder marks)

• Preserve evidence as much as possible

Case Study #4

• Your 10 year-old patient has a penetrating injury to the right leg above the knee while playing in his backyard

• Initial VS: B/P 90/70;

HR; 130; RR 32; no active bleeding

• Category trauma? Field interventions?

Case Study #4 – Category III

• Next VS: B/P 92/64; HR 110; RR 20.

• Stabilize foreign body in place

• Obtain distal neurovascular status

– Distal pulses

– Movement – “can you wiggle your toes?”

– Sensation – “close your eyes and tell me which toe I am touching”

• Document distal neurovascular status and describe how the foreign object is stabilized in place

Case Study #5

• Your 62 year-old patient had abdominal surgery

1 week ago. Today at home he sneezed hard and felt a tearing sensation in his abdomen and called EMS.

• VS: B/P 100/60;

HR 110; RR 24

• No active bleeding

• What interventions are appropriate?

Case Study #5 - Interventions

• Immediately cover the wound

– Need to minimize contamination

– Need to prevent more organs from protruding

– Need to prevent loss of fluids

• Place a saline moistened dressing over the exposed tissue

• Place dry gauze over the saline dressings

• Can place light manual control over the organs to prevent further evisceration especially during movement, coughing, sneezing, deep breaths

Case Study #6

• 21 year-old drove into a metal fence. Upon EMS arrival, there is obvious external chest injury with bleeding. Coming closer to the patient, EMS can hear a sucking sound from the chest wound.

• Patient is alert, in pain, severe dyspnea

• VS: B/P 90/62; HR 130; RR 34; GCS 15

• Breath sounds L > R

• Look at the injury – what is your impression and what interventions are necessary?

MVC Into Metal Fencing

Case Study #6 – Category I

• An adequate dressing will be difficult to achieve with such an extensive wound

– A gloved hand just won’t be enough to get started

• This patient may be a candidate for conscious sedation and intubation to provide positive pressure ventilation

• Reassessment VS: B/P 80/56; HR 140;

RR 36 GCS remains 15

• Transport is to highest level trauma center within 25 minutes

Case Study #6 - Treatment

• Open chest wounds need to be covered ASAP with a non-occlusive dressing

• Carefully monitor if the treatment of the open chest wound converts the injury into a tension pneumothorax

• Carefully monitor the patient for the need for more aggressive airway control (ie: supportive ventilation via BVM or intubation)

– Initially can start O

2 rebreather mask therapy with a non-

Case Study #6 - Documentation

• What – cause of the injury (penetration,

MVC, pedestrian, etc)

• When – the injury occurred

• Where – by body location

– “quadrant” refers to the abdomen

– Chest injuries uses reference such as anterior/ posterior, nipple line, upper/lower chest wall

• How – the injury occurred

• Expand and give detail description of the injury, treatment rendered, pt response

Case Study #7

• Your 45 year-old patient is a construction worker who was accidentally shot in the head with a nail gun

• Upon arrival, the patient is awake, alert, talking (GCS 15)

• VS: B/P 132/78; HR 96; RR 20; complains of a minor headache; minimal bleeding at a few puncture wounds noted on the occipital area of the scalp (patient has thick hair).

X-ray from


No deficits noted

Case Study #7 - Treatment

• Consider any injury above the level of the clavicles to include a c-spine injury until proven otherwise and immobilize the patient

• Control bleeding

– The face and scalp have such a rich blood supply small wounds tend to bleed heavily

• Protect from further contamination

– The open wound may be in direct contact with the brain

• Document neurological evaluation to establish baseline for comparison (AVPU, GCS, movement)

Case Study #8

• You are called to the scene for a 10 year-old female who has been run over by a bus

• As patient exited bus, she bent down to tie her shoe and was caught under the wheels of the bus

• Upon your arrival, you note a large amount of avulsed tissue with bleeding from the left hip, left buttock, and left upper thigh area

• The patient is screaming in pain

• VS: B/P 110/70; HR 110; RR 26 GCS 15

• What is your impression?

• What is your treatment plan?

10 y/o run over by bus

Case Study #8 – Category I or II?

• General impression

– Category II minimally – pedestrian run-over

– Category I trauma – if unstable pelvis or 2 or more long bones (proximal bones) fractured and vital signs unstable

• Potential problems to consider & address

– Massive hemorrhage & control of hemorrhage

– Spinal injury

– Additional injuries

– Airway control

– Equipment to fit a 10 year-old

– Further wound contamination

1 year F/U with skin grafts

Glasgow Coma Scale - GSC

• Tool used to evaluate and monitor a patient’s condition

• Evaluates

 Best eye opening

 Best verbal response

 Best motor response

• Serves as an indicator/predictor of survival

• To be performed on all EMS patients


• Possible total score 3 (lowest) – 15


• Minor head injury – patient scores

13 – 15

• Moderate head injury – patient scores

9 – 12

• Severe head injury – patient scores <8

–Significant mortality risk

GCS Pearls

• The change in the GCS is more important than the absolute score

• Check for associated injuries

– Manage a head injury as a multiple injured patient until other injuries ruled out

• Stabilize the neck for any head injury

• Don’t assume the level of consciousness is altered just because of ETOH and/or drugs

– Is there an occult (hidden) injury present?

• Provide accurate, clear, detailed documentation

GCS – Eye Opening 1-4 Points

• Spontaneous (4) – eyes open; may or may not focus

• To voice (3) – prior to touching the patient, eyes will open to sounds around them or EMS calling/yelling to them to open eyes

– Often difficult to accurately assess due to EMS gaining immediate c-spine control so difficult at times to determine if patient responded to voice or touch (pain)

• To pain (2) – doesn’t necessarily imply you must apply painful stimulus, could be just to touch

– Flutter of eyelids is scored as 2

• None (1) – eyes remain closed with no eyelid flutter or other eye movement; eyes do not open

GCS – Verbal Response 1-5 Points

• Oriented (5)

• Confused (4)

– Words may be appropriate to situation but pt does not respond to questions

• Inappropriate words (3)

– Words are spoken and understood but nonsensical to the situation (“over there”)

• Incomprehensible words (2)

– Includes mumbling, unintelligible speech, moaning

• None (1)

GCS – Motor Response 1-6 Points

• Obeys command (6)

• Localizes pain (5)

– Patient who pulls equipment off; pushes your hands away; purposeful movement

– This patient knows where the obnoxious stimuli is contacting his body

• Withdraws to pain (4)

– Pt cannot isolate where they feel the noxious stimuli so just pulls back/withdraws

• Flexion (3) – arms bent towards midline when stimulated

• Extension (2) – arms extended when stimulated

• None (1) – remains flaccid

GCS Pearls

• Give the patient the best score possible

– If the patient moves the right side of their body but no movement on their left, score them for the movement they currently exhibit on the right

– If patient deteriorates, easier to see the drop or change in the GCS score

• When testing for responses, watch even for minimal activity like eyelid flutter or a grimace

GCS Pearls

• Acceptable noxious stimuli

– Armpit pinch or nailbed pressure

– Sternal rub, pinching web space between fingers, pinching shoulder muscle (trapezius)

– Earlobe pinch is out of favor

• Can cause movement of head & neck in response to the pain

RTS – Scoring 0 – 12 points

GCS & RTS Practice #1

• Patient eyes are open and they watch you during the examination

• The patient is confused; they don’t remember how they got hurt and can’t remember the day of the week

• When you ask the patient to “show me 2 fingers”, they respond but are slow to do so

• VS: B/P 120/70; HR 88; RR 18

• Total GCS?

• Total RTS?

GCS & RTS Practice #2

• The patient does not open their eyes

• The patient groans when pinched or an injured body part is touched

• The patient does not follow commands and will push your hands away when you touch them

• VS: B/P 96/68; HR 102; RR 22

• Total GCS?

• Total RTS?

GCS & RTS Practice #3

• The patient’s eyes are open

• When asked “what month is this?”, the patient responds, “he, umm, he…my jacket. I don’t ..”

• If touched or pinched, the patient pulls away from the contact

• VS: B/P 132/72; HR 96; RR 16

• Total GCS?

• Total RTS?

GCS & RTS Practice #4

• Your patient’s eyes are closed but they open wide if the patient’s injury is touched

• The patient yells “don’t” or “stop” when there are pinched but does not answer questions or speak in sentences

• The patient will push your hands away when you touch them

• VS: B/P 108/64; HR 102; RR 18

• Total GCS?

• Total RTS?

GCS & RTS Practice #5

• The patient’s eyes are closed but the eyelids flutter when you loudly call out their name

• The patient does not answer questions but will groan when touched but not say recognizable words

• The patient does not follow commands but will push away your hands when touched

• VS: B/P 80/52; HR 112; RR 12

• Total GCS?

• Total RTS?

GSC & RTS Practice #6

• The patient’s eyes are closed but will open when the patient is touched

• The patient says “leave me alone” and “what are you doing?” and goes back to sleep. When eyes are open they respond “I don’t know” to questions

• They do not follow command and will push your hands away when touched

• VS: B/P 110/68; HR 88; RR 20

• Total GCS?

• Total RTS?

GCS/RTS Practice Answers

• #1 – GCS – 14 (4, 4, 6)

RTS – 12 (GCS 4; RR 4; B/P 4)

• #2 – GCS – 8 (1, 2, 5)

RTS – 10 (GCS 2; RR 4; B/P 4)

• #3 – GCS – 11 (4, 3, 4)

RTS – 11 (GCS 3; RR 4; B/P 4)

• #4 – GCS – 11 (2, 4, 5)

RTS – 11 (GCS 3; RR 4; B/P 4)

• #5 – GCS – 10 (3, 2, 5)

RTS – 10 (GCS 3; RR 4; B/P 3)

• #6 – GCS – 11 (2, 4, 5)

RTS – 11 (GCS 3; RR 4; B/P 4)

Identify Rhythm Strip #1

Treatment Symptomatic Bradycardia

• Bradycardia or Type I Wenckebach

– Atropine 0.5 mg rapid IVP

– May repeat every 3-5 minutes to total of 3mg

– If ineffective, begin pacing

• Type II or 3 rd degree heart block

– Begin TCP

– Valium 2 mg slow IVP for discomfort

– May repeat 2 mg IVP every 2 minutes to max 10 mg

– TCP set at rate 80/minute and start at lowest mA

– Watch for capture

– If TCP not effective, give Atropine 0.5 mg rapid IVP

– May repeat Atropine 0.5 mg every 3-5 minutes; max


Identify Rhythm Strip #2 –

6 second strip

Treatment Sinus Rhythm

• No treatment necessary for the rhythm

• Treat the patient’s complaint

• IF ACS, then

– Aspirin 324 mg chewed (faster absorption)

– Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sl

• May repeat in 5 minutes; watch B/P

– Morphine if 2 nd NTG dose not effective

• 2 mg slow IVP

• May repeat every 2 minutes to max 10 mg

• Screen for recent Viagra type drug usage

Identify Rhythm Strip #3 –

6 second strip

Treatment Rapid Atrial Fibrillation

• Stable patient with B/P >100 mmHg

– Verapamil 5mg SLOW IVP over 2+ minutes

– If no response in 15 minutes & B/P stable, repeat 5mg SLOW IVP over 2+ minutes

• Unstable patient with B/P <100 mmHg

– Contact Medical Control for direction

• Afib patients at increased risk for atrial clots dislodging and migrating to the brain and the patient having an ischemic stroke

Rhythm Strip Identification

• Strip #1 – Second degree Type I -

Wenckebach (“drops one”)

• Strip #2 – Normal sinus rhythm

• Strip #3 – Atrial fibrillation - controlled

#1 – Identify ST Elevation

#2 – Identify ST elevation

#3 – Identify ST Elevation

ST Elevation Answer Key

• EKG #1 – Leads V 1 - 4

• EKG #2 – Leads V 2 - 5

• EKG #3 – Leads II, III, aVF


• Bledsoe, B., Porter, R., Cherry, R. Paramedic

Care Principles & Practices 2 nd Edition Brady.


ITLS Bulletin. Case Study: ITLS Patient ETCO

June 2008.



• Region X SOP’s Eff date March 1, 2007; Revised





