UC Berkeley

Berkeley is a city on the east shore of the San
Francisco Bay In Northern California.
If You Like Nature And A Calm City Berkeley Is
The College For You.
UC Berkeley Stands At 1,232 acres in Berkeley
California Since 1868.
You See Berkeley Has Been Here For A Long
Time, it’s the Oldest College In California.
The Student Body
There Are 35,843 students.
Berkeley Mostly Has White Pacific islander
Females Majoring In medical and health
There Are Many Different Kinds Of People In
This Campus. It Is Also A Mixed University.
UC Berkeley’s students are
- About 60% Caucasian
- 17% Asian
- 14% African American
- 10% Hispanic
- 5% Other
100% happy students
Berkeley Cost About $12,462 Living In The
Campus And In State
Coming From Out Of State It Cost About
$35,341 Per Year.
Books Cost About $1,314 Per Year, Its Not
Really That Bad For Books.
UC Berkeley Offers Many Sports, All Kinds
For Women And Men.
For Example, Football, Basketball, Baseball,
Badminton, Golf.
Berkeley Has Won Many NCCA Titles.
Totally Be Have 27 Men And Women Teams
 Oski
The Bear Is The Number 1 man on
 Up until 1941, live bears were used as
 stands at 5-foot-7-inches, and wears a size
15 shoe.
Is It Hard To Get Into Berkeley?
• To All Freshman You Have To Be On The Top
Of Your Game Because Our Level Of
Difficulty To Get In Is 25.6%.
• Have To Have A 4.19 To Get Admitted
We Are A Very Hard School To
Get Into, So Try Your Best!
Degrees Offered.
 Berkeley Has Many Degrees Offered But There Are 4
Main Degrees What We Are Known For,
-Electrical Engineering
-Computer Science
-Political Science
-Molecular And Cell Biology
 UC Berkeley is A Semester System.
 A Semester System, Is When We Get More Into Dept
About The Topic And You'll Understand More What
We Are Teaching You.
 If You Don’t Like To Only Learn Something In A Week,
And Leave That Topic Forever We Are The School For
Arts Program.
UC Berkeley has many events in the arts
-Jewish Music Festival
-Cal Day Berkeley open house
-The Arts Festival
-Himalayan Fair
-Berkeley Kite Festival
 These arts take place between March
through September.
UC Berkeley has many different types of clubs
ranging from art, culture, academics, sports,
religion, services, and others.
The top three are in academics (236
members), services(235 members), and
culture (212 members)