HR for Non-HR Managers

HR for Non-HR Managers
HR we go!
 No other function or area seems so simple but
can get you in so much trouble so quickly as the
human resource function. Because we deal with
people continually, we tend to feel that we have a
natural inclination and talent for handling
people. But even if that is true, when it comes to
employment, the handling of people is covered
by more laws, rules and procedures than any
other area of business. And to be successful, or
at least avoid paying significant penalties, you
need to understand how to manage your human
resources properly.
CAHRMA Conference Presentation
What’s your impression of HR?
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It’s not just what you see!
 In our normal day to day
routine we usually see only
half of what is happening –
like this tree shown here. We
see the trunk, branches and
leaves in all their glory but it
takes a root system just as big
to support the healthy tree
that we see. And it is the
same for organizations.
Without a strong human
resource practice and function
as your root system, your
organization will not be
healthy and vibrant and able
to grow.
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What is HR
 Human Resources is the function that manages
the people within an organization and gives
guidance in the areas of staffing, compensation,
benefits, training and development, performance
appraisal, health and safety, labour relations,
employee engagement, wellness and any issues
dealing with employees.
 And, of course, many of these areas overlap and
impact each other as they change and move
forward. Having a basic understanding will help
to reduce the risk of lawsuits while a better
understanding will help your organization to be
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Importance to Your Community
 In the past, your culture and tradition dealt
predominantly with the people of your
community only within your community.
 As you do business with the world around
you, there is more interactions with the
introduction of other factors.
 More and more laws are impacting your
community (human rights etc.).
 You need HR to compete with business
outside your community.
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It’s the Law!
 HR is also responsible for keeping up to date with
changes to legislation as it applies to organizations
and their employees (and this is extensive).
 One of the biggest issues creating problems and
penalties for organizations is a lack of understanding
or knowledge of the laws that apply to your human
resource process and protection for your employees.
The Federal Employment Standards Act covers the
broadest area and provides direction for hiring,
firing, compensation, vacation pay, statutory
holidays and much, much more. You can refer to the
Act by following this link,
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Sections of the Act
Industrial Relations
Basic Freedoms
 Canada Industrial Relations Board
 Acquisition and Termination of Bargaining
 Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreements
 Conciliation and First Agreements
 Obligations Relating to Strikes and Lockouts
 Prohibitions and Enforcement
 General
II. Occupational Health and Safety
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Sections Continued
III. Standard Hours, Wages, Vacations and
Hours of Work
Minimum Wages
Equal Wages
Annual Vacations
General Holidays
Multi-employer Employment
Reassignment, Maternity Leave, Parental Leave and
Compassionate Care Leave
Bereavement Leave
Group Termination of Employment
Individual Terminations of Employment
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Severance Pay
 Garnishment
 Sick Leave
 Work-related Illness and Injury
 Unjust Dismissal
 Payment of Wages
 Sexual Harassment
 Leave of Absence for Members of the Reserve
 Administration and General
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Why is it important?
 For most organizations, it is the employees who
make the product or transact the business that
makes the organization successful.
 Without the proper policies and procedures in
place, work is not handled properly, productivity is
low and increases costs, and the organization loses
the opportunity to improve and grow.
 Without the proper management of employees,
costs go up (absenteeism) and efficiencies are
missed (better ways of doing things).
 Get HR or a good lawyer!
CAHRMA Conference Presentation
What does it impact?
 Without HR guiding the way, decisions get made
that can be legally challenged at a significant
cost. (unjustified termination)
 Without proper policies in place, employees take
advantage of the organization and there are no
ways to resolve issues because there are no
standard rules.
 Lack of consistent direction to the employees
means decreased productivity and loss of
potential income.
 Inconsistent and unfair treatment leads to
employees leaving and costs for replacement.
CAHRMA Conference Presentation
Why are policies important?
 Policies define how employees will be managed
and create consistency for fair and equitable
Policies help the employees know what will be
expected of them.
Policies provide protection for the organization
as they provide reason for the management
Policies not only state what should be done but
also what shouldn’t be done.
Policies define the organization’s and the
employee’s responsibilities.
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 What is bereavement
covered under?
a. Company policy
b. Collective agreement
c. Provincial law
d. Canada Labour Code
 If more than one, which
one do you follow?
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Bereavement Leave
 210. (1) Every employee is entitled to and
shall be granted, in the event of the death of a
member of his immediate family,
bereavement leave on any of his normal
working days that occur during the three
days immediately following the day of the
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Leave with Pay
 (2) Every employee who has completed three
consecutive months of continuous
employment by an employer and is entitled
to bereavement leave under subsection (1) is
entitled to such leave with pay at his regular
rate of wages for his normal hours of work,
and such pay shall for all purposes be
deemed to be wages.
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 A compensation process compares all
positions and sets fair compensation levels
for all positions across the organization.
 The compensation process helps the
organization to attract workers and defends
the organization from overpayment.
 The compensation process defines when and
how payment will be made and for what so
there is no misunderstanding or
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Review 2
 What is Remembrance
Day covered under?
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a. Provincial Employment
b. Policy
c. Union Agreement
d. None of the above
Remembrance Day Compensation
 How is it compensated?
a. Regular time
b. Overtime
c. Statutory holiday
d. Only paid if worked
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Managing Employees
 Everyone feels that they know HR because they
deal with people. But every employee is different
in their knowledge, abilities, likes, dislikes and
desire for what they want. Unless all employees
are treated consistently, the manager risks a charge
of unfair or unequitable treatment. And even if the
manager wins the fight, the organization does not
win because the employee is now bitter and will
create dissention in the workplace. Having
processes in place that ensure that all employees
are treated the same helps to eliminate this.
 This is what HR is really like!
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CAHRMA Conference Presentation
Herding Cats
 Is that how you want to spend your time?
 Why not utilize the people who are trained to
do the work?
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How do I get started?
 If you don’t have an established HR department
or practitioner, hire one. If you can’t afford or
need a full time HR person, then hire a part time
HR rep.
 Join CAHRMA!
 Talk to your local HR Associations regarding
hiring an HR rep and/or what they offer for
education sessions.
 Once you have put someone in place, understand
that they have acquired a specialized knowledge
set and listen to them and allow them to do their
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What does the future look like?
 Understand that the HR function is a huge
area and will not change overnight partly due
to the amount that needs to be done and
partly because the employees (and managers)
will not wholly appreciate the change.
 With a good HR function and process, your
organization will get stronger, start
eliminating problems and protect it from
significant costly mistakes.
 HR is good for business.
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Your turn!
 What was new to you?
 What did I miss?
 Does this make sense for your community?
 Questions
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