Local repository

The EPIKH Project
(Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How)
Overview of software tools for
gLite installation & configuration
Bouchra RAHIM (rahim@cnrst.ma)
Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support Event in Rabat
Morocco, 30.05.2011
Virtual machines
PuTTY + WinScp
Screen Command
Yum command
Local repository (mrepo command)
Yaim command
Passwords & certificates
Event links
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
Virtual Machine
• Practice on virtual machine till next Wednesday during
the site Admin tutorial.
• Each participant has access to 2 virtual machines that
are hosted on his PC (one 64 bit and one 32 bit Linux).
• All grid nodes will be installed on 64 bit Linux except
the WMS.
• All virtual machines have host certificates delivered by
Magrid CA.
• The following UI is available for testing: ui01.magrid.ma
– With users gridXX and password gridXX where (XX=01 to 30) .
– ssh gridxx@ui01.magrid.ma
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
PuTTY + WinScp
Root password:
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
Screen Command
Interface PC
Remote PC
Ssh connection
• Unreliable network connection with the remote PC.
• You can start some long command and go for break
without worrying about losing the connection.
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
Screen Command usage
To download and install the screen package:
# yum install screen
To create a screen:
# screen –p screen_name
To list the current screens:
# screen –ls
To open an existed screen:
# screen –x <name of screen listed by the previous
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
YUM package manager
Package manager is an automatic updater
and package installer/remover for rpm
• It automatically computes dependencies and figures
out what things should occur to install packages
• Files in /etc/yum.repos.d/package_name.repo will point
to the repository path where the package rpms are
• Yum install gLite_service will invoke the download and
the installation in one step
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
Local repository
• Why?
– gLite includes a large number of tools and software to download
– Download from remote servers can require too much time
– Many server to install
 Large server farms
 Training events
– Slow connection
– gLite repository are managed by mrepo tool
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
Local repository
• The mrepo service retrieves rpms from mirror sites and
creates a repository with YUM meta-data
• Manages the local YUM repository for OS and middleware
• Requires configuration
• Publish the packages on the web
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011
Local repository installation
• Prepare a Scientific Linux 5.4 machine
• The minimal Hard Disk storage is 160 GB
• Starting from a Linux machine, retrieve the mrepo and
createrepo tools, and ensure that httpd server is running
(if you see a file /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo you can
install mrepo more simply with yum --enablerepo=dag
install mrepo.)
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 10
Local repository installation (cont.)
• Edit the /etc/bin/mrepo script as follows:
*** /usr/bin/mrepo 2010-03-22 01:57:41.000000000 +0100
--- mrepo.modified 2010-07-04 20:58:02.000000000 +0200
*************** *** 845,851 ****
repoopts = repoopts + ' --cachedir "%s"' % cachedir
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.wwwdir, '.olddata')):
remove(os.path.join(self.wwwdir, '.olddata'))
! groupfile = os.path.join(cf.srcdir, self.dist.nick, self.name + '-comps.xml')
if os.path.isfile(groupfile):
symlink(groupfile, os.path.join(self.wwwdir, 'comps.xml'))
repoopts = repoopts + ' --groupfile "%s"' % groupfilename
--- 845,853 ---repoopts = repoopts + ' --cachedir "%s"' % cachedir
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.wwwdir, '.olddata')):
remove(os.path.join(self.wwwdir, '.olddata'))
! # groupfile = os.path.join(cf.srcdir, self.dist.nick, self.name + '-comps.xml')
! groupfile = os.path.join(cf.srcdir, self.dist.nick, self.name + '/comps.xml')
! info(2, 'Groupfile: %s' % (groupfile))
if os.path.isfile(groupfile):
symlink(groupfile, os.path.join(self.wwwdir, 'comps.xml'))
repoopts = repoopts + ' --groupfile "%s"' % groupfilename
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 11
Local repository installation (cont.)
• After installing the package, edit /etc/mrepo.conf file to
read more or less as follows:
srcdir = /data2/mrepo
# Make wwwdir to point to a directory served by the webserver
wwwdir = /var/www/mrepo
confdir = /etc/mrepo.conf.d
arch = x86_64
metadata=yum repomd
# option -P=4 will be passed to lftp, to allow parallel downloads
#-P=4 option sometimes gives troubles...# lftp-mirror-options = -c -P=4 -X
"*/Fermi/*" -X "*/example/*"
lftp-mirror-options = -c -X "*/Fermi/*" -X "*/example/*"
# Option -d is used to make 'yum groupinstall' work: it can be used ONLY: from
createrepo 0.4.11 onwards.
# If you have an older version of createrepo, comment out the following line
createrepo-options = -d -p
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 12
Local repository installation (cont.)
• Go to /etc/mrepo.conf.d directory and put here a
Distribution file for each repository you want to mirror
= gLite Middleware ($release - $arch)
release = R3.2
= x86_64
# Generic Repositories
generic-externals = http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/EGEE/gLite/$release/gliteGENERIC/sl5/$arch/RPMS.externals/
generic-release = http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/EGEE/gLite/$release/glite-GENERIC/sl5/$arch/RPMS.release/
generic-updates = http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/EGEE/gLite/$release/glite-GENERIC/sl5/$arch/RPMS.updates/
• #mrepo –ugfv : run mrepo with generate and update
actions, to generate the local repository structure and
update it from the remote repository
Cairo, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Egypt, 17.10.2010
Using the local repository
• The repo files must be configured to point to the local
# # Magrid repositories
# This is the official YUM repository string for the glite 3.2 User Interface
# Fetched from: http:///grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/yaim/repos/glite-UI.repo
# Place it to /etc/yum.repos.d/ and run 'yum update‘
name=gLite 3.2 User Interface
baseurl = http://repo.magrid.ma/mrepo/glite_sl5-$basearch/RPMS.ui-release/
• Then running yum install normally.
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 14
Yaim Command
• YAIM (Yet Another Installation Method) is a software to
configure grid services.
• You need to create a structure similar to the example
found under /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo:
• mkdir /root/siteinfo
• cp /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/ /root/siteinfo/
• Edit file /root/siteinfo/mysite-info.def
Setting ALL the needed variables in the configuration file is essential
for a successful configuration.
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 15
Yaim Command
Note that the SAME identical /root/siteinfo/ can be used to configure
the whole site so you can either substitute /root/siteinfo with an
NFS-shared path, or synchronize /root/siteinfo between servers:
rsync -e ssh -av <server1>:/root/siteinfo /root/
A full documentation for the configuration variables is listed here:
• Running the yum configuration script should be from
the following path: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
which invokes a set of bash_script
with a modular structure, depending on the
type of site, Grid service to be configured
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 16
Passwords & certificates
• Virtual machine password: grid2011
• Host pair Xcertificates are located on /root/ on the
virtual machine :
– pcxxcert.pem  hostcert.pem
– pcxxkey.pem  hostkey.pem
• For the UI user certificates are located on
/root/user_cert and must be copied to the .globus
directory in the user’s home directory
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 17
Event links
• Site Administration :
• Application porting:
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 18
• glite documentation:
– http://glite.web.cern.ch/glite/documentation/
– https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/GenericInstallGuide320
• YUM package manager and YAIM tool:
– http://yum.baseurl.org/
– https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/YaimGuide400#Basics
• Local repository installation:
– http://wiki.eumedgrid.eu/twiki/bin/view/InfrastructureStatus/Eume
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 19
Rabat, Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID Support Site Admin 30.05.2011 20