- University of Maine

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science
Courses Transferrable from Other UMS Campuses to the University of Maine
The following chart provides general guidance as to which courses offered at other University of Maine System
campuses will be accepted as transferable into the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science undergraduate
degree program at the University of Maine.
As shown, links to course descriptions for all courses are provided. Additional courses beyond those listed may
be acceptable for transfer as assessed by the appropriate course faculty on the campus to which the student is
Courses qualifying to fulfill General Education course requirements are handled on a campuswide basis and are available through a separate information sheet.
University of Maine
Bachelor of Science: Computer Science
(Curriculum drawn from http://catalog.umaine.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=53&poid=4905&returnto=1213)
Typical Program showing Acceptable Transfer Courses
(Course transfer information is drawn from https://peportal.maine.edu and confirmed by involved faculty members.)
Course Title
ENG 101
College Composition
Credits: 3
CMJ 103
Calculus I, Credits: 4
MAT 152
MAT 152B
Calculus II, Credits: 4
MAT 153
MAT 153D
MAT 227
MATP 153
MAT 142
MAT 142M
Calculus III, Credits: 4
MAT 252
MAT 252D
MAT 228
MATP 252
MAT 241
MAT 241M
Business and Technical
Writing, Credits: 3
Fundamentals of Public
Communication, Credits: 3
MAT 127
MAT 228
Description /
MAT 434
COS 125
COS 140
COS 225
ENG 100C
ENG 101
ENG 101C
ENG 104C
ESL 100C
HON 100C
RSP 100
ENG 101
ENG 101A
ENGB 101
ENGF 100
ENGI 101
ENGK 100
ENGM 101
ENG 117
ENG 117W
ENGB 230
ENGI 315
ENGK 380
COM 101
ENGK 200
SPE 101
SPEB 101
MAT 126
ENG 317
Introduction to Statistics,
Credits: 4
Introduction to Problem
Solving Using Computer
Programming, Credits: 3
Foundations of Computer
Science, Credits: 3
Introduction to Object-
THE 170
ENG 100
ENG 100F
ENG 101
ENG 100
ENG 101
ENG 101H
ENGA 101
ENG 101
ENGA 101
ENGK 100
ENGM 101
ENGO 101
ENG 209
ENG 380
ENGA 117
BUS 212
SPE 101
COM 200
ENG 200
ENG 104
SPE 104
ENGA 117
ENGM 208
ENGO 317
PCJ 315
COM 101
ENGK 200
ENGM 104
MAT 141
MAT 141M
MAT 255
MAT 126
MAT 131
MATO 126
MAT 256
MAT 127
MAT 132
MATO 127
MAT 231
COS 226
COS 250
COS 301
COS 335
Description /
COS 350
COS 397
COS 420
COS 431
COS 451
COS 490
COS 497
Oriented Programming and
Design, Credits: 4
Introduction to Data
Structures, Credits: 3
Discrete Structures,
Credits: 3
COS 280
Programming Languages,
Credits: 3
COS 360
Computer Organization
and Architecture, Credits:
CIS 354
Data Structures and
Algorithms, Credits: 3
Computer Science
Capstone 1, Credits: 2
COSO 420
Introduction to Software
Engineering, Credits: 3
Operating Systems,
Credits: 3
LAC 317
COS 450
Automata, Computability,
and Languages, Credits: 3
Computers, Ethics and
Society, Credits: 3
Computer Science
Capstone 2, Credits: 1
* Students must take three additional courses from COS 398, COS 4XX, and COS 5XX.
Students must also take a minimum of 14 credit hours of science. This must include a two-semester sequence of a
laboratory science such as PHY 121 and PHY 122. See the campus-wide General Education transfer assessment sheet
for science courses that may be transferred from other campuses to meet this requirement.
University of Maine Computer Science Course Descriptions
ENG 101 – College Composition
Students practice the ways in which writing serves to expand, clarify, and order experience and knowledge, with particular attention to
persuasive writing. Satisfactory completion of the course depends upon quality of weekly writing assignments as well as
demonstration of proficiency in college-level writing.
Credits: 3
ENG 317 – Business and Technical Writing
Supervised practice in the writing of business and technical reports, professional correspondence, and related materials.
Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.
Prerequisites: ENG 101 or equivalent and junior standing.
Credits: 3
CMJ 103 – Fundamentals of Public Communication
The nature and problems of public speech communication, with practical experience in representative speaking situations.
Participation in research to a maximum of 3 hours is expected.
Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.
Credits: 3
MAT 126 – Calculus I
An introduction to calculus for students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. Covers the differential calculus of the
algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, concluding with the definite integral and the fundamental theorem of
calculus. The approach is intuitive and geometric, with emphasis on understanding the basic concepts of function, limit, derivative and
Satisfies the General Education Mathematics Requirement.
Prerequisites: For new Fall admits in their first semester, a passing score on Part 3 of the Math Placement Exam. For all other
students, a grade of C or better in MAT 122.
Credits: 4
MAT 127 – Calculus II
Completes the study of single-variable calculus. Topics covered include inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions,
methods of integration, improper integrals, indeterminate forms, parametric
Satisfies the General Education Mathematics Requirement.
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT 126.
Credits: 4
MAT 228 – Calculus III
For students of mathematics, engineering and the sciences. Vector algebra, geometry and calculus; multivariable differential and
integral calculus, including the theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes.
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT 127.
Credits: 4
MAT 434 – Introduction to Statistics
Topics include probability, random variables, continuous and discrete distributions, point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses,
linear regression and correlation, analysis of variance.
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT 228.
Credits: 4
COS 125 – Introduction to Problem Solving Using Computer Programming
Students are introduced to programming as a tool for problem solving. Basic programming practices, data structures and the analysis
of algorithms are introduced. A language such as Scheme, ML or Python will be used. Required for majors.
Satisfies the General Education Mathematics Requirement.
Course Typically Offered: Fall and Spring semesters.
Credits: 3
COS 140 – Foundations of Computer Science
Introduces students to the discipline of computer science. Several core areas of computer science (e.g., digital logic, computer
organization and architecture, programming languages, operating systems, computer networks, artificial intelligence, and professional
ethics) are covered. In each area, particular solutions to fundamental problems in the area are studied in depth. No programming is
taught in the course.
Credits: 3
COS 225 – Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Design
Introduces the student to the fundamental principles of object-oriented design and programming using a high-level object-oriented
language. Focuses on the specification, design, and implementation of classes and the interactions between classes. Covers more
advanced object-oriented concepts such as inheritance, abstract classes, and polymorphism.
Satisfies the General Education Mathematics Requirement.
Prerequisites: COS 125.
Credits: 4
COS 226 – Introduction to Data Structures
Introduces the student to the fundamental principles of data structure usage, specification, and implementation using a high-level,
object-oriented language. Driven by the use of object-oriented techniques for program specification and modeling. Focuses on how
data structure implementation choices affect and are affected by application needs.
Satisfies the General Education Mathematics Requirement.
Prerequisites: COS 225.
Credits: 3
COS 250 – Discrete Structures
Introduction to discrete structures used in various areas of computer science. Topics include logic, sets, relations, functions,
cardinality, enumeration, and computability.
Prerequisites: COS 225, MAT 126.
Credits: 3
COS 301 – Programming Languages
Formal description of programming languages including specification of syntax and semantics. Discussion of infix, prefix, and postfix
notation with translation techniques. Topics include branching, grouping of statements, storage allocation, list and string processing,
relation of language design to efficiency.
Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.
Prerequisites: COS 226 and COS 250.
COS 335 – Computer Organization and Architecture
Examines the architecture and organization of the computer including digital logic, the CPU, busses, internal and external memory,
computer number representation and arithmetic, computer instructions and some advanced topics (e.g., RISC machines). Particular
attention is paid to assembly language as a mechanism for better understanding the architecture, and students will be expected to write
significant programs in assembly language.
Prerequisites: COS 140 and COS 226.
Credits: 4
COS 350 – Data Structures and Algorithms
Introduction to abstract data types as a unifying concept in the study of data structures. Topics include lists, queues, multi-linked lists,
priority queues, trees, and graphs. The impact of these structures on algorithm design is explored. External memory management is
Prerequisites: COS 226 and COS 250.
Credits: 3
COS 397 – Computer Science Capstone 1
The first of a two-course sequence, designed to guide students in proposing the Capstone project in either an independent study, group
project, or field experience format. The focus is on the early stages of project work, including finding a suitable topic and project
advisor, investigating related work, and writing a thorough project proposal. The relevant skills are covered and practiced by studying
a collection of classic and topical papers.
Upon completion of the two course sequence (COS 397 & COS 497), satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive and Capstone
Experience Requirements.
Prerequisites: COS Majors with at least Junior standing and permission.
Credits: 2
COS 420 – Introduction to Software Engineering
A broad view of software engineering which introduces a variety of software engineering techniques which can be applied to practical
software projects. Topics include process models, human factors, software specification; software design, programming techniques
and tools, and validation.
Prerequisites: COS 431 or permission; junior standing.
Credits: 3
COS 431 – Operating Systems
Study of the structure of current computer operating systems. Topics include I/O management, memory management,
multiprogramming, linking loaders, real and virtual systems, batch and time sharing.
Prerequisites: COS 226, COS 335 or permission.
Credits: 3
COS 451 – Automata, Computability, and Languages
Fundamentals of formal languages and the mathematical theory of computation; finitestate automata, nondeterminism, regular
expressions, and Kleene’s Theorem; context-free grammars, pushdown automata, the correspondence theorem and the pumping
lemma; computability, Turning machines, and the halting problem.
Prerequisites: COS 250.
Credits: 3
COS 490 – Computers, Ethics and Society
Consideration of human and social consequences of technological development and application of computers, ethical questions of
computer use, professional ethics.
Satisfies the General Education Ethics and Writing Intensive Requirements.
Prerequisites: COS 431, ENG 317.
Credits: 3
COS 497 – Computer Science Capstone 2
The second of a two-course sequence, designed to guide students in completing the Capstone project in either an independent study,
group project, or field experience format. The focus is on the later stages of project work, including completing the programming
tasks, evaluating the implemented systems, documenting all work in a project report, demonstrating the work in action, and making a
public oral presentation. The relevant skills are covered and practiced by studying a collection of classic and topical papers.
Upon completion of the two course sequence (COS 397 & COS 497), satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive and Capstone
Experience Requirements.
Prerequisites: COS Majors with Senior standing, COS 397, and permission.
Credits: 1