Advanced Marketing for Goods and Services October to December 2015 Liz Gill The course Advanced Marketing for Goods and Services will commence on 14/10/25 and conclude on 18/12/15. The syllabus is both detailed and explicit. The syllabus and my teaching method reflect how pedagogy is undertaken in Australia, which means that the course is based on the principles of adult learning. It therefore has a much greater intensity and student participation requirement to what is usually expected. Students will need to know that the text is compulsory and it will be used extensively throughout the course. SYLLABUS Subject Overview Contemporary market economies are dominated by services. This subject helps students appreciate the distinct characteristics of services and the implications these have for developing and implementing marketing strategies in a wide range of service industries. Current issues in technology and ethics are also examined in relation to service organizations. Learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, you should: be able to identify the distinctive characteristics of services marketing and explain the expanded marketing mix; be able to conceptualize and explain the significance of satisfaction, value and service quality in achieving competitive advantage, and devise approaches for measuring these elements; be able to formulate a service product strategy and explain the important considerations in the development of new services; be able to explain the importance of asset use and yield management and develop pricing objectives and strategies; be able to describe capacity management techniques and formulate demand management strategies; be able to discuss the implications of service characteristics on marketing communications, and develop appropriate marketing communications strategies; be able to design an effective customer service organization, including implementation guidelines for a customer service program; be able to articulate the importance of customer retention, and develop retention strategies; and be able to describe and develop an effective service recovery process. Students will be required to read assigned papers and to perform an oral formal presentation of one or two of them 1 How you are expected to engage with the subject To study this subject effectively, you should follow these guidelines: 1. Refer to each online topic and read the relevant chapters of the prescribed textbook. 2. Read the objectives and commentary for each online topic. 3. Read the provided Readings, if any, for the topic. 4. Complete the review exercise provided for each topic. 5. To gain further insight in the topic area, attempt to read more from the list of 'references for further readings provided. 6. Take notes as you read further and start preparing initial answers for your assignment tasks well in advance before the due date. 7. Refer to the learning skills resources provided to ensure that your assignment content and presentation meet academic standards. 8. After the last topic is completed, reflect on your notes, and revise your learning during the review period before you attempt the last assessment task. Studying at university does not mean studying alone. Take advantage of collective wisdom. Use the subject schedule to plan your studies over the session. Grading The grading will be as follows: - Assessments 20 marks - Final exam 5 marks - Participation (beyond formal assessments) 5 marks The final exam will be written (open questions relating to course materials) Prescribed text Services marketing : people, technology, strategy. - 7th Global ed. Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz. The topics in this subject are the Chapters of the prescribed text: Topic 1 New Perspectives on Marketing in the Service Economy Topic 2 Consumer Behavior in a Services Context Topic 3 Positioning Services in Competitive Markets Topic 4 Developing Service Products: Core and Supplementary Elements Topic 5 Distributing Services Through Physical and Electronic Channels Topic 6 Setting Prices and Implementing Revenue Management Topic 7 Promoting Services and Educating Customers Topic 8 Designing and Managing Service Processes Topic 9 Balancing Demand and Productive Capacity Topic 10 Crafting the Service Environment Topic 11 Managing People for Service Advantage Topic 12 Managing Relationships and Building Loyalty Topic 13 Complaint Handling and Service Recovery Topic 14 Improving Service Quality and Productivity Topic 15 Striving for Service Leadership Schedule Session Week 1 1 Date Chapter 14/10/15 15/10/15 1 Topic Preparation for Next Class Introduction to Marketing Marketing in the Service Economy Chapter 1 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 16/10/15 21/10/15 22/10/15 23/10/15 28/10/15 29/10/15 30/10/15 4/11/15 5/11/15 6/11/15 11/11/15 12/11/15 13/11/15 18/11/15 19/11/15 20/11/15 Case 1 2 3 Case 3 4 5 Case 4 6 7 Case 9 8 Case 5 9 Class Exercise Consumer Behavior Positioning Services Class Exercise Developing Service Products Distributing Services Class Exercise Setting Prices Promoting Services Class Exercise Service Process Class Exercise Demand and Productivity NO CLASS NO CLASS NO CLASS Chapter 2 of Prescribed Text Chapter 3 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 4 of Prescribed Text Chapter 5 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 6 and Discussion Chapter 7 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 8 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 9 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion 3 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 25/11/15 26/11/15 27/11/15 2/12/15 3/12/15 4/12/15 9/12/15 10/12/15 11/12/15 16/12/15 17/12/15 18/12/15 Case 7 10 Case 8 11 Case 11 12 Case 12 13 Case 14 14 Case 15 15 Class Exercise Service Environment Class Exercise Managing People Class Exercise Relationships and Loyalty Class Exercise Service Recovery Class Exercise Service Quality Class Exercise Leadership Chapter 10 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 11 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 12 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 13 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 14 of Prescribed Text Class Presentation and Discussion Chapter 15 of Prescribed Text Final Class Suggested Additional Reading / Resources If you wish to search for resources beyond your text and readings to clarify your understanding, the following resources are likely to be particularly useful: Journal articles You can access articles by searching databases. The largest are: EBSCOhost (Business) Emerald Management Xtra There are many relevant journals for example: International Journal of Service Industry Management Journal of Services Marketing Journal of Service Research Service Industries Journal Services Marketing Quarterly Service Business: An International Journal Other services text books Bateson, J., & Hoffman, K. (1999). Managing services marketing: Text and readings (4th ed.). Orlando: The Dryden Press. McColl-Kennedy, J. (Ed.) (2003). Services marketing: A managerial approach. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons Australia. Zeithaml, V., & Bitner, M. (2003). Services Marketing (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Assessment Information Introduction to assessment To protect the academic integrity of the subject, you may be asked to complete an additional test (which may be verbal) if I or another member of the teaching staff have doubts that the work that you have submitted for an assessment item is your own. This test would be held within 4 weeks of the submission of the assessment. Assessment Items Item number Title Type Value Due Date* 1 Report Assignment 3 marks End Week 3 2 Report Assignment 7 marks End Week 5 3 Report Assignment 10 marks End Week 7 * due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University ** applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date Return Date ** End Week 5 End Week 7 End Week 9 4 Assessment Item 1 Written Report Value: 3 marks Due date: End week 3 Return date: End week 5 Length: 800 Words Task: In 4 sections of 200 words each (or less) with at least a single reference in each of the first 3 sections, do the following tasks; 1. Identify distinctive features of services compared to goods 2. Describe ways to categorize services 3. Explain the expanded marketing mix 4. Choose a services organization you are familiar with. Categorize this service, using at least two of the criteria discussed in the text. In the week following the due date, you will be asked to peer assess four (4) other students and grade accordingly. A marking guide and details for submission will be provided. Rationale This assessment is to engage you in the subject and to ensure your progress and understanding of central issues, it will also be the start of discussion and comparison among your peers on the introductory topics around services marketing. Marking criteria Report (2 marks) Completion of Fail: Not Report Completed Grade range 0-4.5 Peer Assessment (1Marks) Assessment Fail: Not Completion Completed Grade range 0-2 Pass: Definitions supplied Categorization of service organization Grade range 5–6 Credit: Good definitions supplied and categorization of organizations Grade range 6.5 – 7.0 Distinction: Very good definitions supplied and categorization of organizations Grade range 7.5 – 8.0 High Distinction: Excellent definitions supplied and categorization of organizations Grade range 8.5– 10 Pass: All completed with limited insight Grade range 2.5-3 Credit: All completed with good insight Grade range 3.5-3.5 Distinction: All completed with very good insight Grade range 4-4.5 High Distinction: All completed with excellent insight Grade range 5 Assessment Item 2 Written Report Value: 7 marks Due date: End Week 6 Return date: End week 5 Length: 2,000 words Presentation: Report format. Task: Produce a report, in the context of a service organization, discussing the significance of: 1. Segmentation, targeting and positioning, 2. Product strategy, and 3. Service delivery 5 Coverage 1. Conduct a literature review covering the three areas mentioned above and using the research discuss these areas with regard to service organizations. It would be expected that you would review at least 10 relevant sources, ideally less than 5 years old. 2. Read Case by Patterson, Scott & Uncles (2014), “Starbucks Failure in Australia”. 3. Drawing on the literature review you have conducted and relevant industry specific research, assess the previous performance of the organization, and use the results of this assessment to make 3-5 recommendations to enhance performance. Your assessment should be in report format and needs to include the following: Title page Executive Summary (a 1-2 page summary of key findings, strategies and outcomes. Table of contents. Introduction to the report. Literature reviews - covering the areas of segmentation, targeting and positioning; product strategy; and service delivery. (A subheading for each section would be helpful). Refer to Case by Patterson, Scott & Uncles (2014), “Starbucks Failure in Australia”.. Search for industry specific research, particularly related to the three areas discussed in the literature review. Identify the areas that are performing well and areas of weakness. Support this discussion with evidence from the case and research. Make recommendations to improve performance, supported with research Conclusion References in APA format. Rationale: This assessment task has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to: Enable you to develop a broad grasp of the fundamental nature of services marketing; Develop your critical evaluation and reflection skills; Provide you with an opportunity to test your understanding of the theory covered in the subject; Provide you with further experience in academic writing. Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria: Evidence of an understanding of the theory relevant to the task question; Ability to synthesize ideas from multiple authors and present a coherent summary; Ability to assess an organization and identify strengths and weaknesses; Ability to critically evaluate performance and suggest useful strategies for improvement; Clarity of written expression (suitable professional writing style, attention to grammar); Professional standard of presentation in report format (good layout and proofreading); and Ability to reference subject materials in APA style. 6 Marking criteria 1 Literature review (3 marks) Segmentation, Fail: Pass: Some Distinction: Very Credit: targeting Definitions attempt at Satisfactory good definitions and positioning; not provided. definitions definitions, supplied and product Grade range: Grade range supported with categorization of strategy and service 0-4.5 5–6 research organizations delivery defined Grade range Grade range (/10) 6.5 – 7.0 7.0 – 8.0 Literature Review Poor Some discussion Good explanation Very good (/20) discussion of of each area, each area, with explanation of each areas, did not with supporting supporting area, good discuss one or research. research / integration of ideas more areas. Grade range: justification. from various Not supported 10-12.5 Grade range: 13sources. with research. 14.5 Supported well with Grade range: research. 0-9.5 Grade: 15-16.5 Number of sources/ Only textbook Minimum 10 Good range of Very good range of references used and sources used. sources used. sources used. (/10) recommended Older sources Most less than 5 Sources less than 5 readings used. used. years old. years old. Grade range: Grade range: 5Grade range: 6.5- Grade range: 7.5-8 0-4.5 6 7 2 Assessment of current performance and recommendations (3 marks) Areas of weakness No Some Good Very good identified (/20) weaknesses weaknesses identification of identification of identified. identified, with weaknesses, weaknesses, well No some supported with supported with justification justification. research. relevant research. provided for Grade range: Grade range: 13Grade: 15-16.5 weaknesses. 10-12.5 14.5 Grade range: 0-9.5 Recommendations Limited or too Recommendatio Good Very good (/20) many ns made, with recommendations recommendations recommendati some made, adequately made, linked to the ons / no justifications. supported with weaknesses justification. Grade range: research and identified and Grade range: 10-12.5 linked to the supported with 0-9.5 weaknesses sound research. identified. Grade range: 15Grade range: 1316.5 14.5 3 Presentation and referencing (1 Marks) APA referencing Referencing is Some attempt at Referencing is Referencing is style should be used absent / not referencing moderately mainly accurate to acknowledge systematic Grade range: 5accurate Grade range: 8.5-9 sources (/10) Grade range: 6 Grade range: 6.50-4.5 8 The report should Disorganized / Attempt to Organization / Logically organized be written in an incoherent organize in a presentation can /professionally appropriate style Grade range: logical manner be improved presented some using report format 0-4.5 Grade range: 5Grade range: 6.5- improvement (/10) 6 7 possible Grade range: 7.5-8 High Distinction: Excellent definitions supplied and categorization of organizations Grade range 8.5– 10 Excellent explanation of each area, excellent integration of ideas from various sources. Very well supported with research. Grade: 17-20 Excellent range of sources used. Most recent sources. Grade range: 8.5-10 Excellent identification of weaknesses, very well supported with relevant research. Grade: 17-20 Excellent recommendations made, linked to the weaknesses identified and supported with sound research. Grade range: Referencing is completely accurate Grade range: 9.5-10 Excellently organized / professionally presented Grade range: 8.5-10 7 Assessment Item 3 Written Report Value: 10 marks Due date: End Week 8 Return date: End week 9 Length: 2,500 words Presentation: Report format. Task: It could be argued that managing demand, communicating value and handling customer complaints and service recovery are more critical in services marketing than in the marketing of goods. Write a report in the context of a service organization discussing the importance of: 1. Managing demand 2. Communicating value 3. Handling customer complaints and service recovery Coverage 1. Conduct a literature review covering the three areas mentioned above and using the research discuss these areas with regard to service organizations. It would be expected that you would review at least 10 relevant sources, ideally less than 5 years old. 2. Review the following case studies: a. Chow, L. L. (2012). How Shangri-La relaunched its loyalty scheme around 'family', This can be retrieved from b. Hall, L., McCarthy, D., & Ferrier, A. (2013) Art Series Hotels: Overstay Checkout, This can be retrieved from 3. Compare and contrast the methods these two organizations use to manage demand and communicate value. 4. Select one of the above organizations, and develop a customer complaints and service recovery process for that organization. Your assessment should be in report format and needs to include the following: 1. Title page 2. Executive Summary (a 1-2 page summary of key findings, strategies and outcomes). 3. Table of contents. 4. Introduction to the report. 5. Literature reviews - covering the areas of managing demand, communicating value and handling customer complaints and service recovery. (A subheading for each section would be helpful) 6. Review the two case studies. 7. Discuss methods that the organizations may have used to manage demand and communicate value. You may be able to find and incorporate some industry specific research. 8. Develop a customer complaints and service recovery process for your chosen organization 9. Conclusion 10. References in APA format The audience for your report is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of your chosen organization. 8 Rationale This assessment task has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically this assessment seeks to assess your ability to: Enable you to develop a broad grasp of the fundamental nature of services marketing; Develop your critical evaluation and reflection skills; Provide you with an opportunity to test your understanding of the theory covered in the subject; Provide you with further experience in academic writing. Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria: Evidence of an understanding of the theory relevant to the task question; Ability to synthesize ideas from multiple authors and present a coherent summary; Ability to develop a customer complaint and service recovery process; Clarity of written expression (suitable professional writing style, attention to grammar); Professional standard of presentation in report format (good layout and proofreading); and Ability to reference subject materials in APA style. Marking criteria 1 Literature review (3 marks) Literature Review Fail: Poor Pass: Some Credit: Good Distinction: Very High Distinction: (/20) discussion of discussion of explanation each good explanation of Excellent explanation areas, did not each area, with area, with each area, good of each area, excellent discuss one or supporting supporting integration of ideas integration of ideas more areas. research. research / from various from various sources. Not supported Grade range: justification. sources. Very well supported with research. 10-12.5 Grade range: 13Supported well with with research. Grade range: 14.5 research. Grade: 17-20 0-9.5 Grade: 15-16.5 Number of sources/ Only textbook Minimum 10 Good range of Very good range of Excellent range of references used and sources used. sources used. sources used. sources used. Most (/10) recommended Older sources Most less than 5 Sources less than 5 recent sources. readings used. used. years old. years old. Grade range: 8.5-10 Grade range: Grade range: 5Grade range: 6.5- Grade range: 7.5-8 0-4.5 6 7 2 Compare and contrast the methods the organization use to manage demand and communicate value (3 marks) Managing demand No/little Demand Good discussion Very good Excellent discussion (/10) discussion. No management for of demand discussion demand demand management, supporting Both management, management, making comparisons research. organizations supported with making between the Grade range: 0- discussed, and research. comparisons organizations. Very 4.5 discussion Grade range: 6.5-7 between the good supporting supported with organizations. Good research. research. supporting research. Grade range: 8.5-10 Grade range:5-6 Grade range: 7.5-8 Communicating No/little Communication Good discussion Very good Excellent discussion value discussion. No of value of communication discussion communication of (/10) supporting discussed for of value, communication of value, making research. both supported with value, making comparisons between Grade range: 0- organizations, research. comparisons the organizations. Very 4.5 and discussion Grade range: 6.5-7 between the good supporting supported with organizations. Good research. research. supporting research. Grade range: 8.5-10 Grade range: 5-6 Grade range: 7.5-8 9 3 Development of a customer complaints and service recovery process (3 marks) Customer Not completed Process Good process Very good process complaints and or lacking developed, with developed, developed, linked service recovery detail. Not some adequately to likely points of process supported with justifications. supported with failure and research. Grade range: research. supported with Grade range: 0- 15-19 Grade range: 19.5- sound research. 14.5 22 Grade range: 22.525 4 Presentation and referencing (1 marks) APA referencing Referencing is Some attempt at Referencing is Referencing is style should be used absent /not referencing moderately mainly accurate to acknowledge systematic. Grade range: 5-6 accurate Grade range: 8.5-9 sources (/10) Grade range: 0Grade range: 6.54.5 8 The report should Disorganized / Attempt to Organization / Logically organized be written in an incoherent organize in a presentation can /professionally appropriate style Grade range: 0- logical manner be improved presented some using report format 4.5 Grade range: 5-6 Grade range: 6.5- improvement (/10) 7 possible Grade range: 7.5-8 Excellent process developed, linked to likely points of failure and supported with very sound research. Grade range: 25.530 Referencing is completely accurate Grade range: 9.5-10 Excellently organized / professionally presented Grade range: 8.5-10 Planning and Presenting your Assessments The following notes apply across the different tasks – read the notes within each assessment task for details. 1. General Points Make sure you proof read your work before you submit it – poor grammar and typographical errors detract from the quality of your writing and will affect your grade. In all written work you submit, you must acknowledge the published sources that you draw your facts and ideas from by citing them within your work and including them in a Reference List at the end. You should not directly quote, except for terminology and definitions, but rather interpret and rephrase in your own words. Citing references lends strength to your arguments and is also important to avoid accusations of plagiarism. Exact references should be given, not only for direct quotations but for all matter summary, conjecture, fact and opinion - based on books or documents. Please follow APA referencing guidelines. Always keep a copy of your submission in case the original is lost. Assessment deadlines must be strictly adhered to. Marks will be lost for late assessments. Being able to keep to deadlines is one of the skills expected of professionals. Be careful not to exceed the word limit. Sometimes cutting back your work can be time-consuming, but succinct writing is an important skill and you will lose marks for work that is over the limit. 10 If you regularly get poor marks on written work, or are new to university assessment, consult with your lecturer before you submit. They can make comments on a rough draft if you make arrangements well before the assessment is due. 2. Layout Paper: A4 size blank white paper should be used for typed assessments. Assessments should be word-processed, in portrait not landscape format. The front page of your assessment should include: Your name and student number, and the subject, assessment number and topic. Margins: The left-hand margin must be at least 5 cm wide to allow for marker’s comments. The right margin should be at least 2 cm. Pages: All pages (except the front cover) must be numbered. If you submit via the post, use only one side of the paper and fasten pages securely in the top left-hand corner with staples, do not use paper clips or folders. Font: Use an easy to read font - for the bulk of your writing a 12pt size and a standard serif font type is best. (You can use different font types and sizes for any headings). Line Spacing: Use 1.5 or double line spacing for your paragraphs. Headings, reference lists and table of contents can be single spaced. 3. Report tips Present your findings in a user-friendly way: Reports normally include tables of contents, sections, headings, and sub-headings. Tables and figures can be good for summarizing information and presenting it clearly and creatively, but make sure you still discuss the ideas in the text of the report too. Be careful with your presentation and proof reading - your report should be one that you would be proud to hand to a real business manager. The following site gives advice on report writing: 4. Pass Requirements Your assessment in this subject will be based on three assessments: Assessment 1 worth 3, Assessment 2 worth 7 and examination worth 10. You must submit (and earn satisfactory marks from) each of the assessments. In order to achieve a passing grade in this subject, a student must attain a minimum passing standard in both the overall total mark and the examination. 5. Grading Scale Each assessment item will be given a grade using a numerical score. Your final grade for the subject as a whole will be based on the grading scale: HD High Distinction. An outstanding level of achievement in relation to the assessment DI Distinction. A high level of achievement in relation to the assessment process 11 CR Credit. A better than satisfactory level of achievement in relation to the assessment process PS pass. A satisfactory level of achievement in relation to the assessment process FL Fail. An unsatisfactory level of achievement in relation to the assessment process on completion of the subject providing a student has completed and has been assessed on at least one assessment task. Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria: Evidence of an understanding of the theory relevant to the task question; Ability to synthesize ideas from multiple authors and present a coherent summary; Ability to assess an organization and identify strengths and weaknesses; Ability to critically evaluate performance and suggest useful strategies for improvement; Clarity of written expression (suitable professional writing style, attention to grammar); Professional standard of presentation in report format (good layout and proofreading); and Ability to reference subject materials in APA style. 6. Penalties for Late Submission It is important to plan ahead and start working on assessments early so that you are able to meet deadlines. If you are unable to submit your assessment on time, you must contact your subject coordinator before the due date, giving acceptable reasons for the delay. Acceptable reasons include such things as serious illness, bereavement, or other unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances (supporting evidence will be required). NB: Computer problems do not normally constitute grounds for an extension on an assessment due date – you should ensure that you back up your work regularly. Assessments submitted late with no valid reason will lose marks. The penalty for late submission of an assessment without obtaining the subject coordinator’s approval for an extension will be 10% deduction per day including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the assessment, that is 1 day late: 10% deduction, or 2 days late: 20% deduction. Assessments received without extension more than 10 days but less than 3 weeks after the due date will be accepted but will not be marked (because by that stage 100% late penalty will apply). Assessments received without extension more than 3 weeks after the due date will not be accepted, resulting in the awarding of a Fail grade for the subject. 7. Resubmission There is no resubmission of assessment for this subject 12 Optional Further Reading: Some Suggested Journal References Service Grove, S.J., and Fisk, R.P. (1992). The service experience as theater. Advances in Consumer Research, 19(1), 455-462. Judd, R.C. (1964). The Case for Redefining Services. Journal of Marketing, 28(1), 58-59. Lovelock, C.H. (1983). Classifying services to gain strategic marketing insights. Journal of Marketing, 47(3), 9-20. Regan, W.J. (1963). The service revolution. Journal of Marketing, 27(3), 57-62. Rathmell, J.M. (1966). What is meant by services? Journal of Marketing, 30(4), 32-36. Shostack, G. (1977). Breaking free from product marketing. Journal of Marketing, 41(2), 73-80. Zeithaml, V.A., Parasuraman, A., and Berry, L., (1985). problems and strategies in services marketing. Journal of Marketing, 49(2), 33-46. Overviews Berry, L.L., Parasuraman, A.A. (1993). Building a new academic field - the case of services marketing. Journal of Retailing, 69(1), 13-60. Bitner, M.J., and Brown, S.W. (2006). The evolution and discovery of services science in business schools. Communications of the ACM, 49(7), 73-78 Fisk, R. P., Brown, S. W., and Bitner, M. (1993). Tracking the evolution of services marketing literature. Journal of Retailing, 69(1), 61-103. Kryvinska, N., Olexova, R., Dohmen, P., and Strauss, C. (2013). The SD logic phenomenonconceptualization and systematization by reviewing the literature of a decade (2004–2013). Journal of Service Science Research, 5(1) 35-94. Some Specific Service Issues Bateson, J. G. (1985). Self-service consumer: an exploratory study. Journal of Retailing, 61(3), 4976. Bendapudi, N., and Leone, R.P. (2003). Psychological implications of customer participation in coproduction. Journal of Marketing, 67(1), 14-28. Berry, L. L., and Bendapudi, N. (2007). Health care: a fertile field for service research. Journal of Service Research, 10(2), 111-122. Bitner, M. (1990). Evaluating service encounters: the effects of physical surroundings and employee responses. Journal of Marketing, 54(2), 69-82. Bitner, M.J. (1992). Servicescapes: the impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. The Journal of Marketing, 56(2), 57-71. Brady, M.K., and Cronin, J.J.J. (2001). Customer orientation: effects on customer service perceptions and outcome behaviors. Journal of Service Research, 3(3), 241-251 Broderick, A. J. (1998). Role theory, role management, and service performance. Journal of Services Marketing, 12(5), 348-361. Brodie, R.J., Hollebeek, L., Juric, B., and Ilic. A. (2011). Customer engagement: conceptual domain, fundamental propositions and implications for research. Journal of Service Research, 14(3), 1–20. Grönroos, C. (1994). From marketing mix to relationship marketing: Towards a paradigm shift in marketing. Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, 32(2), 4-20. Gummesson, E., and Grönroos, C. (2012). The emergence of the new service marketing: Nordic School perspectives. Journal of Service Management, 23(4), 479 – 497. Meuter M.L, Ostrom A.L., Roundtree R.I., and Bitner M.J. (2000). Self-service technologies: understanding customer satisfaction with technology-based service encounters. Journal of Marketing, 64(3), 50-64. 13 Solomon, M., Surprenant C., Czepiel J.A., and Gutman E. G. (1985). A role theory perspective on dyadic interactions: the service encounter. Journal of Marketing, 49(1), 99-111. Service Quality models Cronin, J.J., and Taylor, S.A. (1992). Measuring service quality: A re-examination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56(3), 55–68. Berry L.L., Parasuraman A., and Zeithaml V.A. (1988). The Service Quality-Puzzle. Business Horizons, 31(5), 35-43. Grönroos, C. (2001). The perceived service quality concept - a mistake? Managing Service Quality, 11(3), 150-152. Grönross C. (1982). Strategic Management and Marketing in the Service Sector, Swedish School of Economics, Finland, Helsinki-Helsingfors. Grönroos, C. (1984). A service quality model and its marketing implications . European Journal of Marketing, 18(4), 36–44. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., and Berry, L.L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research . Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41–50. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., and Berry, L.L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality . Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12–40. Svensson, G. (2002). A triadic network approach to service quality. The Journal of Services Marketing, 16(2/3), 158-178. Svensson, G. (2003). A generic conceptual framework of interactive service quality. Managing Service Quality, 13(4), 267-275. Svensson, G. (2004). Interactive service quality in service encounters: empirical illustration and models. Managing Service Quality, 14(4), 278-287. Svensson, G. (2006). The interactive interface of service quality: A conceptual framework. European Business Review, 18(3), 243-257. Zeithaml, V.A., Berry, L.L., and Parasuraman, A. (1996). The behavioral consequences of service quality. Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31-46. Service dominant logic Grönroos, C. (2006). What can service logic offer marketing theory. In R.F. Lusch & S.L. Vargo (Eds.), The service dominant logic of marketing: Dialogue, debate and directions. (pp. 354364). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe. Edvardsson, B., Tronvoll, B., and Gruber, T. (2010). Expanding understanding of service exchange and value co-creation: a social construction approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39 (2), 327-339. Vargo, S.L., and Lusch, R.F. (2004). Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing. Journal of Marketing, 68(1), 1-17. Vargo, S.L. (2007). On a theory of markets and marketing: from positively normative to normatively positive. Australasian Marketing Journal, 15(1), 53-60. Vargo, S.L., and Lusch, R.F. (2008). Service-dominant logic: continuing the evolution. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(1), 1-10. Vargo, S.L., and Lusch, R.F. (2008). Why "service"? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(1), 25-38. Vargo, S.L., and Lusch, R.F. (2008). Service-dominant logic: continuing the evolution. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(1), 1-10. Service Experience Grönroos, C., and Voima, P. (2013). Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and cocreation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(2), 133-150. 14 Helkkula, A. (2011). Characterising the concept of service experience. Journal of Service Management, 22 (3), 367-389. Helkkula, A. (2014). From managing to co-creating service experience with customers. in J Kandampully (ed.), Customer Experience Management: Enhancing Experience and Value Through Service Management, Chapter 7, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque. Jaakkola, E., Helkkula, A., and Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (2015). Service experience co-creation: conceptualization, implications, and future research directions. Journal of Service Management, 26(2), 182-205. Helkkula, A., Kelleher, C., and Pihlström, M. (2012). Characterizing value as an experience: implications for service researchers and managers. Journal of Service Research, 15(1), 59-75. Servitization Baines, T.S., Lightfoot, H.W., Benedettini, O., and Kay, J.M. (2009). The servitization of manufacturing: a review of literature and reflection on future challenges. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(5), 547-567. 15