Prediction of the 10 July 2004 Beijing Flood with a HighResolution NWP model Ying-Hwa Kuo1 and Yingchun Wang2 1. National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA 2. Beijing Meteorological Bureau, China 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 Model Configuration Two domain, run in two-nested mode Domain 1: 12 km; domain 2: 4 km Physics used in domain 1: o KF CU, YSU PBL, 5-layer soil model (not LSM), RRTM lw, Dudhia sw Physics used in domain 2: o Same as in domain 1, except no KF o Two different micropysics options: Lin et al. (1983) and WSM-6 3/11/2016 Data Used NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) final analysis at 1 degree resolution Radiosonde, surface and AWS observations obtained from Beijing Meteorological Bureau (BMB) Ground-based GPS PW from Fang Shan obtained from BMB 3/11/2016 Experiments Control: or experiment A o GFS data only, used for both IC and BC 3DVAR 1: or experiment B o GFS + radiosonde, sfc + AWS 3DVAR 2: or experiment C o GFS + radiosonde, sfc + AWS + GPS PW All experiments start at 1200 UTC 7/9/04 and run for 36 hours 3/11/2016 6-h accumulated rainfall 06-12 UTC 10 July 2004 GFS 3/11/2016 OBS 6-h accumulated rainfall 06-12 UTC 10 July 2004 BMB 3/11/2016 Lin et al Microphysics BMB+PW 6-h accumulated rainfall 06-12 UTC 10 July 2004 WSM-6 3/11/2016 BMB+PW Lin et al. BMB+PW 4-km WRF Radar ref. Wind at 1km Lin et al. microphysics 3/11/2016 BMB+PW 4-km WRF Radar ref. Wind at 1km WSM-6 microphysics 3/11/2016 Differences of WSM-6 from Lin et al. microphysics Differences in the assumption of particle size and number distributions for ice particles. Melting is done on small fall-term timesteps to make it more accurate as a function of height. Saturation processes are difference. o Line et al. use some combined ice/water saturation vapor pressure based on temperature o WSM-6: Ice particles respond to ice saturation and water particles respond to water saturation. Accretion of particles takes into account of the fall speeds of both species, not just the faster falling species. 3/11/2016 The GPS network in FangShan Beijing area of China . 8 GPS Stations with mean distance less than 10km 39.8oN . A Vaisala AWS(P,T,RH) built on each GPS station 54511 QLHD RAIN_GAUGE SGZD YCSS . YSDD->54511 ~ 30 km GDSS DDSS 39.6 HCHD . YCSS->RAIN_GAUGE ~ 5km YSDD LLHS 41oN 116 116.2 116.4oE 40.5 54511(Brown Square): The Radiosonde Station RAIN_GAUGE(Green Diamond): The FangShan AWS 40 Black triangle: Four Single Frequency GPS Stations of BMB Black circle: Four Dual Frequency GPS Stations of BMB 39.5 115.5 3/11/2016 116 116.5 117 117.5oE 3/11/2016 0709 0711 0710 21:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 21:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 21:00 18:00 15:00 55 12:00 60 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 Radiosonde & GPS PWV(mm) 39.8oN QLHD 54511 SGZD 39.6 HCHD Radiosonde YSDD 116 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 YCSS RAIN_GAUGE DDSS GDSS 30km LLHS YSDD 116.2 116.4oE 3/11/2016 0709 0711 0710 21:00 18:00 YCSS_T YCSS_Td 20 0 Precipitation YCSS_PWV 40 35 30 23 21 19 50 12 45 10 8 6 4 25 2 20 0 q(g/kg) 50 Precipitation(mm) 21:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 YCSS_PWV YCSS_P YCSS_q 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 21:00 30 0:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 21:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 PWV(mm),T(℃),Td(℃)& Scaled_P 40 21:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 21:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 55 9:00 6:00 3:00 0:00 PWV(mm) 60 29 27 25 10 17 15 13 60 14 Preliminary Conclusions WRF 4-km model initialized with the NCEP GFS analysis did not produce any precipitation over Beijing. GFS is quite good on the larger scale, it is the mesoscale details that it fails to capture. WRF 3D-Var assimilation of local data set makes a big difference in the stability of the local convective environment. CAPE CIN GFS 24 -362 BMB 436 -232 BMB + GPS 756 -183 Simulation of convective evolution is sensitive to quality of mesoscale analysis and precipitation microphysics 3/11/2016