Example 5 - part of GCSE SOW.doc

Unit C Overview
AQA Specification
Networking and the internet
The transfer of data within and between applications, including
import and export. The role of an Internet Service Provider.
E-mail, including addresses, attachments, lists, and signatures.
Downloading information, including from the web; hyperlinks
and file compression (unzip and zip). E-commerce, including
shopping and banking. Software and other means of
communicating and sharing information. Web sites including
web addresses and web portals; web browser; search engine; email; and teletext.
Networks, including LANs, WANs and wireless networks, and
their component parts; including network cards; file servers and
printer servers, including printer queues; modems, routers and
Network topology, including line, ring, star and hierarchical
networks. Client/server and peer-to-peer networks and the
importance of bandwidth.
Web design (Dreamweaver) and VISIO (for network diagrams)
Lesson 1
The Internet and the Web, e-mail, e-commerce, on-line booking
systems, teletext, multimedia, virtual reality, recreational uses of
ICT including games.
Advantages and disadvantages of networks
Lesson 2
Network topologies
Lesson 3
Using the internet: shopping, banking, games, blogs, podcasts, etc.
Lesson 4
Introduction to HTML and revision of Dreamweaver.
Lesson 5
Creating a website on Networking using Dreamweaver
Lessons 6
Creating a website on Networking using Dreamweaver
Lesson 7
Finish website.
Unit C
Networks and the Internet
Advantages and disadvantages of networks
Lesson 1
Learning objectives
Students should understand what a network is
Students should know the difference between a LAN and a WAN
Students should be able to list advantages and disadvantages of networks
Starter/ Intro (5 mins)
Main part of lesson
Option 1: Some old computers with lids off. As they come in, students
locate the network card, and look at other hardware in the room that they
thinks makes the computer attached to the network.
Option 2: On little white boards, draw what they think a computer
network looks like and what would be included in the network. The
purpose of this is to establish prior knowledge as some students may
already know terminology such as router, firewall, modem and others
will not.
Students hold up white boards and teacher briefly summarises student
Short video clip: What is a network (From Networks video).
Students take notes on what is a LAN and a WAN
Practical work:
- in groups of 2 fill in a sheet on why they think the school needs a
network, who uses the network, etc.
- Mr Hollis to provide information sheet about our network
(available in September)
- Better still would be a video of somebody interviewing Mr Hollis
about the network at Longsands.
Advanced students will turn the information on the sheet into a
powerpoint presentation and present this to the whole class (best one
Alternative /
extension activities
Networking Worksheet 1.doc
(There are three worksheets 1, 2 and 3 for this unit if you like to use
Plenary (10 mins)
Watch the best presentation if any students have managed to produce
this in the time available.
Some old computers
Little white boards
Networks video (first chapter needs to be put on network)
Information from Mr Hollis
None this lesson
Unit C
Networks and the Internet
Network topologies
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
Students should be able to draw a bus (line), ring, star and hierarchical network.
Students should be able to identify two differences between client server networks and
peer-to-peer networks
Some students should be able to define bandwidth
From specification:
Network topology, including line, ring, star and hierarchical
networks. Client/server and peer-to-peer networks and the importance of bandwidth.
Starter/ Intro (5 mins) Recap on the difference between a LAN and a WAN.
Main part of lesson
Part 1
- students look at Boardworks GCSE presentation on Network
Topologies (Unit 2/b. Setting up a network).
Part 2
Alternative /
extension activities
Students work in groups of 3.
Each student picks one of Bus, Ring and Star network
Draw the topology they have chosen either in Word, Visio, PPT.
Put the three together into one document (use memory stick)
Students (maybe not all will get this far) can then annotate the
diagrams with advantages and disadvantages of each type, using
the text book.
The other two Boardworks presentations on this topic are also good.
Page 181 Questions 1 and 2 (alternative to above)
Build your notes on page 177-178 (GCSE ICT For you)
Networking Worksheet 2.doc
Plenary (10 mins)
One group presents to class their three networks.
GCSE ICT For you
Boardworks presentation Unit 2 / b. Setting up a network
From GCSE ICT For you : photocopy pages 155-158. Get students to
read the pages on client server and peer to peer networks and do the
question Activity 1 on page 158.
OR Unit C Homework 1 (Multiple choice questions)
Unit C
Networks and the Internet
Using the internet.
Lesson 3
Learning objectives
Students should know what an Internet Service Provider is
Students should be able to identify advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce to the customer
and the organisation
From specification:
The transfer of data within and between applications, including import and export. The role of an
Internet Service Provider.
E-mail, including addresses, attachments, lists, and signatures. Downloading information,
including from the web; hyperlinks and file compression (unzip and zip). E-commerce, including
shopping and banking.
Starter/ Intro (15
GCSE ICT for yourself: page 176 Find it out for yourself. Make
available electronically so students can fill it in on the computer.
Main part of lesson
Students have to find out the meanings of terms relating to the internet.
Could set a time limit to see how many they can find out.
Video: Extreme Sports Web site (SES has two copies).
Questions are available for this in “Extreme Sports DVD.doc. Students
can answer questions while watching DVD.
If time:
Class discussion: If you moved into a flat on your own and bought a
computer, what are the steps you would take to get yourself connected to
the internet and able to send emails.
Alternative /
extension activities
Activity 2 page 193. This involves looking at E-bay and Amazon and
looking at the pros and cons of e-commerce for these organisations and
their customers.
Plenary (10 mins)
There are some relevant Flash games on this topic at
http://www.reviseict.co.uk/revision/networks.shtml and also some summary
notes that students can download in Word or MP3 format.
For the last 5-10 minutes of the lesson students could try one of the networking
flash games.
Extreme Sports Video
GCSE ICT for you
Previous exam papers from 2003 (www.aqa.org.uk)
Higher students: June 2003 Question 8 (essay question)
Foundation students: June 2003 Question 8 (same topic divided into
short answers).
Unit C
Networks and the Internet
Lesson 4
Introduction to HTML and revision of
Learning objectives
Students should be able to create a simple page using HTML
Students should be able to contrast the advantages and disadvantages of HTML vs WYSISYG
web design.
From specification
Students should be familiar with HTML
Starter/ Intro (5 mins) Give students a page with some HTML code (Unit C HTML
example.doc). See if they know what the language is called. See if one
student will volunteer to draw what it would look like on the board.
Then compare it with what it does look like (Unit C HTML.html)
Main part of lesson
Get students to copy in the HTML code into Notepad / Wordpad, save as
a text file and view it in Internet Explorer.
Teacher input: Explain how the tags work and write some tags that they
can try out on the board – bold, headings, horizontal line, pictures, etc.
Alternative /
extension activities
Then they can start developing a page called Introduction to Networking
in HTML using some of the tags.
Extension: Using the document “Intro to HTML.doc” more advanced
students can put tables and links into their HTML.
Plenary (10 mins)
Print out page 17 of past paper Higher June 04 which is an HTML question.
Give each student a copy and 5 minutes to do it. Go over answers.
GCSE ICT June 04 Higher paper
Unit C
Networks and the Internet
Lessons 5 & 6
Creating a website on Networking using
Learning objectives
Students should be able to create web pages in Dreamweaver (revision from Year 9)
Students should be able to use a template
Students should revise the difference between a LAN and a WAN
These lessons are essential to revise Dreamweaver ready for the first coursework.
Starter/ Intro (5 mins)
Recap on differences between HTML and Dreamweaver
Main part of lesson
Students create a basic page of their Networking website and create a
template from this.
Students then create four pages: Home page, Local Area Networks,
Wide Area Networks, Network Security.
They can use their notes, the internet or their text book to add content to
the website.
Alternative /
extension activities
Plenary (10 mins)
Show some examples of student work on a projector. Remind students that
their coursework will be done using Dreamweaver.