Secure File Saving System ABSTRACT Net pod project’s main aim is to provide an Intranet-based client application for sharing of files among the branches of a company. An Internet-based solution becomes feasible when the branches of a company are distributed in such a way that connecting them using a dedicated Local Area Network (LAN) becomes infeasible. An Internet-based solution’s feasibility is unquestionable as authorization can be provided for the secure access of information by asking the user for username and password and the ease of connecting a computer to the Internet makes the solution simple and efficient. Existing System: In existing system, files like music files (e.g. MP3), movie files, take long time to get downloaded. They are not shared. Only one user can access the file at a time (i.e. a file for downloading). Disadvantages of Existing System: Files are not shared. Takes Long Time to get downloaded. Only one user can access a file at a time Proposed System: Net POD is an Internet-based file sharing client application which allows support for groups creation and maintenance. It copies the files to the user’s local system from which he has logged on to the network. The application also acts like a spy which observes all the copied files for changes and responds to any change by saving the changes to the respective files located on the server. Privileges can also be assigned to users blocking specific users to access certain files Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id:, Secure File Saving System Module Description: 1) Administrator 2) User 3) Uploading 4) Downloading 5) Setting. 1. Administrator Grant Permission Here the administrator has the privilege to grant the permission to perform the operations Add or delete users Here the administrator can add or delete the user. Uploading Here the administrator can upload the files on the server Downloading Here the administrator can download the file from the server 2. User Upload Download files. Here the user can Upload or down load the files on the server Hide the file The user can hide the file there by preventing other users to see the file Modify the file Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id:, Secure File Saving System The user can modify the files which are in text document only. 3. Uploading Storing files at the server. Transforming the data from local system to other external system. 4. Downloading Download the files from server to the existing system. Getting the data from external system to local system. 5. Settings In this module user (owner of file) get user access control over the transforming data/ working file. The following things are few file oriented settings. Change Password. Hiding, read-only files. Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id:, Secure File Saving System System Requirement Specification: Hardware Requirements: Processor : Pentium 4 Hard disk : 40GB RAM : 512 MB Server : Tomcat Connectivity : Intranet/LAN Topology As per user requirement : Software Requirements: Browser : Internet Explorer 4 or above Front End : HTML, JSP Back End : Oracle 10G Web Server : Tomcat 6.0 OS : Windows 2000 / XP Server Package: Windows 2000 server Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id:,