Name of project: ………………………………………….. Assessed by: ………..…………………………………….. Date: …………..……………………………………………… Quality Assurance tool for of HIV prevention projects targeting People Who Inject Drugs PIQA 0.6 QUALITY ASSESSMENT/QUALITY ASSURANCE FORM This work is part of the Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention (Quality Action), which has received funding from the European Union within the framework of the Health Programme. COLOPHON Title: PIQA 0.6 Quality Assessment/Quality Assurance Form Authors: Annemiek Dorgelo, Dutch Institute for Improvement of Health Care and Health Promotion, CBO Cor Blom, Soa Aids Nederland With contributions from: Viveca Urwitz, Swedish Institute for Disease Control Marica Ferri, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Anastasia Pharris, European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) Katrin Prins-Schiffer, Eberhard Schatz, Correlation Network Acknowledgements: PIQA is built on the Health Promotion Effect Management Instrument Preffi 2.0. The owner of this instrument, CBO, had granted permission to Quality Action to use Preffi 2.0 for the purpose of developing PIQA. Publication date: March 2014 Financed by: PIQA is part of Quality Action (the Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV prevention in Europe), which has received funding from the European Union within the framework of the Health Programme. Copyright: Quality Action, 2014 INTRODUCTION PIQA is a Quality Assurance tool for HIV prevention and health promotion projects targeted at People Who Inject Drugs(PWID). The tool consists of: A quality assessment/quality assurance form A user guide You are now reading the introduction to the quality assurance form. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PIQA The PIQA tool will help you to assure the quality of your HIV prevention (or health promotion) project(s) targeting PWID. You can use it to assess and receive feedback on the strong and weak points of your project. It will also help you to decide on steps to take to improve, and thus assure the quality of, your project. PIQA can be used for projects that are intended to prevent HIV, STI, Hepatitis, TB and other infections that are common among PWID. It can also be used for other health promotion projects targeting PWID and for quality assurance of the health promotion aspects of other PWID projects. PIQA can be used by those implementing the project, by project coordinators and by representatives from the target group who know about the project. PIQA is a self-assessment tool. It is most useful when it involves a range of people in the assessment process, including project team members, the target group and other key stakeholders. PIQA is based on evidence from research, practical experience and logic. The clusters and questions in the quality assessment form have been shown to be important for project success. For more general information please refer to the user guide. In this guide you will find: General and back ground information on PIQA Explanation of clusters and terms used Online references to information relevant for answering the questions in the quality assurance form USING PIQA Before you use the tool we advise you to: Read the user guide Have information about the project to hand Decide how and with whom you will do the assessment and organise the assessment process After using the tool we advise you to: Formulate an action plan Involve stakeholders in realising this action plan Repeat the assessment process USING THE QUALITY ASSESSMENT/QUALITY ASSURANCE FORM First fill in the name of the project, the names of the people who assessed the project, and the date of the assessment. Assessment questions: You can indicate if you think your project is strong, moderate or weak on the item the question asks for by colouring the box green for strong, orange for moderate and red for weak. If you do not understand any part of the question, see Chapter 3 of the user guide for explanations. If you do not have the information to answer the questions, see Chapter 3 of the user guide for references to information and examples. If you are not able to assess a question or you think it is irrelevant, you can tick the relevant box. Overall assessment of cluster: If you have assessed all the questions in a cluster, you can assess the quality of the cluster as a whole. You do this by assessing whether the questions in the cluster are mostly assessed as strong (lots of green boxes), mostly moderate (lots of orange boxes), or mostly weak (lots of red boxes). Colour the box Overall Assessment of cluster green for strong, orange for moderate or red for weak. Explanation of assessment per cluster: Use this box to explain the assessment i.e. why you think the question in this cluster should be assessed strong, moderate or weak. This makes it possible for others to understand the rationale for your assessment. Points of improvement: Use this box to formulate up to a maximum of five points for improvements on the questions which are assessed weak (red) or moderate (orange). Start with the questions assessed weak (red). Prioritised actions: Use this box to formulate and prioritise three actions for improvement of the project, taking into consideration urgency, capacity and budget. Look at all the points for improvement you identified and start by prioritising the actions that should be taken in the short term. Overall assessment of project: If you have assessed all the clusters, you can assess the quality of the project as a whole. Transfer the overall assessments for each cluster to Part 9 of the tool. Then look at the overall impression. Is the project assessed as mostly strong (lots of green boxes), mostly moderate (lots of orange boxes), or mostly weak (lots of red boxes)? 1.1 The Problem Is the project driven by a clear definition of the (health) problem which should be solved? Does this description include: how the chosen problem relates to other social problems in the life of PWID? if and what the consequences of the problem are for PWID in the geographical area of focus? if and what the consequences of the problem are for society in the geographical area of focus? if and how large the material consequences of the problem are? by whom it is considered as a problem (e.g. target group, professionals, politics, society)? Distribution of the problem 1.2 Does the description include: numbers about the size and commonality of the problem or theme in the country? if the problem is more common among certain sub-groups within PWID (e.g. age, sex, ethnicity, income group)? if the problem occurs more often in specific geographical areas? if the problem occurs within a specific timeframe? Overall Assessment of Cluster Explanation of assessment Points for improvement 1. … 1. … 2. … 2. … 3. … 3. ... 4. … 5. … not able to assess irrelevant strong moderate weak 1. Problem Analysis X X 2.1 Causes of the problem Is the project driven by a clear explanation about the causes, determining factors (determinants), of the problem? Does this description include: how the problem and the underlying determinants influence each other? the magnitude of the influence of these determinants? which determinants of the problem are more prevalent among certain subgroups within PWID? evidence on the relation between the problem and the underlying factors ? Explanation of the problem 2.2 Does the description include: which theoretical assumptions or models are used to explain the problem and its underlying determinants? how the theoretical model used helps to understand the relationship between the health problem and its underlying determinants? Changeability of the determinants 2.3 Does the description include: if the determinants can be influenced or changed? evidence for the changeability of the determinants what determinants should and could be changed according to the target group (wishes, needs, motivational factors, limitations and barriers to tackle the problem)? Influence of stakeholders 2.4 Does this description include: which stakeholders (professionals, agencies and social sectors) have an influence on the problem? to what extent these stakeholders do indeed perceive the problem as a problem to act upon? whether there is interest or pressure from decision makers, public opinion, communities, or organisations to do something about the problem? Overall Assessment of Cluster not able to assess irrelevant strong moderate weak 2. Determinants X X Explanation of assessment Points for improvement Prioritised actions 1. … 1. … 2. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 3. … 5. … X Objectives Are the activities of the project driven by a clear definition of the objectives of the project? Does this description include: a SMART formulation of the project objectives? a distinction of the objectives between levels? (short term/long term, different determinants) if and how it can be proved that the desired changes formulated in the objectives can take place? if the stakeholders agree with the objectives? if the target group agree with the objectives? if the staffing, money and time required have been estimated to achieve the objectives? if sufficient expertise, authority and partners are available to achieve the objectives? if the objectives are feasible within the timeframe? if the objectives are feasible considering the available resources? if the chosen objectives fit with health problem analysis (OTIC: see user guide)? Overall Assessment of Cluster Explanation of assessment Points for improvement 1. … Prioritised actions 1. … 2. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 3. … 5. … irrelevant not able to assess strong moderate weak 3. Objectives X X Target group and -area Is the project focused by a specific definition of the target group? Does this description include: characteristics of the target group (e.g. size, age, beliefs)? a specific geographical area where the target group are located? concrete figures and data that support the choice of this target group? (see cluster 1.2 and 2.1) a check to see if selection and description of the target group is in line with the beliefs of the target group themselves (have they been consulted)? a check to see if the described problem, determinants and objectives fit with the selection of the target group (OTIC: see user guide) ? Overall Assessment of Cluster Explanation of assessment Points for improvement 1. … Prioritised actions 2. .. . 3… 1…. 4… 2…. 5… 3…. irrelevant not able to assess strong moderate weak 4. Target group X 5.1 Intervention method Are the activities of the project driven by a clear specification of the intervention methods being used? Does the description include: if the intervention method(s) are suitable to achieve the objectives (OTIC: see user guide)? if the intervention method(s) are effective? evidence that the intervention method(s) are effective? whether the described intervention method(s) would be effective in this particular situation? Effective techniques 5.2 Does the description include: if the right techniques and strategies are used to reach the target group? whether one or more of the following effective techniques are used to reach the target group e.g. public communication channels, motivational interviewing, peer education, community-based outreach, social media, targeted services, services integrated in general health care or general social services? Multi-component and integrated approach 5.3 Does the description include: if and which parts of a multi-component approach ( 7 key interventions: see user guide) are used in the project? if the project has connections with other components (key interventions) that are not covered by the project ? if and how referral is arranged between the project and the other components (key interventions) in the field? Participation 5.4a Does the description include: if stakeholders and the target group have been actively involved in the development of the intervention? if it is agreed which stages of the intervention the target group should be involved in? Fit with the target group 5.4b Does the description include: if the intervention fits with the values and norms of the target group? if this fit is supported by evidence from pre-tests, theory and/or earlier experiences? if the target group perceive the intervention as compatible X irrelevant not able to assess strong moderate weak 5. Intervention Development X with their values and norms? if the project organisation has shown sufficient understanding of the values and social norms of the target group? Duration, intensity and timing of the intervention 5.5 Does the description include: if timing, intensity and duration of the intervention has been considered in the planning of activities? if the timing of the intervention is appropriate according to the different stakeholders? if and which information from research or practice is used to decide on the optimum duration, intensity and timing to reach the intervention goals? Overall Assessment of Cluster Explanation of assessment Points for improvement 1. … Prioritised actions 1. … 2. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 3. … 5. … X Implementation strategy Are the activities of the project driven by a separate description of the implementation? Does this description include: a specific implementation strategy for how the intervention will reach its (intermediate) target group(s)? a SMART formulation of implementation goals? if needs, motivation, knowledge and capacity of the target group have been considered with respect to implementation? if the capabilities of the target group are used as resource for the implementation of the project (e.g. as peer educator)? if needs, motivation, knowledge and capacity of the intermediaries (professionals) has been considered with respect to implementation? if the intervention is compatible with the modes of operation, procedures, standards and values of involved intermediaries and their organisation(s)? if evidence is used to support the effectiveness of the chosen implementation strategy? if monitoring and feedback are planned with respect to implementation? if specific times are planned with project members, target group and stakeholders for adjustment of implementation based on monitoring and feedback? Overall Assessment of Cluster Explanation of assessment Points for improvement Prioritised actions 1. … 2. … 1. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 3. … 5. .. irrelevant Not able to assess strong moderate weak 6. Implementation X X Evaluation strategy Is development of the project supported by a separate description of the evaluation of the project (evaluation plan)? Does this description include: SMART formulation of evaluation goals? if questions of the stakeholders involved are addressed by the evaluation? if questions of the target group are addressed by the evaluation? if the required type of evaluation needed to answer these questions has been considered? whether and why it is likely that the desired change could be caused by the intervention (if changes can be measured)? if times are planned for collection, analysis and reports of the evaluation data? in which way the results will be communicated to the different stakeholders and the target group? if times are planned with project members, target group and stakeholders for adjustment of the project based on the evaluation results? Overall Assessment of Cluster Explanation of assessment Points for improvement Prioritised actions 1. … 1. … 2. .. 2. … 3. … 3. … 4. … 5. … irrelevant Not able to assess strong moderate weak 7. Evaluation X X 8.1 Support/commitment Is there a clear picture of the support and commitment for the project? Does this description include: an agreement about the involvement of internal and external partners? planning for the involvement of stakeholders and the target group in every phase? a formal arrangement for the accountability of the project? support for the project goals by guidelines, action plans, or (inter)national policies? Sustainability 8.2 Does the description include: actions to ensure and sustain the future of the project whether the intervention is incorporated in an existing structure or whether there are attempts to incorporate it? whether attempts to incorporate it have been supported by key persons at the right level (management, boards) ? Capacity 8.3 Does the description include: if the available capacity for the project has been assessed? if the available capacity is suitable for the project’s objectives? if the available capacity is being used in the most efficient manner at each stage of the project? Leadership 8.4 Does the description include: if there is a mandated person responsible for the project? if the project leader has the necessary expertise, work-, leadership- and management style and characteristics to implement the project? if the project is being implemented in accordance with a project plan and/or communication plan which includes clear decision moments? if the project manager is able to utilise the available resources in a flexible manner? how the project manager ensures that the expertise within the project staff is being kept up to date? Overall Assessment of Cluster irrelevant Not able to assess strong moderate weak 8. Contextual factors X Explanation of assessment Points for improvement Prioritised actions 1. … 1. … 2. … 2. … 3. … 3. … 4… 5… X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Problem analysis Determinants Objectives Target group Intervention development Implementation Evaluation Contextual factors Overall Assessment of Project Explanation of assessment Points for improvement 1. … Prioritised actions 1. … 2. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 3. … 5. ... irrelevant Not able to assess strong moderate weak 9. Overall Assessment of Project X