Vocal Music/ Music Appreciation/ Guitar Class

Beginnning Classical Guitar Syllabus
River Heights Intermediate School
Mr. Jonathan Hartling
Music Teacher
River Heights Intermediate school
7227 Scholar Way
Eastvale, California 92880
(951) 738-2155 ext. 4210
Mr. Hartling’s Email: jhartling@cnusd.k12.ca.us
RHIS Music Website: http://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us//Domain/2489
Welcome to our class. Our goal is to teach you all we can about
music and help you to become the finest and most knowledgeable
musician possible. We believe that if you put forth the effort,
the quality will follow. The study of music can be both
rewarding and fun. This syllabus will be a guide to help you be
successful in this class and to discover the joy of music.
Please read this syllabus carefully, it contains very important
information. Keep it in a safe place while you are in this
class as it may answer many questions that you might have.
Classroom Rules
1. Come to rehearsal prepared with a positive, supportive, and
helpful attitude.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given
3. Allow the teacher to teach and the students to learn.
4. Respect others and their belongings. (This includes
5. Always act in a safe manner. (Never play with food or gum
in your mouth, this is dangerous!)
6. Keep your surroundings clean and be organized. (Cases must
be put away at all times.)
7. Only music related questions are allowed during the first
40 minutes of class.
Our primary responsibility in this class is to learn about
music. Any behavior that distracts from, or interferes with
this learning process will not be permitted.
The CLASSROOM RULES are provided as special guidelines for your
BEHAVIOR in the classroom. Quiet attention to the teacher,
remaining in your seat during the class period, and following
directions are naturally expected of you in band just as they
are in you other classes.
Infractions of the rules and/or disruption of the class will
result in an attempt to adjust your behavior. Disciplinary
action will take place in the following order:
initial warning with instructions on how to modify the
(any further incident will be viewed as insubordination and
will be dealt with accordingly)
 time out with assigned writing to reflect on your behavior
 assign lunch detention or after school detention and a call
home to discuss the problem with your parents
 ACP with a parent/ teacher conference
 refer you to an administrator for discipline
Classroom Procedures
It is important to establish a normal rehearsal routine so that
daily rehearsal time can be used efficiently. The routine
begins as soon as you enter the room.
Immediately upon entering the room students will:
- quietly go to their assigned seats;
- quietly get their music and pencil out;
- quietly place their belonging under their chair; then
- quietly wait for attendance and further instructions.
(This will all be done without talking or playing out of
The daily rehearsal will include: Warm ups; Written Theory;
Rhythm practice; Scales; repertoire; and the Hal Leonard Book.
Mondays will be tuning day. This is when we will tune all of
the guitars.
Rehearsal routine may be changed or varied according to the
needs at the time. Information pertaining to specific songs,
scales, rhythms, and tonal patterns will be written on the
board. Students should immediately glance at the board and
begin organizing their materials in the proper order. Students
who are not seated two minutes after the tardy bell rings will
be marked tardy. During the clean up period students are,
without any further playing, to quickly put their instruments
and music away and then return to their seats.
The class will be dismissed by the band director (not the bell)
-the room has been returned to its original state of order
(chairs, stands, trash, and materials);
-all students are sitting quietly in their assigned seats; and
-the director has made any necessary reminders and
Each student needs to provide their own books, ½ inch black 3
ringed binder; instrument, tuner, pics, 2 highlighters, pencil
pouch, and 3 pencils. We use acoustic guitars only (electric
guitars will not be permitted – do not bring them to school!).
We will use the Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1 during the
course of the year. Any students who cannot afford the
materials need to provide a written note to the music teacher
stating that it would be a financial hardship for the family.
Any student without the required materials by the second week of
school will be removed from the class.
School owned Guitars
The school has some guitars to loan out. If demand exceeds
supply, the following priorities will be used to assign school
 Students who are not able to rent or purchase at this time
due to financial strain (PLEASE NOTIFY THE TEACHER
 Students who have GPA’s higher than a 3.0 and no N’s or U’s
on their report cards.
Qualifying students and parents are financially responsible for
any damage and all maintenance needed to keep the instrument in
proper playing condition.
In the event that there are more students than instruments
qualifying for a school instrument, a lottery system will be
utilized to ensure fair distribution.
Students will receive five points per day. They will receive
these points when they bring all of their materials to class,
actively participate in the lesson, are seated in their chair by
the time the tardy bell rings, and follow the class room rules.
Homework/ Class Work/ Tests
Homework and tests will be periodically assigned. Class work
should be completed in a timely manner during class.
Grading will be largely based off of participation and behavior.
Students will receive 5 points everyday when they show up with
all of their materials including instruments, black folder with
music, Hal Leonard Book, pencil pouch, 3 pencils, 3x5 index
cards, and 2 highlighters. Students will lose all of their
participation points for the day if they talk out of turn during
class, use the restroom after their 6 passes have been used up
or at the inappropriate time. Students can lose partial
participation points when they don’t bring one of their required
materials to class, or for poor posture and fidgeting. Tests
will occasionally be given. They will usually be worth 10
points each.
Extra Credit
Students can attend concerts and recitals for extra credit. To
receive credit, you must bring a program signed by one of your
parents/guardian the next school day. Off campus performances
need to be approved by the band director ahead of time to make
sure that it will count for extra credit. Students can also
earn extra credit by providing their own guitar for the class.
Extra credit cannot be applied to the behavior portion of a
student’s grade.
Electric Guitars
Electric guitars will not be permitted in this class. They
often create distractions and will not be needed as this is a
classical guitar class. Under no circumstances should an
electric guitar be brought into the band room without the
director’s permission.
Corona-Norco Unified School District
Beginning Classical Guitar Student Expectations Contract
Print student’s first name_______________________________
Print student’s Last name_______________________________
This form serves as a written agreement that the student and the parent/guardian understands and
are willing to follow all expectations outlined in the River Heights Beginning Classical Guitar
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
Student Signature