Science 9: Midyear Exam Outline

Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
Chapter 1: The Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry
Section 1.2 (pages 16-31)
I can identify and explain the three different types of scientific
I can provide examples of the three different types of scientific experiments
I understand the process of a controlled experiment (independent/dependent
variables, controlled environment…i.e. bubble gum lab)
 Chapter 2: Cell Growth and Reproduction
Section 2.1: The Importance of Cell Division (pages 36-38)
I can explain the three reasons (functions of cell division) why a cell must divide
Section 2.2: Cell Structures Involved in Cell Division (pages 39-41)
I can label and identify the organelles in plant and animal cells
I can describe differences between animal and plant cells
I can explain the function of all of the organelles and structures related to plant
and animal cells
**Review your cell assignment and worksheets**
Section 2.3: From DNA to Protein (pages 42-47)
I can identify and recognize DNA (and I know what DNA stands for)
I can breakdown the structure of DNA
I can draw a nucleotide and indicate what components make up a nucleotide
I can name all of the nitrogen bases and I know which bases pair with each other
I can explain the genetic code, and in my explanation use the terms amino acid,
three letter words, genes
I can explain the process of protein synthesis (and I know where this takes place in
a cell)
I can name at least three types of proteins
I can explain why people have different traits and provide examples of different
characteristics (think back to the table…ability to roll tongue, thumb shape, etc)
Section 2.4: The Cell Cycle (pages 49-52)
I can explain the cell cycle in detail, and I know how the cell cycle breaks down
(90% and 10%)
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”
Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
I can explain the processes involved in cell division
I can identify the stages of mitosis (diagrams)
I can explain what is happen to the structures within a cell during all of the stages
of mitosis
I can describe the differences between an animal cell undergoing mitosis and a
plant cell undergoing mitosis (and cytokinesis)
Section 2.5: Changes to a Cell’s DNA (pages 53-56)
I can explain what a mutation is, how it happens and what how it affects a
I can explain the differences between malignant and benign tumors
I can list different types of carcinogens and explain how cancer can be treated
Section 2.6: Cell Division and Asexual Reproduction (pages 57-63)
I can explain all five types of asexual reproduction and provide examples of each
(read/sketch/draft worksheet)
I can describe the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction
Chapter 3: Sexual Reproduction
Section 3.1: Meiosis (pages 74-78)
I can distinguish between the terms somatic cells, gametes, diploid and haploid
I can explain the process of meiosis and compare the process to mitosis
(similarities and differences)
I can label and identify structures within a cell during the process of meiosis
I can calculate/figure out the number of chromosomes if I was given a diploid
number, gamete number, somatic cell number, parent cell number (table)
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”
Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
Section 3.2: Sexual Reproduction and the Diversity of Life (pages 79-82)
I can explain the term zygote
I can identify the advantages and disadvantages in sexual reproduction
I can compare and contrast asexual and sexual reproduction
Section 3.3: Methods of Sexual Reproduction
I can explain/understand the term hermaphrodite
I can label and explain the functions of the structures found within a flowering
I can compare and contrast the cross pollination and self pollination
Chapter 4: Human Reproduction
Section 4.1: The Male Reproductive System (pages 108-111)
I can explain the differences between primary and secondary sexual
characteristics in males
I can label and provide functions of the structures of a human sperm cell
I can label and provide functions of the structures of the male reproductive
I can trace the pathway of an immature sperm cell  ejaculation
I can describe how a sperm cell becomes mature
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”
Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
Section 4.2: The Female Reproductive System (pages 112-117)
I can explain the differences between primary and secondary sexual
characteristics in females
I can label and provide functions of the structures within an ovary
I can label and provide functions of the structures of the female reproductive
I can trace the pathway of an immature egg cell  ovulation
I can describe how an egg cell becomes mature and where it travels before
potentially meeting a sperm cell
I can list the stages of the menstrual cycle
Section 4.3: Pregnancy: Fertilization to Birth (pages117-119)
I can explain how and where fertilization takes place
I can compare and contrast the three trimesters during pregnancy
I can identify different growth and development during the three trimesters
Chapter 6, 7 and 8: Atomic Theory- Inside the Invisible
I can differentiate between pure substance and mixtures.
I can give examples of elements, compounds, homogeneous and heterogeneous
I can compare and contrast between physical and chemical changes.
I can provide examples of both physical and chemical changes.
I understand the layout of the periodic table (metals to the left, metalloids middle
staircase and non-metals to the far right and the different family properties)
I understand that all metals have positive ion charges, which means they GIVE up
electrons (less negative)
I understand that non-metals have negative ion charges, which means the
TAKE/ACCEPT electrons (more negative)
Given a periodic table I can determine the number of protons, number of electrons
and number of neutrons an atom has
Given a periodic table I can determine the number of protons, electrons and
neutrons an ion has
I can properly draw Bohr models for atoms AND ions (including the number of
protons/neutrons in nucleus, and the proper number of electrons in the outer
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”
Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
When given a Bohr model diagram, I can determine if it is an atom or an ion
(Remember, count the number of electrons and the number of protons and ask
yourself are they equal)
I can write the standard notation for both atoms AND ions
I can explain why atoms come together to join ionic compounds based on their Bohr
models. For instance I can explain using Bohr models why the compound for sodium
chloride is NaCl and not Na2Cl3.
I can name ionic compounds when given the formulae
For polyatomic and multivalent
I can give the formulae when given the name of ionic
For polyatomic and multivalent
Chapter 9: Static Electricity
Section 9.2: Charging by Friction, Conduction and Induction (pages 279-28)
I can compare and contrast friction, conduction and induction
I can draw diagrams that represent the three ways in which objects can become
electrically charged (using e-, p+ and n)
I can give examples of friction, conduction and induction
Section 9: Applications of Static Electricity (pages 288-291)
I can explain how static electricity can be useful and/or harmful
I can describe how the process of lightning, laser printers, fabric softener
sheets/static cling and electrostatic precipitators are related to static/electrons
Section Types of Electric Charge (pages 274-278)
I can describe the characteristics of a static charge
I can explain the study of electrostatics
I can explain the Law of Electric Charges (like charges _____ and unlike charges
I know the basic structure of an atom (with respect to where electrons, protons
and neutrons are located)
I can draw a basic atom
I can compare and contrast the three different subatomic particles:
______, ________, ________
I am comfortable using the Electrostatic Series chart
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”
Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
I can use an Electrostatic Series chart to figure out which objects would gain
electrons and which objects would lose electrons
I can explain that when an object loses electrons, it becomes positive, and I can
give an example of when this would occur
I can explain the idea of induced charge separation
I can draw the movement of electrons in induced charged or friction examples
Chapter 10: Current Electricity
I can explain the parts of an electric circuit
I can recognize the symbols for components in a circuit diagram
I can draw circuit diagrams in both parallel and series
I can calculate current, time, quantity of charge and number of electrons when
given a word problem.
I can show my work and convert my units when needed to help solve word problems
I know how to read an ammeter
I know how to set up an ammeter in a circuit to measure the current
I know how to read a voltmeter
I know how to set up a voltmeter in a circuit to measure the voltage
I understand what happens when we have batteries in series or parallel with
respect to the current/ammeter reading and the voltage. I can compare, contrast
and apply this information to real life situations (why would it be better to have
batteries in series or parallel)
I can calculate voltage, resistance and current when given word problems.
I can draw a graph showing the relationship between current and voltage.
I can compare and contrast total current, voltage and resistance in series and
parallel circuits
 General
I have completed assignments and worksheets that were given to me throughout
the year
I have reviewed/studied using my notes, labs, assignments, tests and text book to
help me prepare for this final exam
I have asked questions and came in for extra help if concepts were not clear.
Remember the idea is to think back on all of the fun times we have had thus far,
and reflect on what we have learned and understand 
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”
Science 9: Final Exam Outline
Friday May 29th, 2015.
“If you study to remember, you may forget
If you study to understand, you will remember”