Quizzes Folder

Course Management
and Policies
Chao-Hsien Chu, Ph.D.
College of Information Sciences and Technology
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
IST 515
Angel Site – IST 515
• Welcome letter
• Course contents and
• Post questions
• Collaboration, record
and post presentation
• Reading materials
Angel Site – IST 515
• Hands-on labs folder
• Discussion activities
• Software and tools
• Quiz folder
• Term project folder
Adobe Connect Folder
For team collaboration
Reading Folder
Materials common to all
topics such as NIST 800
special series.
Materials specifically
for each topic.
Common Materials
Readings for Topic 1
Here are the readings
for topic 1 about the
Hands-on Labs Folder
• Lab User Guide
• About the Lab Slide
Lab Folder
Discussion Activities
Please check
syllabus for due
Quizzes Folder
The quiz can be found in the Angel site under the
“Quizzes” folder. The quiz will be available when they
are assigned.
The quiz will
be available
when they
are assigned.
For team work
( Please refer to online or paper copy for reference )
Course Uniqueness
This course covers conceptual, methodological, and
practical foundations of information security and
assurance, dividing into two categories:
access control
security architecture and design
physical security
application security
operations security.
• penetration testing
• security and risk management
• business continuity and disaster
recovery planning
• digital forensics
• legal, regulations and
Course Delivery
The knowledge and skills to be covered are delivered in
two major sections:
• The first section will provide a basic understanding of
information security and assurance, which will cover the
common body of knowledge (CBK) developed by
(ISC)2 (see http://www.isc2.org/). Eight topics to be
• The second section will be devoted to learning and
practicing penetration testing. Eight hands-on exercises
from the Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) program will
be explored in a virtual security lab (see
Interests and Expertise
• Information and cyber security, especially in wireless
security, intrusion detection, security and risk management,
and cyber forensics.
• Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Smart Sensing,
with applications in healthcare, environmental monitoring,
and supply chains.
• Intelligent technologies and their applications in business,
communication network design, and data mining.
• Information technology for manufacturing/operations
management. Manufacturing systems design and supply
chain management and integration.
Grading Weights
Evaluation of knowledge and understanding of
materials will be by:
• Hands-on exercises (8): 800 points.
• Quizzes (8): 400 points.
• Team Project: 480 points.
• Presentation: 120 points.
• Discussion/participation: 200 points.
Key References
• Tipton, H. and Henry, K. (Eds.), Official (ISC)2
Guide to the CISSP CBK, Auerbach, 2007.
• Hansche, S., Berti, J. and Hare, C., Official
(ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP Exam, Auerbach,
• These two references are key for preparing
CISSP certification examination.
• It is very important that you follow
the schedule closely. Please check the
syllabus for schedule.
• Most of the assignments are
scheduled to be due on Sunday, 5
minutes before midnight.
• Please complete the introduction
event and start to communicate to
each other and form teams as soon as
Course Policies
• Due date will be enforced according to the
• Communication. Please use e-mail within
• Academic Integrity. We committed to academic
integrity, so do you.
• Accommodating disabilities. We are working
hard to meet the requirements.
• Please refer to the syllabus for details
Nature of the Quiz
IST 515 quizzes are designed to emulate the Certified
Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
certification examination; therefore, its question format,
style, coverage and study methods are similar to CISSP.
Quiz Topics
• Quiz 1: Information Security and Risk Management (Topic 2)
• Quiz 2: Security Architecture and Design (Topic 3)
• Quiz 3: Access Control (Topic 4)
• Quiz 4: Application Security (Topic 5)
• Quiz 5: Physical Security (Topic 6)
• Quiz 6: Operations Security (Topic 7)
• Quiz 7: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (Topic 8)
• Quiz 8: Legal, Compliance, and Investigations (Topic 9)
( Please refer to syllabus for due date )
Quizzes Specifics
• For each quiz, there are 25 questions (randomly
drawn from more than 100 questions) and you will
have about 15 minutes to complete the quiz once
started the quiz. The quiz is a closed book exam,
just like CISSP exam.
• The quizzes are as difficult as CISSP certification.
70% is the passing grade for CISSP. The quiz
average for the class is often below or just near
• If you can find some test bank and practice, your
score may increase (just like preparing for CISSP
Major References
• Tipton, H. and Henry, K.
(Eds.), Official (ISC)2 Guide
to the CISSP CBK,
Auerbach, 2007.
• Hansche, S., Berti, J. and
Hare, C., Official (ISC)2
Guide to the CISSP Exam,
Auerbach, 2004.
Taking the Quiz
The quiz can be found in the Angel site under the
“Quizzes” folder. The quiz will be available when they
are assigned.
The quiz will
be available
when they
are assigned.
Technical Assistance
1. Check the Angel Help Menu (left)
2. Take screenshot, contact Angel
Support (below)
3. Contact us (with screenshot)
Angel Project Folder
Project Guideline
• Purposes
• Project Description
• Project Details
1. Hands-on Lab Development
2. Practical Report
3. Research Paper
• Deliverables
1.Project Proposal
2.Progress Report
3.Final Projects Report
4.Project Presentation
• Overall Project Grading
Drop Box
The main purposes of this project are:
 To develop/enhance in-depth understanding on a
subject in information security and assurance
 To provide students opportunities in practicing:
– problem solving,
– project management,
– communication,
– presentation, and
– teamwork skills.
Types of Project
• This is a team-based project, which can be completed
by a group of 3 or 4 participants.
• You can select one of the following project types:
– design and practice a hands-on penetration test lab,
– write a paper/case to report security incidence or
practice, and
– write a paper to sharpen research skills.
Hands-on Lab Development
• Wireless Networks
• Mobile Phone
• Bluetooth devices
• RFID devices
• e-mail Accounts
• Sensor Networks
• Global Positioning
System (GPS)
• Web Servers
• Session Hijacking
• Spamming
• USB Devices
• Cloud Computing
• Social Network
• VoIP
• …
Research Type Paper
• Economics of Information Security
• Human Factors in Security,
• Trust Negotiation / Management,
• Threats/Risk/Security/Privacy of:
RFID Networks/Systems,
Sensor Networks,
Internet of Things (IoT),
Social Networks,
Cloud Computing,
Supply Chains,
• Project Proposal (15 points).
• Progress Report (20 points): Two scenarios (6
points); Related works (5 points); Framework,
solution method or initial data collection (9 points).
• Final Projects Report (45 Points): The report should
be professionally written and should include both
lab design and report (option 1) or paper.
• Project Presentation/Slide (20 points): quality of
visual aids, organization and content of the
presentation, plus the poise and delivery of the
• Please refer to Syllabus for due dates.
Project Proposal
• The title, description of the subject/issue/problem (what,
why, how) and objectives of the project. (6 points)
• Preliminary review of the literature and Internet
resources. Citations to papers, books, programs, or URLs
that you have consulted in exploring or designing your
project. (5 points)
• A description of your project plan. Discuss how the work
will be divided among the team members. (2 points).
• Writing style and professionalism (2 points).
Recording & Posting
1. Test your computer
2. Record your presentation
3. Post your presentation
For team collaboration
Past Projects
Wireless Network Hacking
Web Server Fingerprinting and Exploitation
XSS and SQL Injection Web Server Attack
Revealing the Threat Behind Social Networking
Developing a Hands-on Spamming Lab
Developing a Security Policy
Penetration Testing on a Live Web-Application
Radio Frequency Identification Security Concerns
Layer 2/3 Network Attacks and Prevention
Attacking a Mobile Phone Hands-on Lab
Threats and Security of Cloud Computing
Thank You?
Any Question?