Homework - Bremen High School District 228

 1.
 2.
Review and collect signed parent letter, classroom rules, and
safety contract
 3.
Safety Power Point
 Homework:
 Safety
 Safety
test is Friday!
TODAY’S GOALS (8/20/14)
 1.
 2. Collect signed parent letter, classroom rules, and safety contract
 3. Student Handbook
 4. Stamp in HW-- safety worksheet
 5. Jefferson High safety video and worksheet
 6. Review video worksheet
 7. Safety diagram
Test—Bring a pencil!
TODAY’S GOALS (8/21/14)
 1.
 2. Collect signed parent letter, classroom rules, and safety contract
 3. Student Handbook
 4. Stamp in HW-- safety worksheet
 5. Review safety worksheet
 6. Safety Test
 7. Elements 1-10 worksheet with periodic table
 Homework.
 Elements 1-10 and
 Bring a pencil to class on Monday!
TODAY’S GOALS (8/22/14)
 1.
 2. Reflection and goal setting worksheet
 3. How did the elements get their names? worksheet
 4. Element Ice Breaker Activity
 Homework:
 Reflection
and goal setting worksheet
 How did the elements get their names? worksheet
 Study element symbols 1-10
 Complete Element Ice Breaker worksheet
TODAY’S GOALS (8/25/14)
 1.
Attendance/New Seats
 2. Stamp in “How did the elements get their names?” worksheet
 3. Safety test corrections
 4. Review Elements 1-10—Quiz Friday
 5. Collect “Reflection and Goal Setting” worksheet
 6. Review Element Ice Breaker Activity
 Homework:
 Study
element symbols 1-10
 Chemistry Core Assessment Pre-test is tomorrow!—Bring a Pencil
TODAY’S GOALS (8/26/14)
Safety Test Corrections
On a separate piece of paper:
1. Write the number of the question you missed.
2. Write the letter of the correct answer.
3. Write out the entire question-answer statement with the correct answer.
4. Write out the entire safety rule(s) that apply to the question.
D Safety glasses/goggles are worn in the laboratory any time chemicals,
heat, or glassware is used.
Wear eye protection (safety glasses) at all times during a laboratory period.
This is required by state law, and there will be no exceptions.
 1.
Attendance/New Seats
 2. Chemistry Core Assessment Pre-test
 3. Stamp in “How did the elements get their names?” worksheet
 4. Safety test corrections
 5. Review Elements 1-10—Quiz Friday! Make Flash cards.
 6. Collect “Reflection and Goal Setting” worksheet
 7. Review Element Ice Breaker Activity
 8. Lab Equipment
 Homework:
 Study
element symbols 1-10
 Read white powder lab
TODAY’S GOALS (8/27/14)
 1.
Attendance/New Seats
 2. Review “How did the elements get their names?” worksheet
 3. Safety test corrections
 4. Review Elements 1-10—Quiz tomorrow! Make Flash cards.
 5. Review Element Ice Breaker Activity
 6. Lab Equipment Power Point
 7. Measuring Volume Lab
 Homework:
 Study
element symbols 1-10—Quiz Tomorrow!
 Read white powder lab
 Lab Tomorrow---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (8/28/14)
 1.
 2. Review Measuring Volume Lab
 3. Elements 1-10—Quiz
 4. White Powder Lab---Steps 1 and 2.
 5. Elements 1-20 worksheet
 6. Collect August Stamp Sheet
 Homework:
 Element
symbols 1-20 worksheet
 White powder lab Analysis Questions
 Lab Tuesday and Wednesday---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (8/29/14)
 1.
 2. White Powder Lab.
 3. Elements 1-20 worksheet due
 4. September Stamp Sheet
 Homework:
 Study
Element symbols 1-20 worksheet and Flash Cards
 White powder lab Analysis Questions
 Lab Tomorrow---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/2/14)
 1.
 2. White Powder Lab complete part A and begin part B
 3. Lab Analysis Questions
 Homework:
 Study
Element symbols 1-20 worksheet and Flash Cards
 White powder lab Analysis Questions
 Lab Tomorrow---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/3/14)
 1.
 2. Complete White Powder Lab
 3. Review Lab Analysis Questions
 Homework:
 Study
Element symbols 1-20 worksheet and Flash Cards
 Quiz Tomorrow--- Elements 1-20
TODAY’S GOALS (9/4/14)
 1. Attendance
 2.
Quiz--Elements 1-20
 3. Elements 1-36 Worksheet
 4. Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Video and Worksheet
 Homework:
 Study
Element symbols 1-36 worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Quiz--- Elements 1-36 next Friday!
 Weekly Progress Report Due Monday!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/5/14)
 1. Attendance
 2.
Weekly progress report due
 3. Elements, Compounds and Mixtures PPT
 4. Nuts and Bolts Lab
 Homework:
 Study
Element symbols 1-36 worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Quiz--- Elements 1-36 Friday!
 Nuts and Bolts lab due
TODAY’S GOALS (9/8/14)
 1.
 2.
Stamp in Nuts and Bolts Lab
 3.
Computer Lab—ChemThink “The Particulate Nature of Matter”. You must
answer 10 quiz questions correctly and have a teacher sign the quiz to receive
 Homework:
 Study
Element symbols 1-36 worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Quiz---
Elements 1-36 Friday!
 Computer
Lab—ChemThink “The Particulate Nature of Matter” due
TODAY’S GOALS (9/9/14)
 1.
 2.
Stamp in Nuts and Bolts Lab
 3.
How to Count Atoms PPT
 4.
How to Count Atoms Worksheet
 5.
Review Nuts and Bolts Lab
 6.
Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Worksheet
 Homework:
 Quiz---Elements
1-36 Friday!
 Computer
Lab—ChemThink “The Particulate Nature of Matter” due Tomorrow.
You must answer 10 quiz questions correctly and have a teacher sign the quiz to
receive credit!
 Atoms,
Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Worksheet
TODAY’S GOALS (9/10/14)
 1.
 2.
ChemThink “The Particulate Nature of Matter” due
 3.
Review Nuts and Bolts Lab
 4.
Stamp in and review Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Worksheet
 5.
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab—Activities 1 and 2
 Homework:
 Quiz---Elements
 Complete
 Read
 Lab
1-36 Tomorrow!
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab—Activities 1 and 2
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab Activity 3
Tomorrow---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/11/14)
 1.
 2.
Quiz---Elements 1-36
 3.
Strange Elements Worksheet
 2.
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab—Activity 3 Steps 1-4
 Homework:
 Weekly
Progress report due Monday!
 Study
Strange Element Symbols worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Read
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab Activity 3
 Lab
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/12/14)
 1.
 2.
Weekly Progress Report Due
 3.
Complete Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab—Activity 3
 4.
Answer Activity 3 Questions and Calculations
 Homework:
 Study
Strange Element Symbols worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Activity
 Read
 Lab
3 Questions and Calculations
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab Activity 4
Tuesday and Wednesday---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/15/14)
 1.
 2.
Complete Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab—Activities 3 and 4
 3.
Answer Lab Activities 3 and 4 Questions and Calculations
 Homework:
 Study
Strange Element Symbols worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Activity
 Read
 Lab
3 Questions and Calculations
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab Activity 4
Tomorrow---Wear Proper Lab Attire!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/16/14)
 1.
 2.
Complete Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab—Activities 3 and 4
 3.
Answer Lab Activities 3 and 4 Questions and Calculations
 Homework:
 Study
Strange Element Symbols worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Activities
3 and 4 Questions and Calculations
TODAY’S GOALS (9/17/14)
 1.
 2.
Brain Pop- Compounds and Mixtures video and worksheet
 3.
Review Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab
 Homework:
 Study
Strange Element Symbols worksheet and make Flash Cards
 Complete
Activities 3 and 4 Questions and Calculations
TODAY’S GOALS (9/18/14)
 1.
 2.
Strange Elements Quiz
 3.
Properties of Matter Packet
 4.
Physical vs. Chemical Properties PPT
 5.
Stamp in and Review Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab Activity 3
 Homework:
 Complete
Properties of Matter Packet
 Elements,
Compounds and Mixture Quiz on Tuesday
TODAY’S GOALS (9/19/14)
 1.
 2.
Strange Elements Quiz Corrections
 3.
Stamp in Properties of Matter Packet
 4.
Bill Nye—Chemical Reactions
 5.
Stamp in and Review Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Lab Activity 4
 Homework:
 Highlight
the italicized terms, definitions and examples from the background
section of the ECM Lab
 Elements,
Compounds and Mixture Quiz Tomorrow
TODAY’S GOALS (9/22/14)
 1.
 2.
Copperhead lab
 3.
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Quiz
 Homework:
 Physical
vs. Chemical Change Worksheet
TODAY’S GOALS (9/23/14)
 1.
 2.
Brain Pop--Property Changes and Quiz
 3.
Physical and Chemical Changes Worksheet
 4.
Physical and Chemical Changes Lab
 Homework:
 Physical
vs. Chemical Change Worksheet
TODAY’S GOALS (9/24/14)
 1.
 2.
Physical and Chemical Changes PPT
 3.
Stamp in and Review Physical and Chemical Changes Lab Part 1 and
Physical and Chemical Changes Worksheet
 4.
Physical and Chemical Changes Lab Part 2
 Homework:
 Physical
 Bring
vs. Chemical Change Lab Part 2 Questions
a penny tomorrow!
TODAY’S GOALS (9/25/14)
 1.
 2.
Stamp in Physical and Chemical Changes Lab Part 2
 3.
Copper to Gold Lab
 4.
Review Physical and Chemical Changes Lab Parts 1 and 2
 Homework:
 Copper
to Gold Lab Questions
TODAY’S GOALS (9/26/14)
 1.
Attendance and WPR
 2.
Stamp in Copper to Gold Lab
 3.
Review Physical and Chemical Changes Lab Part 1 and 2, Physical
and Chemical Changes Worksheet and Copper to Gold Lab
 4.
ECM Test Review
 Homework:
 Study
for Test on Wednesday
TODAY’S GOALS (9/29/14)
 1.
 2.
September Calendar due
 3.
Computer Lab—Online Test Review
 Homework:
 Complete
 Study
online test review.
for Test Tomorrow. Bring a Pencil
TODAY’S GOALS (9/30/14)
 1.
 2.
Computer Lab—Online Test Review Due
 3.
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Test Today
 4.
Brain Pop—Atomic Structure
 Homework:
TODAY’S GOALS (10/01/14)
 1.
 2.
Review Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Test
 3.
Bill Nye Atoms Video and Worksheet
 Homework:
 Lesson
9—What are atoms? and Lesson 10—What are the parts of the
TODAY’S GOALS (10/02/14)
 1.
 2.
Stamp in Lesson 9—What are atoms? and Lesson 10—What are the parts
 3.
of the atom?
Atoms and the Periodic Table PPT and Notes
 Homework:
 Determining
 Atoms
p,n,e, atomic number and atomic mass worksheet
Family Worksheet
TODAY’S GOALS (10/03/14)