Approved Minutes – CASEM Board Meeting Delta Okanagan Kelowna, Columbia Room June 19-20, 2012 Present: Dr. Bruce Davidson, President Dr. Renata Frankovich, President Elect Dr. Janice Harvey, Past President Dr. Jennifer Fletcher, Director, NB Dr. Ed Pilat, Director, MB Dr. Alan Vernec, Director, QC Dr. Pierre Frémont, Director, QC Dr. Laura Cruz, Director, ON Dr. Richard Goudie, Director, ON Dr. Victor Lun, Director AB Dawn Haworth, Executive Director Barbara Falardeau, Administrative Assistant Jaime McLean, Communications Officer 1. Opening Remarks and Welcome Dr. Bruce Davidson welcomed the Board Directors to the CASEM Board Meeting in Kelowna BC. 2. Review and Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Board meeting held in Kelowna October 28-30th 2011 were reviewed and approved. The conference call minutes from April 3, 2012 were reviewed and accepted as standing. MOTION: Janice Harvey/Pierre Fremont: That the minutes from CASEM Board Meeting, October 28-30, 2011 and April 3, 2012 be approved. Carried. 3. Approval of Agenda 1 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 Additions to the Agenda under Other Business: 4. Applications for Centre of Excellence (Laura Cruz) Hit Count Initiative (Pierre Fremont) Presidential Report Dr. Anthony Galea (Update and Appeal Decision) Dr. Bruce Davidson updated the Board on the recent appeal panel hearing held on May 10 th 2012. He applauded the work of the appeal panel (Drs. Wilkinson, Shrier and Jeff Palamar) for their thoroughness and professional approach. The decision of the appeal panel, agreed by both parties ahead of time, was final. A full appeal submission document outlining decision making process was provided by the appeal panel. They did uphold the original decision of the CASEM board with the following amendments: 1. Membership with CASEM is revoked for 3 years from October 24 2011. 2. Dip. Sport Med. designation cannot be used (as it requires continuous membership within CASEM). 3. Dr. Galea can re-apply for membership in CASEM as of October 24, 2014 under the condition that he has attended a CASEM or CPSO recognized training program in ethics. 4. Dr. Galea, should he re-join CASEM, would have to re-sit the Diploma in Sport Medicine examination after October 24 2014 in order to be considered to have the Dip. Sport Med. The Board discussed at length next steps which included: - Does CASEM inform the CSPO of its revocation of Dr. Gale’s membership; Do we inform the membership and if so, how? Can we do it at the AGM which is a closed door meeting? Do we make a public announcement? Do we include information on the public side of the website? Do we inform other relevant bodies of the CASEM decision? Whilst the Board reach consensus to not to make the decision public, they requested further guidance and it was suggested that Dawn Haworth contact the CASEM lawyer for further 2 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 direction and input in terms of a) informing the membership at the AGM and b) whether CASEM informs the College. Post discussion note: The lawyer responded whilst there is nothing in the CASEM Bylaws which prevents disclosure of the results of the Galea appeal to the membership (he would not disclose a copy of the decision), CASEM should be aware that communicating the result could lead to a potential claim of defamation and/or slander. Given the lawyer’s response, the Board agreed that they would not inform the membership at the AGM or, at this point in time, inform the College. They would, however, respond openly to any member’s questions or queries on the matter with only facts (of process and decision making). Canadian Concussion Collaborative (CCC) The Quick Scat or “Five Things to Know about Concussion” was approved by the Canadian Concussion Collaborative and is presently going through peer review. The approved Quick Scat will be published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. The next CCC meeting is planned for fall 2012. CME Module (CMA) – Update CASEM had originally approached CMA (Dr. Sam Shortt) with regard to the development of an online CME module on Concussion Awareness. A joint proposal was established and CMA and CASEM and approached the NHL, Trillium Funds and IIHF among others but the response was luke warm with no financial support forthcoming. CMA did have some funds available and were willing to support the project with joint funding from CASEM but CASEM could not contribute the amount required ($70k) to move the project forward. Subsequently, Dr. Shortt proceeded with the initiative in collaboration with the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation who funded the project in its entirety. The CCC will endorse the project if found suitable and Dr. Shortt will present at the upcoming CCC meeting in the fall of 2012. 3 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 5. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Pierre Fremont Audited Financial Statements 2011 The audited financial statements for 2011 were previously approved by the Board. Pierre will present at the AGM to update members on the CASEM financial picture for 2011. Investment Portfolio Dr. Pierre Fremont presented the secretary report and an update on the investments. The auditor suggested with the new Not-for-Profit Act coming into play, financial statements should be reviewed by the Secretary Treasurer monthly and then bi-monthly by the Executive Committee. MOTION: Pierre Fremont/Bruce Davidson: That the financial Statements will be reviewed as following: Monthly review by the Secretary/Treasurer; bi-monthly review by the Executive Members of the CASEM Board; Three times yearly by the CASEM Board - Carried CASEM has a nice balance of mutual funds and GICS. The balanced Sunwise portfolio has rallied and is only now up to the original amount invested and that figure continues to vacillate depending on market forces. This is a guaranteed investment account so CASEM will be guaranteed our initial investment amount at the end of maturation (10 years). The GIC interest levels are still very low and therefore GICs that are coming up to maturation will be kept in short term 90 day GICs so when the rates increase the money can be invested longer term. CASEM continues to use the services of Kronish Financial Services. The Board questioned if CASEM is getting a good deal with the present investment company and suggested comparing investment fees with other financial institutions. Dr. Jennifer Fletcher offered that her husband take a look at the investments and give an evaluation on the investment fees. 4 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 6. National Office Report – Dawn Haworth CASEM received a large influx of new membership applications in the first half of this year. The goal is for 800 members by the end of 2012. The Board reviewed the list of Dip. Sport Med members who have yet to renew their membership and an effort will be made to contact individually those members and encourage them to remain with CASEM. JCSMS - Janice Harvey and Dawn were invited to the Joint Commission Meeting in Portland in the spring. Renata Frankovich supersedes Janice Harvey as JCSMS rep and will attend to the next meeting in Alabama in 2013. Dawn Haworth will notify JCSMS staff of the change in representation. Jaime McLean joined the CASEM office in March 2012 as the new communications officer on a part-time basis. This appointment is a one-year contract and will be reviewed by the Board at the 2012 fall meeting following a recommendation from the Executive Director and 2013 operating budget projections. 7. Advisory Board – Update James Penman, strategic planning consultant and Jeff Palamar, lawyer, were invited to join the CASEM Advisory Board and both have agreed. The Board is still looking for a Marketing/Communications expert to join the Advisory Board and have received an application from Allison Seymour. The Board needs to discuss the role of the advisory board at the fall meeting. It was suggested that advisory board members join the CASEM Board for one day where the Board will discuss the Communication and Marketing Plan for 2013. 8. Committee Reports: Professional Services (Ed Pilat) Communications/Membership The annual sponsorship contribution from Industry was somewhat lighter in 2012 however CASEM still managed to secure 40K in corporate sponsorship money. Jaime and Dawn, along with Dr. Marshall, will continue to seek out new sponsorship opportunities. Jaime took over the production of the CASEM Newsletter from Barbara. The idea is to update the newsletter with more scientific input from the Publications 5 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 Committee and publish bi-monthly. Dr. Andrew Marshall will continue to chair of the Timely Topics Series. The workshop on Running Injuries in Hamilton and Ottawa were a great success and another course is planned for the fall. Dr. Marshall is also interested in holding another Anti-Doping Course probably as preconference to Whistler. Jaime and Pierre Fremont will be working on revamping the CASEM website during the summer months. The CASEM facebook page is regularly visited and posted on by CASEM members with updates on sport and CASEM events. CASEM has now a twitter account and Jaime is sending out regular tweets. Selection The Selections Committee sent out emails to potential candidates for the Olympics and there were large number of applications to review. The application form had to be slightly modified to match the ranking grid criteria. Games applications stay in general low though. CASEM needs to assess motivations and hesitations of members to apply for major games. The Head Office will develop a survey and send out to members to get their feedback. The Chair suggested that the committee asks for an evaluation or character reference for Game applicants. This is to help teams to be more cohesive and effective during game coverage. Another solution is that the Ad-hoc committee invites the CMO provides input on the Selection calls. ACTION: Richard Goudie to bring forward suggestions as to either have the CMO on the call or get a reference letter from the past CMO regarding Games applicants . Publications Dr. Margaret Burghadt accepted the position of Chair of the Publications Committee. As per an earlier decision by the CASEM Board, all position papers on the CASEM website are reviewed after three years by the primary author and if not reviewed and updated, the papers will be pulled after five years. The committee suggested that a deadline for the review be given to the authors and if by the deadline no update has been done, the paper will be pulled from the CASEM website. Margaret is tweaking the CASEM Guidelines to match the guidelines published by the Clinical Journal. The Board gave the Chair approval to go ahead with the guidelines. Another neglected document is the Selected Readings for candidates who want to prepare for the CASEM exam. It was suggested to the Board that the reading list from the sport medicine fellowship programs could be posted on the CASEM website. The Board decided that the Core Competencies from the fellowships are on the CASEM website and can be Goggled or obtained through SIRC services. The Publications Committee will continue to encourage sport medicine fellows to contribute to the newsletter under the direction of the fellowship director. The 6 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 credentials committee was asked to look at the Core Competencies and align the CASEM exam to the competencies. ACTION: update the Credentials Committee that only Core Competencies should be examined Team Physician Coordination Committee Dr. Watson did not submit a report as there were no new activities. Dr. Paul Watson stepped down as Chair and Dr. Janet McKeown took over the Committee Chair position. Accreditation (Jennifer Fletcher) Credentials The Board received the report from Credentials. The next exam will be held in Calgary in November and at the time of writing, 48 candidates have confirmed places making the exam full. New Appeal Policy - The committee had recently changed two policies with respect to the exam that had unforeseen consequences. First, the committee voted that candidates will only be informed that they Passed or Failed, but would not receive any other information. Second, the committee voted to increase the Appeal fee to $300, and that this would apply to all appeals. After the last exam, there were six appeals and in some of them, the candidate outlined potential process errors on a station but that station had no relevance to the candidate passing or failing the exam. Had the candidate known the criteria by which they failed, the candidate would not have submitted such an appeal. Evaluating this appeal required only a couple of minutes. The committee decided to maintain the $300 fee to file the appeal. However, if the appeal itself is clearly not relevant, the candidate will be given a $200 credit toward the upcoming exam. If the appeal is considered potentially relevant and has to be evaluated, the $300 fee will be applied. This fee is reimbursed if the appeal is considered to have merit (i.e. either the decision is reversed or the candidate passes, or the candidate is allowed to rewrite the examination for free). All other appeal processes remain the same. The Board approved the new Appeal Policy and this will come into effect for the 2012 exam. 7 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 - Specialty Status RCPSC Update (Merrilee Zetaruk) Following CASEM’s application last spring for recognition by the Royal College as an Area of Focused Competence, a nationwide consultation with various stakeholders (e.g. medical licensing bodies, Post-gradual Medical Education Deans, medical students, etc.) was carried out. The results of this consultation along with our application were reviewed by the Committee on Specialties at the Royal College in October, 2011. The COS supported the application and recommended that it proceed to the Education Committee for final approval. The Education Committee reviewed the application in November 2011 and approved our application to recognize Sport and Exercise Medicine as an AFC Diploma discipline with the proviso that the Competency Training Requirements and portfolio documents be simplified to make implementation more feasible by programs. A working group has been created as a new Specialty Committee (AFC) in Sport and Exercise Medicine. The members of this group are: Bob Foxford (EM); Anita Pozgay (EM); Bob McCormack (Ortho); Mark Roberts (Int Med); Claire Leblanc (Rheum); Deirdre McLean (PM&R); Merrilee Zetaruk (Peds) The primary task of this group in the shorter term will be to review the documents I submitted as part of the application and simplify them / modify them according to new templates that the Royal College has developed. We are scheduled to meet in Ottawa, Sept. 13 and 14th for a workshop to begin the implementation of Sport and Exercise Medicine as a Royal College AFC Discipline. CFPC Update (Lisa Fischer) The process has been a long one however Dr. Lisa Fischer reported that the CFPC has approved "SD programs", (much like the Royal College has approved "Diplomas") and SEM is one of those programs that has been approved for review. Next steps include: 8 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 A working group from the CFPC will contact each group above, to move forward with program development, accreditation, etc (the SOT will require each program to develop competencies, evaluation, etc.) Need to determine criteria for “practice eligible routes “for special designation within our focused practice area. Dr. Fischer has put forth the idea of a portfolio grid with points assigned for each category (Diploma would be a mandatory point). Establish a system to ensure ongoing competency through CPD, etc the CASEM fellowship committee will need to discuss the current competency framework, discuss evaluative tools, CPD requirements, grand parenting - this should be done within the next 3 months in order for SEM to have a solid plan to move forward with the CFPC review, to be discussed at fellowship committee meeting in Kelowna The goal is for everything to be completed by Jan 2013 for awarding special designation (though Dr. Fischer noted that her experience with the College to date would suggest that this date is overly optimistic!) - Fellowship Committee The Fellowship Committee is currently preparing for modifications to Core Competencies to fit within CANMEDS and Triple C curriculum pending direction from CFPC. They also continue to align primary care PGY3 programs with common deadline for applications to PGY-3 program - Academic (Alan Vernec) Research Dr. Victor Lun’s 7 year term as committee chair will end in June, 2012. Dr. Michael Koehle has agreed to chair the committee beginning in June, 2012. 9 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 The committee reviewed applications for the CASM Research Grant (RG) and New Investigator Grant (NIG). Dr. Lun noted that with the NIG award, two recipients were within a fraction of scored points from each other and requested an additional $7500 from the Board so that both applicants could be given the opportunity to receive a grant. The Board discussed however given the current fiscal constraints CASEM is working in, they turned down Dr. Lun’s request. - Annual Symposium 2012 Kelowna The 2012 Kelowna meeting has not been without its challenges and the roles and responsibilities of the key players (scientific chair versus overall chair) need some discussion by the Board. The new model of day one caused difficulties in planning/finances. The Board agreed that the meeting is a collaborative effort between CASEM Head Office and the Program Chair and the Program Chair should be responsible for all details associated with running an annual conference in consultation with the Executive Director. 2013 Whistler - “Sport Medicine on the Western Edge” The conference is being chaired by Dr. Dory Boyer and planning is going well. The 2013 organizing committee will present a projected budget to the Board at their fall meeting. It is anticipated that attendance and therefore projected profit expectations will be similar to that of Newfoundland. 2014 FIMS World Conference – Quebec City The organizing committee for this world conference is comprised of both FIMS and CASEM members. The organizing committee is chaired by Dr. Preston Wiley and Dr. Julia Alleyne represents FIMS in her role as Chair of the Education Commission. Dr. Pierre Frémont will jointly represent CASEM as the President alongside Dr. Lyle Michelli who will be President of FIMS in 2014. The Board reviewed a letter received by Dr. Jean Doré – Dr. Doré is requesting the Board consider his request for a lead-role and title in this conference organizing committee. The Board discussed his request and whilst they were appreciative of allof his efforts in the part he played with regard to brining the meeting to Quebec, his role would remain that of a member of the organizing committee. 10 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 2015 PAN AM A meeting was be held in Kelowna between Julia Alleyne, Renata Frankovich, Bruce Davidson and Tatiana Jevremovic to look at finding common ground to move forward with the PAN AM after PAN AM rejected two proposals submitted by CASEM. After that meeting, Dr. Alleyne submitted a new proposal however this was not accepted by the CASEM Board in principle as the Board believe strongly that CASEM should retain financial control of the meeting. Renata Frankovich will relay Board comments back to Dr. Alleyne and suggest a further meeting to see if a compromise can be reached. - Team Physician Course Development Committee This committee will meet in Kelowna and review the schedule of upcoming courses for the next 3 year cycle as they relate to future CASEM meetings and locations. These include: Advanced Course in Sport Medicine; FIMS Team Physician Course; Emergency Sideline Course and new endurance sport medicine Course in conjunction with Ironman Canada. - Timely Topics/Other CME The Running Injuries Timely Topics has been given successful twice, once in Hamilton immediately prior to Around the Bay and again in Ottawa in conjunction with the Ottawa Race Weekend organizing committee. Both courses were very well evaluated. A third course may be offered in the fall of 2012 or spring of 2013. Clinical Issues I (Richard Goudie) - Athletes with a Disability Dr. Russell O’Connor took over the Chair position for this committee and is motivated to get the committee members involved again. The Committee will have a meeting in Kelowna and establish one and three year goals. - Wilderness Medicine The new co-chairs are Dr. Ivy Chen and Dr. Michael Koehle. The committee did not report any new activities. The committee is working on a pronouncement on Altitude Implications for Sports and Exercise Medicine. - Performing Arts Medicine No new activities and no report were submitted for the Board Meeting in Kelowna 2012. 11 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 Clinical Issues II (Laura Cruz) - Sport Safety The Chair of the Sport Safety Committee did not submit a new report. The committee will continue to work on the outstanding issues from the last board report. The committee did not get a new submission date for the publication of bicycle helmet paper. The committee proposed last year to submit an article on Sport Safety for the CASEM Newsletter but nothing has been submitted so far. Jennifer Fletcher chaired a committee meeting in Kelowna and will report back to the Board - WIISM The WIISM breakfast talk was rolled into the main session on Friday morning this year. Connie Lebrun presented an update on concussion. The Abuse, Harassment and Bullying in Sport Paper was published in the Journal last September. Manon Cote attended CS4L with a poster presentation on the CASEM Exercise in Pregnancy Guidelines in Ottawa in January. The WIISM committee was asked to provide a letter of support to Dr. Michelle Mottola who is applying for a CIHR grant to update and test the Exercise Pregnancy Guidelines including Par Med Ex Tool. Mary Jane Desouza, president of FAT Coalition asked for support from WIISM to convince the editors to exclude the planned point- counter-point debate regarding the existence of the Female Athlete Triad in the April JACSM Health and Fitness journal. Manon Cote asked the CASEM Board if there is a process for Board approval for support letters. The Board replied that as the Chair of WIISM Dr. Cote has approval to write letters of support since there are no position statements on these subjects. Dr. Jennifer Fletcher completed the position paper on Osteoporosis. ACTION: Laura Cruz: to let Manon Cote know that the Board approved the support letters. ACTION: Laura to follow up on the status of the CIHR grant. - Pediatric Exercise Medicine The current Chair of the Pediatric Committee is Dr. Erika Persson. Dr. Laura Purcell took on a lead in the pediatric concussion and is updating the CPS’s previous position papers. Laura Purcell will represent CASEM at the Ontario Health School Head Injury Prevention with the Ministry of Education. The committee decided after a debate with CPS that there are no changes or updates to the current Backyard Trampoline Paper and reaffirmed the position 12 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 statement as it was previously submitted and published by CASEM and CPS. Drs. Philpott, Luke, and Zetaruk will have the draft of the needed revisions to the Physical Inactivity in Children and Adolescents Position Statement (2004) completed in the fall 2012. 9. Affiliated Representatives - EIM Update - Dr. Renata Frankovich Dr Frankovich is representing CASEM on the EIM initiative which is projected to be launched in Canada in October of 2012 at the CSEP conference. Dr. Pierre Frémont is representing the CFPC SEM section. An inaugural meeting was held in Victoria and a plan of execution is being developed by Susan Yungblut, the national task force manager. There will be a focus group meeting in Kelowna headed up by CSEP at which CASEM Board members and EIM US founders (Bob Sallis and Steven Blair) have been invited. 10. 2012 Budget Development and Review of 2012 Budget Dawn Haworth presented a revised budget for 2012 which looks at a balanced budget with expectations that Kelowna will provide +/- $65K profit and the investments continue to produce an average of 3% (portfolio and GIC). The MSK course, Sideline Emergency and Injury Prevention are all projected to run at break even. Income Clinical Journal Sport Medicine Donations EXAM (fees & sponsorship) Investment Income Membership Miscellaneous Income Corporate Sponsorship Symposium Revenue Advanced Course in Sport Med Team Physician Development Course Injury Prevention 40,000 3,000 72,600 30,000 240,000 5,000 45,000 206,000 0 0 25,000 13 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 Timely Topics, Pilot Emergency Sidelines MSK Total Income 30,000 16,700 22,820 736,120 Expense Board/Executive - 3 Meetings Board plus Chairs/Ad. Board Subscriptions (625 member subs) National Office FIMS Subscriptions Credentials Travelling Scholarships Research Committee Specialty Status/Fellowship Mtg Team Physician Course Dev (Advanced Course in Sport Med) Translation Committee Work Annual Symposium Advanced course in Sport Med CASM/FIMS Team physician Development Injury Prevention* Timely Topics, Pilot Timely Topics, (Running Injuries/endurance medicine) Emergency Sidelines MSK Special Projects COC Representation CMA Representation FIMS Expert Group Representation Sportdiscus Member Recruitment FISU Sponsorship/Student Bursary Sponsor Recognition Total Expense Net Income 35,000 0 70,000 270,000 3000 63,840 7,500 22,500 2,000 0 3000 10,000 137,500 0 0 24,640 25,000 12,900 18,000 10,000 1500 1500 10,000 1000 6,100 5,000 0 0 739,980 -3,860 14 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 Motion: PF/JH – that the revised projected budget for 2012 be approved. Carried 11. 2012 Election Results From 1st July 2012, Renata Frankovich will take over as President, Dr. Pierre Frémont as President-Elect and Dr. Janice Harvey as Secretary-Treasurer. Dr. Jennifer Fletcher will begin a 2nd 3-year term as Director for Atlantic Provinces. All appointments will be ratified by CASEM members at the AGM. 12. - Any Other Business Applications for Centre of Excellence (Laura Cruz) Dr. Cruz asked the Board to consider supporting, in principle, the application of the Sport Care unit in Toronto for the FIMS Centre of Excellence. The FIMS Collaborating Centres of Excellence will facilitate regional and national educational and research networks to promote best practice sport medicine principles for athlete care and the promotion of active living on an international basis. Goals: 1. To promote an international standard of excellence in clinical care through knowledge transfer and exchange. 2. To develop and deliver accessible FIMS educational courses (TPC, Advanced, Instructors, Rehabilitation and Emergency Sidelines) on a regular basis to Sport Medicine professionals. 3. To promote a mentoring model applicable to developing countries and early career professionals for advancement of sport medicine best practices. 4. To engage an international network of FIMS members in collaborative research efforts promoting evidence-based sport medicine. 5. To promote the membership and participation in the FIMS organization for international sport medicine. - Hit Count Initiative (Pierre Fremont) 15 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739 Dr. Fremont apprised the Board of a new concussion initiative out of the USA concentrating on concussions in youth. Whilst concussions have been making headlines in professional sports for the past five years, youth sports organizations have not received the same public scrutiny, and therefore while most programs have taken positive steps on the concussion issue, few if any are actively working to limit exposure to sub-concussive brain trauma. Today, children are exposed to levels of brain trauma that are considered dangerous and unacceptable for adults. Hit Count is asking youth sports organizations to change the ways games are played and practiced, with the goal of significantly reducing the number of head hits children incur during sports participation. The next step will be to convene a meeting of experts, sports organizations, thought leaders, and industry to explore the current state of knowledge and the steps that would need to be taken to establish, adopt, and measure a Hit Count. The CASEM Board agreed that there has been very little focus so far on concussion and subclinical head trauma prevention in the increasingly popular field of youth contact sports. The board therefore felt that this initiative deserves CASEM’s attention and further understanding. Pierre will contact Katerine Schock at the Sports Legacy Institute to determine next steps and indicate CASEM’s interest. 13. Adjournment The next CASEM Board meeting is scheduled before the CASEM exam on November 8-9, 2012 in Calgary AB. 16 180 rue Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 – 1-877-585-2394 F. 613-231-3739