- For the Future: The Campaign for Penn State Students

DDAR Summer Internship
November 18, 2015
Information Session
University Development?
 What is it?
 It’s impact in the U.S.
 Development at Penn State
What does Development Support?
 Endowments
 Academic departments
 Lectureships
 Program support
 Research funds
 College/Campus Scholarship
 Buildings. This very building we’re
meeting in!
Visibility of Donor Support at Penn State
The Ultimate Penn State Summer Experience
 Involvement – “Real Work”
 Networking with Senior Leaders, Donors, Peers
 Visibility
 Field Trips – Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Children’s Hospital
 1:1 Coaching Relationship and Tailored Professional Development
 Did we mention it’s PAID, PAID, and PAID?
Internship Program
 11-Week Full Time
Program: 5/16 – 7/30/16
 Unit vs. Friday Sessions
 University Development
 Colleges
 Campuses
 Central Units
 Alumni Association
Katie Fiorillo
 Undergraduate:
 Major in Journalism, Minor in Entrepreneurship
 Involved with THON and Empower Orphans
 2015 Summer DDAR Internship
 Corporate and Foundation Relations
 Grant writing, corporate campus visits,
 Current:
 Interning part time with Corporate and
Foundation Relations
 Future:
 Moving to Tanzania, Summer 2016, to work as
the Sponsorship Coordinator and
Communications Office for SEGA Girls School
Mary Beth Spang
 Hometown:
 Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania
 Undergraduate:
 Linguistics, Spanish, and English major
 Involved with Habitat for Humanity, Council of Lionhearts, and the
Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council
 2015 DDAR Internship:
 College of Engineering
 Traveling, prospecting, learning about philanthropy @ Penn State
 Development Communications
 Writing, editing, proposals
 Current: Assistant Director of Development,
College of Education
 Identify, cultivate, solicit, and steward Penn State donors—raising funds
for Penn State College of Education student scholarships, programs, and
Geoff Halberstadt
 Undergraduate: Undergrad Involvement: THON,
Student Philanthropy Council, Senior Class Gift, &
student government
 DDAR Summer Internship: 2010 – Internship Unit: Ag
 2011 Penn State alumnus with degrees in Political
Science & History
 Career at Penn State: Hired by Penn State in October
2011 – 3 years: Assistant Director of Development, 1
year: Associate Director of Development, College of
 Responsibilities:
 Meet one-on-one with Penn State alumni and
connect alumni, friends, and corporate partners to
Engineering and PSU in a meaningful, strategic way
 Identify, cultivate, solicit, and steward Penn State
donors. I raise gifts of $50,000 or more for Penn
State Engineering student scholarships, program
funds, and faculty.
 Fun fact: Largest gift I’ve worked on was $1.5M
Beyond the Internship
 Penn State University Development—impressive scope, accomplishments and
 Internship program is nationally recognized
 47% of graduates are working in the field of philanthropy
 27% are working here at Penn State-an 11% increase from 2014 to 2015
Near and Far…
More Information
How to Apply
 Application is live now!
 Navigate to psu.jobs
 Select: Division of Development and Alumni Relations
Job ID: #60439
 Login and Apply
 Application Deadline: January 3, 2015
Application Closes
First Round Interviews
Second Round Interviews
Notification of Final Decisions
Start of Internship
Celebration/Program Close
January 3
Late January
Early March
May 16
July 30
“Over and over during my career, I’ve seen philanthropy make the difference
between the good and the great. And the support of Penn State’s alumni and
friends is putting greatness in reach for our students and our institution.”
-President Eric J. Barron