English 20-1 and 20-2 homework assignments 2010 Semester 1


English 20-1 and 20-2 Assignments and Homework 2010-2011 Semester One

Monday, August 30

Course Outline and Expectations

Independent Reading Expectations

 Begin “Relationships” Unit – “My Song” p238 Viewpoints - read together and answer questions from board

Tuesday, August 31

 “Mother” p288 Viewpoints – read, go over ‘paradox’ and ‘allusion’, students complete a response (on handout – uploaded to the English 20 Homework and Assignments)

Wednesday, September 1

 “1958” – Echoes 11, p 6 – read and discuss the poem, students answer questions p16


– 5 (do 2 – 5 together, have students hand in #1)

Practice Reading Comp – “Equal Opportunity”

Thursday, September 2

 Review for tomorrow’s quiz

 “The Glass Roses” – on handout – as a class, complete a web on society’s perception of the ‘ideal man’, read story and begin to work on vocabulary – choose 5 words from the story that were unfamiliar, define them and either illustrate them or use them in a sentence.

Friday, September 3

Quiz on Relationships poetry

Independent reading time – remember to record on the log and respond in journal form

Tuesday, September 7

 “The Glass Roses” – finish vocabulary from Thursday, small groups of students complete questions and hand in

 “Boys and Girls” – read story together p44 Viewpoints

Wednesday, September 8

Assign and submit vocabulary from handout

Students, in pairs or small groups, focus on one of the elements from the story. These were shared with the class and notes were taken on the smartboard.

Thursday, September 9

 Finished reading “The Lamp at Noon” together and completed the questions as a class

I also provided instructions for the script assignment

Friday, September 10

Independent Reading – don’t forget to log your minutes and complete the journals and activities – these are due September 24 th

Monday, September 13

Time to work on script assignment – drafts are due tomorrow

Tuesday, September 14

Type script assignment in computer lab

 “Saturday Climbing” – personal response journal – describe typical sources of parent/teen conflict

Read story and discuss as a class

 Students filled out a graphic organizer on the theme entitled “Narrative Frame for

Discovering Theme”, and notes on the extended metaphor

Wednesday, September 15

 Mass at St. Mary’s

Thursday, September 16

 We watched the film version of “Boys and Girls” and discussed the differences between the written text and the visual text

Friday, September 17

Independent Reading – these are due one week from today

Monday, September 20

 View film “Finding Forrester” and fill out viewing chart as a class

Tuesday, September 21

Finish watching the film from yesterday, finish chart

Distribute questions and complete #1

– 6 as a class

Wednesday, September 22

 Finish discussion questions for “Finding Forrester” and hand in

Major assignment number 1 – I went over the expectations for the essay assignment for the Relationships unit for both -1 and -2. We will be working on these on Monday and

Tuesday, and a draft will be due next week

Friday, September 24

Independent Reading – due today

Monday, September 27

Relationships exam review as a class

Work on Relationships essay

Tuesday, September 28

Relationships unit exam and essay work. Essays due Thursday

Wednesday, September 29

We worked on the Relationship essays in the computer lab. The drafts are due tomorrow.

Thursday, September 30

 We began a unit on “Human Conflict and Struggle” – we discussed a painting called ‘The

Colossus’ and Ferlinghetti’s poem entitled ‘In Goya’s Greatest Scenes We Seem to See’ and related them to the main theme. These are in the Echoes textbook starting on page

55. I assigned students to choose 5 vocabulary words that were unfamiliar from the text, define them and either illustrate or use in a sentence. These are due tomorrow.

Friday, October 1

Independent Reading

Monday, October 4

Small group work on human conflict and struggle – each group was assigned a piece of literature. They were to read the piece, answer the questions following, and write up a summary linking it to the theme. These will be shared with the class tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 5

Presentation of human conflict and struggle literature

– “The Baker”, “Hiroshima Exit”,

“The War and Beyond”, and “The Sound of a Gun” – I distributed the notes to the class to study for the quiz on Friday

Assignment – Echoes p 66 – Reflecting on the Echo – students are to choose one of the three options to respond to for this assignment – they will submit tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 6

Rewrite reading comprehension for relationships exam

Thursday, October 7

Introdu ction to “The Shawshank Redemption” – I distributed the Language of Film

Assignment in which each student is to choose a different film technique to bring an example for the class and explain – each student signed up for a day to present in the next week.

 We also discussed as a class associations/meanings of the word ‘redemption’ and what prison life would be like

We began watching the film (the first 37 minutes)

I also distributed the study questions for the film to the class

Friday, October 8

Quiz on human conflict and struggle

Independent reading time

Tuesday. October 12

Revisions on Relationships essay – due tomorrow

 Continued viewing “The Shawshank Redemption”

Wednesday, October 13

 Finished viewing “The Shawshank Redemption

Thursday, October 14

Class discussion and questions for the film

Friday, October 15

Independent Reading – second submission is due November 1 st

Monday, October 18

 “Shawshank Redemption” close viewing questions – we took a close look at a few scenes and discussed them, and I assigned #5 from the handout for evaluation

I also assigned the chart on the back of the handout – Power Struggles

Tuesday, October 19

20-1 Personal Response to Texts assignment

20-2 Visual Reflection assignment

Draft is due Friday

Wednesday, October 20

 Begin unit on Macbeth by discussing Shakespeare’s life and time and language development from old English to middle English to modern English

Worksheet on Shakespeare and London – we will correct next class
