Minutes of the Meeting

W. Frank Barton School of Business
Strategic Planning College Meeting
October 23, 2013
J. Adkisson
M. Barut
R. Boehme
A. Burger
M. Busch
M. Chand
G. Chandler
J. Cheng
J. Clark
C. Claycomb
H. Contreras
T. Craft
D. deSilva
S. Farmer
R. Flowers
P. Harrison
L. Heldman
J. Hill
J. Jensen
L. Kearney
B. Knoblauch
R. LeCompte
S. Longhofer
D. Lynch
C. Martin
A. May
R. McKee
P. McLeod
J. Perry
S. Porter
J. Quirin
K. Reding
K. Ring
K. Saeed
J. Wentz
K. Wilkerson
J. Wolff
Guests: Blake Krier and Melissa Mallon, both are members of the strategic planning committee
Introduction of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Cindy – the charge to the Strategic Planning Committee
 develop a plan with the WSU strategic plan increase enrollment of increase revenue.
 Additional tasks if we had additional resources what would we do?
 Need to look at interdisciplinary programs, such as supply chain management.
 How do the centers fit into the plan?
 BIG group 20-40 students can’t grow that any
 How can we grow applied learning and research?
 What are some ways to better connect with our students for retention?
John Perry, chair of the Strategic Planning Committee
 Explained the strategic planning process, what we have done, and what we plan to do.
 Everything is placed on the Barton School Strategic Planning Committee website
Barton School Strategic Planning Steps
1. Create, develop, or modify the Barton School’s vision, mission, and values
2. Conduct strategic analysis that focuses on identifying:
 Drivers of change in the Barton’s schools environment
 The Barton School’s strengths and weaknesses
 Competitor’s strengths and weaknesses
 The implications of the drivers of changes, strengths and weaknesses, competitor
3. Develop goals based on the Barton School’s vision, the results of the strategic analyses, and
the WSU goals
4. Brainstorm ideas of how to accomplish goals
5. Develop objectives that support the goals
6. Create a list of action items for each objective
An overview of the strategic planning process and the contents of the strategic plan that will be
delivered to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs is on the website at
To date, there have been three surveys that were sent out:
Environmental analysis
Internal analysis
Competitor analysis
Step 4 will be done by using an on-line forum
Meeting Discussion around Vision, Mission, and Values - comments
 The vision should be aspirational. It is where we want to go.
 Current values compared to aspiring values.
 Aren’t we already student centered or should we be more student valuing?
 Vision - research applied or instructional.
 Should we downgrade basic research?
 The definition can mean different things than what AACSB would want.
 What we are doing and what we say we do.
 Applied learning not applied research.
 Knowledge transfer goals and the new WSU goals,
 Question – are we getting out and engaging the community?
 Community engagement and knowledge transfer what do they mean?
 Knowledge transfer - what is the link to tech transfer? - Knowledge commercialization, but
it’s broader than that.
 How do we measure knowledge transfer? - Businesses created and patents awarded.
Many things out in the community that we are doing now
Our research is what business cannot do or can’t afford it.
Engaging the community translates the work we are doing that has long term implications of
how it applies to the community.
Part of our mission should be to reach out to constituents - the new proposed statements do not
have anything about interacting with the community.
Who is the mission and vision for it?
Past documents in the college contained plenty of latitude
We need to get on the same page throughout the college.
Technology transfer - no one knows what this means
What is in the WSU mission that would help us to describe?
Enhancing the business environment, the geographic qualifier on-line classes,
Why do we have a research institution here? - the city and region would lose local business
engaging with us.
Vision statement proposed rewordings
Model in applied business model and research.
Research knowledge and applied learning
Knowledge transfer important but not the wording: long-term we have to move to it
Proposed changes to the Vision and Mission statements:
The Barton School strives to be internationally recognized as a model in business learning,
research and applied business model.
The Barton School prepares students for lifelong learning and success in the global marketplace,
and supports economic growth through research and outreach.
The Barton School strives to be internationally recognized as a model of:
 research, and
 knowledge transfer.
The Barton School:
 Prepares students for lifelong learning and success in the global marketplace,
 Advances the knowledge and practice of business, and
 supports economics growth through research and outreach and knowledge transfer.
Barton School values are:
 Being student centered and business driven
 Fostering integrity and intellectual curiosity
 Celebrating the development of critical thinking, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking
 Honoring diversity of culture, thought, and experience
Next steps – see website for dates