
GAP Toolkit 5
Training in basic drug abuse data management
and analysis
Training session 2
File management
• To review the physical storage of information on a
• To review the referencing of storage mediums
• To describe the software partition of the storage space
into directories
• To establish a taxonomy of files
• To review the file-management facilities in Windows
Computer storage
A binary system with information stored as on or off
A bit
A byte
A kilobyte (KB)
A megabyte (MB)
A gigabyte (GB) …
Permanent storage
• Disks – physical storage:
– Hard disks
– Floppy disks; CDs; Zip disks …
• Disk Drives – input/output devices to the disks:
– Hard drive
– Floppy disk drive; Zip drive; CD drive or CD read/writer …
Referencing disk drives
• Disk drives are referenced by using a letter followed by
a colon:
– A:
– C:
the floppy disk drive
the hard disk drive
• Depending on the configuration of the computer:
D: or E: a CD drive or Zip drive
• F: or greater
a network drive
Filing cabinet analogy
• Think of the storage space on the computer as a filing
• Disks can be thought of as drawers in a filing cabinet
• At present, we have a cabinet in which we could start
throwing files into the various drawers, but there would
soon be a muddle of program and data files, with no
order or plan
• Directories or folders are the key to creating order on a
• Directories can contain files and/or other directories
• Analogous to folders in the filing cabinet drawers
The root directory
• A root (or original) directory is automatically created for
each disk
• The root is the start of the directory structure
• It is referenced by a backward-leaning slash: \
• For example, A:\ C:\ D:\
The hierarchical structure
• As directories can hold other directories, the disks
become split into a hierarchy of directories
/ Root
My Documents
Program Files
Windows NT
• Types of file:
- program
- user-created
- executable
- batch, etc.
• Naming
File suffixes
= Word
= Excel
= Internet
= Acrobat
= PowerPoint
= Access
.sav = SPSS data file
.sps = SPSS syntax file
.spo = SPSS output file
There are a number of other
SPSS file types left over from
previous versions such as
.por, etc., but the above are
the most important
Windows Explorer
• Used:
– To navigate the file structure
– To create, move and delete directories
– To copy, cut and paste files
• To Open:
– Start/Programs/Windows Explorer
– Windows key + E
Windows Explorer
Folders tool to view computer
and directory contents
Displaying contents
Click here to collapse the view
of C: drive/directory contents
Collapsing an entry
Drive/directory contents
View options
Large icons – large folder icons
Small icons – small folder icons
List – list of files and directories, but no details
Details – the most useful option, contains directory and
file details
• Thumbnails – icons once again
• Open Windows Explorer
• Display the contents of the root directory of the C: drive
in the right hand window
• Display the contents of the directory My Documents
(Documents and Settings if using NT or XP)
• Try all five available views
• Important directories:
– My Documents
– Program Files
– Windows
• Main operations:
– Creating
– Moving
– Deleting
Hierarchical directory structure
My Documents
• A directory created by default by the Windows software
to contain user-created files
• Save all files to the My Documents directory or a subset
of that directory
My Documents
My Documents
Creating a sub-directory
• Select the location for the new directory
– My Documents in this case; the new directory is a subdirectory of My Documents
• File/New/Folder
• Enter a name for the new directory
– GAP in this case
Enter a meaningful name
Possible hierarchy of directories
Moving a directory
• Click and Drag
• Copy/Cut and Paste
– Copy leaves the original directory in place; a copy of the
directory and all the files and sub-directories it holds is
created at the Paste location
– Cut removes or deletes the original directory, moving the
directory and all the files and sub-directories it holds to the
Paste location
Cut and Paste
• Edit menu
– Edit/Cut; Edit/Copy; Edit/Paste
• Quick menu
– Point at the object to be moved and click the right hand
mouse button
• Keyboard shortcuts
– Ctrl + C = copy
– Ctrl + X = cut
– Ctrl + V = paste
The quick menu — Copy
The quick menu — Paste
Directory added to treatment centre
Data directory added here
Deleting a directory
Deleting a directory will delete all the files it
contains and all the sub-directories it contains
• Make the directory to be deleted current and press the
Delete button on the keyboard
Directories to avoid
• Program Files
– Contains the files that comprise software programmes
– All software programmes should be loaded by default to subdirectories of Program Files
• Windows
– Contains the files that comprise the Windows operating
Moving up the directory structure
• The toolbar contains an icon of a folder with an arrow
imprinted on it; this is used to move up the directory
• The top of the directory structure is the root; moving up
the directory structure is equivalent to moving towards
the root
Construct the following hierarchy on your computer:
My Documents
• Copying, moving and deleting files
• Opening and saving files
Copying, moving and deleting files
• Using Windows Explorer, the procedure is the same as
for directories
• Make the file current by pointing and clicking using the
• Cut, Copy and Paste, or Drag and Drop
• Delete using the Delete key or the quick menu
Open/saving files
• Software packages require previously created files to be
opened and newly created files to be saved for future
• File/Open
• File/Save or File/Save As from within the software
SPSS Save As dialogue box
click here for full directory list
The wider directory structure
The Save As dialogue box
Find is used to search for lost files
Find is accessed by either
Windows Key + F or
Start/Search/For Files or Folders
(Windows 2000)
• Create a word processing file called Test and save it to
the GAP\Data directory
• From Windows Explorer, copy Test into the directories
GAP\Exercises and GAP\Notes
• Use the Find facility to locate the file spsswin.exe
• Copy the file spsswin.exe to the desktop
Hierarchical directory
• Navigating
• Creating, moving and
deleting directories
• Copying, cutting and pasting
• Saving files to a directory
• Find