Item# 1467, Accounting 201, Section A, 5 credits Spring Quarter 2015 11:30 to 12:20 Monday through Friday - Building 8 rm 10 (1st Class March 30, 2015) Mr. Jim Reisdorf, MBA, CPA Building F-1 Room 39 Office Hours: 9:30 – 10:30 Monday – Friday Other times by appointment Office Phone: 253-460-4328 E-Mail: Catalog Description: (Formerly ACCNT-210) Emphasis is on the development and interpretation of financial statements: the balance sheet, income statement and the statement of equity. PREREQUISITE(S): ACCT 101 with a minimum grade of C or better or MATH 095 with a minimum grade of C or better or equivalent Overview of the course: Accounting 201 is the first of three “transfer” accounting courses offered at Tacoma Community College (Accounting 201, Accounting 202, and Accounting 203). Accounting 201 and Accounting 202 focus on the preparation of financial statements used by “external users” (investors, creditors, regulators, etc.). Accounting 202 specifically deals with partnerships and the corporate form of conducting business. Accounting 203 focuses on “internal users” (managers), cost determination, and differing accounting systems. Degree Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the degree, the student will be able to: 1. Core of Knowledge (COK) Demonstrate a basic knowledge of each of the distribution areas (Written Communication, Humanities, Quantitative Skills, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences; or, as applicable, specific professional/technical programs), integrate knowledge across disciplines, and apply this knowledge to academic, occupational, civic and personal endeavors. 2. Communication (COM) Listen, speak, read, and write effectively and use nonverbal and technological means to make connections between self and others. 3. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CRT) Document1 1 of 9 Compare, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas, and use sound thinking skills to solve problems. 4. Information and Information Technology (IIT) Locate, evaluate, retrieve, and ethically use relevant and current information of appropriate authority for both academic and personal applications. 5. Living and Working Cooperatively / Respecting Differences (LWC) Respectfully acknowledge diverse points of view, and draw upon the knowledge and experience of others to collaborate in a multicultural and complex world. 6. Responsibility & Ethics (RES) Demonstrate and understanding of what constitutes responsible and ethical behavior toward individuals, the community, and the environment. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the Associates in Business Degree and prerequisite courses for transfer to four-year university Business Degree Programs, students will be able to: Discriminate between different business forms and take into consideration the ethical and other constraints of differing business structures in selecting the appropriate form to conduct a business enterprise (COK, CRT, RES). Employ a group process to explain the relationship of supply and demand in assessing the impact these factors have on the price of goods and services (COK, CRT, LWC). Using a wide variety of electronic tools, explain the differences between the information communicated on the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of owners’ equity when making business decisions (COM, CRT, LWC, RES). Interpret, analyze, and quantify business information (COK, COM, CRT). Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: Identify the elements of the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of changes in owners equity. (CRT) Explain the role of accounting principles and concepts. (CRT, IIT) Identify the different financial statement users; and the qualitative characteristics of financial information. (CRT) Recognize how financial data is quantified in making business decisions. (CRT, IIT) Instructional Methods Used: The course will be presented through a series of lectures that reinforce and clarify the concepts/practices presented in the textbook. Many of these concepts/practices will be further reinforced during class time through class discussions, small group work and in-class problem and exercise demonstrations. Finally, the mastering of the concepts will be evaluated through assignments, quizzes, and examinations. Textbooks & Supplemental Materials: Fundamental Accounting Principles (Principles of Financial Accounting): Wild et al, 21st edition, McGraw – Hill / Irwin Publisher Access to Connect: McGraw – Hill / Irwin Publisher. Access can be purchased from the bookstore or on-line from McGraw-Hill Document1 2 of 9 Supplies: Students will need a calculator that adds, subtracts, multiples, and divides. The calculator feature of a cell phone is not acceptable and cannot be used during a quiz or examination. Each student should bring their book and a calculator to class each day. Electronic dictionaries cannot be used during a quiz or examination. You will need a SCANTRON form No. 882-E for the final exam. Technology: Students will need access to a computer and the internet for this course. You will be expected to become proficient with the Canvas platform and the McGraw-Hill Connect website and software. Most assignments, quizzes, and online exams, will be done on the McGraw-Hill Connect website. The class website is: To register for our class on the McGraw Hill Connect website, go to modules within our course on Canvas, select MH Campus and follow the instructions to register for Connect. Exercises & Assignments: Practice Exercises are available for each chapter using the McGraw-Hill Connect website; these exercises should be completed outside of class and are intended to emphasize the course content. Exercises are not collected nor graded by your instructor. Answers to exercises can be found online. Pre-Lecture Assignments: Prior to the in-class lecture on each chapter, students must complete an on-line adaptive assignment using the McGraw-Hill Connect Learnsmart program. These assignments are prerequisites for the end-of-chapter assignments discussed below. End-of-Chapter Assignments consisting of chapter exercises, problems or other questions will be given in this course and will be prepared and submitted using the McGraw-Hill Connect website. Credit for assignments will be given based on the accuracy of the responses given. These are individual assignments and the work turned in must be a student’s own work. The grade for late assignments will be reduced by 25% for each day it is late. Students can drop the lowest assignment score. Group Assignments consisting of exercises and problems will be assigned and completed in small groups in the classroom. Most of the chapters in this course will be covered by these group assignments. A makeup of these assignments will be allowed only if the instructor was notified prior to a student’s absence. The makeup must be submitted the next class day. Document1 3 of 9 Due dates for these Assignments are listed on the Course Calendar. Below is a list of the questions contained in the McGraw Hill Connect website for each assignment. Chapter 1 Assignment Chapter 2 Assignment Chapter 3 Assignment Chapter 4 Assignment Chapter 5 Assignment Ex 1-8, P1-1a, P1-11A Ex 2-7, Ex 2-16, Ex 2-21, P2-4A P3-2A, P3-5A Ex 4-2, P4-5A Chapter 6 Assignment Chapter 9 Assignment Chapter 10 Assignment Chapter 8 Assignment Ex 6-7, P6-3a P9-2A, P9-3A Ex 10-16, P10-5A Ex 8-9, P8-2A (Parts 1 & 3), P8-5A Ex 5-14, P5-3A Group Project: The final copy of the project is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Thursday June 5, 2015. Only a soft copy is required and should be emailed to me at Do NOT submit a hard copy. Detailed instructions and requirements are included with the project (posted on Connect), and will be discussed in class. Evaluation criteria for tests, exams, projects and other assignments: Your final grade will be determined by (1) Attendance, (2) Quizzes, (3) Group and Individual Assignments, (4) Group project and (5) Examinations. There will be an in-class quiz at the beginning of each chapter, no credit or makeups will be given for missing the graded quizzes. Makeups for missed in-class group assignments will only be granted if the instructor was notified prior to the absence and the assignment must be completed by the next class day to receive credit. Students are responsible for all assigned reading and should be prepared to answer questions on the subject matter contained in the chapter assigned. Most end-of-chapter quizzes will be taken using the online McGraw-Hill Connect website and will be available for at least 24 hours prior to being due. Each on-line quiz will have a 30 minute time limit. THERE ARE NO MAKEUP QUIZZES nor will credit be given for missed or late quizzes. Students can drop the lowest quiz score. Exams will be conducted in 2 parts. The multiple choice portion will be conducted using the McGrawHill Connect website and the short answer and problem portion of the exams will be conducted in the classroom on the schedule date. Exams can only be rescheduled if the student consults with the instructor prior to the scheduled examination. Quizzes and or exams may be objective, subjective, or a combination of both. See course calendar for the dates quizzes and examinations are tentatively scheduled. Document1 4 of 9 Final grades will be determined as follows: Points Pre-Lecture Assignments (10 @ 3) Pre-Lecture Quizzes (10 @ 4) End-of-Chapter Assignments 9 @ 5 (lowest dropped) End-of-Chapter Quizzes 9 @ 5 (lowest dropped) 30 40 Group Assignments Group Project Class Attendance Exam # 1 (Chaps 1 to 3) Exam # 2 (Chaps 4 to 6) Exam # 3 (Chaps 9 & 10) Final Exam (Comprehensive) 40 50 20 50 50 50 90 TOTAL POINTS 40 40 GRADE A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D E REQUIRED POINTS 470 - 490 450 – 470 430 – 450 410 – 430 390 - 410 370 - 390 350 - 370 330 - 350 310 - 330 290 - 310 0 - 290 500 Academic Dishonesty: As stated in the TCC catalog, ‘Students are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the learning process and threaten the educational environment for all students.’’ The complete Administrative Process for Academic Dishonesty is available on the TCC website at: In this course, sanctions for academic dishonesty will be as follows: In the event a student is found to have received or given help during a quiz or examination, or used outside materials, or committed any other form of academic dishonesty, that student will receive a failing grade in the course. Accommodations Students with Special Needs: If you need auxiliary aids or services due to a disability, please contact the Access Services office in Building 7 (253-566-5328). Accommodations are not retroactive; please act promptly to make sure your letter of accommodation is in place. Students with Special Needs: All students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific auxiliary aids or services due to a disability, please contact the Access Services office in Building 7 (253-566-5328). They will require you to present formal, written documentation of your disability from an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed, arrangements will be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. The disability accommodation documentation prepared by Access Services must be given to me before the accommodation is needed so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Document1 5 of 9 Classroom policies: 1. Classroom Etiquette – Being aspiring business professionals, everyone is expected to conduct themselves in a professional, businesslike manner. Any form of class disruption will not be tolerated. Examples of class disruption include, but are not limited to: talking during class, and the improper use of a mobile/cell device. 2. Use of laptop or other electronic device. Electronic devices brought to class can only be used for classrelated purposes during the class period. Please mute or turn off cell phones before entering the classroom. Texting will not be allowed in the classroom. 3. Late Arrival – Please arrive on time to class but in the rare circumstances where you are late, please still come to class but try not to disrupt the class when you arrive. 4. Food / Beverages - No Food or beverages in classroom 5. Class Participation - Students are expected to (a) read assigned materials prior to class, (b) prepare to participate in class discussions, including discussion of assignments, and (c) participate in group activities. 6. Late work – The grade for late individual assignments will be reduced by 25% for each day late. No credit will be given for missed or late quizzes or group project parts. For missed group assignments, the makeup assignment must be turned in by the next class day. 7. Withdrawals – While faculty permission is not required, a completed add/drop form must be submitted to Registration/Records to complete drops from the 11th instructional day through the 55th calendar day of the quarter. The instructor must sign the add/drop form acknowledging the withdrawal. If your instructor is not available, the signature of a full-time advisor in the Advising Center is an acceptable substitute.” After the 55th day of the quarter you must be passing the course to receive a withdrawal (WI). Students that do not officially withdraw from the course will receive the grade they earned based on the standard listed under grading standards. 8. Incomplete Grades – An incomplete will only be granted if the student has completed 60 percent of the course work by the end of the quarter. To receive an incomplete, the student must enter into an agreement with the instructor to complete the remaining course work during the following year. Failure to complete the work will result in an “E” grade. Etiquette for Classroom Dispute Resolutions/Student Conduct: If you have questions or concerns about this class or me, please come to talk with me about your concerns. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, you may talk next with the Dean for Academic Services in Building 18, Charlie Crawford at 566-6005. Dr. Crawford can assist with information about additional steps, if needed. Admission to Tacoma Community College carries with it the expectation that the student will conduct himself/herself as a responsible member of the academic community and observe the principles of mutual respect, personal and academic integrity and civility. The Code of Student Conduct establishes rules governing academic and social conduct of students, including due process rights. Violations of the Code may result in dismissal from class for the day and/or referral to the Student Conduct Administrator for sanctions Document1 6 of 9 Tutoring Center: TCC Business Education Center (“the BEC”) is located in 16-308, in a space with the Professional Skills Center. The BEC can help students with accounting, statistics, economics, business algebra, and business calculus, as well as other business courses at no cost to the student. Students should make an appointment. However, help is available on a drop in basis. We are very lucky to have this resource, please use it for any of your business related questions. Remember, your instructor is available to help you during office hours and by appointment. Final Grade Grievance Students who believe they have received a final course grade that has been awarded improperly or in an arbitrary or capricious manner may grieve or appeal the grade. Details of the process are located on the TCC Portal. Document1 7 of 9 Course calendar: This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check for announcements made while you were absent. Course Calendar Spring 2015 – Accounting 201 C Item 1467 Date Description Mon, Mar 30 Introduction Tues, Mar 31 Introduction Wed, Apr 1 Chapter 1 Pre-Lecture Chapter 1 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 1 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Thurs, Apr 2 Chapter 1 Fri, Apr 3 Chapter 1 Sun. Apr 5 Mon, Apr 6 Chapter 1 Tues, Apr 7 Chapter 2 Wed, Apr 8 Thurs, Apr 9 Fri, Apr 10 Sun. Apr 12 Mon, Apr 13 Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Mon, Apr 20 Tues, Apr 21 Wed, Apr 22 Thurs, Apr 23 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Review – Exam #1 Chapters 1 - 3 Exam #1 – Chapters 1-3 Group Project Group Project Chapter 4 Fri, Apr 24 No Class Mon, Apr 27 Chapter 4 Tues, Apr 28 Chapter 4 Document1 Chapter 1 Assignment Chapter 1 Quiz Chapter 2 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 2 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 End-of-Chapter Chapter 2 Assignment Chapter 2 Quiz Chapter 3 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 3 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Part 1 – Group Project Chapter 3 Assignment Chapter 3 Quiz Exam # 1 – Online & Exam #1 – Problems (In-Class) Chapter 4 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 4 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Professional Development Day Chapter 4 Assignment Chapter 4 Quiz 8 of 9 Wed, Apr 29 Chapter 5 Thurs, Apr 30 Fri, May 1 Mon, May 4 Tues, May 5 Wed, May 6 Thurs, May 7 Fri, May 8 Group Project Group Project Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 No Class Chapter 6 Chapter 5 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 5 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Educational Planning Day Chapter 6 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 6 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Mon, May 11 Chapter 6 Tues, May 12 Chapter 6 Wed, May 13 Chapter 6 Thurs, May 14 Review – Exam #2 – Chapters 4 - 6 Fri, May 15 Exam #2 – Chapters 4 -6 Mon, May 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 6 Assignment Chapter 6 Quiz Exam #2 – Online & Exam #2 – Problems (In-Class) Chapter 9 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 9 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Tues, May 19 Chapter 9 Wed, May 20 Chapter 9 Thurs, May 21 Chapter 9 Fri, May 22 Chapter 10 Mon, May 25 Tues, May 26 Wed, May 27 Thurs, May 28 Fri, May 29 No Class Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Review – Exam #3 – Chapters 9 & 10 Mon, Jun 1 Exam #3 – Chapters 9 & 10 Tues, Jun 2 Chapter 7 Wed, Jun 3 Chapter 8 Thurs, Fri, Sun. Mon, Tues, Jun 4 Chapter 8 Jun 5 Final Review Jun 7 Jun 8 Final Review Jun 9 Final Exam Document1 Chapter 5 Assignment Chapter 5 Quiz Part 2 – Group Project Part 2 - Group Project Chapter 9 Assignment Chapter 9 Quiz Chapter 10 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 10 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Memorial Day Holiday Chapter 10 Assignment Chapter 10 Quiz Exam #3 – Online & Exam #3 – Problems (In-Class) Chapter 7 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 7– Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Chapter 8 – Pre-lecture Assignment Chapter 8 – Pre-lecture Quiz (Inclass) Final Group Project Chapter 8 Assignment Chapter 8 Quiz Final Exam – (In-Class) 9 of 9