AN OUTREACH INITIATIVE AT RYERSON UNIVERSITY Tetyana Antimirova Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science Ryerson University, Toronto OAPT C O N F E R E N C E 31 May - 2 June 2007 Ontario Science Center RYERSON’S MISSION Ryerson is committed to excellence in teaching Ryerson offers professionally oriented socially relevant education Long tradition of serving local community Discover Ryerson RYERSON’S MISSION Ryerson is committed to excellence in teaching Ryerson offers professionally oriented socially relevant education Long tradition of serving local community DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AT RYERSON OUR OWN PROGRAMS: BSc in Medical Physics MSc in Biomedical Physics Physics Education at Ryerson University WE TEACH… Introductory physics courses for ~750 students in Engineering Programs Introductory physics courses for ~280 students and some electives in four streams of Science Program (Medical Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Contemporary Science) Advanced physics courses for our own undergraduate BSc program in Medical Physics Graduate courses for our graduate MSc program in Biomedical Physics Some elective courses for Liberal Arts Programs Course for Architectural Science Program (new!) OUR FACULTY 12 faculty members (three more are being hired) The majority of recently hired faculty are in Medical Physics field All our faculty is committed to excellence in teaching In August 2004 the Department hired a person dedicated solely to Physics Education (lucky me!) Physics Education is designated as our second area of expansion (one more hired, will join the Department in July 2007) We believe that we are the only Physics Department in Canada which hired tenure-track faculty for PER OUR DREAM… To create a Centre for Science Education Research and Outreach at Ryerson: Science Education Research (PER in particular) Collaboration with school teachers Outreach to schools and community OUR EDUCATION-RELATED PROJECTS Implementation of activity-based physics in some of our courses Plans for total lab renovations Implementation of video-analysis assignments (in progress) FCI (Force Concept Inventory ) pre-instruction and post-instruction testing in some of our courses (action research) OUR EDUCATION-RELATED PROJECTS Common theme: the use of new technologies to enhance students learning (clickers, Motion Video Analysis, Logger Pro, interactive simulations, on-line tutoring systems (Mastering Physics)) Goal: to implement activity-based, inquiry based learning WHY OUTREACH? Postsecondary and secondary education have similar goals and face similar challenges Both systems can benefit from sharing experiences and exchanging ideas Help the students with smooth transition from high school to university WE HAVE A COMMON GOAL to provide successful student-centered teaching and learning at both high school and University levels WHY OUTREACH? Division of Physics Education, Canadian Association of Physicists is alarmed about dropping enrollment in physics courses both at the University and High School levels in many provinces closer interaction between the school teachers’ and university faculty is needed (through CAP activities, OAPT and locally) Start locally OUR ACTIVITIES TO DATE We hosted the “Physic and Earth and Space Science Curriculum Review Day” on May 9, 2007 The event was co-organized by the TDSB and the Department of Physics at Ryerson University The event was sponsored by our Department OUR ACTIVITIES TO DATE Several second-year students from our Medical Physics Program volunteer at Visions of Science Club (their own initiative!) OUR ACTIVITIES TO DATE I participated in the selection and training of the Canadian team for the International Physics Olympiads in 2006 . I taught and co-supervised the Laboratory Training Session; co-supervised and judged the Experimental Competition for Physics Olympiad Preparation Week, Physics National Olympiad Finals 2006 held at the University of Toronto, May 28-June 2, 2006. Two members of the Canadian team won medals at the 2006 International Physics Olympiad. I will participate again this year (at Laval University, June 3-10, 2007) OUR PLANS For the long-term collaboration, we plan to hold a series of events jointly with the TDSB on pedagogy and teaching resources such as interactive teaching, project-based learning, hands-on learning, review of available curriculum materials (for example “Minds on Physics” curriculum), Interactive Lecture demonstrations, Video Analysis, etc. WHAT WE CAN OFFER To send our Faculty to your class to talk about Medical Physics and Biophysics To invite your class for a site visit at Ryerson Once we get new teaching labs we will be able to provide workshops for teachers if needed New ideas from YOU are welcome! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS… SUGGESTIONS… IDEAS… Please feel free to contact us: Phone: (416) 9795000 x 7416 Email: Phone: (416) 9795000 x 6538 Email: Tetyana Antimirova Assistant Professor Undergraduate Program Coordinator Department of Physics Ryerson University Pedro Goldman Professor and Chair Department of Physics Ryerson University 2008 OAPT CONFERENCE Department of Physics at Ryerson will host next OAPT conference We look forward to see you at Ryerson!