Period 2 PART 1 BUSCH NOTES BIG PICTURE QUESTION (S): 1- COMPARE THE SPANISH, FRENCH, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH COLONIZING EXPERIENCES IN NORTH AMERICA DURING THE 17TH CENTURY? 1A- {EXPLAIN HOW CULTURAL INTERACTION, COOPERATION, COMPETITION, AND CONFLICT BETWEEN EMPIRES, NATIONS, AND PEOPLES HAVE INFLUENCED POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH AMERICA} 2- EXPLAIN HOW IDEAS ABOUT DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, AND INDIVIDUALISM FOUND EXPRESSION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL VALUES, POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS, AN A UNIQUE AMERICAN IDENTITY. 3- EXPLAIN HOW PATTERNS OF EXCHANGE, MARKETS, AND PRIVATE ENTERPRISE HAVE DEVELOPED. 4 –EXPLAIN THE CAUSES OF MIGRATION TO COLONIAL NORTH AMERICA AND PATTERNS OF SETTLEMENT IN NORTH AMERICA. 5 – EXPLAIN HOW GEOGRAPHIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS SHAPED THE DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS COMMUNITIES, AND ANALYZE HOW COMPETITON FOR AND DEBATES OVER NATURAL RESOURCES HAVE AFFECTED BOTH INTERACTIONS AMONG DIFFERENT GROUPS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLICIES. 6- EXPLAIN HOW DIFFERENT GROUP INDENTITIES, INCLUDING RACIAL, ETHNIC, CLASS, AND REGIONAL IDENTITIES HAVE EMERGED AND CHANGED OVER TIME. 7- EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY POLITICAL IDEAS, BELIEFS, INSTITUTIONS, AND ALIGNMENTS HAVE DEVELOPED AND CHANGED OVER TIME. 8- EXPLAIN HOW RELIGIOUS GROUPS AND IDEAS HAVE AFFECTED SOCIETY AND LIFE IN NORTH AMERICA. 9 – EXPLAIN HWO ARTISTIC, PHILOSOPHICAL, AND SCIENTIFIC IDEAS HAVE SHAPED SOCIETY AND INSTITUTIONS. BIG PICTURE IDEA (S): 1- EUROPEANS DEVELOPED A VARIETY OF COLONIZATION AND MIGRATION PATTERNS, INFLUENCED BY DIFFERENT IMPERIAL GOALS, CULTURES, AND VARIED NORTH AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTS WHERE THEY SETTLED, AND THEY COMPETED WITH EACH OTHER AND AMERICAN INDIANS FOR RESOURCES. A. Spanish, French, Dutch, and British colonizers had different economic and imperial goals involving land and labor that shaped the social and political development of their colonies as well as their relationships with native populations. Portugal, France, the Netherlands, and England all raced to the New World, eager to match the gains of the Spanish. Native peoples greeted the new visitors with responses ranging from welcome cooperation to aggressive violence, but the ravages of disease and the possibility of new trading relationships enabled Europeans to create settlements all along the western rim of the Atlantic world. New empires would emerge from these tenuous beginnings, and by the end of the seventeenth century, Spain would lose its privileged position to its rivals. An age of colonization had begun and, with it, a great collision of cultures commenced. Spain At St. Augustine, Florida in 1565, THE FIRST PERMANENT (continuously inhabited) SETTLEMENT IN THE MODERN USA, the Spanish defeat the French, which had just, build Ft. Caroline, closer to modern day Jacksonville. Juan Ponce de Leon had first come to Florida in 1513. The same problems that occurred with the Natives previously continue in Florida, through disease, Warfare, Encomienda labor…most are wiped out… but not all due to the limited incursion of the Spanish… due to the lack of wealth found here. However, the main purpose for the Spanish settlements in the Modern USA were to fortify the boundaries of their main Empire which was in the Caribbean and Central/South America… The Spanish attempt to duplicate their efforts from previously to the South by settling small areas and creating Missions and encomiendas for the settlers. Juan de Onate, in 1598, led over 400 settlers, conquistadores, and priests to their new settlement in New Mexico. By 1610, Sante Fe is settled in New Mexico… the 1st permanent settlement in the Modern Southwest USA. Few Spaniards wished to settle so far away from Mexico City, the capital of New Spain, Again similar effects were evident on the Pueblo people, with disease, warfare (Battle of Acoma –feet), missions, and encomienda all leading to a drastic reduction on their population… The Pueblo people, led by 1680 do ferment rebellion, and do extinguish the Spanish presence for at least 2 decades…maybe more. The effect of the Pueblo Revolt combined with the 50 year long war in Northern Mexico with a confederation of tribes…led to the Spanish changing their strategy…. Instead of Blood and Terror… it became one where the Church Mission System led the way…and became the engine…of colonization for the Spanish in North America and by the early 17th century and into the 18th century… Franciscan Priests established missions in San Antonio (the Alamo) and along the California coast, Father Junipero Serra, 1 st at San Diego and 20 more Missions later all the up the coast of Modern day California up to San Francisco. ONE OTHER KEY DYNAMIC -- WAS THE MASSIVE IMPORTATION OF AFRICAN SLAVES INTO THE SPANISH COLONIES to replace the massive loss of Native American Labor due to the “Black Legend,” therefore from this point forward millions of AFRICAN SLAVES COME TO the Spanish Colonies especially to the Caribbean Sugar Plantations. One major outcome of the importation of so many Africans into the Spanish colonies is the CASTA SYSTEM OF RACIAL HIERARCHY that is eventually established to legally define a persons race by the % of NON-WHITE BLOOD… this dynamic system is created due to the predictable mixing of races in an area with so few European Women…. And is a LASTING LEGACY THAT WILL INFLUENCE THE LATER AMERICAN COLONIES…AS WILL THE PLANTATION SYSTEM introduced by the Portuguese in Brazil and the Spanish in the Caribbean… European Rivals emerge— While Spain was engaged in the New World in the 1500s its rivals…particularly France and England were going through Religious problems… specifically called the Protestant Reformation, begun by Martin Luther in modern day Germany in 1517…by the middle of the 16th century both England and France were in turmoil… The English due to King Henry VIII… and they became a Protestant Nation… France, due to the Huguenots (protestants) and they continue to be controlled by a Catholic Monarch… as this develops over the 16th century religious and political rivalries develop that begin conflict around the world, especially as the Dutch also become embroiled in overthrowing the Spanish for their freedom at home. Competition and rivalry among European nations brought conflict to the New World… whether it be between the Euros themselves, it ALWAYS, involved the Native population… between 1688 and 1754 alone there were 4 world wars…all affected North America. Bartolome de Las Casas writings also gave the other nations an “excuse” to get involved… “the Black Legend,” is created at this time…possibly by the other Euro powers…to criticize Spain and to allow them to proclaim that their efforts at colonizing and Christianizing the New World would be different… in that they would be more successful in bring the “Good News,” of Christ to the pagan Natives.. ****Note: Each of the French, English, and Dutch colonies are settled by JOINTSTOCK COMPANIES… Evidence of the end of Feudalism and the beginnings of a Capitalism… The French The French sought the fabled Northwest Passage to Asia… (they fail to find it )… They first explore the St. Lawrence River (Canada- NY, VT, Maine border) into the Great Lakes and the Continent of North America. French colonial possessions focus on bodies of water and explorers, “Voyageurs and Couriers de Bois,” and Priests, Black robed Jesuit Catholics, in Canoes down the Mississippi River and tributaries of the Ohio and all that were close to the Great Lakes… French colonization in the New World were funded by private trading companies… who launched trading expeditions across North America…The prime trading product was FUR –BEAVER FUR… The needs of the Fur Trade set the pattern for future French Colonization…and the Private Trading Companies tied to the Monarchy made decisions based on the profit motive. In 1603, The French settle Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia) and in 1608 Samuel de Champlain at Quebec along the St. Lawrence River founds their first permanent settlement. New France had begun. The French preference for trade fosters a more cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship with Native Americans than both the Spanish and English. The French Jesuits traveled to the Natives and lived among them… French fur traders married Native Women, and produce the Metis… The French make an important alliance with the Huron Tribe…of whom many convert to Christianity and help with the Fur Trade and the Huron gain European goods and especially an important military alliance with the French against their natural enemy the Iroquois… Guns begin to be used by Native Americans….and the Iroquois, eventually become allies with the Dutch first and then the British…and this will have severe consequences for over a century. Disease takes its toll among the Huron… and so does becoming involved in European conflicts that arise… Due to the immense space that the French begin to trade with a unique place is created in North America…THE MIDDLE GROUND… generally it is the backcountry, inland many miles from the Ocean, and seen as a place where all of the groups…various Native tribes, and various Euros, combine…and are forced to regard each other with respect…due to none have a superior advantage in this MIDDLE GROUND… The interactions, negotiations, and accommodations that happen here are unique… where both Natives and Euros could adapt to each others unique cultures… trading, interacting, and learning from each other without fear…Eventually, this MIDDLE GROUND disappears as more and more Euro settlers swarm into this region… Primarily the Great Lakes region down to the Ohio River Valley and down the Eastern edges of the Appalachian mts…to the South… The Dutch The Netherlands, Holland, or called the Dutch. In 1581, the Dutch win their Independence… and become the freest nation in Europe…e.g., Dutch Women maintained separate legal identities from their husbands and could own property and inherit full estates- and due to the HUGE effects of the Protestant Reformation they also had greater RELIGIOUS tolerance and FREEDOM of the press than any other European Nation at that time- Many Radical Protestants, Catholics, and Jewish people flocked here (the Pilgrims that come to Plymouth Rock come here before returning to England and then coming to the New World) -Holland was and is an ingenious tiny nation of windmills and reclaiming land from the Ocean…. with a dynamic navy. The Dutch were renowned financiers marshaling an early understanding of Capitalism- creating the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and the EAST AND WEST INDIA COMPANY (which settles New Netherlands in the New World) HOWEVER--- there concepts of freedom initially has limits… as they also become MASTER AFRICAN SLAVE TRADERS AND TRADE SLAVES AROUND THE WORLD…and essential part of their CAPITALIST TRIIUMPHS. IN 1609, the Dutch pay Henry Hudson to attempt to discover the NORTHWEST PASSAGE TO ASIA (like the French) who sails up todays HUDSON RIVER (next to Manhattan Island up to Albany) and claims this area for the Dutch West India Company and in 1621 they settle New Netherlands and New Amsterdam….and also settle colonies in the Caribbean, and Africa. UNIQUELY among the European colonists coming to the New World--the Dutch believe that they should PURCHASE ANY LAND IN THE NEW WORLD FROM THE NATIVES---because they did not want to repeat the same atrocities upon the Natives as the Spanish---However, it is thought that despite the transaction…that the Natives probably had a different view of PROPERTY OWNERSHIP than the Natives…the Dutch used WAMPUM as currency to purchase Beaver Fur from the natives (shell beads valued as a ceremonial and diplomatic commodity) WAMPUM COULD PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THE NATIVES. PATROONSHIPS were large lands holdings established similar to plantations. The PATROON SYSTEM – granted large estates to the wealthy who paid for the passage of TENANT workers [indentured servants] to farm, settle, and harvest lumber from the land. The Dutch establish a close relationship with the IROQUOIS NATIONS to provide Fur and TRADE…the center of that system being in modern day Albany, NY at the end of the Hudson River (Beverwijck) Increasing #’s of permanent settlements caused friction between the Native Americans (Huron allied to the French) and the Dutch (allied with the Iroquois) and led to armed conflicts which almost wipe out the Dutch… Thus… Labor shortages crippled the Dutch want to expand…(hard to get white tenant workers to come to such a dangerous environment –INDENTURED SERVANTS UNDER CONTRACT FOR A SPECIFIED AMOUNT OF TIME) So-- AFRICAN SLAVES ARE INTRODUCED…and build New Amsterdam, AFRICAN WOMEN ARE INTRODUCED FOR FAMILIES…AND BY 1650 THERE WERE AT LEAST 500 AFRICAN SLAVES IN THE COLONY MAKING NEW AMSTERDAM THE LARGEST URBAN SLAVE POPULATION IN NORTH AMERICA….However, early African Slavery in the Dutch colony was somewhat different than in the later system of the British Southern Colonies…due to the Africans ability to earn wages, and sue for back pay or to earn partial freedom by fighting against the Natives, and could even purchase their own land and work that land as long as they paid a substantial tax…(an early form of SHARECROPPING) –WE ASLO SEE THE APPEARANCE OF ORGANIZED CHRISTIAN PROTEST AGAINST AFRICAN SLAVERY IN THE DUTCH COLONY, questioning how this seeming FREE people could have such LIBERAL VIEWS and HAVE HUMAN SLAVES… Both The French and the Dutch political systems were AUTOCRATIC… the settlers had little political power… Both the French and Dutch have limited #’s of settlers thus have to negotiate and appease the Natives….and ARE come to NORTH AMERICA WITH THE INTENTION OF MAKING A PROFIT THUS WORKING FOR THE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY… thus have few rights and are ruled harshly… The French do not allow Protestant Huguenots to come to the New World… and so they are both smaller enterprises in the large scheme of the their FINANCIAL FOCUS IN THE WORLD…much more attention is paid to their other colonies especially the SUGAR COLONIES IN THE WEST INDIES. SWEDEN even gets in the Colonial business… settling first in the Jerseys… yet there stay is short due to the Dutch defeating them militarily and taking their possessions in the New World…yet the LOG CABIN is a Swedish contribution to the American Frontier Story The Spanish, French, and to a lesser extent the Dutch all rely heavily on MALE POPULATIONS their respective colonial adventures … thus all intermix with the Native populations. THE ENGLISH STORY HAS MANY DIFFERENCES FROM THE EARLY OTHER EUROPEAN COLONIAL EFFORTS…AS WE WILL SEE…ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE THE SOUTHERN ENGLISH COLONIES WHERE WOMEN ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THEIR COLONIIZING EFFORTS. ENGLAND – THE TEXT QUESTIONS AND READING (THE BEGINNING) I WILL POST NOTES ON ALL OF CHAPTER TWO TOMORROW FROM THE CONCEPT OUTLINE: TO CONSIDER WHILE YOU READ: English colonization efforts attracted a comparatively large number of male and female British migrants, as well as other European migrants, all of whom sought social mobility, economic prosperity, religious freedom, and improved living conditions. These colonists focused on agriculture and settled on land taken from Native Americans, from whom they lived separately.