The Death Penaltye

The Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusual or Justice Served?
Attachment E
Constitutionality of, and Limitations on, the Death Penalty
Directions: Describe in your own words the precedent established in each Supreme Court case.
1968 United States v. Jackson
1968 Witherspoon v. Illinois
1976 Furman v. Georgia
1976 Woodson v. North Carolina
1976 Gregg v. Georgia (there are four parts to this answer)
1977 Coker v. Georgia
1986 Batson v. Kentucky
1986 Ford v. Wainwright
1988 Thompson v. Oklahoma
2002 Atkins v. Virginia
2005 Roper v. Simmons
1. The imposition of the death penalty in federal cases is limited to certain crimes. For
what federal crimes can the death penalty be imposed?
2. The imposition of the death penalty has changed greatly over the years. Using the
Supreme Court cases you just researched, analyze the changes that have taken place
through death penalty litigation. You also may want to consider the death penalty
moratorium that took place and its reinstatement.
3. Have there been any noticeable changes in rulings dealing with the death penalty in
the last 20 years that would indicate a progression or regression in the rights of death
row inmates?