Glutathion- afgiftningens dirigent Eva Lydeking-Olsen 2014 Hvad er glutathion? • Glutathion er et tripeptid, bestående af de tre aminosyrer • Glutamin • Cystein • Glycin • Glutathion (GSH) dannes i mange arter: PLANTER DYR SVAMPE nogle BAKTERIER og ARKEbakterier - den aktive form beskytter mod skader på cellekomponenter forårsaget af frie radikaler • Pompella, A; Visvikis, A; Paolicchi, A; Tata, V; Casini, AF (2003). "The changing faces of glutathione, a cellular protagonist". Biochemical Pharmacology 66 (8): 1499–503. doi:10.1016/S0006-2952(03)00504-5. Glutathion har mange funktioner • Glutathion er hovedanti-oxidanten, produceres af de fleste celletyper •Deltager DIREKTE I neutraliseringen af frie radikaler og reaktive ilt-molekyler •Recirkulerer exogene antioxidanter som C og E vitamin •Scholz RW. Graham KS. Gumpricht E. Reddy CC. Mechanism of interaction of vitamin E and glutathione in the protection against membrane lipid peroxidation. Ann NY Acad Sci 1989:570:514-7. Hughes RE. Reduction of dehydroascorbic acid by animal tissues. Nature 1964:203:1068-9. Glutathion har mange funktioner •Regulerer NO-cyklus som er nødvendig for livets opretholdelse, men kan være problematisk, hvis den mangler regulation •Clementi, Emilio; Smith, Guy Charles; Howden, Martin; Dietrich, Salvador; Bugg, S; O'Connell, MJ; Goldsbrough, PB; Cobbett, CS •(1999). "Phytochelatin synthase genes from Arabidopsis and the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe". The Plant cell 11 (6): 1153–64 Glutathion har mange funktioner •Bruges i metaboliske og biokemiske reaktioner som •DNA syntese – og reparation, • protein-syntese, •prostaglandinsyntese, •aminosyretransport, •enzym-aktivering •ALLE vævs-og organsystemer i kroppen kan derfor blive påvirket af glutathionstatus, specielt •Immunsystemet •Nervesystemet •Mavetarmkanalsen •Lungerne •Vigtig i jern-metabolismen Glutathione reduces disulfide bonds formed within cytoplasmic proteins to cysteines by serving as an electron donor. In the process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), also called L-(–)-glutathione. Once oxidized, glutathione can be reduced back by glutathione reductase, using NADPH as an electron donor.[3] The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione within cells is often used as a measure of cellular toxicity.[4] v12/n12/fig_tab/4401754f1.html Glutathion i Autoimmun Sygdom •Modificerer vævs-TH1 og TH2 funktion, dvs den overordnede balance i immunsystemet •Aktiverer TH-3 regulatoriske Tceller •Dæmper TH-17 aktivitet - dette mindsker vævsdestruktion pga autoimmunitet •Øger vævs- og tarm-regeneration, • Beskytter mitokondrierne - hvilket øger helingsevnen •N-acetyl-cysteine •Alpha lipoic acid •L-glutamine •Selenium •Cordyceps •Centella asiatica •Silybum marianum •Broccoli extract Aldring Aldring ift glutathion Aldring ift glutathion Hvilke toxiner skal håndteres? • Fødevare-afledte toksiner Miljøbelastninger: • Tungmetaller • Kemikalier, PCBs mm • Medicinrester • Affaldsstoffer fra vores eget stofskifte: • Oxidativ stress • Inflammationstriggere Fordele ved at varme maden op Fordøjelighed& energitæthed Mindske ANTInutrienter Fytin Trypsinhæmmer e Hæmagglutinine r/ Lektiner Saponiner Tanniner Denaturering proteiner Stivelse-forklistring Biotilgængelighed carotenoider oma Opvarmning Hygiejne *DESTRUKTION AF Virus Bakterier Parasitter Energimæssig e faktorer & balancer Yin/Yang Syre/base Enzymer Livskraft Dannelse af toxiner ved opvarmning Oxidation af kolesterol Acrylamid Heterocykliske aminer (HCAs) Polycykliske aromatiske hydrocarboner (PAHs). Advanced Glycation Endproducts Dannelse af toxiner ved opvarmning Acrylamid . Acrylamide….. Effects of consumer food preparation on acrylamide formation. Jackson LS, Al-Taher F. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2005;561:447-65 Source U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Food Safety and Technology (NCFST), 6502 S. Archer Rd., Summit-Argo, IL 60501, USA. Abstract Acrylamide is formed in high-carbohydrate foods during high temperature as frying, baking, roasting and extrusion. Although acrylamide is known to form during industrial processing of food, high levels of the chemical have been found in home-cooked foods, mainly potato- and grain-based products. This chapter will focus on the effects of cooking conditions (e.g. time/temperature) on acrylamide formation in consumer-prepared foods, the use of surface color (browning) as an indicator of acrylamide levels in some foods, and methods for reducing acrylamide levels in homeprepared foods. As with commercially processed foods, acrylamide levels in homeprepared foods tend to increase with cooking time and temperature. Acrylamide………… In experiments conducted at the NCFST, acrylamide levels in cooked food depended greatly on the cooking conditions and the degree of "doneness", as measured by the level of surface browning. • French fries fried at 150-190 ˚C for up to 10 min had acrylamide levels of 55 to 2130 microg/kg (wet weight), with the highest levels in the most processed (highest frying times/temperatures) and the most highly browned fries. • "dark" toasted bread slices had 43.7-610.7 microg/kg wet weight, compared to "light" at 8.27-217.5 microg/kg or "medium" at 10.9-213.7 microg/kg •Analysis of the surface color by colorimetry indicated that some components of surface color ("a" and "L" values) correlated highly with acrylamide levels. •Soaking raw potato slices in water before frying was effective at reducing acrylamide levels in French fries. •Additional studies are needed to develop practical methods for reducing acrylamide formation in home-prepared foods without changing the acceptability of these foods. The effect of domestic preparation of some potato products on acrylamide content. Michalak J, Gujska E, Klepacka J. Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2011) 66:307–312 Source Food Science Department, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Heweliusza 6, Olsztyn, Poland. Abstract The influence that food heating has on the concentration of acrylamide in home-cooked potato dishes prepared by high-temperature, such as pan-frying, deep-frying, roasting and microwave heating was analyzed. The experiment was performed with commercially available deep-frozen par-fried French fries and deep-frozen par-fried potato products other than French fries (cubes, wedges, noisettes, pancakes). Acrylamide was found in all deep-frozen par-fried French fries and other deep-frozen par-fried potato products before domestic preparation. The mean level of acrylamide content in all frozen potato products before preparation was found to be 322 μg/kg. Potato products were then prepared at 180 °C for 3 min and at 220 °C for 10 min. After domestic preparation (roasting, pan-frying, deep-frying and microwave heating) it was found that the level of acrylamide in all products increased. Acrylamide content in the analyzed samples significantly increased as the temperature and time of processing increased. The statistical analysis showed significant differences (P < 0.05) for acrylamide content as a function of food preparation. The level of acrylamide increased with the increased heating temperature and heating time. Additionally, the preparation method of roasting was significantly lower in acrylamide content (P < 0.05) than the preparation method of microwaving although both preparation methods used the same conditions (time and temperature). These results suggest that microwaving might be more favourable to the formation of acrylamide than conventional heating methods, such as roasting. A comparative study of acrylamide formation induced by microwave and conventional heating methods. Yuan Y, Chen F, Zhao GH, Liu J, Zhang HX, Hu XS. J Food Sci. 2007 May;72(4):C212-6 Source College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural Univ., Beijing, 100083, China. Abstract In this study, the formation of acrylamide upon treatment with microwave and conventional heating, boiling, or frying was investigated in both Asn/Fru and Asn/Glc model systems and in potato chips. Acrylamide levels were analyzed by HPLC method, which was confirmed by HPLC-MS/MS. Present results in model systems showed that pH value had a complex influence on the formation of acrylamide in the 2 systems during both microwaving (600 W) and boiling (120 +/- 1 degrees C). At pH < 8.0, acrylamide content increased with increasing the pH value, reaching the maximum at pH 8.0 whereas acrylamide content decreased with the increase of pH. Regardless of pH and heating methods, acrylamide content generally increased with increasing treatment time. Surprisingly, all present results showed that microwave heating not only induced acrylamide formation in the 2 model systems but also facilitated more acrylamide to be formed as compared to the boiling method at identical pH and treatment time. At pH 4.0, 8.0, and 10.0, the larger the microwave power, the more the acrylamide content. Consistent with the above observation, treatment of potato chips with microwave heating for 2.5 to 3.5 min in the range 550 to 750 W similarly resulted in acrylamide formation. The highest acrylamide content was formed by 750 W microwave treatment as 0.897 +/- 0.099 mg/kg, which was significantly higher than that produced by traditional frying (180 +/- 1 degrees C), 0.645 +/- 0.035 mg/kg (P < 0.05). Statistical analysis for the effect of preparation methods on the acrylamide content of potato products, (μg/kg) Method Before final preparation Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving French fries, n = 11, Other potato products, n = 12, All products, n = 23, B416±61a C252±72a D322±154a B561±53b C400±46b D469±109b B597±67b C418±53b D495±114b B727±71c C557±51c D630±100c B790±64d C676±59d D725±107d A Mean ± standard deviation, a, b, c, d – Mean in columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) Acrylamide……….. • Less AA with MW in popcorn compared to conventional heating , but high levels in sugar- varieties Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 2007 Mar;36(2):220-2 • No formation of AA in cooking of vegetables in MW • Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2004 Feb;45(1):44-8. • Higher formation of AA in selected vegetables if pre-cooked in MW and then baked, compared to pre-cooking by boiling and then baking Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2004 Feb;45(1):44-8. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Volume 118, Issue 2, February 1993, Pages 233–244 Synergistic Neurotoxic Effects of Styrene Oxide and Acrylamide: Glutathione-Independent Necrosis of Cerebellar Granule Cells Abstract Conjugation with glutathione (GSH) is a mechanism of detoxification of acrylamide (ACR); hence, prior depletion of GSH might be expected to exacerbate ACR′s neurotoxicity. GSH levels in female rats were reduced by ip administration of styrene oxide (SO; 250 mg/kg), diethylmaleate (DEM; 0.5 ml/kg), or 2-vinylpyridine (VP; 100 mg/kg) 1.5 or 2 hr prior to a single dose of ACR (100 mg/kg). The time course of GSH depletion following treatment showed that all three regimens were equally effective in reducing GSH in liver,cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus GSH levels in the liver were reduced to 4-22% , 2 and 4 hr after treatment and to 38-57% of control levels in all brain regions between 4 and 8 hr. ACR alone (100 mg/kg) reduced both brain and liver GSH to about 60% of normal. The administration of a second dose of ACR (also 100 mg/kg) 12 hr later further depleted brain and liver GSH to 33% of control. Grillet kød er farligt Heterocykliske aminer (HCAs) HCAs dannes ved meget høj temperatur eller flammer Forskellige HCAs dannes, som amino-imidazoquinolin, amino-imidazo-quinoxaliner, aminoimidazo-pyridiner, and aminocarboliner. HCAs forårsager DNA skader og er formentlig en faktor I udviklingen af forskelige kræftformer Polycykliske aromatiske hydrocarboner (PAHs). PAHs dannes når fedt drypper ned på grillkullene og ryger…fx.benzo- pyren og dibenzo[a,h]anthracen, som klistrer sig på kødets yderside. Kræftfremkaldende. . J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev. Oct 2011; 29(4): 324–357 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and digestive tract cancers - a perspective Abstract Cancers of the colon are most common in the Western world. In majority of these cases, there is no familial history and sporadic gene damage seems to play an important role in the development of tumors in the colon. Studies have shown that environmental factors, especially diet, play an important role in susceptibility to GI tract cancers. Consequently, environmental chemicals that contaminate food or diet during its preparation becomes important in the development of GI cancers. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one such family of ubiquitous environmental toxicants. These pollutants enter the human body through consumption of contaminated food, drinking water, inhalation of cigarette smoke, automobile exhausts, and contaminated air from occupational settings. Among these pathways, dietary intake of PAHs constitutes a major source of exposure in humans. Country Table 1 Estimated dietary intakes of PAH for various countries *Data pertain to benzo(a)pyrene intake only. +Data was collected from intake of cooking oils. #Data was collected from consumption of fish & other seafood items only. J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev. Oct 2011; 29(4): 324–357. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and digestive tract cancers - a perspective Australia* Austria Brazil China Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India+ Italy* Japan* Netherlands Newzealand* Nigeria*# Norway South Korea# Spain Sweden U.K. U.S.A. Estimated intake (μg/person/day) 0.03 0.39 2.90 3.56 0.19 0.02 2.34 0.09 0.19 0.005 11.0 0.2 0.09 0.52 0.16 6.0 0.02 1.10 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05 Fornuftigere brug af grill…….. 1.Magert kød. -drypper mindre fedt og dermed mindre PAH-fyldt røg 2.Mariner kød før grill´ning HCA kan reduceres med op til 90 % , måske barrierefunktion 3.Lavere temperatur 4.Undgå flammer Flammer forårsager både HCAs og PAHs. 5.Oversteg IKKE kødet. Fjerkræ , fisk, skaldyr og hakket kød skal gennemsteges, men ikke mere end det, brug termometer. Afgiftning af HCA og PAHs J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev. Oct 2011; 29(4): 324–357 Leverafgiftning, Fase 2 Methylering Sulfatering Enzym Cofaktor GlutathionTransferaser S-adenosylmethionin SAM Cystein, glycin glutamin Cobalamin, Folat, Methionin Betain (rødbede) Sibylum Marianum (marietidsel) Flavonoider Arctium lappa (glat burre) Salvia Officinalis(salvie) Andet N- og O-methyltransferaser Variationer Genetiske variationer fra gennemsnitlig afgiftingsevne er alminderlige 1)DHEA - dehydroepiandrosteron 2)CCK - cholecystokinin Acetylering Konjugering Sulfotransferase Aminosyre-transferaser N-acetyltransferaser Glucuronidering Glucuronyltransferaser PAPS (phosphoadenosin, phosphosulfat) Acetyl CoA, Taurin, Glycin UDPG, (Urinidin diphosphoglucuron-syre) B1 – vitamin (thiamin) B2-vitamin (riboflavin) B3-vitamin (niacin) B5 – vitamin (pantotensyre), Lipoinsyre (svovlholdigt B5 vitaminlignende stof) Mucopolysaccha rider: Aloe Vera, Reishi-svamp, Shiitake-svamp, Kombucha-the Grøn the Svovlholdige fødemidler: bønner, æg, løg, hvidløg, MSM-tilskud, Alle proteiner Methionin Cystein Genetisk forskel på om man er hurtig eller langsom i dette afgiftningstrin, ca. 50 % i hver gruppe. Methylerin g Enzym N- og Omethyltransferaser Paraquat Isoquinoliner Kviksølv Bly Arsen Tallium Tin Pyridin Sulfatering GlutathionTransferaser Styren Acrolein Benzpyren Methylparathion (sprøjtemiddel) Chlorobenzen Anthrazen Tetraclorvinfos Giftige metaller Oliedestillater Naphtalen PCB Sulfotransferase Anilin Fenolforbindelser Terpener Aminer Hydroxylaminer Phenoler PCB Acetylering Aminosyre-transferaser N-acetyltransferaser Benzosyre Fenyleddik esyre Naftyleddi kesyre Alifatiske /aromatiske aminer Organiske syrer Propionsyr e Kaprylsyre 2-aminoflourin Anilin Konjugering Glucuronidering Glucuronyltransferaser Carbamater Fenoler Thiofenoler Anilin N-OH-2naftylamin PAH= polychlorerede aromatiske hydrocarboner, inkl. Stegemutagener, epoxider HCA PCB Methylering Enzym N- og Omethyltransferaser Dopamin Adrenalin Histamin Noradrenalin L-dopa Apomorfin Hydroxyøstradi ol Sulfatering GlutathionTransferaser Sulfotransferase Bakterietoksiner Aflatoksin Lipidperoxider Etanol (alkohol) Quercetin N-acetylcystein Prostaglandiner Bilirubin Leukotrien A DHEA1) Quercitin Galdesyrer Tyramin Tyroxin Østrogener Testosteron Cortisol Catecholamine Melatonin Coumarin Vitamin D Etanol (alkohol) CCK2) Cerebrocider 1)DHEA - dehydroepiandrosteron 2)CCK - cholecystokinin PABA - para-aminobenzoesyre Acetylering Konjugering Aminosyre-transferaser N-acetyltransferaser Galdesyrer PABA3) Organiske syrer Serotonin PABA Histamin Tryptamin Koffein Cholin Tyramin Coenzym A Galdesyrer Stearinsyre Palmitinsyr e Myristinsy re Laurinsyre Smørsyre Glucuronidering Glucuronyltransferaser Bilirubin Østrogener Melatonin Galdesyrer Vitamin E Vitamin A Vitamin K Vitamin D Steroidhormoner Advanced Glycation Endproducts AGEs Advanced Glycation Endproducts AGEs AGEs- advanced glycation endproducts – Maillard reaction / roasting process Oxidativt stress Nedsat organ-reservekapacitet Nedsat organ-funktion Øget træk på reparationssystemer (celledeling) Telomerer……når de er slut, deler cellen sig ikke mere Aldring Nutrients. Dec 2010; 2(12): 1247–1265. Published online Dec 13, 2010. doi: 10.3390/nu2121247 PMCID: PMC3257625 Dietary Advanced Glycation End Products and Aging Claudia Luevano-Contreras* and Karen Chapman-Novakofski Organsvigt: Nyrer, lever, hjerne AGEs in food……….. • Worst is high protein-high fat foods w. endogenous cellular sugar, producing ”glyco-toxins”: • Meat, nuts, fats • Worst is heating w. higher temperature/ longer time or ”maturing ” cheese (parmesan) J.Am.Diet.Ass.2010;110:911- 16 • Better is acidic environment (marinade w. lemon or vinegar) • Better is shorter time, ie MW • Better is grains, vegetables, pure sugar-foods and milk products AGEs in food…..database available Food item J.Am.Diet.Ass.2010;110:911-16 AGE, kU/100 g Butter Beef, raw 26.480 800 Beef, grilled 4 min 7.416 Beef, Microwaved , 6 min 2.687 Beef, pan fried , olive oil 10.058 BACON, 5 min no oil 91.577 BACON, 3 min MW 9.023 Chicken breast, skinless , raw 769 Chicken breast, skinless , pan fried 13 min, high tp 4.938 Chicken breast, skinless , poached 15 min 1.076 Chicken breast, skinless , microwaved 5 min 1.524 …similar for many other protein rich foods…….. AGEs in food…..database available J.Am.Diet.Ass.2010;110:911-16 Food item Lamb, raw/ boiled 30 min Parmesan vs. cottage cheese 1% Egg, no oil, all types Potato boiled vs. French fries Cashew raw Pine seeds, raw Pistacie, raw Sunflower raw vs. roasted Peanuts Roasted vs. Roasted in shell SOY beans roasted and salted AGE, kU/100 g 826 /1.218 16.900/1.453 43-90 27 / 1522 6.730 11.210 380 2510/4693 8.333/3.440 1.670 AGEs optimalt niveau ? • 6-8000 units = sund kost • 10-12.000 units = problematisk • 15-20.000 units = toxisk Høj AGE MORGENMAD Frisk frugt Spejlæg Ristet bagel Flødeost Kaffe Fløde FROKOST Bønnesuppe Grillet kylling Blandet grøn salat Italian dressing Kiks/knækbrød Ice te MELLEMMÅLTID Æble Amerikansk ost AFTENSMAD Grillet steak Pommes frites Dampede grøntsager Smør Frisk frugt Lav AGE Portion 1 kop 1 57 g 1 spsk 1 kop 1 spsk AGE 30 1240 100 1500 5 325 1 kop 85 g 3 kopper 2 spsk 28 g 227 g 100 5200 50 220 275 5 1 28 g 15 2600 85 g 85 g 1 kop 1 tsk 1/2 kop 6600 690 20 630 15 TOTAL AGEs AGEs fra 19620 MORGENMAD Frisk frugt Scrambled æg Frisk bagel Margarine Kaffe Sødmælk FROKOST Bønnesuppe Simret kylling Blandet grøn salat Italian dressing Fuldkornsbolle Ice te MELLEMMÅLTID Æble Yoghurt AFTENSMAD Stegesos oksekød Bagt kartoffel Dampede grøntsager Olivenolie Frisk frugt Portion 1 kop 1 57 g 1 tsk 1 kop 1/4 kop AGE 30 75 60 180 5 3 1 kop 85 g 3 kopper 2 spsk 28 g 227 g 100 1000 50 220 25 5 1 170 g 15 10 85 g 85 g 1 kop 1 tsk 1/2 kop 2200 70 20 150 15 4233 Kyllingesalat jvf. Paleo-kost AGE kU 23 1104 1210 27 1642 1657 502 _____________ 6165 IALT Afgiftning af AGEs er betinget af: *Glyoxalase I og II Glutathion virker som coenzym *Urinudskillelse = god nyrefunktion, minimer oxidativt stress= Glutathion *Carbonyl reductase Nature. 2005 Dec 1;438(7068):662-6. Epub 2005 Oct 23. Glyoxalase 1 and glutathione reductase 1 regulate anxiety in mice. Hovatta I1, Tennant RS, Helton R, Marr RA, Singer O, Redwine JM, Ellison JA, Schadt EE, Verma IM, Lockhart DJ, Barlow C. J Biol Chem. 2008 Dec 19;283(51):35756-62. Human carbonyl reductase 1 is an S-nitrosoglutathione reductase. Bateman RL1, Rauh D, Tavshanjian B, Shokat KM. Abstract Human carbonyl reductase 1 (hCBR1) is an NADPHdependent short chain dehydrogenase/reductase with broad substrate specificity and is thought to be responsible for the in vivo reduction of quinones, prostaglandins, and other carbonyl-containing compounds including xenobiotics. In addition, hCBR1 possesses a glutathione binding site that allows for increased affinity toward GSH-conjugated molecules. It has been suggested that the GSH-binding site is near the active site; however, no structures with GSH or GSH conjugates have been reported. We have solved the x-ray crystal structures of hCBR1 and a substrate mimic in complex with GSH and the catalytically inert GSH conjugate hydroxymethylglutathione (HMGSH). The structures reveal the GSH-binding site and provide insight into the affinity determinants for GSH-conjugated substrates. Oxidation af kolesterol Intact LDLcholesterol Oxidized cholesterol, broken apart – particles infiltrates arterial wall LDL cholesterol appears intact in the lower-left corner while oxidized cholesterol that has broken apart is shown in the background as it infiltrates the damaged arterial wall along with red blood cells. Primary cholesterol oxygenation reactions mediated by * Cytochrome P-450 species *Occurring nonenzymatically in the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) Oxygenation of cholesterol into 25-OH cholesterol is catalyzed by cholesterol 25hydroxylase, a non-heme iron protein Björkhem 2002 Oxycholesterol boosts total cholesterol levels Promotes atherosclerosis more than nonoxidized cholesterol. Fried and processed food, particularly fastfood, contains high amounts of oxycholesterol. Avoiding these foods and eating a diet rich in antioxidants: Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, may help reduce its levels in the body. Added to processed foods, those substances improve texture, taste and stability Source: 238th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society 2009. Zhen-Yu Chen, PhD Chinese University of Hong Kong (Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons) Alzheimer's and oxidized cholesterol: Neighbors come together An oxidized form of cholesterol alters membrane organization and might disrupt cellular function in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by accumulation of the neurotoxic peptide β-amyloid. This peptide can oxidize cholesterol to form the oxysterol 7β-hydroxycholesterol 1 (7βOH). Although cholesterol in cell membranes brings 7β-hydroxycholesterol is produced by neighboring phospholipid molecules closer together, by oxidation of cholesterol inducing a partial straightening of their acyl chains, the effect of 7β-OH on membrane organization is unknown. Now Steven Regen and colleagues report in the Journal of the American Chemical Society that the condensing effect of 7β-OH is enhanced compared to that of cholesterol. This Mitomo, H., Chen, W.H. and Regen, S.L. produces a membrane reorganization that might help to Oxysterol-induced rearrangement explain the enigmatic etiology of Alzheimer's disease. of the liquid-ordered phase: a possible link to Alzheimer's disease?. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (6 August 2009). doi:10.1021/ja904308y Oxidized cholesterol test feeding Background: Information on the absorption of cholesterol oxidation products (COP) from ordinary foodstuff in humans is scarce. Methods: Five healthy young men were offered a 150 g salami + 150 g Parmesan+ 135 g bread, a meal naturally rich in COP. Plasma and lipoprotein COP concentrations were measured over 9 h. Results: The mean plasma free (nonesterified) COP concentration showed its maximal increase 3 and 5 h after meal consumption. In contrast, the raise in plasma total COP concentration began 6 h after the meal with a maximum at 8 h and was statistically significant for 7·- and 7ß-hydroxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol. Conclusion: COP from ordinary foodstuff were absorbed in the human intestinal tract but differences in the bioavailability of the single COP compounds were found. Dr. Jakob Linseisen/ Günther Wolfram Institute of Nutrition Science of the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Ann Nutr Metab 1998;42:221–230 Peak 3 hrs. • Alpha- epoxide • 7- keto : triple from 75,4 nmol/l at baseline to 235 nmol/l • Cholestanetriol Peak at 5 hrs. • 7- α – OH- cholesterol • 7-β – OH- cholesterol Doubles from 40 nmol/l to 87 nmol/l • Cholesterol- β- epoxide 25-OH- Cholesterol The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the progression of atherosclerosis. Tabas I. Circ Res. 2010 Oct 1;107(7):839-50. Prolonged activation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathway,known as the unfolded protein response (UPR) can lead to cell pathology and subsequent tissue dysfunction. Ample evidence that the UPR is chronically activated in atherosclerotic lesional cells, particularly advanced lesional macrophages and endothelial cells. The stressors in advanced lesions that can lead to prolonged activation of the UPR include oxidative stress, oxysterols, and high levels of intracellular cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Oxycholesterol- biological effects Oxycholesterol, may pose the greatest heart disease risk. Study on hamsters (Chen, Hong-Kong 2009): •Diet high in oxycholesterol Vs. Diet with non-oxidized cholesterol Outcome : •Blood cholesterol + 22 % in oxy-cholesterol group •Greater deposition of cholesterol in the lining of blood-vessels (atherosclerotic plaques) Plaques increase the risk for heart attack and stroke. Oxycholesterol had undesirable effects on artery function: Reduces the elasticity of arteries, impairing their ability to expand and carry more blood. Second heating study Time-of-year-result, study 1 + 2 T-test May vs. January p-value Raw 0,321 MW 0,001 Oven Boiling 0,001 0,001 Pooling of data, first study 1400.0 1200.0 1000.0 All 3 oven methods were similar: Convection, hot-air and common electric oven, n=18 Two boiling methods: Water boiling on electric stove and pressure boiling on electric stowe, n=12 Three frying methods: Teflon pan, easy slip 800.0 Alpha-Epoxy 7-beta-OH 7-Keto 600.0 Beta-Epoxy Total oxy 400.0 200.0 0.0 Wok gas,n=6 Induction, n=6 Raw,n=3 All oven, n=18 Boiling, n=12 Frying,n=18 MW, n=6 Steaming,n=6 Second heating study Overall result, n=12 raw and n=9 in each group Overall ranking from high to low, at significant p-values: 1. boiling 2. MW 3-6. similar: wok, steaming, oven, induction 7. teflon 8. control Intermediate/ Selected methods heating study Fig.12. 7-beta-OH-cholesterol Stepwise regression: group, at p=0,026 and weight change at P=0,028 Univariate analysis w. Bonferroni at 0,01 *Control significantly different from: - Boiling, MW and oven *Wok gas significantly different from:None *Boiling significantly different from: - Control, teflon, steaming, induction and oven *Teflon significantly different from: - Boiling, MW *MW significantly different from: - Control, teflon, steaming, induction, oven *Steaming significantly different from: - MW, boiling * Induction significantly different from: - Boiling, MW *Oven significantly different from: - Control, boiling, MW Added spices…….and a good quality oil Organic greek extra- virgin olive oil w. lemon – 1 tbs. In preparation Organic rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis), from ≈ 3 tsp. added before heating Organic/bio turmeric (Curcuma) from ≈ 3 tsp. added before heating Let sit for 15 min before preparation Level of spices high, compared to European tradition, but with fine taste. 7-betaHydroxycholesterol after heating with spices turmeric, rosemary and olive oil, n=2 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 7-beta-Hydroxycholesterol 1. Slight increase in MW + spices, 2. Large increase in induction + spices, almost 3fold from 87 ng/g to 263 ng/g Beta-Epoxy-cholesterol after heating with antioxidant spices turmeric, rosemary and olive oil, n=2 500.0 450.0 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 beta-Epoxycholesterol 1. 58% decreased oxidation in MW + spices, 2. 38 % increase in induction + spices 3. 17% % decreased oxidation in Conclusion • The study has revealed a significant trend for formation of COPs in different heating methods of organic chicken breast. • Study 1: Wok, teflon pan and Induction = gentle heating Electric heating = intermediate, regardles of method Steaming, boiling and microwave = aggressive. • Study 2: Teflon (green pan) = gentle Wok, streaming, oven, induction= intermediate Boiling, microwave = aggressive Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 43, June 2005, pp. 503-508 Effect of cholesterol and 7- hydroxycholesterol on glutathione status and nitric oxide production in murine peritoneal macrophages M P Bansal & Sonia Shalini Present study was conducted to observe the effect of cholesterol and oxidized cholesterol (7-hydroxycholesterol,7-OH) on the nitric oxide (NO) production and the redox ratio by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages. Dose-dependent decrease in NO levels was seen with both cholesterol and 7β-OH at different incubation intervals (6,12,18,24 hr) and concentrations (2.5,5,7.5g/ml). On comparison, a significant decrease in the NO was observed at 24 hr interval in 7-OH exposed cells with all respective concentrations of cholesterol. Incubation with 7-OH also resulted in significant increase in levels of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH), while cholesterol showed no effect on GSSG levels. Moreover, GSH levels were lowered only at highest concentration (7.5g/ml), and at longer incubation intervals (18,24 hr) with cholesterol exposure. This altered the redox status in both cholesterol/7-OH treated macrophages. Increased redox ratio and decreased NO levels indicated increased oxidative stress and decreased vasodilation by 7-OH compared to cholesterol. Keywords: Cholesterol, Glutathione status, 7- Hydroxycholesterol, Murine peritoneal macrophages, Nitric oxide Konklusion • INGEN enkle resultater eller handlinger på området • VARIATION Kulhydrater /stivelse: hellere kogt /langtidsbagt ved lav temperatur / låg på Grøntsager: Mange RÅ, Nogen kan lide opvarmning Proteiner & fedt: Så LAV temperatur og så KORT tid som muligt Glutathion i udviklingsforstyrrelser ADHD og autisme “Glutathione is the major antioxidant present in cells and is responsible for detoxification and elimination of environmental toxins. It’s active form is reduced 80% in kids with autism”. HVEM ønsker sig mere glutathion ??? = BESKYTTELSE MOD OXIDATIVT STRESS, UNØDIG ALDRING, BESKYTTELSE AF BLODKAR, NYRER, HJERNE, HJERTE, LEVER OG ALLE CELLER ? BESKYTTELSE IFT ANGST OG URO? Master detoxifier´s Sublinthion • For første gang findes nu et effektivt glutathionprodukt: • Biologisk aktivt • Optages gennem mundslimhinden Tak for i dag SPØRGSMÅL?? Possible to reach high enough levels of COP with 75°C heated chicken ?? Amount of COP per portion of 150 g edible portion ≈ 50 g dry weight 7-beta -OH, a-epoxy, nmol nmol 7- keto, nmol b-epoxy, nmol Total oxy cholesterol nmol 15,74 123,61 23,61 107,75 270,72 Teflon pan 27,50 113,50 57,00 271,50 469,94 MW 90,50 158,00 180,00 532,00 960,00 Boiling 117,01 200,20 205,76 625,31 1148,28 Raw Metals and Metal-toxicity: • Essential minerals are • Act as antagonists to used to chelate and essential nutrients, secrete toxic metals. especially minerals E.g.: high limit of and trace minerals. copper or cadmium Humans differentiate pushes out zinc, between e.g. zinc and producing symptoms cadmium, but will take of defiencency and up cadmium in lack of toxicity zinc. simultaneously. Metals and Metal-toxicity: • The balance between the minerals can be disrupted. E.g. low limit of zinc will interfere with limits of iron and manganese producing problems in cellsignaltransmission and energiproduction. • Long-term low-dose exposure can affect immune-, hormoneand nervesystem to shut down the ability absorb nutrients, thereby producing a condition of being resistant to therapy. Metal-toxicity: • Direct toxic effect, with organ-damage, especially in organs where metals upconcentrate. Anything below ”High limit” does not mean that sensitive humans could not be affected by akkumulation. • Free radical effect, damaging cells and cellmembranes, disturbing energymetabolism and ability to detoxify. Higher demand for antioxidants. Detoxification Through Food: • Be sure to get enough nutrients to work as antagonists to metals. Food intolerance is often an issue. Supplements are often required. • Be sure to get enough fiber to bind whatever is secreted in the intestines. • Be sure to get enough fluid to secrete sufficiently through the kidneys, possibly with golden rod herbal te. Detoxification Through Food: • Adequate intake of sulphurcontaining nutrients, which has a remarkable capacity to chelate toxic metals: • Eggyolk, onions, garlic, beans and lentils. All you can eat and digest. Tofu is easier to digest. Beans and lentils contain much fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals and traceminerals. Detoxification Through Food: • Seaweed, alganit chelates mercury and radioactivity. Use it in flour, salads and rice. • Wholemeal products and vegetables (spinach) to provide B-vitamins (folic acid) • Optimal fats – koldpressed plantoils and olive oil. • Sufficient protein intake for the immune system and blodsugar-balance. Detoxification Through Food: AVOID: • • • • • Sugar Milk Alcohol Cheese Coffeine Tobacco Soda waters Simple carbohydrates Other items that create biochemical and emtionel chaos. Supplements: • Vitamin C – allround detoxifier. From 1.5 to 8-10 grams is necessary. Cadmium and mercury require high amount, lead lower. • Mixed vitamin and mineralsupplement, preferably with organic selenium and folic acid (over 200 microgram). • Management of gut-dysbiosis Other Issues: • Sauna 2-3 times a week, aids in detoxification through the skin. Lots of water. • Baths with bicarbonet and magnesiumsulfate, 1 handfull of each • Dryrubbing stimulates skinfunction. Disulfide relays and phosphorylative cascades: partners in redox-mediated signaling pathways G Filomeni, G Rotilio and M R Ciriolo Table 1. Different modalities of oxidative stress [ROS] oxidative stress Effect Antioxidants implicated Response in cell response Target GENERAL HEAVY (pathological) Irreversible oxidative damage Cellular macromolecules Enzymatic defense (SOD, Nonprogrammed events: (Proteins, DNA, lipids) GPx, CAT) GSH (cosubstrate and scavenger) 1. Rescue/survival 2. NECROSIS SPECIFIC MILD (physiological) Reversible oxidations Transcription (NF-kB, AP-1, p53) Regulation of gene transcription Regulatory proteins (TRX,GSH, TRX (mediators of 1. Proliferation GST) cell signaling) 2. APOPTOSIS Programmed events: v12/n12/fig_tab/4401754f1.html Redox regulation of MAP kinases. The scheme represents the intimate relationship between phospho- and redox-mediated signals. The detachment of the redox-sensitive inhibitory subunits, Trx and GST, from ASK1 and JNK, respectively, allows transforming an oxidative stimulus in a phosphorylative cascade Previous figure | Acrylamide content of potato products before final preparation French fries Crinkle, n=5 each Thick-cut, n=3 each Shoestring, n=3 each (μg/kg) Preparation methods mean±SD Before final preparation 410±41 Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 535±49 539±45 660±51 744±72 Before final preparation 358±81 Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 527±39 568±41 704±68 763±55 Before final preparation 480±11 Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 622±10 685±15 817±17 863±25 A Mean ± standard deviation, n = The number of the same type of products and after different domestic preparation methods , Acrylamide content of potato products before final preparation and after different domestic preparation methods (μg/kg) Other potato products Preparation methods Cubes, n= 3 each Wedges,n=3 each Noisettes, n=3 each Pancakes; n=3 each Acrylamide (μg/kg) Pan-frying 341±17 Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 392±18 527±28 679±70 Before final preparation 197±18 Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 436±18 451±19 588±22 635±30 Before final preparation 337±16 Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 387±19 405±7 547±9 696±12 Before final preparation 286±2 Pan-frying Deep-frying Roasting Microwaving 437±11 422±13 564±10 694±11 Frittata (æggekage) AGE kU 1657 36 808 2936 501 ___________ 5938 Kyllingesalat AGE kU 23 1104 1210 27 1642 1657 502 _____________ 6165 Æg Benedict (hakkebøf med æg og grønt) 20% AGE kU 9856 36 502 57 40 23 1104 2000-3000 502 ______________ 14620 Conclusion • Findings are highly relvant for public health on the real large scale…………it is findings who, if applicated, studied and expanded further – can contribute to save both lives and quality of lives. • Alone i EU 25 (ie not worldwide) there is 741.000 coronary heart disease deaths, per year. • Oxidized cholesterol is thought to be a major contributing preventable cause. Intermediate/ Selected methods heating study Fig. 13. Total Oxy-cholesterol/Total COPs Stepwise regression: Group, at p= 0,024 and weight change p=0,045 Univariate analysis w. Bonferroni at 0,01: *Control significantly different from: Boiling, teflon, MW, steaming, oven *Wok gas significantly different from: none *Boiling significantly different from: - Control, teflon, induction *Teflon significantly different from: - Boiling, MW * MW significantly different from: - Control, teflon, steaming, induction * Steaming significantly different from: - Control, MW *Induction:- Boiling, MW *Oven significantly different from: - Control