November 12, 2013 AGC/DOT Meeting

Meeting Minutes
Specification Committee Meeting – November 12, 2013
Attendees: Chris Kautz, Knife River; Chad Erickson, Strata; Ken Russell, Dakota Fence; Mark Dougherty,
AGC of ND; Ron Mack, Troy Erickson, IBI; Zachery Schultz, Newman Signs; Paul Hartmann, TSS; Justin
Ramsey, Carl Martin, Nathan Haaland, Matt Linneman, Paul Moch, NDDOT –ETS; Clayton Schumaker,
NDDOT- Materials and Research; Cal Gendreau, NDDOT-Construction Services; James Rath , NDDOTDesign; Denise Spanjer, NDDOT-Civil Rights; Jason Peterson, NDDOT-Grand Forks District; Bob Fode,
Migratory Birds Treaty Act SP: Justin Ramsey introduced Paul Moch from ETS. Paul made a presentation
on a new migratory birds SP. The new SP is not really a change in practice, but was prepared to
provide guidance to reduce confusion. (The new SP will be forwarded to the recipients of these
minutes.) The purpose of the SP is to comply with the migratory bird treaty act and to ensure no
delay to projects because of compliance issues with the act. Matt Linneman noted that late
season bidding requires coordination with District offices to keep the structures clean of nests
before the bidding and award of the late season contract.
Meeting dates for haul road and field lab task groups: Justin noted that ETS will be scheduling dates for
meetings of the haul road task group and the field lab task group. Nathan Haaland will be
Specification Rewrite Update: Justin gave the status of the rewrite of the technical sections. All sections
except for the new asphalt section and the structures section have been sent out for review and
comments returned. The new asphalt section will be sent out for review in November, 2013. The
structures portion is being worked on by the NDDOT Bridge Division. ETS still plans to have a
95% draft on the NDDOT website in March, 2014 and the complete online version on the
NDDOT website in June, 2014. ETS plans to use the new specifications for the August, 2014 bid
Justin noted the NDDOT committee on specifications will be meeting on November 19, 2013 and
again in December, 2013 to continue to discuss remaining issues to finalize sections other than
asphalt and structures. All of these sections are about 85 to 90% complete with a few remaining
issues to resolve.
Justin said when the new book is out, ETS will be setting up meetings with the District offices to
discuss major changes from the 2008 specifications and to discuss how the technical sections
mesh with the General Provisions (Section 100) which were recently redrafted. Mark Dougherty
requested ETS also make a presentation or presentations to AGC members.
Temporary traffic control discussion: Since this is always a difficult issue, ETS suggests a task group of
NDDOT and AGC personnel consider the issue. Hopefully this task group could meet at the same
time as the haul road and field lab groups.
Standard SPs: Nathan Haaland informed the group that SPs that don’t change will keep the same
number, i.e. they will not have project specific numbers issued.
Utility relocations: Mark Doherty noted that comments from AGC members are there were serious
problems with utility relocations this current construction season. AGC would like to see the
NDDOT take on more of the utility responsibility with a direct contract relation with utilities. A
group meeting with NDDOT, AGC and utility representatives was suggested to “brainstorm”
Slow cure epoxy pavement markings: Paul Hartman noted that the NDDOT specification for slow cure
epoxy is not working too well. He believes that new products (modified urethane?)are available
that cure faster. He also commented that the NDDOT bead specification seems to allow such
small particles that it is not effective. Clayton Schumacher said he will check on what other
states are doing. Clayton stated NDDOT uses our present “slow” epoxy spec because it is a more
flexible product, but he will investigate these newer products. Clayton discussed beads; large
beads get cut by the plows. Paul says we don’t need larger beads, just need to tighten the
specification so we don’t have so many smaller particles (dust.)
Automated machine guidance SP: Mark Doherty noted that there have been some questions from AGC
members on this SP. Suggestion for a meeting. Discussion on the history of this. Bob Fode noted
it was an “everyday counts” initiative from FHWA. NDDOT wanted to use the machine guidance
on a few projects and then evaluate the results for determining best practices for the future.
Accelerated construction: Chad Erickson asked whether NDDOT could bid projects earlier in the year to
accomplish accelerated construction. Cal Gendreau explained that right of way issues and
environmental permit issues have made it difficult to expedite projects. Cal noted we will start
to see more 2 year projects with interim shut down dates and interim liquidated damages. One
requirement would be a hard surface on the roadway during the winter suspension period.
Electrical work difficulties: Jason Peterson discussed difficulty with electrical work for weigh in motion
stations and other sensor type work. Cannot do the work before the rumble strips are installed,
and since it becomes the last item of work run into temperature problems and other late season
construction problems. He suggested making these items a separate contract. Discussion.
Mention of secondary completion dates to expedite contracts, etc. No action was proposed.
Large projects: Chad Erickson questioned why projects are getting so big. His comment was specifically
about a project that was pulled and then joined with another project and scheduled for bid
again. Cal Gendeau noted that was a special case, the project was pulled because of high bids
and then joined with the other project in the later letting. Cal said contractors working in that
area were consulted before the joinder was decided on. Cal mentioned that with so much work
in some areas of the state, larger projects help with coordination.
Shipping of district quality control samples and results: A question whether district quality control
sample results could be sent directly to contractors. Clayton Schumacher noted that district
quality control tests were not acceptance tests. Contractors still want all test results on their
material. Discussion whether districts could send out results. After discussion the group
consensus was there was no problem with current practices.
Ride specifications: Clayton Schumacher told the group that NDDOT is considering using the Surface
Assurance Module (SAM) to evaluate the International Roughness Index (IRI) on asphalt
pavement contracts to evaluate grinding requirements and determine the incentive-disincentive
amount in the contract. The SAM is presently being used on concrete projects but is not being
used on asphalt. Since there were no representatives from asphalt paving contractors at the
meeting, Mark Doherty said he would contact those contractors for their input into the decision.
Concrete plant certification: A question on the status of concrete plant certification. Clayton
Schumacher said NDDOT is using, but are still evaluating a threshold for size of project.
November 15 Bid Opening: Cal Gendreau noted there were a lot of addendums for the Friday bid
opening, so bidders be aware. Denise Spanjer asked contractors to be sure and execute the
required DBE forms ASAP, please.
Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.