PATTON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES March 28, 2012 Page 1 of 3 ATTENDANCE: BOARD Elliot Abrams, Chair Bryce Boyer, Vice-Chair Jeff Luck, Supervisor Josh Troxell, Supervisor Walt Wise, Supervisor STAFF Doug Erickson, Township Manager Kim Wyatt, Finance Director Brent Brubaker, Township Engineer Betsy Dupuis, Solicitor Joe Price, Senior Planner ABSENT John Petrick, Chief of Police AUDIENCE CNET 4 Volunteers Jessica VanderKolk, Centre Daily Times 1. CALL TO ORDER The March 28, 2012 Patton Township Board of Supervisors meeting held at the Township Municipal Building was called to order at 7:06 PM by Mr. Abrams, Chair. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Abrams stated that an Executive Session was held prior to the March 28, 2012 Regular Board Meeting at the Patton Township Building, beginning at 6:30 PM, to discuss the Collective Bargaining with the Police Officers Association and no decision has been made. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Luck moved to approve the March 14, 2012 meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 5. PUBLIC SAFETY a. Designate Negotiators for Collective Bargaining Mr. Wise moved to designate the Township Manager, Finance Director and Township Solicitor as negotiators for the Township. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 5-0. PATTON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES 6. March 28, 2012 Page 2 of 3 PUBLIC WORKS a. Contract for Work Order 1 (Data Collection, Traffic Study and Alternatives Evaluation) for Waddle Road Interchange Improvement Project Mr. Erickson stated that that the Township has conducted a qualifications-based selection process for pre-construction work for the subject project and the firm of Erdman Anthony (EA) of Mechanicsburg was determined to be the most qualified firm. The Township staff, with much assistance from PennDOT, prepared a scope of work for the initial phase of the engineering work. The work, expected to take 6 months, includes: Data collection including land surveys, traffic counts and environmental features Traffic study to include projections to future design year (20 years after construction) Development of alternative solutions/configurations and evaluation of feasibility, cost, and traffic capacity EA has provided a Technical and Price proposal detailing the staff and hours required to carry out each task within the scope of work. The proposal has been reviewed and refined, again with much assistance from PennDOT. The PennDOT Project Manager has access to data bases that contain hours and cost information on similar projects across the state. The Price proposal is in line with similar work done for PennDOT. A copy of the EA proposal was included with the agenda materials. The proposal is also under review by PennDOT Central Office to assure these expenditures can be used as Donation Credits for the construction. The Manager recommends that the Board approve the contract with Erdman Anthony for Work Order 1 for a price not to exceed $314,770.16. Mr. Troxell asked how many work orders will there be for the whole project. Mr. Erickson answered three work orders. Mr. Troxell asked if it affects applying for a grant. Mr. Erickson stated that it should not affect grant applications. Mr. Boyer moved to approve the contract with Erdman Anthony for Work Order 1 for a price not to exceed $314,770.16. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 5-0. b. Grant Application for Waddle Road Interchange Improvement Project Mr. Erickson stated that on behalf of the Township, Delta Development has submitted a TIGER (Transportation Infrastructure Generating Economic Recovery) Grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation for funding the construction portion of the project. The application requests approximately $13.5 million. Mr. Erickson stated that on Monday Mr. Garmin of Delta Development and himself went to meet with local congressional staffers about getting a letter of support that would go to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary LaHood and that meetings have been set up for April 5th with staff for our congressional delegation in Washington, DC. A summary of the grant application was provided prior to the meeting. Mr. Luck moved to approve the TIGER Grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation for funding the construction portion of the project. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0. PATTON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING MINUTES March 28, 2012 Page 3 of 3 7. MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Erickson stated that he received and approved a $6500 quote for the aerial mapping for Waddle Road Improvement Project. He stated that a controlled burn is to be scheduled at Scotia State Gamelands but waiting on the weather. 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mr. Luck stated that at the MPO met yesterday and there was a discussion on funding repairs to three local bridges and asking the County to increase their level of funding to the MPO. 10. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Abrams moved to appoint Greg Turner to the Recreational Advisory Committee. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 5-0. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, by Mr. Troxell‘s motion and Mr. Luck’s second, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM. Douglas J. Erickson, Township Secretary