Unit Plan Template UNIT OVERVIEW Title: o How do you get ready? (como te preparas) Unit Goal: o For Unit 2a students will be able to: 1.) Describe getting ready for a special event 2.) Talk about daily routines 3.) Describe people and things 4.) Express possession 5.) Understand cultural perspectives on clothing. Subject Area: o Spanish II Grade Level: o Grade 9-12 Approximate Time Needed: o 2 weeks Unit Summary: o This unit covers vocab about getting ready, things you need to get ready, talking about a special event, talking about how you feel. The grammar aspect includes reflexive verbs, the verbs ser and estar and the possessive adjectives. Key Vocabulary: o o o o o Vocab about getting ready (acostarse, afeitarse, arreglarse etc.) Vocab about things you need to get ready (el cepillo, el cinturon, la ducha etc.) Vocab about a special event (la audicion, la boda, la cita etc.) Vocab expressing emotion (nervioso, tranquilo etc.) Other useful words and expressions (antes de, depende, elegante etc.) Materials and Resources Needed: o Surprise bag and props, realia, worksheets, DVD film clip, PowerPoint slides. Technology Connections: Overhead and projector, computers with Internet connection LEARNING OUTCOMES Essential Questions: o o o o o Can I use reflexive verbs correctly to describe my daily routine? Can I correctly match subject pronouns with the corresponding reflexive verb? What is a coming of age ritual? What coming of age rituals did you celebrate? Why are coming of age rituals important? Standards, Skills and Learning Outcomes: SD DOE K-12 Standard(s): Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Cultures: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Student Learning Outcomes: For Chapter 2a students will be able to: 1.) Describe getting ready for a special event 2.) Talk about daily routines 3.) Describe people and things 4.) Express possession 5.) Understand cultural perspectives on clothing. ASSESSMENT PLAN Before Instruction Assessment: o Pre-test, and KWL chart. This way I will be informed of how much information the students already know and it will give me ideas to build on what they already know. o Scoring Guidelines: Teacher judgment, a checklist next to student’s name to see how much they know about the subject. This allows me to keep track daily of what a student already knows During Instruction Assessment: White boards, homework, comprehension checks, quizzes. These ongoing assessments will allow me to see individual progress. Who is understanding the subject and who needs more opportunities for learning. After Instruction Assessment: o Unit test o Oral presentation These are assessments that encompass the student’s learning outcome for the whole unit. This will help me determine what worked, what didn’t work, who needs more practice, etc. o Scoring Guidelines: Rubric, answer key, study guide UNIT AT-A-GLANCE Unit Daily Planner or Calendar This unit will take 2 weeks. First week I will introduce all the vocabulary in the unit and the grammar (reflexive verbs, possessive adjectives, ser and estar). The second week, I will do a variety of activities with the students in which we incorporate vocab, and grammar practice in preparation for the test. Unit Introduction and Conclusion: Introductiono Pre-test students to see what they already know. Share with the students a personal story about a special event I attended, what I wore and what the event meant to me. o ConclusionHave students write a reflection paper where they write ways that they can connect this lesson to their personal lives. They should include what they liked most, what they liked least and suggestions of improvement. They must give themselves a performance score. WEEK #1 UNIT INTRODUCTION: what do you already know Day 1 Lesson -Introduce reflexive verbs -Introduce vocab (to talk about getting ready) -Practice Instructional Activities -Surprise bag (student picks an object from bag) -Dice game in pairs D-1 subject pronoun, D2 the reflexive verb) Day 2 Lesson -Introduce Possessive Adjectives -Introduce vocabulary (to talk about things you need to get ready) -Practice Instructional Activities Day 3 Lesson -Introduce vocab (to talk about a special event) -Practice with possessive adjectives and reflexive verbs -Review and clarify questions Day 4 Lesson -Introduce Ser vs. Estar -Introduce vocab (to talk about how you feel) -Practice Instructional Activities Instructional Activities Practice possessive adjectives in pairs - Whole group whiteboard activity with possessives and reflexive verbs - Worksheets with reflexive verbs and possessive adjectives -board races with vocab -Analyze ser vs. estarstudents come up with their own rules. Then we come together as a class and analyze what works and what doesn’t work questions/answers Day 5 Lesson -Review Ser and Estar -Practice -Introduce vocab (other useful words and expressions) Instructional Activities -Quiz -whole group white board activity with ser and estar -Listening activity with vocab -Practice worksheet ser vs. estar Assessment Assessment -Student must Worksheets in come up with class is own reflexive verb based on the object he picks from the bag Assessment Whiteboards Assessment Homework assignments Assessment -Quiz on possessive and reflexive verbs Day 1 Lesson Day 2 Lesson -Work on pg.74-75 Vocabulario en Contexto -Work on pg.76-77 -Extra credit opportunityattend a Quinceanera -Work on pg.78-79 -Work on pg. 84, Juego and practice Escribir, hablar -Work on pg. 88,89 Instructional Activities -Have students write/make up their own routine for a special event -Guest speaker: talk about Quinceanera Instructional Activities Assessment Exit slip WEEK #2 Day 3 Lesson Introduce pronunciation (consonants that change their sounds) -practice -review and clarify questions Instructional Activities -Quiz -Listening activity -review all vocab -writing and speaking activities Assessment Quiz on ser and estar -Board races with vocab Questions/answers Assessment Homework assignments UNIT CONCLUSION: reflection paper Day 4 Lesson -presentacion oral in small groups Day 5 Lesson -Test day -Play hot seat to review and recap for test Instructional Activities -oral presentation on attending a special event Instructional Activities Test day -hot seat for review and recap Assessment Hot seat Assessment Test day DIFFERENTIATION PLAN Differentiated Instructional Support for All Learners: o Describe how instruction can be differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the intent of the standard, or, if the standard is already met, to advance beyond the specified indicator(s). Learner Resource or Struggling Student Suggestions for Differentiated Instructional Support -Review student’s IEP plan to develop the necessary instructional accommodations and adaptions for the student. -Reduce amount of homework/reading, allow for extra time, highlight important ideas in worksheets, provide vocab and definitions, give student copy of lecture notes, and provide study guides. Non-Native English Speaker or ELL Student -Extended Time -Alternative Materials - Modified Assignments (shorter, easier) -Interpreting, Transliterating Gifted or Accelerated Student 1. Explore concepts in depth and encourage independent study 2. Encourage creative expression and thinking by allowing students to choose how to approach a problem or assignment 4. Avoid drill and practice activities with these students 5. Ask students’ higher level questions that require students To look into causes, experiences, and facts to draw a Conclusion or make connections to other areas of learning. 6.If possible, compact the lesson for gifted students to move more quickly through the material. 7. Encourage the students to make transformations- use a common task or item in a different way LESSON PLANS Select and fully develop AT LEAST two lessons using the following format: PART I: PRE PLANNING LESSON IN CONTEXT: (NOTE: Puts today’s lesson in context within this unit of study being taught.) What did students learn In the previous lesson the students took a pre-test (similar to about this topic in the their summative assessment) and then they learned about PREVIOUS lesson? my own personal story about attending a special event. What will the students -Possessive adjectives learn about this topic in -vocab (to talk about things you need to get ready) the FOLLOWING lesson? UNIT GOAL 1.) Describe getting ready for a special event 2.) Talk about daily routines 3.) Describe people and things 4.) Express possession 5.) Understand cultural perspectives on clothing. OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES Students will be able to talk about -Surprise bag daily routines using reflexive (Students pick an object verbs from bag) ASSESSMENTS Student comes up with his own reflexive verb based on the object he picks from the bag Students will be able to use reflexive verbs in the present tense with all subject pronouns Creating the correct sentence using the corresponding subject pronoun with the reflexive verb -Dice game in pairs (D1-subject pronoun, D2the reflexive verb) K-12 SD DOE STANDARDS ALIGNMENT Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS - Can I use reflexive verbs correctly to describe my daily routine? Can I correctly match the subject pronoun with the corresponding reflexive verb? KEY VOCABULARY Acostarse, afeitarse, arreglarse, banarse, cepillarse los dientes, cortarse el pelo, despertarse, ducharse, levantarse, lavarse la cara, pedir prestado, pintarse las unas, ponerse, prepararse, secarse, vestirse. MATERIALS/SUPPLIES Surprise bag and props Verb labels Dice cubes game Worksheet TECHNOLOGY CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT PowerPoint Low-stressful environment Desks arranged in groups of 4 PART II: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE & LESSON FORMAT ANTICIPATORY SET: (5 min) (NOTE: What will you do to focus student attention and prepare them for the lesson?) Write the objectives of the day on the board and have a student read it. Students will solve the riddle “brothers and sisters I have none but this man’s father is my father’s son” answer is myself. Introduce the reflexive verbs and the subject pronouns with PowerPoint slides LESSON SEQUENCE: (15 min) (NOTE: What is your plan for carrying out the lesson with clear directions, smooth transitions, etc.) -Introduce the vocab “to talk about getting ready” - Present all expressions with the surprise bag props and have students repeat after me. Ex. “yo me bano” Transition- “Now that I have demonstrated the activity you will each come up, grab a prop and use the correct form of the reflexive verb” -Assign partners and have students move around the room with their partner while I hand out the worksheet. -Transition- “Now with your partner we are going to be playing a dice came in which you must correctly match the correct form of the verb with the subject pronoun. Use different colors for the reflexives (me, te, se, nos) -Once the students are done with the worksheet we will come together as a class and discuss the differences in how the verb changes with the subject pronoun. -Still in pairs students will play a competition game with cards having English reflexive verb sentences on one side and the Spanish sentence on the other side. The one who can get the most translations right wins CONTINGENCY PLAN: (NOTE: What is your plan if the lesson is not working, you are running out of time, you have time to spare, etc.) Running out of time- assign worksheet for homework Time to spare- watch a youtube video of a song in Spanish where students listen for the reflexive verbs CLOSURE: (5 min) (NOTE: How will you conclude the lesson by bringing it back full circle to the objectives and actively involve students in doing so?) - Ask a student to repeat the objectives of the day - -Ask another student to review what we learned today - Ask students if there is any confusion or clarification needed PART I: PRE PLANNING LESSON IN CONTEXT: (NOTE: Puts today’s lesson in context within this unit of study being taught.) What did students learn The verbs ser and estar and vocab on other useful words about this topic in the and expressions PREVIOUS lesson? What will the students Practice writing and speaking learn about this topic in the FOLLOWING lesson? UNIT GOAL 1.) Describe getting ready for a special event 2.) Talk about daily routines 3.) Describe people and things 4.) Express possession 5.) Understand cultural perspectives on clothing. OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES Watch a film clip about quinceanera ASSESSMENTS Exit slip Compare/ contrast worksheet Compare/contrast worksheet Students will be able to explain what a Quinceanera is. Read online article about quinceanera Students will be able to compare and contrast this ritual with their own coming of age rituals. K-12 SD DOE STANDARDS ALIGNMENT Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Cultures: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What is a coming of age ritual? What coming of age rituals did you celebrate? Why are coming of age rituals important? KEY VOCABULARY Quinceanera, rituals, coming of age MATERIALS/SUPPLIES TECHNOLOGY CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Overhead projector Quinceanera slide show Film clip DVD Compare/contrast wkst Arrange desks in circles for discussion PART II: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE & LESSON FORMAT ANTICIPATORY SET: (5 min) (NOTE: What will you do to focus student attention and prepare them for the lesson?) Post question “what is a coming of age ritual?” and have students come up and write answers Tell students the objectives of the day Discuss their answers to the question posted and show the slideshow of quinceanera LESSON SEQUENCE: (20 min) (NOTE: What is your plan for carrying out the lesson with clear directions, smooth transitions, etc.) Group Activity: Call out sticks and arrange students in groups of three while I hand out compare/contrast wkst. Directions: choose a specific coming of age ritual that you did. Compare and contrast that with what you already know about a Quinceanera. Transition: Class we will now briefly discuss what each group talked about. I will call out a stick and the person can share what your group talked about. During this discussion we will address the essential questions. After this we will watch a clip about a Quinceanera and explore this coming of age ritual in more depth. Watch film clip Special guest comes and talks about quinceanera. Students will then be able to ask questions. CONTINGENCY PLAN: (NOTE: What is your plan if the lesson is not working, you are running out of time, you have time to spare, etc.) If running out of time: have the compare and contrast wkst. Due for homework Time to spare: Have students read an online article about quinceanera and share interesting facts with the class CLOSURE: (5-10 min) (NOTE: How will you conclude the lesson by bringing it back full circle to the objectives and actively involve students in doing so?) Ask a student to read the objectives Re-state question- what is the importance of rituals? Exit slip- what was their favorite thing about today, what did they learn that they didn’t know before. OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT AND ANSWER KEY Capitulo 2a- ¿como te preparas? Examen Nombre:_____________________ Fecha:______________________ SECTION #1 LISTENING ACTIVITY Multiple choice: Directions: Listen to the recordings carefully. Each recording will be played three times. Record your answers to the best of your ability. Each question is worth 2 points. Scenario #1: Listen as Antonio talks about his daily routine. Organize the following sentences (1-7) in the correct order as you hear them. (2 pts.) _____Me ducho lentamente _____Me afeito _____Me despierto _____Me pongo el desodorante _____Me levanto _____Me seco el pelo _____Me arreglo Scenario #2: You will hear 7 phrases. Some are logical and some are not. Circle Logico for a logical phrase and ilógico for an illogical phrase. (2 pts.) 1. Lógico/ilógico 2.Logico/ilógico 3.Logico/ilógico 4.Logico/ilógico 5.Logico/ilógico 6.Logico/ilógico 7.Logico/ilógico Scenario #3: TODOS LISTOS. Listen to Maria’s monologue as she talks about getting ready for a date. Based on what you hear, write the letter of the item she considers least important. (2 pts.) a. c. b. d. SECTION #2 Matching Directions: The following section includes matching questions in which you will be asked to relate or connect a word to its concept. Use process of elimination to determine your answer. (5 pts.) Choose a phrase from column B that is an appropriate match to the phrase in column A. A. 1. Para una boda llevo B A. para arreglarse el pelo 2. Margarita necesita un peine B. Para ir a la escuela 3. Mi novio me invito a una cita C. Y después me levanto 4. Hay que acostarse temprano D. un vestido elegante 5. Me despierto E. Vamos a ir al cine SECTION #3 Fill in the blank Directions: The following section includes fill in the blank questions. Each word will only be used once. Each question is worth 2 points. 1. Estan Listos por fin? Ernestina is telling her brothers and sisters what to do in order to get ready for their mom’s surprise party. Complete what she says, using the words in the word box. Check the reflexive word endings to help you pick the correct word! (2 pts) Ducharse Lavarse los dientes Peinarte maquillarme afeitarse Nachita, apúrate en el baño porque Papi necesita __afeitarse__________. Después de Papi, Rosa necesita _____ducharse______. Que come José? No ve que necesita __lavarse los dientes___________ ahora mismo? Y tu, con tu pelo que es un desastre, piensas ______peinarte___________? Ay! Ya es tarde y todavía necesito ____maquillarme__________. 2. Isabel and Elena are getting ready to go to a Quinceañera. Write the correct reflexive pronoun by each number to complete the story. (se, nos, me, te) Isabel y Elena son dos hermanas que _se______ preparan para una fiesta de quinceañera. “Debemos acostar__nos_____ temprano esta noche,” dice Isabel. “Si, y mañana yo __me____baño primero. Después ____me__maquillo y _me__ pinto las unas. Me gusta preparar __me___lentamente,” dice Elena. “Es verdad,” dice Isabel. “Siempre_te____preparas mas lentamente que yo. La noche de la fiesta Elena _se___ arregla el pelo primero y luego ayuda a Isabel. Las dos _se___ visten y salen para la fiesta a las seis y media. 3. Alfredo and Juan play in a band and are going to be entering a contest. Circle the correct verb to complete their conversation. Alfredo y Juan____ (son/están) chicos talentosos. ____(son/están) miembros de la banda de su escuela. Ahora los chicos ____(son/están) en casa de Juan y se preparan para ir a un concurso de la banda. -_____(eres/estas) nervioso, Juan? -Si, un poco. Toda mi familia va a _____(ser/estar) allí. Mis padres, mis abuelos… _Tu novia? -No, hombre. Ella____(es/esta) enferma y no puede ir. Y tu, Alfredo? -Nervioso no. Yo ______(soy/estoy) entusiasmado. Yo se que _____(somos/estamos) los mejores. SECTION #4 Multiple Choice Directions: Circle the appropriate phrase. 1. Yo solo __________ botas cuando nieva mucho. a. b. c. d. me visto me preparo me pongo me baño 2. prefiero usar___________cuando necesito secarme el pelo. a. b. c. d. el agua de colonia el secador el cepillo el gel 3. si no ____________antes de ir a la escuela estoy muy cansado todo el dia a. b. c. d. me despierto despertarme me lavo la cara lavarme la cara 4. Elena: ¿piensas que puedo____________esa joya de oro a tu hermana? Raquel: Quizas. No se si ella necesita usarla este fin de semana. a. b. c. d. le pido prestada pedirle prestada le pedir prestada pedir prestada 5. Es un cinturón elegante, pero no debes comprarlo si no estas __________cuando lo usas a. b. c. d. comodo nervioso simpático ocupado 6. Es mi peine? Si, es ______ a. b. c. d. suyos tuyo mío suya 7. Juan: ¿Dónde vas a __________esta noche? Daniel: En una audición para el coro de la ciudad. ¡Yo ________uno de tres estudiantes de mi escuela que van! a. b. c. d. estar/soy estas/estoy estas/soy estar/estoy 8. Viveca: ¿Usas joyas para todas tus citas? Marielena: ___________. Cuando vamos al parque no, pero si vamos a un __________, entonces llevo joyas. a. b. c. d. por ejemplo/ cita depende/ evento especial por ejemplo/ luego depende/ cita 9. Lourdes: No quiero___________este vestido. No me queda bien. Marta: Lourdes,_____________y no tienes otro vestido elegante para tu audición a. b. c. d. ponerme/ te ves bien me pongo/ te vistes vestirme/ vestirse me visto/ vestirme 10. Es tu agua de colonia? Si, es ______ a. b. c. d. nuestra tuya mía suya SECTION #5 WRITING ACTIVITY Directions: ESCRIBAMOS! Tonight is your cousin’s wedding and your whole family is invited! Write a letter to your friend telling her about the wedding. Include details as to who’s wedding it is, where it is, when it is, what time, what you will be doing before the party and what each member of your family must to in order to get ready. Spelling and grammar count! (10 pts) Directions: Write a paragraph in English where you explain a coming of age ritual. Compare and contrast this ritual with a Qunceanera. Your paragraph should include six to ten sentences. Be sure to include: a topic sentence to introduce your paragraph, supporting details or examples, and a concluding sentence. (10 pts) SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT AND RUBRIC PRESENTACION ORAL TASK: you are an exchange student in Mexico. Your host family wants to know about special events in which you participate in your community. Show them photos of a typical special event you or your friends might attend. To prepare, bring a photo from home or a picture from a magazine of a special event that high school students might attend. Think about the process of getting ready for this event. Answer the following questions for yourself or for others. Go through your presentation several times. Provide as much information as you can about each point. Use complete sentences and speak clearly You will have 5-10 minutes to present for your group. Que tipo de evento es? Que ropa llevas que haces para preparate? Como estas? Entusiasmado? Nervioso? Contento? RUBRIC Criterion Unsatisfactory Unacceptable 1 You read your speech and make no eye contact with your audience Script was not memorized Basic Expected 2 You read your speech and make some eye contact with your audience Hesitations when speaking. Needs more preparation How well you use details You include no details in your speech How well you organize your ideas Few ideas. Not organized Grammar Frequent errors in grammar, interferes with meaning Include one or two interesting details but need more Many organizational problems make your speech hard to follow Many errors in grammar and basic structures How effectively you deliver your speech How complete your preparation is Proficient Excellent 3 You use eye contact and intonation Distinguished Exemplary 4 Good use of eye contact and intonation Some hesitation, however its evident that student prepared previously Many details are included in speech Student was confident and well prepared Occasional organizational problems that do not distract from the task Occasional errors in grammar that do not distract too much from the task Good use of details makes your speech interesting You organize ideas well, making your speech easy to follow. Consistent correct use of grammar functions and targeted structures Score