
The Perils of Obedience Worksheet and Writing Assignment Rubric
The student has not
responded to every
prompt with a paragraph,
and does not use text to
support their response.
The student has
responded to every
prompt with a paragraph
(5 sentences) response,
and used the text to
support their answer.
Every response is neat
and can be read easily.
The student has
responded to every
prompt with a paragraph
(5 sentences) response,
and used the text to
support their answer.
Every response is neat
and can be read easily.
The student makes
reference to another war
text in at least 3
Ideas are not clearly
related, or paper is hard to
follow. Thesis or topics
not clearly related; not
clearly focused. Perhaps
missing topic sentences,
concluding sentences,
transitions, introduction
or conclusion. Lack of
organization gets in the
way of reader
understanding your
Textual Support
Perhaps general reasons
indicated, but not
consistently backed up
with language from texts.
If quotes/details were
used, they were not
integrated into the body of
the paper. Grammar and
sentence structures are not
mentioned in the paper.
There is a little
explanation; you mostly
rely on examples to
summarize, rather than
Ideas are mostly linked
from one paragraph to
next, though there may be
a few gaps or awkward
transitions. Topic
sentences are mostly clear
and support the thesis.
Introduction and
conclusion help the reader
follow the argument. In
other words, the
organization mostly helps
us understand your
Uses some textual support
from Maus and The Perils
of Obedience.
Quotes/details mostly
support main ideas and
thesis. An effort was
made to integrate them
into the body of the paper.
Grammar and sentence
structures are mentioned,
but do not enhance your
of each quote links that
evidence to the topics.
Roughly adheres to a 1
fact: 2 comments ratio.
Analyzes, with a few
rough patches. There is
some depth, but there
could be more; in places,
the analysis remains
superficial, verging on
Ideas are clear throughout
and are linked gracefully
via topic sentences,
concluding sentences, and
transition words/phrases.
introduction and
conclusion. Logical and
smooth ordering of ideas.
Organization allows us to
think about the ideas,
rather than the structure;
thus, we are interested
and persuaded.
Uses ample evidence
from both Maus and The
Perils of Obedience.
Quotes/details clearly
support main ideas and
are skillfully integrated
into body of paper. The
evidence helps deepen
your analysis. Grammar
and sentence structures
are mentioned and used to
enhance your points.
You confidently and
thoughtfully synthesize
ideas/themes across
multiple texts, making
sure to comment on how
each example supports
topics. Roughly adheres
to a 1 fact: 2 comments
ratio. Your thoughts are
probing, sophisticated,
(Tone & Word
Writing is flat or
awkward. Word choice is
basic or sentences are
choppy. You are less
involved. Perhaps more
casual or sloppy
appropriate for the
Many errors in
punctuation, verb tenses,
capitalization, use of
quotes (not MLA), etc. or
not in correct format:
wrong font size, etc.
Sounds like you care
somewhat about the topic
and use some compelling,
varied language. You use
appropriately formal
language/tone, with
occasional lapses.
Sounds like you really
care about topic, so we
care, too. You use
compelling, varied, and
appropriately formal
language and tone. You
have a mature writing
Few errors. Mostly
correct format. You made
an effort to integrate
quotes skillfully, though
there may be a few small
errors in in-text citations.
Satisfactory title and
Few/no errors—nothing
distracting or
disappointing. Correct
format: 12-pt. font,
double-spaced, two pages
long. You skillfully
integrate quotes in proper
Proper Mechanic
and Format
The Perils of Obedience Worksheet and Writing Assignment Rubric
Grade: /25
MLA format. You show
you care about your ideas
by editing well.