Class Content Summary

A Summary of SAE 574:
Net-Centric Systems Architecting & Engineering
University of Southern California
Viterbi School of Engineering
Systems Architecture & Engineering (SAE)
Ken Cureton
January 2013
SAE 574 Objective
• Part of Systems Architecting & Engineering (SAE) Series
– Objective:
“Provide System Engineers And Architects With
Understanding Of The Intersection Between Network
Engineering, Systems Architecting, And Systems
– Elective Course in University of Southern California’s
Masters Program in Systems Architecting & Engineering
– Class Initiated in the Fall of 2003
– About 350 Students have completed the class
– Student Demographics:
• About ½ are employed by aerospace companies
• About 1 out of 20 are Air Force, Navy, or Army officers
• Remainder are foreign students or those with more of a
commercial background
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SAE 574 Class Format
• Semester Class, 16 Weeks, One night/week
– 12 Weekly Lectures, 2 hours 40 minutes each
– 3 days off! (2 holidays, one Spring Break)
– 1 Final Exam week (scheduled but not used)
• Distance Learning Format
– Typically only one or two students in the TV Studio,
majority of students are scattered across the US
– Class content webcasted for online/offline viewing
– Class content in PowerPoint format, hosted on
Blackboard Software for student preview
– Blackboard Software provides for Chat or Voice
Interaction online, Discussion Boards offline
– Simultaneous Webex for real-time interaction
• “Walk the Talk” about Net-Centric Concepts
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SAE 574 Class Grading
• Two Research Papers required of each student
– One in place of Midterm Exam, other for Final Exam
– Papers are typically 20 single-spaced pages, suitably
formatted for publication in a technical journal
• Student materials on “How to Write Research Papers”
– No weekly homework, but students are encouraged to
e-mail Instructor with questions, outlines, drafts, etc.
• Students choose research topic(s)
– Submit abstract for approval by Instructor
– Can use same topic for both papers
• Structured analysis for each paper
– Specific analyses required in each case to demonstrate
student’s ability to apply the class fundamentals
– Paper #1: Material from first 6 Lectures
– Paper #2: Material from next 4 Lectures
• Extra credit for material from last 3 Lectures
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SAE 574 Lecture #1
• Syllabus
• Definitions
Systems Architecting
Systems Engineering
Nodes in a Network
Net-Centric, Network-Centric, Net-Enabled
Complexity Theory and Complex Systems
Agility (Timeliness/Accuracy)
Location Independence
• Enabling Characteristics of Net-Centric Systems
• The power of Net-Enabled Systems
– Synergistic Effect of Collaboration, Emergent Behavior
– Example: Internet Growth & Uses
– Net-Enabled Ecosystem: Technology, Processes, People
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SAE 574 Lecture #2
• History of Networked Systems
– Centralized Processing through Distributed Systems
• Moore’s Law
• Metcalf’s Law
• Network Components
– Nodes, Interfaces, Gateways, Bridges, Routers, etc.
• Networked System Categories
Characteristics and Abilities
Architectural Implications & Constraints
Fixed Location Users of a Fixed Network Infrastructure
Mobile Users of a Fixed Network Infrastructure
Fixed Location Users of a Mobile Network Infrastructure
Mobile Users of a Mobile Network Infrastructure
Mobile Ad hoc Networks
• System of Systems, Network of Networks
– Intro to Complexity Theory as applied to Networks
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SAE 574 Lecture #3
• Layered Architecture “Reference” Models
– Benefits & Costs & Weaknesses of this approach
– Abstraction
• Historical Models
– Becker’s 6-Layer through SNA/APPN, DSA, DECnet
• OSI 7-Layer Reference Model
– Connection-Oriented vs. Connectionless
– Physical Layer (Characteristics, Functions, Services,
Typical Standards, Example Implementation & Uses)
– Data Link Layer
– Network Layer
– Transport Layer
– Session Layer
– Presentation “Encoding” Layer
– Application Layer
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SAE 574 Lecture #4
• The Internet Model
– History (1962 through 1994)
– Network Classes & Addressing (“A” through “E”)
– Infrastructure
• Subnetting
• ISP, RSP, NAP, IXP, IIX, Backbone
– Geographical Distribution & Growth
– Strengths & Weakness of the Internet approach
– Internet II and other Future Projects
• Ethernet Protocol
– Comparison to Polled Systems, Handshaking, TDMA
• IP Reference Model
– Contrast/Compare to OSI 7-Layer
– Multiplexing, Routing, Protocol Numbers, Ports, Sockets
– Address Resolution (Logical, IP, MAC), Routing Domains
• Introduction to W3C and Internet Policy
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SAE 574 Lecture #5a
• Assured Availability
– Fundamentals of Fault Tolerance (Assured Operation,
Inadvertent Operation, Intermittent Operation,
Generic Failures, Fault Containment)
– Advantages & Disadvantages of Cross-Strapping
– Impacts on Reliability, Maintainability, Training
– Failure Modes & Effects with Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
of Networked Systems
– Typical HW/SW steps to assure Network Availability
• Assured Integrity (Trust aspects)
– Fundamentals of Trust
• Safety-Of-Life Applications (GPS/WAAS example)
– Trusted System Concepts (Hardware, People, Processes)
– Trusted Software Concepts & Methodologies
(including Formal Methods)
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SAE 574 Lecture #5b
• Assured Integrity (Security aspects)
– Data Integrity (Checksums, CRC, Hash codes, etc.)
– Defense against Virus, Worms, DOS/DDOS, Polymorphic,
Eavesdropping, Trap Doors, Trojans, Insider Attack, etc.
• Assured Authentication
– Methods of Strong Authentication, Biometrics, Trusted
Third Parties/Certificate Authorities, etc.
• Assured Confidentiality & Authorization
– Encryption: PKI, PGP, IPSEC/VPN, Digital Certificates
– IBAC vs. RBAC, “Least Privileges”, etc.
• Assured Non-Repudiation
– Methods of digitally-signed audit trails
• Networked Security Management
– Enclave Security, Defense-In-Depth, Firewalls, IDS, etc.
– Orange Book, Common Criteria, DIACAP, MLS vs. MILS,
Acceptable Levels of Risk, etc.
• Cyber Security
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SAE 574 Lecture #6
• Architecture Modeling
– Goals & Objectives of Modeling: Find Design Holes,
Unexpected Interfaces/Couplings/Dependencies,
and Unknown-Unknowns early in the Design Process
– History (Flow Charts, Structured Programming
Diagrams, Finite State Automata, 4+1 Views, ROSE, RUP,
the “Methods Wars”)
• Unified Modeling Language (UML v2.0)
– General Coverage of 13 Diagram Types
– Detailed: Use Case, Class, Activity, Sequence Diagrams
• System Modeling Language (SysML v1.0)
– General Coverage of 8 Diagram Types
– Detailed coverage of Assembly & Structure Diagrams
• Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) & Development
– Use of Executable Models
• Domain-Driven Architecture
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SAE 574 Lecture #7
• Model Definitions
– Reference Models, Architecture Models, Architecture
Frameworks, Stakeholders, Views & Viewpoints
• History
– Functional Decomposition/Tree, N2, FFBD Diagrams
– IEEE 1471 Conceptual Framework
– C4ISR Views, Steps, Products, Interrelationships
• DoDAF (v2.0) and MoDAF
Coverage of OV, SV, StdV, AV, CV, DIV, PV, SvcV
Essential Views, Supporting Views
Mandated Use (OMB A-130)
MOOs and MOPs and MOEs
History (C4ISR, DoDAF v1.0-v1.5) and Future
• DoDAF Meta-Model (DM2), etc.
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SAE 574 Lecture #8
• Enterprise Architectures
– Intent and Scope: Business, Data/Information,
Application (Systems), Technology (IT) Architectures
– Historical: MIL-STDs, TAFIM, DII COE
– Zachman Framework
– Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)
• Global Information Grid (GIG) and GIG-BE
– GIG Enterprise Services (GES)
– Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES)
– TPED vs. TPPU, Publish/Subscribe, Infospheres
– JTA, TRM, NR-KPPs, Net-Centric Checklist, etc.
• Legal Implications of Mandated IT Structures
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SAE 574 Lecture #9
• System-of Systems Analysis & Tools
– Structured Analysis: IDEFs vs. UML
– Risk-Based Spiral (Evolutionary) Development Process
• Markup Languages
– SGML: Markup Files, DTDs, DSSSL Style Sheets
– XML: Markup Files, DTDs, Schema, XSL Style Sheets
• DISA XML Registry
• Semantic Models/Ontologies
What & Why
Context-Free Semantics & Meanings
OWL (Light, DL, Full) and others
Domain & Upper Ontologies, Bridging Ontologies, etc.
Semantic Web & the Future (DAML/OIL:OWL-S, etc.)
• Taxonomies, Properties, Inference Rules
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SAE 574 Lecture #10
• Middleware
– Basic Concepts, Stimulation, Simulation, Fault Injection
& Monitoring, Application Services, Call Class Wrappers
• Remote Access & Distributed Computing Services
– Historical: MOM, RPCs, ORBs, CORBA, DCOM
• Web Services
– What & Why (vs. Tightly-Coupled, Point-to-Point)
– .NET vs J2EE
• Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA)
– Key Concepts of Loose Coupling, Registration &
Discovery of Services, Composability, Governance, etc.
– Grid Computing, classic Software As A Service,
Web 2.0 and other SOA concepts
– Cloud Computing (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.)
• Semantic Web Services (into the Future: Web 3.0)
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SAE 574 Lecture #11
• IPv4
– Original Design & Patches (NAT, IPSEC, etc.)
• IPv5
• IPv6
– Addressing Schemes (Representations, What & Why)
– Multihomed Hosts & True Hierarchical Networks
– Autoconfiguration of addresses
– Service Discovery
– Enhanced Authentication & Security (IPSECv6, AH/ESP)
– Mobile IP
– Quality of Service (QoS)
• Best Effort vs. Guarantees, INTSERV, DIFFSERV,
Packet Flow Control & Prioritization
– Transition from IPv4 (6OVER4, 6TO4, ISATAP, etc.)
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SAE 574 Lecture #12
• Timing- and QoS-Critical Network Service needs
– VOIP, Streaming Video, File Transfer, e-Mail, WS, etc.
• Historical Network Protocols
– Frame Relay, X.25, ISDN, Token Rings, FDDI, etc.
– Contrast/Compare to IP, IP Encapsulation
– Service Classes and True QoS
– Fiber Optic Based Network Concepts & Capacities
– Linear & Ring Networks
– Contrast/Compare to IPv4/IPv6; IP Encapsulation
• Telecomm Industry Review & The Future
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SAE 574 Summary
• Students Exposed to a Broad Range of Net-Centric Topics
• Students Required to Demonstrate (for their chosen topic):
Benefits due to its net-centric design
Fundamental organization of the network
How user collaboration synergy/emergent behavior supported
Reference model of sample nodes with layered analysis
Analysis of potential for Growth/Evolution/Future Use
Assured Availability: Fault Tolerance methods and a FMECA
Assured System Integrity and Data Integrity
Security: Authentication, Confidentiality, & Non-Repudiation
Security Management method
UML Use Case, Sequence, Activity Diagrams and descriptions
OV-1, OV-2, SV-1, SV-3 Diagrams and descriptions
Enterprise Architecture (Zachman or FEA)
Domain Ontology covering several key elements (in English)
Spiral/Evolutionary Development steps
• Emphasis: Training Systems Architects & Systems Engineers
in the application of Net-Centric System Design Concepts
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