Wireless Advertising
Speaker: Jerry Gao Ph.D.
San Jose State University
email: jerrygao@email.sjsu.edu
URL: http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/gaojerry
April, 2004
Topic: Wireless Advertising
Presentation Outline
- What is Wireless Advertising?
- Different Types of Wireless Advertising
- Business Models in Wireless Advertising
- Business Issues and Challenges
- Technical Issues and Challenges
- Existing Approaches
- Major Players in Wireless Advertising
- Open Issues and Future Work
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
What Is Wireless Advertising?
Wireless advertising
--> refers to advertising and marketing activities that deliver advertisements
to mobile devices using wireless network and mobile advertising
– To promote the sales of goods and services
– To build brand awareness
Wireless advertising
----> creates a new media channel to conduct product and business
advertising and marketing through mobile devices.
---> increase product awareness and disseminating information.
Wireless devices
--> the major platform behind wireless marketing and advertising.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
What Is Wireless Advertising?
Three main characteristics over conventional platforms:
Accessible - Since a wireless device is becoming a personal device
because it is handy and portable, and available for use at all time.
Personal - It carries the user’s identity that can be used to track down to
an individual, unlike PC computers that only carry a household’s
“Location Aware” - It is easy to track down where a user’s physical
location is as long as the device is on and connected.
---> Wireless advertising provides unique features that do not exist in
traditional and current advertising media.
--> highly targeted, flexible, interactive, and dynamic
--> targeted audiences can search information, issue inquires, and make
purchases at anytime, anywhere.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Understanding Wireless Advertising
Advertising Features
Wireless Advertising
Online Advertising
Traditional Advertising
Communication Style
2-Way Wireless Comm.
2-Way Internet Comm.
1-Way Delivery
Ad Delivery
Electronic and Dynamic
Electronic and Dynamic
Ad-hoc Delivery
Reachable Consumers
Global Mobile Users
Global Online Users
Regional Readers/Viewers
Interacting with Users
Not Supported
Ad Platforms
PDAs, Mobile Phones, and
Pocket PCs.
Web Browsers on Laptops, and
Traditional media platforms, TV,
Radio, and News Papers
Linkage to Product Catalogs
Not Supported
Enable Trading Transactions
Not Supported
Advertising Management
Systematic Management
Systematic Management
Ad-hoc Management
Ad Targeting
Personal, Content-Based, and
Location-Based Targeting
Content-Based and IP-Based
Ad-hoc Targeting to Regional
Subscribers or Receivers.
Ad Tracking
Systematic Tracking
Systematic Tracking
Very Limited Tracking
Ad Performance Measurement
Systematic Measurement
Systematic Measurement
No Systematic Measurement
Comparing Wireless Advertising with Traditional Advertising and Online Advertising
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 5/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Different Types of Wireless Advertisements
Vindigo’s Location-Based Application Advertisements:
- Vindigo enables individuals on the street to find the best and closest
places to eat, shop, and play.
- Vindigo provides ads for media companies, directory publishers,
travel agencies, real estate firms, wireless carries, as well as field
SkyGo’s advertisements:
- SkyGo delivers wireless ads to any mobile phone, PDA, or pager.
It supports a wide range of operating systems and protocols for
delivering phone ads and PDA ads.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Media company
Wireless carries
Directory publishers
Travel agency
Real estate firms
Field technicians
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Different Types of Wireless Advertisements
Location-based ads –
They are delivered to mobile device users based on their mobile locations.
For example, mobile users may register to receive alerts (or offers) on
their mobile phones from the shops or restaurants in a specific location.
Brand-building ads
– They are designed and delivered to mobile users to increase the
awareness of mobile users to a specific business or a product.
Homepage ads
– They enable advertisers to place wireless ads on the homepages of
wireless service vendors.
For example, AvantGo with premier placement header and anchor ads for
maximum visibility.
Category ads
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2004
- They provide customers with easily traceable well-classified ads.
AvantGo's wireless category pages are typical examples.
They target specific demographics with messages focused on consumers
who browser channels within a specific interest category.
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Different Types of Wireless Advertisements
Interstitial ads
- They refer to the advertisements which appear on mobile devices during
mobile users’ interstitial time.
For example, page loading, wireless web surfing, or waiting for wireless
connection. Interstitial ads can include interactivity by click-through and
provide audio features.
Short Message ads
- They are delivered to mobile users as short alter messages (for example,
SMS alerts or WAP alters) to meet the consumers’ requests.
Game-based ads
- They let the users to play games using mobile devices and the ads pop-up
in-between the games.
Mobile coupons
- They are delivered to mobile users to give them the permissions to
receive discount coupons.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless Ads build brand
effectively by compelling
concise messages within
Palm Ads build brand
effectively with compelling
concise messages
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Different Types of Wireless Advertisements
AvantGo’s wireless users can access more than 1000 premium channels
from wireless-enabled handhelds and smart phones.
These channels provide an effective mean to deliver wireless ads for
various businesses:
– banking & finance, health care, publishers & media, retail
shopping, computer, travel, and entertainment
AvantGo provides two types of wireless advertising services:
Wireless home page ads:
• Advertisers can place wireless ads on the AvantGo’s wireless home
page to achieve unsurpassed visibility with premier placement header
and anchor ads.
Wireless category ads:
• Advertisers may choose AvantGo’s wireless category pages to place ads
that easily reach to the desired demographics using message focused on
customers who are browsing the channels within a specific interest
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Figure 3: Wireless Home Page Ad Sample
Source: http://www.avantgo.com/products/businesses/marketing_commerce/pdf/wireless_ad.pdf
Wireless Category Ad: Deliver your targeted message based on users’ interests and
geographical location.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Figure 4: Wireless Category Ad Sample
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Business Models in Wireless Advertising
What is a business model?
--> a business model is a blueprint for a business that highlights the business
strategy about how to make revenue by specifying markets, products,
customers, and where is it positioned in the value chain.
The business model has an objective to provide competitive offerings and
has no intention to generate additional revenue.
Safe income & no upside revenue model:
The objective of this model is to subsidize acquisition of premier content to
elevate quality of wireless Internet offering. This model derives revenue not
only from the subscriber fees, but also the content providers’ placement fees.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 5/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Business Models in Wireless Advertising
Diversified revenue:
The objective of this model is to subsidize quality content and
subscriber fees to increase \content quality and create a compelling
offering that draws and retain subscribers.
-> generate revenue from the placement fees
-> generate revenue from the share of advertising revenues and
mobile commerce fees.
It requires WSP to have its own wireless ad server or sanctioned ad
server for use by publishers.
Media-dependent, outsource media sales revenue:
- The objective of this model is to subsidize quality content and
subscriber fees to grow and retain the subscriber base while
generating significant revenue.
- This model generates revenue wholly from a share of all advertising
and m-commerce revenue from the WSP distribution channel.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Business Models in Wireless Advertising
Media-dependent, in-house media sales revenue:
The objective of this model is to expand the carrier’s business
function to include media sales, controlling and drawing revenue
from the wireless Internet property.
This model is fully dependent on wireless advertising and mcommerce fees for wireless content acquisition and subscriber
It also requires a complete technology solution to support wireless
advertising in advertisement creation, management, services, such as
deliver, and measurement.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Business Models for Wireless Advertising
Business Model
er Fees
Partner Technology
Safe income,
WSP sanctioned publisher, ad
serving solution, outsource
media sales, measurement
media sales
WSP- sanctioned publisher, ad
serving solution, outsource
media sales, measurement
In-house media
sales revenue
Carrier ad serving solution,
extensive in-house media sales,
campaign management
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Enabling Wireless Technology
WAP: - It plays as a bridge between wireless network and Internet. It
can be used as an information channel between wireless devices
and the Internet.
SMS: - It is a digital cellular network feature. It allows users to send
short text and numeric messages to and from digital cell phones
using cell phones and e-mail addresses based on public SMS
messaging gateways over the Internet.
I-Mode: It provides a predominant wireless Internet service that offers
wireless web access and e-mail services through mobile phones
Web Clipping – It allows users to access the updated contents
dynamically through applications stored on mobile devices as
well as wireless modems.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Enabling Wireless Technology
Source: http://www.avesair.com/flash/solutions/mobile_marketing/push.html???
Figure 5(a): Push Technique Overview
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
Figure 5(b): Pull Technique Overview
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless Data Access
Audio Access
Visual Access
WAP Alerts
Table 3: Data Access Overview
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Business Issues and Challenges
– the current cost of wireless devices and wireless Internet
subscription are considered high.
Push vs. Pull
– Wireless ads are delivered to the mobile users using the Push or
Pull approaches.
High business risk
– Wireless marketing is still at the beginning stage, high
Ad reception
– The challenge here is how to determine whether or not a pushed
ad was ever received. --> mobile devices are on and connected?
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Business Issues and Challenges
– When discussing consumer profiling, the issue of privacy must
be addressed.
– A law must be made to govern to what ad agencies are allowed
to request and share.
– According to the Yankee Group during the WAA meeting, more
than 50% of consumers have privacy concern’s on the use of
their profile and location information.
Ad pitch
– There are several methods that advertising agencies will
attempt to sell to consumers. One is ad pitch based on wants
and needs. This has been there for ages, such as paper coupon.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Technical Issues and Challenges
Smaller Screen Size
– Different mobile devices have different screen sizes
Inconsistent formatting
– Lack of consistent ad formats
Slow download speeds
– Due to the technology limits
Broad spectrum of technologies
– Various wireless networks and technologies
Lack of standardization
– Presentation, formatting, protocols, payment, measurement, ...
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Standards
GSM and Non-GSM SMS Standard for Message Alerts
GSM SMS standards
Non-GSM SMS standards
Apply to messages carried over GSM
mobile networks, predominant in Europe.
Apply to all SMS messages carried by
TDMA and CDMA mobile networks,
predominant systems in U.S. and Asia.
A message that is up to 34 characters in
length (two lines of text on most phones),
designed for sponsoring content which
precedes or follows the ad unit.
A message, which is up to 34 characters in
length (two lines of text on most phones),
designed for sponsoring content that
precedes or follows the ad unit.
A message up to 160 characters in length,
typically delivered standalone.
A message up to 100 characters in length,
typically delivered standalone.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Standards
Palm OS
Pocket PC OS
Recommended 150*24 pixels
150*32 pixels
215*34 pixels
215*46 pixels
2 lines of text
215*26 pixels
215*58 pixels
1 line of text
3 lines of text
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
150*18 pixels
150*40 pixels
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Standards
Text ADS
Graphic only
Graphic + Text ADS
- Fixed text size with 15
- 2-line fixed text with 30
- 1-line marquee text with 34
- 80*8 pixels
- 80*15 pixels
- 80*20 pixels
- 80*8 pixels & l-line
- 80*15 pixels & lline text
- Content
- Can be run
80*31 pixels
80*15 pixels & 2-line
Can be run as
80*20 pixels & 1/2line text
Can be run as
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Engineering Wireless-Based Advertising Solutions
Engineering a wireless advertising solution consists of the following four tasks:
- Task #1: Analyze and define a domain-specific enterprise processes and
workflows for different parties in wireless advertising, including advertisers,
WSPs, content providers, mobile portals, and service vendors.
- Task #2: Understand and specify basic functional components in a wireless
advertising solution.
- Task #3: Specify the required wireless advertising techniques, algorithms, and
metrics based on the underlying business model and wireless advertising
- Task #4: Apply and practice a selected software engineering methodology to
develop, implement, and deploy the solution.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Engineering Wireless-Based Advertising Solutions
AD planning
AD targeting
AD design
AD creation
AD update
AD space search
AD space booking
AD contracting
AD delivery
AD monitoring
AD tracking
AD measurement
Monitor & Analysis
AD Payment
AD Report
An Engineering Process for Advertisers
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Engineering Wireless-Based Advertising Solutions
AD Space catalog creation
Inventory management
Inventory report
AD Space
Space auction
Space buy-and-sell
Space exchange
AD Space
Space quotation
Space reservation
Space scheduling
AD Space
AD elicitation
AD-space binding
Space fulfillment
AD Space
Space monitor
Space tracking
Performance analysis
Measurement report
AD Space
Payment process
Payment closure
AD Space
An Enterprise Process for Ad Publishers
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Engineering Wireless-Based Advertising Solutions
Space search
Space scheduling
AD Space
Space buying
Space bidding
AD Space
AD delivery
AD posting
AD Delivery
& Posting
AD Monitor &
Status Monitor
Performance Data Collecting
Ad Publishers
AD Performance
Performance Analysis
And Measurement
AD Service
Payment process
Contract closure
An Enterprise Workflow for Advertising Service Vendors
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Major Players in Wireless Advertising
– Wireless advertising portal
– http://www.avantgo.com
– Wireless advertising portal
– http://www.vindigo.com
– Wireless advertising portal
– http://www.i3mobile.com
– Marketing solution provider
– http://www.skygo.com
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Major Players in Wireless Advertising
– Marketing solution provider
– http://www.avesair.com
– Marketing solution provider
– http://www.advertising.com
– Marketing solution provider
– http://www.doubleclick.com
Windwire Inc.
– Marketing solution provider
– http://www.windwire.com
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Issues in Developing Wireless Advertising Solutions
Targeting issues:
Who should we deliver the wireless ads?
Timing issues:
When to deliver the wireless ads?
Delivery issues:
How to delivery the wireless ads?
Measurement issues:
How evaluate and measure the effectiveness of the wireless ads?
What kinds of ads are suitable for wireless advertising?
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Issues in Developing Wireless Advertising Solutions
Targeting issues:
Who should we deliver the wireless ads?
Timing issues:
When to deliver the wireless ads?
Delivery issues:
How to delivery the wireless ads?
Measurement issues:
How evaluate and measure the effectiveness of the wireless ads?
What kinds of ads are suitable for wireless advertising?
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 10/2002
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Targeting
What is wireless ad targeting?
Wireless ad targeting refers to using effective methods to deliver wireless ads and post them to
mobile users who are (or might be) interested in receiving them at the right time and right
What is the major objective?
Its major purpose is to increase the effectiveness of wireless advertisements.
In wireless advertising, ad targeting is to study the cost-effective methods to address the
following two challenges:
• How can we find and deliver the wireless ads to meet a mobile user’s interests and needs?
• How can we present and post the wireless ads to a potential consumer at the right time and
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Targeting
There are four basic ad targeting strategies:
-Profile-based targeting
--> It selects and delivers wireless ads to mobile device users based on users’ profiles, channels, and
interests. For example, in profile-based targeting, a SMS alter message about a new video coupon
could be sent to a user who likes to see movies.
- Location-based targeting
It selects and delivers wireless ads to mobile device users based on their mobile locations.
For example, a list of local Italian restaurants could be sent to a mobile device based on the mobile
user’s current location (say zip code) if the location-based target strategy is used.
-Content-based targeting
It selects and posts ads on a mobile device based on the current content page accessed by the user.
For instance, when the content-based targeting is adopted, specific auto-sale ads could be posted on a
mobile device whenever its user accesses a mobile portal to look for automobile sale information.
Hybrid targeting
It adopts a number of targeting strategies together in an intelligent way to find and deliver the
right ads to mobile users at the right time and right location.
For example, in a hybrid targeting strategy, whenever a Toyota brand lover accesses a mobile portal
to look for automobile sale information, Toyota auto-sale ads from local auto-dealers will be sent to
the user’s mobile device based on the user’s current location.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Tracking
What is wireless ad tracking?
Wireless ad tracking refers to monitoring and tracking the posting status of ads on mobile
devices. Similar to online advertising, ad tracking can be done using a systematic solution.
What is the major objective?
The major purpose of wireless ad tracking is to allow advertisers to check and monitor their
ads’ delivery and posting statuses with wireless adverting vendors or mobile portal
With advertisement tracking advertisers can collect, track, and analyze ad posting and
delivery data, as well as users’ reactions and responses. These collected data are very useful to
evaluate the ad posting performance to different user groups from selected vendors.
Ad tracking is also an essential feature of a wireless advertising solution for wireless service
providers and mobile portal companies, because they need to track and monitor advertising
traffics on their users’ mobile devices.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Tracking
What data could be tracked with a wireless tracking solution?
They can be classified into the following classes:
• Mobile user profiles, including user registration and membership information, user interests, and
user selected channels.
• Dynamic user access information, including user accessed contents (such as mobile pages/cards),
mobile access locations and time.
• Mobile device information, such as device IDs, platform, and mobile browser information.
• Wireless ad profiles, including information about ads, related ad space, and its
posting service company.
• Ad delivery information, such as successful the delivery counts, and the received no. of receptions.
• Ad posting information, including ad impression counts, ad page impression counts, and
posting status (i.e. Posted/Posting/Un-Posted).
• Mobile user reactions, such as ad selected/clicked counts, ad select-though or click-through counts,
user direct feedbacks, and direct transaction counts leading from ads.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Tracking
Collect and monitor wireless ad delivery and posting data that could be analyzed
to answer the following basic questions:
• Where and when a wireless ad has been delivered and posted to mobile devices?
• How many mobile users have received the ad?
• How many of them have viewed the ad? What are their reactions and responses?
• Does a wireless ad has been successfully delivered and posted to mobile users
based on a contracted schedule?
• Does the ad reached to the targeted user groups?
• What is the responding traffic for a posting ad?
• How many trading transactions are generated by a posting ad?
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Payment
-A common pay-by-impression model is the Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions CPM) model.
It computes advertising cost based on the number of ad impressions.
This model has been widely adopted in online advertising. It assumes there is value to every
ad impression.
-A common pay-by-click model is known as Click-Through model, which calculate the
advertising cost of a posting ad based on the number of times the ad has been “clicked on” by
- This model has been used for email-based Internet marketing. It charges to advertisers
based on the following metrics:
•The number of email messages which have been sent to potential
•The number of email messages which have been received.
•The number of email messages which have been responded.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
Wireless AD Payment
-This model also known as Flat Fee. It charges a flat advertising fee for an ad space based on
its posting duration time regardless of ad performance.
This is the first payment model used in online advertising. This model could be very
reasonable for brand building ads and interstitial ads.
-This payment model is totally based ad performance. It computes the advertising costs based
on the number of the leading sale transactions from a posting ad.
It could be useful for location-based and category-based wireless ads.
-Online game-based advertising has used this model to compute advertising payment. It
charges an advertiser based on the total number of ad display for a game ad space.
In wireless advertising, mobile game vendors can use a similar payment model to computer
the advertising costs.
Hybrid payment model.
- A hybrid model usually is a complicated model defined based the other payment models.
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
AD Performance Measurement
What kinds of consumer groups have been reached by a posted ad?
Has a posted ad reached to the targeted consumer groups?
How many consumers have seen the ad?
How many of them responded to the ads?
What are the consumers’ responses and reactions to the posted ad?
How many of consumers have made direct purchases through a posted ad?
What is a posted ad’s impact on consumers in brand building?
Is the selected advertising vendor is the right channel to reach to the
targeted consumer groups?
If there is more than one involved advertising vendors, which one has
brought out a better performance?
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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Topic: Wireless Advertising
AD Performance Measurement
Advertising Performance Metrics
Ad posting
- advertisement page impression count
- advertisement impression count
- advertisement display time
- total count of ad page display from a vendor
- total count of ad posting for an ad in an ad space
- total ad display time for an ad by a vendor
Ad response
- ad-click rate (only for PDAs and Pocket
- ad-select rate (only for mobile phones)
- ad-response rate(only for direct responses)
- ad-reception rate (only for ad alters)
- the ratio of the number ad clicks to ad impression count
- the ratio of the user selection count to ad impression count
- the ratio of user response count to ad impression count
- the ratio of user reception count to total ad-delivery count
Ad delivery
- ad-delivery reach rate
- ad-delivery frequency
- ad-delivery impression rate
- the ratio of the no. of delivered ads to the no. of received ads
- the ad delivery frequency in a given time period
- the ratio of the no. of delivered ads to the no. of posting ads
Ad impact
- ad click-through rate (for PDAs & Pocket
- ad select-through rate (for mobile phones)
- user trading rate for posting ad
- brand awareness rate (for brand building ad
- the ratio of ad posting count to the total click-through counts
- the ratio of ad posting count to the total select-through counts
- the ratio of ad posting count to the no. of trading transactions
- the ratio of users who aware the ad to the no. of reached
Jerry Gao Ph.D. 4/2004
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