Supportive Education for the Returning Veteran Helping the Country’s Best, Brightest and Bravest get their degree By John Schupp SERV Director, Cleveland State University SERV Propreitary and Confidential What to expect this morning What Data and testimonials How it got started at CSU In academic speak AND english language Why it works is Without help from the top How to get it started at your campus 3 things that YOU really need SERV Propreitary and Confidential The reality 1,736,116 Deployed veterans since 9/11 Less than 1% of the population have protected the other 99% 288,952 veterans on America’s Campuses today Not all are OEF/OIF 16% of total available- Less than 1 in 5 attend college! SERV Propreitary and Confidential What is ? A learning Community/Cohort for veterans Encompasses every aspect of the learning community concept First Day on Campus There is no guidance counselor after the military Registration Admission requirements Counseling How ready they are to learn Financial Have Guaranteed federal money Learning Community Camaraderie They have it by the truck-load SERV Propreitary and Confidential Learning Community for veterans Basic Needs for a Learning Community Success From The Cohort/Group… Share common origin Share common goal All want to finish the education mission Be an Under-served demographic All military based experiences Must find reasons for this-Critical Step Have the potential to build group camaraderie The Military has created this Camaraderie for the learning comm. SERV Propreitary and Confidential Learning Community for veterans Basic Needs for Learning Community Success From the University Have Departments to serve the need Have at least a few dedicated employees at the campus Have some kind of initial funding source Be able to Recruit members to fill the group From the Community…. Have local military support groups Have local Media support Have local Political support SERV Propreitary and Confidential Under-Served Demographic SERV Propreitary and Confidential Under-Served Demographic 1985-1994 GI Bill eligible Vets 52,000 of 641,000 eligible veterans (8%) used all of GI Bill* 2008 GI Bill data Less than 6%** use it completely Avg less than 17 months used of 36 months eligible Department of Education, 1995-2001*** 3% of freshmen veterans get 4-year college degree 30% of all College Freshmen get 4-yr degree * ; Section: Students Volume 51, Issue 36, Page A31 **Keith Wilson, VA Education Secretary, ACE Summit Georgetown University Jun 6 2008 ***The Soldier and the Student By Aaron Glantzand Confidential in ‘The Nation’ November 27, 2007 SERV Propreitary History of Education and the US veteran Percent with 4 Years of College Education and Veteran Status, Men Age 26-35 35 30 Whites 25 20 15 10 Blacks 5 0 1950 1970 1990 2000 Vet: College Grad Non-Vet: College Grad Vet: College Grad Non-Vet: College Grad The Demography of U.S. Veterans: Changing Military Staffing Policy, Risk of Service, and Human Capital for Black and White Men, 1950 – 2000 SERV Propreitary and Confidential Amy Kate Bailey, Department of Sociology, University of Washington West Coast Poverty Center Dissertation Fellow Degree Obstacles, Civilian/veteran Veteran Economic Civilian Tuition Covered by GI Bill Economic Military to civilian War Zone to Campus Freshmen Age Difference 24yr old vet vs 18yr old Less likely to change majors High School to Univ. Vets more Mature Part-time job Scholarships Student Loans Parents Transition Career Goals Tuition Costs Transition Little Difference Career Goals Change 18yr olds change majors Bernadette Gray-Little, Dean College of A & S, UNC, May 2006 SERV Propreitary and Confidential Post-Combat Readjustment What the Soldier Brings Home • Heightened sensory awareness of sights, sounds & smells. • Identification and closeness with their military unit • Regimentation into highly structured and efficient routines. • Action oriented ways of coping with new experiences. • Different views about their future life. • Memories of events that can be difficult to integrate. Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Post-Combat Readjustment-Personal Difficulties arise in trying to generate a “new normal” Life at home/campus may not have the edge and adrenaline associated with wartime duty Attempts to reestablish old ways of interacting, old roles fail. Difficulties adjusting to work & community life arise. Problems of internal chaos impinge on relations with others. Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Post-Combat Readjustment-Friends and Community • Reconnecting with friends more difficult than expected. • Friends have changed during deployment and so has service member. • May find self unable to share experiences with noncombat friends • Relate to other students who have gone through it Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Post-Combat Readjustment-Public Interactions • Widespread support of service members, • Public has mixed views of the war • We only saw what the media gave us, they saw everything • Other Students/Faculty may not know what to do/say. • Veteran to often becomes a community media event. • Veteran unsure who he/she can talk to. Questions Arise What will they want me to talk about? What can I talk about? How will they react to a story or event? Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Post-Combat Readjustment-Campus Military High level of order Civilian Commanding Officer (CO) has all the answers, Day is planned out by someone else Great Responsibilities Millions of dollars of equipment Lives dependent upon them Much less order in life/campus Have to plan out their own day Have to be their own ‘CO’ Less Responsibilities on campus English homework is not ‘life or death’ Daily Critical Choices Life and death decisionsliterally No Daily critical choices Do I go to class or not SERV Propreitary and Confidential Who is impacted? University Transition Solutions Answers from Vietnam to Persian Gulf 1 vets First day on campus Vets don’t know what building/office to go to first Paperwork Registrars, Admissions, Bursar, Financial Tuition (all or part) paid up front If paperwork not filled out correctly- vet dis-enrolled Payment plans optional, FASFA loans may be needed First VA check arrives 3-5 weeks AFTER classes start Classes-Transition to Civilian/Campus Life Vets feel different in civilian life Even more so surrounded by campus life SERV Propreitary and Confidential Veterans first semester on campus Senses on high alert Extended Distractions from the surrounding environment are not allowed Guardian mode always ‘on’ to protect civilians Fellow classmates (civilians) are the surrounding environment Note taking, exams are distractions from it Concentration on exam is a distraction Lives are at stake-not the exam questions SERV Propreitary and Confidential #1 reason for Low Veteran Success From Vietnam-Persian Gulf vets Ability to concentrate when taking exams Environment distractions very high Concentration on questions very low Exam scores are low-Grades drop-Vet drops out How to improve concentration on exams Minimize environmental distractions Remove civilians from the environment Guardian mode drops-Vets feel more comfortable Memory/recall improves-Scores/Confidence Improves SERV Propreitary and Confidential the Experiment Create Vets only ‘Gen Ed’ Sections as an option English 101, Math 101, Science 101 Support for vets, not isolation 12 credit hrs (full time benefits) ‘vets only’ 1st semester 9 credit hrs, ‘vets only’ classes 2nd semester Track progress of Vets in the classes Can watch/teach them as a group Forced to take 3 more credit hrs in civilian classes Confidence improves-Transition to civilian life improves Civilian transition occurs slowly While they are taking college credit classes SERV Propreitary and Confidential Results of experiment Three complete Semesters Spring, Summer and Fall 2008 Summer semester most difficult 14 students in initial Semester, Spring 2008 18 total students during Summer 2008 25 total students for Fall 2008 >40 signed up for Spring 2009 Condensed classes-stress higher Vets needed the income to get thru the summer Only one female veteran, summer 2008 Women veterans have a unique situation SERV Propreitary and Confidential -1st Semester, Spring 2008 4 classes History 201, Chemistry 101 , Biology 106, Math 087 The Students Chemistry-14 started out 10 finished with C’s or better 2 had medical withdraws 1 had family withdraw 1 joined a fraternity…… Retention Rate All ten went on to Summer 2008 History topic had to be changed Chemistry difficult without the math background 71% freshmen retention rate-vs 72-77% avg for Ohio No test anxiety reported on First exam in Chemistry SERV Propreitary and Confidential Summer Session 2008 2 Classes for each ‘mini semester’ (6 weeks) Enough credit hrs to get full time benefits Intro to Psychology (4 credit hrs) Career Services (1 credit hr) 18 students signed up Only 6 students completed both courses 12 did not finish-stress level too high Won’t recommend summer sessions again to new vets SERV Propreitary and Confidential Fall Semester 2008 Four Classes, started with 25 different students total Had 85% attendance rates Intro to Bio 10 students initially-9 have satisfactory grade – 90.0% Intro to College Life 91.7% 23 different students going on to Spring Semester- 92.0% 12 students intially-2 failed,10 have Satisfactory grade- 83.3% Math 087 16 students initially-1 dropped, 1 failed, 14 have ‘C’ or better- 87.5% English 085 Intro to Biology (BIO 106) English 085 (Remedial) Math 087 (Remedial) Intro to College Life (ASC 101) 12 students initially- 11 have passed with ‘C’ or better- SERV Propreitary and Confidential Spring Semester 2009 23 from Fall ‘08 taking Spring classes 18 new students for Spring 2009 Four Classes 41 different students total English 101 15 students total, 8 new students Intro to Psychology 12 students, 4 new Intro to Chemistry and the lab All have completed the math 088 course or math placement 26 students in both lab and lecture SERV Propreitary and Confidential vets enrolled in Classes 45 40 35 30 25 Series1 20 15 10 5 0 Spring 2008 Summer 2008 Fall 2008 Spring 2009* *Projected, based on admitted SERV students as of Nov 20 2008 SERV Propreitary and Confidential Overall CSU vet population with 450 * 400 350 300 250 * Series1 200 150 100 50 0 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Slight increase from Fall ‘07 to Spring ‘08, Significant increase Fall ‘08-Spring ‘09 (Most campuses see a civilian drop in these numbers from Fall to Spring) vet enrollment increase from Fall 2008 to Spring 2009 despite incentive to wait SERV Propreitary and Confidential until Fall 2009 for new GI Bill From the students themselves To whom it may concern my name is Josh Milan and I am currently in the SERV program at CSU. I would like to take this time out to first acknowledge Dr. Schupp and Ms. Beth for the tremendous amount of time and genuine care they have showed me because I am completely certain that I would not be here at CSU today if it was not for this dynamic duo. Their efforts will not be forgotten. I came back to Cleveland with the intent to pursue a college education but to do this I needed some help with my transition I called CSU and they gave me the usual run around….. i was finally referred to Schupp and at that point it all changed. We arranged for a meeting down on campus and at first this made me nervous because I did not know if he would ask me a million questions about my time as a Marine. He did not and then I noticed we didn't talk about school or the Marine Corps for the first hour or so. This made me very comfortable... A three day process was completed in less than 30 minutes. I tell you this because it was all apart of the process of making me feel accepted and at ease. This was a good day for me. Some time passed and class would soon begin in the fall and because it was Vets only classes it was extremely helpful. I can not tell you how but us Vets operate differently especially Marine Corps Vets we have a different way of thinking…… SERV Propreitary and Confidential To whom it may concern, The SERV program has been one of the most helpful academic success aids that I have encountered while studying at Cleveland State University. I had not even heard of the program until I was referred to John Schupp during my first semester at the university by a fellow student. The moment that I came in contact with John he took a genuine interest in my success as a student. This interest was provided without even knowing that I was a veteran. When that point was eventually brought up in conversation, John was excited to tell me all about a promising new project that he was working on. This project was designed to create a stable environment to aid in the transition of military life to becoming a successful student. Upon learning of my difficulty adjusting to the new university world, John was not hesitant even once to assist me in achieving my goals. I am now a senior and within reach of graduating with a Bachelor Degree in Health Science. The next step is to apply to the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program and continue to build my road of success. Although I never did doubt my ability to eventually push and shove my way through school, the SERV program has proven to be a wonderful service that has helped to transform my obstacles into new opportunities. These opportunities have been constructed through a network of students with similar past experiences, and a caring and flexible staff. My hope is that this service will be available to the many veterans seeking self improvement in the years to come. Sincerely, Robert StuhlerSERV Propreitary and Confidential To whom it may concern: My name is Michael R. Stratton. I am an active member in the SERV program here at Cleveland State University. In regards to my feelings towards this program I would have to say that if it were not for Project SERV I would be completely lost. I am currently going to school fulltime and I know that I would not have been as successful with school if I had not received any guidance. i have attempted school once before at Kent State University and I just couldn't properly assimilate. So will all of that I still cannot begin to express my gratitude and great respect that I have for Dr Schupp, Dr Kalafatis, and Beth Woyshville, as well as all other members in the SERV program. SERV Propreitary and Confidential Education observations with Unit mentality takes over No ‘weak links’ allowed Self-tutoring occurs automatically Not found in most civilian classes Syllabus is the mission Exam Dates and assignments are evaluated Classes Schedule is followed closely for success Confidence increases very quickly Most don’t need 2 full semesters of classes Test taking skills improve dramatically after 1st semester SERV Propreitary and Confidential Education observations with Impact of their military experience is exposed High School may have been challenging for many After first few weeks in , success is realized Habits of High School no longer part of veterans routine Military has improved their approach to challenges Lack of Attendance, interest, discipline Anxiety is created from memory of High School Classes Discipline, punctuality, goal setting These new habits must be taken advantage of Before old habits set in and school is a challenge again SERV Propreitary and Confidential Other Results with Mini VA counseling sessions Vets arrive early to classes, always Before class Starts, open discussions take place Past military events, Future plans, Family Issues, Classes Then Class Starts Classroom offers chance for mini counseling session Easier to Discuss past when you immediately focus on future Vets want to come to campus, they want to come to class has disguised VA counseling sessions English 101, Math 101, Science 101 SERV Propreitary and Confidential other Result’s cont’d Today’s campus very multi-cultural Veteran comes into contact with many cultures students are from region where the vet has served More so than any job could do Veteran begins to adjust to the cultures The different culture student is just a student, not a threat Veteran gets used to this slowly over a period of months May not adjust if their environment does not create this opportunity This did not happen after previous wars! SERV Propreitary and Confidential Easy First Step to help with transition Set aside space just for the returning veterans Office A place for them to gather A place for them to call home VA can reside one day/week Inside the office they can still be military Conversations of past experiences can take place Vets can get info on their benefits between classes Encourages going to school This can be done quickly and easily SERV Propreitary and Confidential CSU’s State Of Ohio-2008 other successes 100,000 for SERV ACE/ Wal-Mart Award- Nov 11 2008 News & Announcements CSU Receives $100,000 from Wal-Mart Foundation for its Veterans Education Assistance Program On this Veterans Day 2008, CSU has special reason to celebrate as the recipient of a $100,000 gift from the Wal-Mart Foundation to support programs that provide educational assistance to veterans. SERV Propreitary and Confidential and CSU Support SERV Propreitary and Confidential and VA Support SERV Propreitary and Confidential SERV Propreitary and Confidential How to create a veteran program on your campus Garner Support from people in 3 departments Registrars They need to admit them, and review their applications Treasury They need to know the economic impact They will listen to you and think ‘it’s a good, warm fuzzy idea’ They will act when you show them the financial impact Faculty Find those that have served and are GI Bill grads They will teach for free in the early going SERV Propreitary and Confidential How to get Treasury to move Vets have guaranteed tuition dollars Not mom/dad money, Student loan, pay back someday money Private Universities can now compete New GI Bill opens doors to more institutions Community Colleges will be impacted Present situation with financial institutions will change this availability No longer the ‘monthly stipend for all expenditures’ Direct Bill to campus changes need for up front payment Find the number of vets in your region Show the potential financial impact with % of vets attending SERV Propreitary and Confidential How to find the veterans in you Area? How many are on campus already? Is our state Vet friendly? has extensive database Number of veterans in ‘Top 500 Vet Friendly’ campuses Number of veterans deployed by county Deployed veterans most likely ones who need has data for every county t/out country SERV Propreitary and Confidential How many are on campus already? Top Vet Friendly colleges in Kentucky # of vets University or College Rank 283 BLUEGRASS COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE - COOPER CAMPUS 441 311 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 396 317 NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY 384 407 ELIZABETHTOWN COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE 266 426 WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY (FIN AID OFC) 245 427 HOPKINSVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 241 433 JEFFERSON COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE 232 457 EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY 215 595 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE 126 617 AUSTIN PEAY STATE UNIV, FT CAMPBELL CENTER 117 4,273 total GI students 16,889 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 25.30% % enrolled SERV Propreitary and Confidential OHIO # of vets University/College Rank 266 DEVRY UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS 485 316 CINCINNATI STATE TECH & COMM COLL ATTN: VETERANS OFC 386 326 CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY 365 328 YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY 362 346 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY 340 348 FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY 337 397 UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO MILITARY SERVICE CT 278 432 KENT STATE UNIVERSITY VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICE 236 705 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 79 448 OWENS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 221 464 OHIO UNIVERSITY 207 467 COLUMBUS TECHNICAL COLLEGE 204 574 UNIVERSITY OF AKRON 135 619 WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY 115 652 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI VET CERTIFICATION 100 860 COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 54 884 SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE 51 1292 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 24 9,724 Total GI Students 53,450 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 18.19% % enrolled SERV Propreitary and Confidential Top Vet Friendly colleges in Indiana # of vets Univeristy/College Rank 263 INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY 491 287 INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 434 300 BALL STATE UNIVERSITY 416 301 ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - INDIANAPOLIS 414 362 INDIANA UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITY AT FORT WAYNE 316 400 IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA - INDIANAPOLIS 273 418 INDIANA UNIVERSITY 251 446 PURDUE UNIVERSITY 224 459 INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 212 839 INDIANA UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITY INDIANAPOLIS 59 4,075 total GI students 28,147 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 14.48% % enrolled SERV Propreitary and Confidential Data from the IAVA ‘Top 500’ Spring 2008 Top Vet Friendly colleges West Virginia # of vets West Virginia Rank 270 WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY & WVCTC 471 286 FAIRMONT STATE UNIVERSITY & PIERPONT COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE 436 569 MARSHALL UNIVERSITY & MARSHALL COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE 137 581 WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY 131 598 MOUNTAIN STATE UNIVERSITY 123 2,304 total GI students 13,914 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 16.56% % enrolled Data from the IAVA ‘Top 500’ Spring 2008 SERV Propreitary and Confidential Some not-so Vet Friendly colleges Pennsylvania # of vets University or College Rank 270 MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 472 284 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH 440 286 NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE 435 353 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA 330 439 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF Mercer CO-Mercer 229 527 ART INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH 165 617 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY - UNIVERSITY PARK 118 775 HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 68 3,551 total GI students 58,942 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 6.02% Data from % enrolled the IAVA ‘Top 500’ Spring 2008 SERV Propreitary and Confidential # of vets New York University or Community College rank 280 ONONDAGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 448 319 JEFFERSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE 377 321 JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 376 332 HUDSON VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 353 347 SUNY UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO OFFICE OF VETERANS 339 360 SUNY EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE 319 468 MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 203 2,427 total GI students 68,399 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 3.55% % enrolled # of vets New Jersey University or Community College rank 302 CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE 411 314 Burlington County College 391 674 THOMAS A. EDISON STATE COLLEGE 1,290 total GI students 35,043 Total GI Deployed since 9/11 3.68% % enrolled SERV Propreitary and Confidential 95 Campus vets New Jersey, PA and NY 162,384 Tri-State vets Deployed since 9/11 7,268 vets on NJ,NY and PA campuses 4.47% of Tri-State Vets on Tri-State Campuses Less than 1 in 20 tri-state vets attend college Nationwide-1,736,111 vets deployed since 9/11 288,952 vets on US campuses- 16.6% Less than 1 in 5 US veterans attend college Tri-State campuses are 4x less than US average Vet Friendly campuses can recruit from less ‘vet friendly’ states!! IAVA top 500 Spring 2008 SERV Propreitary and Confidential 4 3 0 Database for deployed vets since 9/11 New Jersey’s Military Population 753 2,029 1,455 3,182 1,994 441 35,043 Total deployed since 9/11 2,771 452 2,834 823 Active Duty-27,337 Guard/Reserve-7,706 3,026 1,368 2,800 members of the 50th Infantry Brigade set to deploy in Fall 2008 Largest Guard deployment in History of NJ 1,397 2,336 2,527 441 1,264 725 **Source: CTS Deployment File as of April 30, 2008 SERV Propreitary and Confidential 580 2,452 2,203 # of Deployed Vets by county in PA 2,063 544 533 23 896 757 658 329 1,032 771 828 601 261 896 1,054 2,233 204 249 181 113 499 1,791 340 1,315 805 635 1,304 624 1,644 2,143 1,202 2,562 2,562 351 1,168 782 91 658 918 306 442 374 170 261 113 295 238 1,270 5,578 1,304 272 1,020 283 453 737 2,063 102 272 340 839 499 998 SERV 1,633 5,498 2,301 2,573 Propreitary and Confidential 1,905 218 175 84 67 364 46 313 67 71 277 167 58 59 218 129 Michigan Data base Total deployed since 9/11 49,347 Currently Deployed 8,135 SERV 104 134 130 84 159 176 71 456 96 92 125 50 214 126 147 276 105 168 205 209 184 163 100 130 75 251 226 297 462 410 574 393 1115 456 155 636 1125 3216 360 481 2602 1262 355 306 4211 718 1378 682 691 197 535 1154 867 908 1090 7731 769 281 385 255 218 678 755 Propreitary and Confidential 234 230 1075 3319 141 331 1,883 2,829 223 139 398 3,742 111 1,974 143 575 105 172 157 690 1,838 135 7,998 59 307 213 123 160 71 172 2,298 36 1,091 155 1,793 496 752 112 358 137 2,006 1,918 1,181 2,683 325 1,024 8,239 5,177 2,998 Florida- 5,512 168,244 total deployed since 9/11 2,026 8,456 3,375 1,742 1,888 117 841 476 176 1,476 88 537 88 876 3,120 Deployed numbers by County 334 1,153 5,372 10,251 368 SERV Propreitary and Confidential 13,074 Find Financial Impact at the University/College Deployed data for Jefferson & surrounding counties 16,889 From Kentucky Deployed since 9/11 162 Jefferson and surrounding counties 4,198 OEF/OIF vets 2,471 86 216 2% from Kentucky general vet population 1,101 337 OEF/OIF vets SERV Propreitary and Confidential 119 43 Potential Vet enrollment for U of L Total Possible Jefferson & nearby counties-4,198 15% = 629, with VA help-20%? 838 from Region? Total Possible rest of Kentucky-16,889 Total Possible Southern Indiana~5,142 5% = 94 Total Possible Southwestern Ohio-8,167 5% = 257 Total Possible Northern West Virginia-1,881 2% = 337 5% = 408 Total Potential GI Bill vets to attend U of L-1,725 19,725 total possible Vets in region-8.7% SERV Propreitary and Confidential effect on area vet Enrollment Total area Military personnel ~19,725 If improves enrollment to 9% of available Approx 1,725 GI Bill students at University of Louisville Vs 595 presently Approx 431 in freshmen class- SERV Propreitary and Confidential Financial Impact of at University of Louisville If increases GI Bill Freshmen Class to 431 Improve GI Bill Retention Rate IF the average Nationwide Vet retention rate-40% on retention rates Actual Rate uncertain and not tracked Financial Gain If at 40% = 173 going from freshmen to sophomores If at 70% = 302 going from freshmen to sophomores Tuition =$3,782/semester full time(12 cr hrs) 40% retention = $1.3M/yr 70% retention = $2.2M/yr SERV Propreitary and Confidential Financial Impact of Grad Rates 8% national complete usage rate (grad rate) for GI’s presently 431 freshmen = 151 grads = $4.5M total tuition Impact on University of Louisville Income If 431 freshmen = 34 grads = $1.0M total tuition 35% Grad Rate (University National avg) With on grad rates at U of L $3.5M/yr MORE from grads $0.9M/yr MORE from freshmen retention Veterans have guaranteed tuition money Cash Paying Customers! There is a strong financial advantage to recruit veterans to U of L SERV Propreitary and Confidential Financial impact on Louisville Tuition dollars saved Cost of Living allowance SERV Propreitary and Confidential effect on Tuition saved Louisville region Civilians If 151 U of L grads/yr ~$8,000 student loans/yr $3.5M in student loans/yr Goes to out of town banks Louisville region Veterans If 151 U of L GI Grads/yr No Student Loans $3.5M/yr goes directly into area Economy Vets first paycheck their own SERV Propreitary and Confidential Not paying back student loan Cost of Living allowance on communities surrounding Univ. of Louisville 19,725 area GI Bill eligible vets since 9/11 Allow 75% to have 100% benefits = 14,793 Each will receive ~$950/month while in School $11.0 Million/yr guaranteed federal dollars Let 8.0% attend University of Louisville, 1,294 on campus 9 months of school/year Into Jefferson and surrounding counties’ communities For them to live while in school! SERV Propreitary and Confidential Effect on your Local VA Veteran seeks counseling only after it is needed Referred to by spouse, family, law enforcement Many times after problems have arose Instructor observes vet/student daily Rather than once/month with VA appts Level of involvement can be determined early Respecting confidentiality Intervention can occur before big problems arise SERV Propreitary and Confidential VA HealthCare Utilization FY 2002 to August 2008 Total who served in Iraq (OIF) and Afghanistan (OEF) 1.75 million+ OIF and OEF war veterans separated from military and eligible for civilian care 869,000* 48% (438,000) Former Active Duty troops 52% (431,000) Reserve and National Guard *As of August, 2008 Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center VA HealthCare Utilization FY 2002 to August 2008 Among all 869,000 separated OIF/OEF Veterans • 40% (347,750) obtained VA care since FY 2002 96% (333,000) seen as outpatients only 4% (14,700) hospitalized at least once • This constitutes: 41% former active duty troops 39% National Guard and Reserve troops • Over 11,000 OIF/OEF veterans seen in Ohio. • 53,450 total deployed in Ohio since 9/11• Only ~1/5 oh Ohio’s OEF vets have visited the VA Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Demographic Characteristics of OIF/OEF Veterans Utilizing VA Health Care n =347,750 Age Group <20 20-29 30-39 ≥40 7% 52 23 18 Gender Male Female 88% 12% Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ph.D. Chair, PTSDPropreitary Experts Workgroup Ohio VA Health Care Network SERV and Confidential Chief, Psychology Service Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Improve VA and OEF/OIF contact Have VA rep be on college campus 1 day/week Designated hours Vets know the day(s) and time(s) ahead of time VA rep can see 4 different campuses/week Have office set aside for VA representative Vets can see the VA rep in-between classes 1 day to report to Main Veteran office VA rep can be from 4 different VA areas Counseling, Medical, Benefits, education One day/month vet students visit the VA dept of their choice SERV Propreitary and Confidential Louisville VA Medical Center Tertiary care facility Five Outpatient Clinics Three in Louisville Metro area, 1 each in Ft. Knox and New Albany IN. Part of Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 9 Serves a vet population of approximately 155,000 Covering 35 counties in southern Indiana and Kentucky. Programs Medical, surgical, mental health and others Louisville VA has 112 hospital beds and operates several regional treatment programs. 2007 Combined Assessment Program Review of the Louisville VA Medical Center Louisville, KY SERV Propreitary and Confidential Louisville VA Budget/Workload for FY 2006 Medical expenditures > $211 million. FY 2007 staffing totaled 1,204 FTE’s 95 physician and 245 nursing FTE 864 other non-medical staff FTE’s Let Louisville VA work with campus U of L This is where the ‘new veteran’ will reside 2007 Combined Assessment Program Review of the Louisville VA Medical Center Louisville KY SERV Propreitary and Confidential Louisville VA Workload for FY 2006 Medical center treated 39,834 unique patients. The outpatient workload was 402,752 visits. Total unique patients and outpatient visits = 442,586 In Ohio, 0.7% of unique patients are OEF/OIF Allow 1.2% of Louisville unique patients to be OEF/OIF 5,311 OEF/OIF unique patients 5,311 OEF/OIF patients/1,204 FTE’s 4.4 OEF/OIF patients/visits per FTE 2007 Combined Assessment Program Review of the Louisville VA Medical Center Louisville, KY SERV Propreitary and Confidential and Present campus vet population 4,273 total 9/11 deployed vets on KY campuses Classified as ‘new’ vets On 10 campuses in Kentucky Average 427 vets/campus 2 Vet Center advisor (2FTE’s)/campus On each campus One day/week, Each FTE visits 4 campuses total per week 1,708 total OEF/OIF vets per week per FTE! Presently 4.4 OEF/OIF veterans per FTE! SERV Propreitary and Confidential a 16,889 total 9/11 deployed vets in KY and potential campus vet population Classified as ‘new’ vets 28 community colleges & Public univs in KY If 70% attended SERV univ’s =603 avg per campus 2 Vet Center advisor (2FTE’s)/campus On each campus One day/week, Each FTE visits 4 campuses total per week 1,206 total OEF/OIF vets per week per FTE! Presently 4.4 OEF/OIF veterans per FTE! SERV Propreitary and Confidential Let the experts do their jobs VA answers vet questions Benefits Claims Education questions Physical Therapy Counseling Univ. solves univ. concerns SERV Admissions Registration Treasury services Application Orientation Classes Propreitary and Confidential Community Needs Funding-cont’d Dec 2008- Section ‘T’ of Higher Ed. Act Sen. Brown to considered it a ‘Stand alone’ act in Feb. Increases chances of funding, and completed sooner Getting Resistance from Cong. Hinojoso Need to show Univ’s level of interest in Section T Washington VA Very much interested in SERV program Keith Wilson VA Ed. Secy wants to implement pilot programs Working with ACE to find suitable campuses VA will fund a FTE/campus, campus must supply office SERV Propreitary and Confidential Federal Funding for Higher Ed Bill 2008-Section T-Passed July 31st 2008 ‘‘PART T—CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE FOR VETERAN STUDENT SUCCESS ‘‘SEC. 873. MODEL PROGRAMS FOR CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE FOR VETERAN STUDENT SUCCESS. ‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this section to encourage model programs to support veteran student success in postsecondary education by coordinating services to address the academic, financial, physical, and social needs of veteran students. ‘‘(b) GRANTS AUTHORIZED.—H. R. 4137—352 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the availability of appropriations under subsection (f), the Secretary shall award grants to institutions of higher education to develop model programs to support veteran student success in postsecondary education. ‘‘(2) GRANT PERIOD.—A grant awarded under this section shall be awarded for a period of three years. ‘‘(c) USE OF GRANTS.— ‘‘(1) REQUIRED ACTIVITIES.—An institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall use such grant to carry out a model program that includes— ‘‘(A) establishing a Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success on the campus of the institution to provide a single point of contact to coordinate comprehensive support services for veteran students; ‘‘(B) establishing a veteran student support team, including representatives from the offices of the institution responsible for admissions, registration, financial aid, veterans benefits, academic advising, student health, personal or mental health counseling, career advising, disabilities services, and any other office of the institution that provides support to veteran students on campus; ‘‘(C) providing a coordinator whose primary responsibility is to coordinate the model program carried out under this section; ‘‘(D) monitoring the rates of veteran student enrollment, persistence, and completion; and ‘‘(E) developing a plan to sustain the Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success after the grant period. As of Jan 2009, plan is to get it funded as a Stand Alone Bill in the Senate SERV Propreitary and Confidential How to Recruit GI Bill Veterans Cannot expect them to walk through the door Many campus ‘Veteran fairs’ don’t work Have to go out into the community to find them Parents/Loved Ones ‘THE’ Brochure Sponsor Big Events in Small Town USA SERV Propreitary and Confidential How to Recruit- Parents/Loved Ones Loved ones will help recruit for the university Reach the parents/spouses in the region They worried for 3-5 years over their loved one Go through 4 phases of adjustment Family Readiness groups Family Military Support programs Every County/region has at least one Meet with the parents once/month Convince them and they will work for you SERV Propreitary and Confidential Recruiting- ‘THE’ Brochure Only one Brochure in the country that is read from cover to cover and is never thrown out The Church Bulletin Nothing else to do while waiting for service to start Feel to guilty to throw it away…. Immediately Reaches three generations of loved ones Already has troop announcements in it Just add the info of the university program to it SERV Propreitary and Confidential Recruiting- Big Events in small town USA The County Fair Loan video cameras to parents of deployed Military Local County Fair boards love the idea Small Town newspapers love the idea Ties in mom, apple pie and the American flag Citizens of County love the idea New angle to advertise for the fair A Large Univeristy showing support for the troops Mom’s Dads love the idea They get to create some memories for their soldier SERV Propreitary and Confidential Results of Share the Fair- Pickaway County SERV Propreitary and Confidential Results of Share the Fair- Madison County SERV Propreitary and Confidential Results of Share the Fair- Mahoning County SERV Propreitary and Confidential Results of Share the Fair- Mahoning Cty From the Soldier who rec’d the DVD Hey guys! That video was amazing and i loved it so much! i heard that on the actual news i was like just plastered all over the place and they showed it like 4 different times and each time was a little different and they showed on 2 different stations. Did you get all of them on video? I thought that it was amazing and that i never even came close to expecting it. once i was watching the video i kinda thought maybe something was on the news but i wasn’t for sure... i totally missed the note on the front that said something about a news clip but i read it but i read it in a hurry. I watched that thing over and over and over on my buddies lap top and i kept rewinding it and listening to it. mom you looked really good too. Your hair is so fluffy like you stood under a hair dryer for hours haha. I love you though and i think you look really good. Dad you looked crazy on the news. Your hair was slicked back and you were movin all over the place hahaha it was awesome though that you guys had such a good time actually doing it. but thank you so much for it. it was the most amazing gift that i think i have ever gotten. It really means alot to me and and made me feel really good……. ...ive been sitting in front of the tv for like the past 11 hours. But take care and ill be writing again soon. I love you guys and ill talk to you later! Nathan SERV Propreitary and Confidential Univ’s considering Ohio University of Louisville, Eastern Kentucky, Northern Kentucky Michigan Robert Morris, Thiel College, Pitt Kentucky Ohio University, Hocking College, University of Toledo, Youngstown State, Univ of Dayton, Akron Univ, Stark State College, Cuyahoga Community College Pennsylvania Delta University Arizona University of Arizona, Arizona State, Northern Arizona, Maricopa CC Univ of New Mexico University of South Florida Middle Tennessee State University of Montana 23 total Colleges/Universities SERV Propreitary and Confidential for Fall 2009 VA Medical Centers Supporting Ohio Pennsylvania Tucson, Phoenix Southwest Texas Louisville Pittsburgh(2 ea), Butler County Arizona Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton 11 total VA Medical Systems Veterans Affairs-Washington DC SERV Propreitary and Confidential Why it will work-Power thru Unity The success of the ‘Greatest Generation’ 2.2M veterans enrolled in ~1,800 Colleges/Univ’s Average of 1,222/campus 1.6M Nationwide University enrollment in 1939; 2.9M in 1949 Univeristy of Michigan 1940- 10,000 students; 1948- 30,000 enrolled Syracuse University 1941- 6,000 students; 1947- 19,000 students In 1949 45% of all College Students were Veterans They had that camaraderie right away Their Success was a group success Dr Jennifer Adams, Penn State Univ. ASHE meeting Sacramento Nov 18 2000 SERV Propreitary and Confidential With Their Military Experience and Their 4yr Degree WE can make this generation The Next “Great Generation” SERV Propreitary and Confidential