
Adverse Event Reporting at FDA,
Data Base Evaluation and
Signal Generation
Robert T. O’Neill, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Biostatistics, CDER,
Presented at the DIMACS Working Group
Disease and Adverse Event Reporting, Surveillance, and Analysis
October 16, 17, 18, 2002; Piscataway, New Jersey
Outline of Talk
 The ADR reporting regulations
 The information collected on a report form
 The data base, its structure and size
 The uses of the data base over the years
 Current signal generation approaches - the
data mining application
 Concluding remarks
 Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS)
 Report Sources
 Data Entry Process
 AERS Electronic Submissions (Esub)
 Production Program
 E-sub Entry Process
 MedDRA Coding
Adverse Event Reporting System
(AERS) Database
 Database Origin 1969
 SRS until 11/1/97 ; changed to AERS
 3.0 million reports in database
 All SRS data migrated into AERS
 Contains Drug and "Therapeutic" Biologic
 exception = vaccines
VAERS 1-800-822-7967
Adverse Event Reporting System
Source of Reports
 Health Professionals, Consumers / Patients
 Voluntary : Direct to FDA and/or to
 Manufacturers: Regulations for Postmarketing
Current Guidance on Postmarketing
Safety Reporting (Summary)
1992 Reporting Guideline
1997 Reporting Guidance: Clarification of What to Report
1998 ANPR for e-sub
2001 Draft Reporting Guidance (3/12/2001)
2001 E-sub Reporting of Expedited and Periodic ICSRs
Adverse Events Reports to
1989 to 2001
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01
Despite limitations, it is our primary
window on the real world
 What happens in the “real” world very different
from world of clinical trials
 Different populations
 Comorbidities
 Coprescribing
 Off-label use
 Rare events
AERS Functionality
Data Entry
MedDRA Coding
Safety Evaluation
 Inbox
 Searches
 Reports
Interface with Third-Party Tools
 AutoCode (MedDRA)
 RetrievalWare (images)
AERS Esub Program
 Over 4 years
 Pilot, then production.
 PhRMA Electronic Regulatory Submission (ERS)
Working Group
 PhRMA eADR Task Force
 E*Prompt Initiative
 Regular meetings between FDA and
Industry held to review status, address
issues, share lessons learned
Adverse Event Reporting System
Processing MEDWATCH forms
 Goal: Electronically Receive Expedited and Periodic ISRs
 Docket 92S-0251
 As of 10/2000, able to receive electronic 15-day
 Paper Reports
 Scanned upon arrival
 Data entered
 Electronic and Paper Reports
 Coded in MedDRA
Electronic Submission of
Postmarketing ADR Reports
 MedDRA coding 3500A
 Narrative searched with Autocoder
 MedDRA coding E-sub
 Narrative searched with Autocoder
 Enabled: companies accept their terms
AERS Esub Program
Additional Information
 www.fda.gov/cder (CDER)
 www.fda.gov/cder/aers/regs.htm (AERS)
 Reporting regulations, guidances, and updates
 www.fda.gov/cder/aerssub (PILOT)
 aersesub@cder.fda.gov (EMAIL)
 www.fda.gov/cder/present (CDER PRESENTATIONS)
AERS Esub Program
Additional Information(cont’d)
 www.fda.gov (FDA)
 www.fda.gov/oc/electronicsubmissions/interfaq.htm
 Draft Trading Partner Agreement, Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) for FDA’s ESTRI gateway
 edigateway@oc.fda.gov (EMAIL)
 www.fda.gov/medwatch/report/mfg.htm (MEDWATCH)
 Reporting regulations, guidances, and updates
AERS Esub Program
Additional Information(cont’d)
 www.ich.org (ICH home page)
 www.fda.gov/cder/m2/default.htm(M2)
 www.meddramsso.com (MedDRA MSSO)
 http://www.ifpma.org/pdfifpma/M2step4.PDF
 http://www.ifpma.org/pdfifpma/e2bm.pdf
 New E2BM changes
 http://www.ifpma.org/pdfifpma/E2BErrata.pdf
 Feb 5, 2001 E2BM editorial changes
AERS Users
FDA Contractor
Safety Evaluators
Uses of AERS
 Safety Signal Detection
 Creation of Case Profiles
 who is getting the drug
 who is running into trouble
 Hypothesis Generation for Further Study
 Signals of Name Confusion
Other references
 C. Anello and R. O’Neill. 1998, Postmarketing
Surveillance of New Drugs and Assessment of
Risk, p 3450-3457; Vol 4 ,Encylopedia of
Biostatistics, Eds. Armitage and Colton, John
Wiley and Sons
 Describes many of the approaches to
spontaneous reporting over the last 30 years
Related work on signal
generation and modeling
Finney , 1971, WHO
O’Neill ,1988
Anello and O’Neill, 1997 -Overview
Tsong, 1995; adjustments using external drug use data;
compared to other drugs
Compared to previous time periods
Norwood and Sampson, 1988
Praus, Schindel, Fescharek, and Schwarz, 1993
Bate et al. , 1998; Bayes,
 O’Neill and Szarfman, 1999; The American
Statistician , Vol 53, No 3; 190-195
Discussion of W. DuMouchel’s article on
Bayesian Data Mining in Large Frequency
Tables, With an Application to the FDA
Spontaneous Reporting System (same
Recent Post-marketing signaling
strategies :
Estimating associations needing
 Bayesian data mining
 Visual graphics
 Pattern recognition
The structure and content of FDA’s
database: some known features
impacting model development
SRS began in late 1960’s (over 1.6 million reports)
Reports of suspected drug-adverse event associations
submitted to FDA by health care providers (voluntary,
Dynamic data base; new drugs, reports being added
continuously ( 250,000 per year)
Early warning system of potential safety problems
Content of each report
Drugs (multiple)
Adverse events (multiple)
Demographics (gender,age, other covariates)
The structure and content of FDA’s
database: some known features
impacting model development
 Quality and completeness of a report is variable,
across reports and manufacturers
 Serious/non-serious - known/unknown
 Time sensitive - 15 days
 Coding of adverse events (COSTART) determines
one dimension of table - about 1300 terms
 Accuracy of coding / interpretation
The DuMouchel Model and its
Large two-dimensional table of size M (drugs) x N (ADR
events) containing cross classified frequency counts - sparse
Baseline model assumes independence of rows and columns yields expected counts
Ratios of observed / expected counts are modeled as mixture of
two, two parameter gamma’s with a mixing proportion P
Bayesian estimation strategy shrinks estimates in some cells
Scores associated with Bayes estimates used to identify those
cells which deviate excessively from expectation under null
Confounding for gender and chronological time controlled by
The Model and its Assumptions
 Model validation for signal generation
 Goodness of fit
 ‘higher than expected’ counts informative of
true drug-event concerns
 Evaluating Sensitivity and Specificity of signals
 Known drug-event associations appearing in
a label or identified by previous analysis of
the data base; use of negative controls where
no association is known to be present
 Earlier identification in time of known drugevent association
Finding “Interestingly Large” Cell Counts
in a Massive Frequency Table
 Large Two-Way Table with Possibly Millions of
 Rows and Columns May Have Thousands of
 Most Cells Are Empty, even though N.. Is
very Large
 “Bayesian Data Mining in Large Frequency
 The American Statistician (1999) (with
Associations of Items in Lists
“Market Basket” Data from Transaction Databases
Tabulating Sets of Items from a Universe of K Items
Supermarket Scanner Data—Sets of Items Bought
Medical Reports—Drug Exposures and Symptoms
Sparse Representation—Record Items Present
Pijk = Prob(Xi = 1, Xj = 1, Xk = 1), (i < j < k)
Marginal Counts and Probabilities: Ni , Nij , Nijk , …Pi , Pij , Pijk
Conditional Probabilities: Prob( Xi| Xj , Xk) = Pijk /Pjk , etc.
Pi Small, but Si Pi (= Expected # Items/Transaction) >> 1
Search for “Interestingly Frequent” Item Sets
Item Sets Consisting of One Drug and One Event Reduce to the
GPS Modeling Problem
Definitions of Interesting Item Sets
Data Mining Literature: Find All (a, b) Associations
E.g., Find all Sets (Xi , Xj , Xk) Having Prob( Xi | Xj ,
Xk) > a & Prob(Xi , Xj , Xk) > b
Complete Search Based on Proportions in Dataset,
with No Statistical Modeling
Note that a Triple (Xi , Xj , Xk) Can Qualify even if Xi Is
Independent of (Xj , Xk)!
We Use Joint P’s, Not Conditional P’s, and Bayesian Model
E.g., Find all (i, j, k): Prob(lijk = Pijk/pijk > l0| Data) > d
pijk are Baseline Values
Based on Independence or some other Null
Empirical Bayes Shrinkage
Compute Posterior Geometric Mean (L) and 5th Percentile (l.05) of
lij = Pij /pij , lijk = Pijk /pijk , lijkl = Pijkl /pijkl , etc.
Baseline Probs p Based on Within-Strata Independence
Prior Distributions of ls Are Mixtures of Two Conjugate
Gamma Distributions
Prior Hyperparameters Estimated by MLE from Observed
Negative Binomial Regression
EB Calculations Are Compute-Intensive, but merely Counting
Itemsets Is More So
Conditioning on Nijk > n* Eases Burden of Both Counting and
EB Estimation
We Choose Smaller n* than in Market Basket Literature
The rationale for stratification on gender
and chronological time intervals
New drugs added to data base over time
Temporal trends in drug usage and exposure
Temporal trends in reporting independent of drug:
publicity, Weber effect
Some drugs associated with gender-specific exposure
Some adverse events associated with gender independent of
drug usage
Primary data-mining objective: are signals the same or
different according to gender (confounding and effect
A concern: number of strata, sparseness, balance between
stratification and sensitivity/specificity of signals
The control group and the issue of
‘compared to what?’
 Signal strategies compare
a drug with itself from prior time periods
 with other drugs and events
 with external data sources of relative drug usage
and exposure
 Total frequency count for a drug is used as a relative
surrogate for external denominator of exposure; for ease
of use, quick and efficient;
 Analogy to case-control design where cases are specific
ADR term, controls are other terms, and outcomes are
presence or absence of exposure to a specific drug.
Other metrics useful in identifying
unusually large cell deviations
 Relative rate
 P-value type metric- overly influenced by
sample size
 Shrinkage estimates for rare events
potentially problematic
 Incorporation of a prior distribution on
some drugs and/or events for which
previous information is available - e.g.
Liver events or pre-market signals
Interpreting the empirical Bayes
scores and their rankings:
the Role of visual graphics
(Ana Szarfman)
 Four examples of spatial maps that reduce
the scores to patterns and user friendly
graphs and help to interpret many signals
 All maps are produced with CrossGraphs
and have drill down capability to get to the
data behind the plots
Example 1
A spatial map showing the “signal
scores” for the most frequently
reported events (rows) and drugs
(columns) in the database by the
intensity of the empirical Bayes
signal score (blue color is a stronger
signal than purple)
Example 2
Spatial map showing ‘fingerprints’
of signal scores allowing one to
visually compare the complexity of
patterns for different drugs and
events and to identify positive or
negative co-occurrences
Example 3
Cumulative scores and numbers of
reports according to the year when
the signal was first detected for
selected drugs
Example 4
Differences in paired male-female
signal scores for a specific adverse
event across drugs with events
reported (red means females
greater, green means males greater)
Why consider data mining
 Screening a lot of data, with multiple
exposures and multiple outcomes
 Soon becomes difficult to identify
 The need for a systematic approach
 There is some structure to the FDA
data base, even though data quality
may be questionable
Two applications
 Special population analysis
 Pediatrics
 Two or more item associations
 Drug interactions
 Syndromes (combining ADR terms)
Pediatric stratifications
(age 16 and younger)
 Neonates
 Infants
 Children
 Adolescents
 Gender
Item Association
 Outcomes
 Drug exposures - suspect and others
 Events
 Covariates
 Confounders
 Uncertainties of information in each field
 dosage, formulation, timing, acute/chronic
 Multiplicities of dimensions
Why apply to pediatrics ?
 Vulnerable populations for which labeling
is poor and directions for use is minimal a set up for safety concerns
 Little comparative clinical trial experience
to evaluate effects of
 Metabolic differences, use of drugs is
different, less is known about dosing, use
with food, formalations and interactions
Gender differences of interest
Challenges in the future
 More real time data analysis
 More interactivity
 Linkage with other data bases
 Quality control strategies
 Apply to active rather than passive systems
where non-reporting is not an issue