St. Martin’s Hospitality Center In attendance: Board Minutes March 7, 2011 Not in attendance: Fran Lesher, Dave Bruner, Valerie Armendariz, Kirk Benton, Dana Skaar, Kate Southard, Peggy Roberts, Monica Hussey, Ron Raburn, Jennifer Gillespie Staff attendance: Fr. Rusty Smith and Sarah Lindblom Guest attendance: Larry Strickland, United Way Planned Giving Strategies Meeting called to order with a Quorum at 5:45PM Special Presentation: Larry Strickland from United Way, Planned Giving Strategies. Larry spoke about various planned giving strategies our donor base could take advantage of and also of services United Way can provide to our donors in setting up gifting/giving strategies. Stone Soup Update: Sarah Lindblom discussed progress made towards fundraising goals. We need to sell tickets to the event. Confirmed soup chefs – Scalo, St. Clair, Brandon Palmer, Annie’s Soup Kitchen, and Blades. The soup chefs have been confirmed – Scalo, St. Clair, Brandon Palmer, Annie’s Soup Kitchen, Blades. The Board also discussed ideas for both the silent and live auctions. Next Stone Soup committee meeting will be held Friday, March 11 th, at the Wells Fargo 4th floor conference room. Old Business: Approval of December 2010 and January 2011 minutes. David Bruner moved to accept the December minutes, the motion was approved by the Board. David Bruner moved to approve the January 2011 minutes, Valerie Armendariz seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted and approved by the Board. Father Rusty reported that the majority of our banking relationship will be moved to Wells Fargo and that the bank had approved a $300,000 line of credit. Agency Reports: Staff report: None Financial Report: Kathy Westby was unable to attend due to a recent death in the family. January’s financial report will be circulated to the Board via email for review and approval. Executive Director’s Report: Fr. Rusty Smith presented both the Executive and Associate Executive Director reports (attached). He reported that we have been extraordinarily successful in our fundraising and in the growth of our donor base over the last year. If we achieve our goals, he projects net revenues in excess of $300,000 for the year. The Board raised the issue of the EEOC complaint brought by Tracy Alexis. Fr. Rusty indicated that we had provided sufficient response and am now waiting for the outcome. Fr. Rusty also updated the Board on certain organizational changes in the ROP program and potential new hire requirement for the management of the Behavioral Health Department. Fr. Rusty also reported that we received a McCune Foundation grant for general operating support. City of ABQ Grant for Accessibility - Funds can be converted to accessibility in the Shelter providing new doors, new meeting spaces, and general appearance enhancement. An Architect/Builder has volunteered to help with design. New design will improve accessibility and provide easily accessible space downstairs for behavioral staff to see clientele. 1 Have received donations for the furnace/repair fund. All equipment is being acquired at cost. Once complete, all electrical will be upgraded and the building will be equipped with refrigerated air as well as a new furnace. Electric contractor Ed Passich will be honored/recognized at the Stone Soup event. Sage Brush Church volunteers will be removing existing fence and putting in greenscape and repainting parking lot lines and bumpers. They will also repaint the doors to the upstairs offices with blackboard paint. This connection was made through our mailings to our faith based partners. New Business: David Bruner raised concerns about not having a dedicated financial advisor on the Strategic Investment Account. David will work with the Finance Committee to begin the search for an advisor for the account. David informed the Board that Fr. Rusty projected increasing the investment in the Strategic Investment Account by July and that an investment plan would be in place by then. David Bruner presented a rough outline of a potential SMHC Strategic Review. The outline will be circulated via email to the Board. Ultimately, the purpose of the Strategic Review is to provide guidelines to the Executive Director of the Board’s criteria for the future growth of SMHC. Board members expressed concern that the staff be included. Fr. Rusty is organizing a staff retreat in the near future and will provide input from the Staff to the Board before any decisions are made. The Board addressed and approved the following committee appointments: Finance Committee – David Bruner, Peggy Roberts, Valerie Armendariz Strategic Review – to be determined Real Estate – Dana Skaar, Kate Southard, two non-Board members TBD Fund Raising – to be determined Summer Party – to be determined. Fr. Rusty will seek input from staff Board Nominating Committee – Valerie Armendariz, Monica Hussey Personnel Committee – David Bruner, Jenn Gillespie, Valerie Armendariz Executive Committee – David Bruner, Kirk Benton, Fran Lesher, Peggy Roberts, Kate Southard Kate Southard made a motion that the Executive Committee or duly appointed subcommittee investigate the legal relationship and the implications thereof between SMHC and CHR and report back to the board. Next Exec Committee meeting Tuesday, March 22nd Next Board meeting Monday, March 28th and will be held at the UBS offices. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM. Respectfully submitted by Frances A. Lesher, Secretary 2 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center In attendance: Not in attendance: Board Minutes May 25, 2011 Fran Lesher, Valerie Armendariz, Kirk Benton, Monica Hussey, Kate Southard, Julie Fritsch, Rob Bryan, Peggy Roberts, Jennifer Gillespie Dave Bruner Staff attendance: Fr. Rusty Smith, Vickie Palmer , Brooks Bedwell – Recovery Outreach Program, Maureen Rule, Thea Yurman for Whitney Conyers –Self Sufficiency Programs , Nevin Marquez – Comprehensive Recovery Team Meeting called to order with a Quorum at 5:35PM, at offices of Moody and Warner, Alb NM. Old Business: Approval of April 28, 2011 minutes. Tabled for future meeting as updated minutes have not been provided to the Board. CHR Update. Chris Ocksrider, President CHR Board of Directors, has not responded. Dave left a voice mail. Kirk was not able to leave a voice message but did follow up with an email. Still working to set up meeting with attorney for legal review. Amended Bylaws: Bylaws are approved waiting on signature of Chair and Secretary. Strategic Planning: Bruner, Benton and Father Rusty, met with strategic planning facilitator on May 2nd. Will begin work on formalizing committee descriptions and charter language for each subcommittee. Peggy Roberts suggested that a special Board meeting be scheduled to discuss committee descriptions and charter language issues. Will address questions and issues at next Executive Committee meeting. Financial Report: Fr. Rusty presented the April financial report. Major factors driving YTD net income were contributions and fund raising revenues greater than budget and operating expenses less than budget. Grant revenue is below budget. Anticipated grants will decrease this variance dramatically. Valerie Armendariz moved to accept the financials, Peggy Roberts seconded and the motion was approved by the Board. Budget for next fiscal year will be presented at the June Meeting. Assoc Executive Director’s Report: Assertive Community Treatment program (ACT) relocated to 700 Lomas building in partnership with the Supportive Housing Coalition. HUD/AMCI audits went very well. Issues noted in last year’s audit of the Recovery Program have been corrected. Maureen Rule, new Co-Clinical Director, is on top of ensuring that Action Pans are in place for deficits. Around the Agency: work on shelter update to begin next month;. Vickie and Fr. Rusty continue to visit offsite program meetings; Housing Services Coordinator position has been filled – Kellie Tillerson accepted the position as part of the MOU with Supportive Housing Coalition. HR and Staff Moral: Psychiatrist for ACT (PT); 2 Community Support Worker for ROP; 17.87% YTD turnover (calendar year); Moral continues to be excellent. Development: Upcoming events – Fall Concert’s venue will be Sandia Casino & Resort 3 Executive Director’s Report: Fr. Rusty reported that the Daniels Foundation Awarded - $50,000 Director’s Retreat: Three critical areas – Challenges, strengths, focus areas in each program. Shelter will be open for Thanksgiving & Christmas – will need additional volunteers for those days. Fr. Rusty encouraged Board Members to come to the Shelter for the Holidays. Shelter Rehab will start in July – bid package in process Motion to accept assist and exec director reports made by Valerie and seconded by Rob. Social Enterprise Proposal – Review of updated Coffee Shop “Coffee for a Cause” plan. Budget reviewed. Fr. Rusty guided a discussion of budget, risks, legal and tax issues, and timeline. Board agreed that retaining legal counsel to review structure of entity as well as possible tax implications. Rob motioned that we support moving forward with the project with the caveats that start up funds be provided by new grant money, professional legal counsel on protecting 501c3 status and review of lease, review at 90 days from grand opening of success guidelines, and cap emergency funds that SMHC would provide if project cannot support itself of $20,000, seconded by Monica Hussey and approved by the Board. Accounting will be managed by St. Martin’s existing staff. Prospective new Board member – Nominating committee (Dave, Peggy and Monica) met with Mark Hoover, ASRT, CFO. Mr. Hoover recently moved to NM from AZ (2 years ago). He has some non-profit experience. Worked on United Way in AZ and in NM. ASRT is a trade organization with 13000 national members. Mark has a lot of fundraising experience. Mark will be touring SMHC 5/26 in the morning and will be providing a BIO for further review. Monica will distribute Mark’s BIO to the Board and committee will wait to see if Mark still has an interest. Personnel Committee (Julie and Vickie) will be meeting next week to review documents used for Staff Evaluations. Will have an update by the next Board meeting. Picnic Committee (Fran and Julie) will be meeting in the very near future – need to determine location and date. Picnic is planned for July. Costs will be paid out of the coffee fund – will need donations written to SMHC. Vickie will provide details to the committee of past picnic events. New Business: Staff presentations Maureen Rule – Co-Clinical Director Brooks Bedwell – ROP Thea Yurman for Whitney Conyers – Self Sufficiency Programs Nevin Marquez – CRT Program 4 Conflict of Interest forms distributed to the Board. Vickie will email the policy to the Board. Each Board member will review the policy and complete the form Next Executive Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, June 21st. Next Board meeting will be held Wednesday, June 29th. Kate moved to adjourn, Rob seconded, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Respectfully submitted by Frances A. Lesher, Secretary 5 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Board Minutes Jul 25th, 2011 In attendance: Dave Bruner, Kirk Benton, Julie Fritsch, Peggy Roberts, Valerie Armendariz, Monica Hussey, Kate Southard, Rob Bryan, Jennifer Gillespie Not attending: Fran Lesher Staff attendance: none Meeting called to order at 5:45PM by Dave Bruner, UBS Offices in Albuquerque. Old Business: Ron Raburn's board term ended in May Approval of April and May minutes. Minutes were reviewed and accepted. Motion by Peggy and seconded by Kate. Mission Statement – Fr. Rusty requested to change the SMHC mission statement/1023. Fr. Rusty and Board members met with Marjorie Rogers, attorney, to address concerns regarding our mission statement as it relates to the coffee shop proposal. Fr. Rusty presented a possible addition to the existing mission statement that will provide clarity and specificity. Our mission is implemented by providing resources and opportunities that include; food/meals, financial assistance, shelter, housing, mental health/chemical dependency/case management services and employment support, training and placement. The board will review suggested addendum at next meeting. Staff Reports: Financial Report: The board reviewed Kathy Westby's May financial report. Major factors driving YTD net income continue to be contributions and fund raising revenues greater than budget and operating expenses less than budget. Received award letter from Daniels Fund of $50,000 in May. Audit Ollie is about half way through the 2010 audit and has started to include review of 2011 information to allow for a faster completion of the audit. Kathy anticipates that 2010 audit should be complete by July 15 th and presented at the August Board meeting. RFP for new auditor will be discussed for future audits – 2012 and forward. Budget – The finance committee recommended approval of proposed fy2012 budget. Monica motioned and Peggy seconded, motion approved with no dissent. The finance committee also recommended allowing an increase from $1000 to $2500 in the level for Capitalizing an expense as a fixed asset. Motioned for approval by Peggy and seconded by Valerie with no dissent. Finance committee report is attached to these minutes. Committee updates: CHR Task Force Update. Dave Bruner presented a summary of the Task Force’s findings. An Attorney, Ruth Schifani, was approached for a legal opinion. In essence, the property was transferred to CHR for consideration (debt also transferred to CHR) and CHR and SMHC are totally separate and have no connection. Motion made to accept the Task Force Report by Kirk Benton, seconded by Peggy Roberts and approved by the Board. Committee report attached. Personnel Committee (Julie and Vickie) - updated by Julie Fritsch. Review tool is being revised. New system will be presented to the Board for approval – more goal directed. Vickie will review the policy, make appropriate changes and present to Personnel Committee. Kate also suggested Personnel committee look at Out Placement Coaching if necessary for departing employees. Jenn motioned and Monica seconded and the motion was approved with Peggy dissenting. 6 New Business: The board conducted a review of our committee structures and decided to start the process of building a Board Guide. The guide will attempt to spell out committee responsibilities and standardize board procedures. The end result should be a guide that will allow the board to better focus on strategic vision, and oversight responsibilities and not the day to day functioning of St Martins. Rob Bryan will oversee the production of the guide, Peggy will submit suggested responsibilities of the finance committee and Julie will start with the personnel committee. Kate Southard disclosed that she is conducting real estate business for an estate that Kathy Westby is a party to. She will keep us informed if there appear to be any concerns related to their board-staff relationship. Next Executive Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug 23rd Next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 30th Rob moved to adjourn, Kate seconded, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM. Respectfully submitted by David Bruner, Board Chair 7 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center In attendance: Gillespie (by phone) Board Minutes August 30, 2011 Dave Bruner, Fran Lesher, Kirk Benton, Julie Fritsch, Peggy Roberts, Rob Bryan, Jennifer Guest: Not in attendance: Ollie Waters, CPA Valerie Armendariz, Monica Hussey, Kate Southard Staff attendance: Fr. Rusty Smith, Vicky Palmer , Kathy Westby Meeting called to order with a Quorum at 5:38PM by Dave Bruner at UBS conference room. Auditor’s Report for June 30, 2010 year end Ollie Waters presented a draft of the Independent Auditor’s Report. The audit report expressed an unqualified opinion on the financial statements. Approval of the Audit Report - Kirk Benton moved that the report be accepted and the motion was seconded by Rob Bryan. The motion was carried and the audit report was approved. Old Business: Approval of July minutes. Approval motioned by Peggy Roberts to accept the minutes and seconded by Julie Fritsch. July minutes were approved. Judy Collins Concert – Fr. Rusty encouraged Board attendance at the VIP reception after the concert. Current attendance is just below 1,000. Projections are that we will have approximately 1,200 in attendance. Staff Reports: Financial Report: Kathy Westby presented the June financial report. Net income was better than budget. Major factors driving YTD net income were contributions and fund raising revenues greater than budget and operating expenses below budget. Kirk Benton moved to accept the financials, Julie Fritsch seconded and the motion was approved by the Board. Assoc Executive Director’s Report: Vicky Palmer presented the Executive Director’s Report Summary. Job developer, Tina Iverson, is working out very well. Job placements have increased significantly. Shelter improvements continue – the bid process is underway. HR and Staff Moral: 34.15% YTD turnover (calendar year); Moral continues to be excellent. Executive Director’s Report: Fr. Rusty Smith Coffee Shop – Grand Opening with Live Radio broadcast scheduled for 9/6. Mayor Berry will be in attendance as will Mr. Benton of the City Council. The Council has proclaimed September 6 th to be St. Martin’s Coffee Day. We have executed the contract with Rosemont to provide coffee service for their commercial properties. Fr. Rusty encouraged the Board to be present at the Grand Opening and announced that Mo will be performing for the event. New Mexico Business Weekly interviewed Fr. Rusty today and the interview will be in Monday’s publication. 8 Committee updates: Board Development. Overall Board Development is progressing. Nominating Committee: Dave Bruner was contacted by Mark Hoover who expressed renewed interest in joining the Board. Dave will discuss the issue with the nominating committee . Finance Committee – Dave Bruner: Dave Bruner, Peggy Roberts, Vicky Palmer, Kathy Westby, Kelly Famigliata (advisor from Charles Stephens). Highlights – out plan is poorly utilized. Will look at options to increase participation. Vicky will do a survey of the employees to see if an increase in the match or hardship loan provision would encourage participation. Personnel Committee (Julie and Vickie) - No changes to the personnel performance evaluation policy were needed and new forms were accepted. Coffee Shop(Rob Bryan) – Great opportunities to grow this project. New Business: Document Retention:: Rob Bryan suggested that a web portal, password protected, be created that would make all important documentation available to the Board. Financial Reporting:: Fran Lesher moved that financial reports to the Board be waived until the October Board meeting. At that time, Kathy Westby will present financials for the first quarter of the fiscal year. The motion was seconded by Peggy Roberts. The Board approved and the motion was carried. NOTE: Any communications to Center Staff should be cc’d to Fr. Rusty. Next Executive Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, September 20th. Next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, September 27th and will be held at The Coffee Shop, 700 2nd Street Peggy Roberts moved to adjourn, Rob Bryan seconded, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. Respectfully submitted by Frances A. Lesher, Secretary 9 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center In attendance: Not in attendance: Staff attendance: Board Minutes October 25, 2011 Dave Bruner, Fran Lesher, Kirk Benton, , Peggy Roberts, Rob Bryan, Monica Hussey, Mark Hoover, Julie Fritsch, Jennifer Gillespie Kate Southard, Valerie Armendariz Fr. Rusty Smith Meeting held at UBS and called to order with a Quorum at 5:38PM by Dave Bruner Old Business: Approval of September minutes. Approval motioned by Peggy Roberts. Dave Bruner read updated statement for Finance Committee. Additional discussion ensued regarding timing of financial reporting. Kirk suggested that a short disclaimer included in a brief narrative would be sufficient. Changes were approved. Seconded by Rob September minutes were approved. Staff Reports: Assoc Executive Director’s Report: Presented by Fr. Rusty Jobs program eliminated due to loss of city funding. 28 employees will be laid off. Currently in the process of finding placements for those employees. Preparations for annual City Audit are underway. Audit will take place November 1st through the 4th. ADA shelter build out was put back out to bid. New contractor was selected – JMP Works LLC. Work will commence October 22nd with a planned completion within 45 days. Fingerprinting of staff continues. Process has been extended to decrease cost impact. HR and Staff Moral: 38.69% YTD turnover (calendar year); Moral continues to be excellent. Executive Director’s Report: Coffee Shop Update: Rosemont Management is very happy with the tenant appreciation service. Parking at the Coffee Shop location has been an issue but the property management has made five additional spaces available. Two interns have already been placed in other employment. Hospital has approached us to possibly place a coffee shop at their location. Fr. Rusty reviewed The Coffee Shop P&L to date (Sept. and Oct.). City Audit will begin in November. The audit will review 11 program funding areas and will include admin, finance, and program. Fr. Rusty reported that the shelter build-out work has been awarded to Ed Paschich. The work has already commenced as of 10/25 with a projected completion date of 12/28. Development/Fundraising update. Stone Soup needs to be the focus. Sponsorship is VERY important. Presented to Thornburg. Several other sponsorships are being worked on. A new video is being produced for St. Martin’s “What I See” and will premier at Stone Soup. Catalog of Hope is currently in print (printed by Xerox for free) and is being mailed to 11,000 donors and prospective donors. 10 Fr. Rusty presented a brief overview of the behavioral health programs. CRT and CdP did significantly better, Solid Ground and Scattered Site/Self-sufficiency need additional work. Fr. Rusty invited the Board to join for the Thanksgiving breakfast – starts at 7AM. Committee updates: Rob suggested that the board members be notified of upcoming committee meetings to allow for increased participation if desired. Real Estate Committee – Dave Bruner: Brad Allen will provide expert input to the committee. Julie Fritsch will join the committee. Peggy raised the issue of the endowment fund at Albuquerque Community Foundation and suggested that a more appropriate use of the funds would be as a down payment on real estate to provide needed additional space. Will need to visit the idea of approaching the Foundation to reverse the investment. Monica will support this. Finance Committee – Dave Bruner and Peggy Roberts: Dave reviewed the proposed changes to the financial policy. Finance Committee proposed schedule was presented. Nominating Committee (Monica Hussey): Committee will be meeting with Dr. Robert Strickland on November 3rd. Dr. Strickland is an MD of Internal Medicine with UNM. Monica recommended that the Skills Matrix be updated to ensure that we have a clear idea of what skills or knowledge we look for in future board members. New Business: Staff Holiday Party – Targeted date is December 2nd. Tentatively to be held at the meeting room at the Coffee Shop building. Start time of 2:30. Catering by St. Martin’s. Desserts provided by the Board. Board would be asked to contribute for holiday party. Amount to be determined. Cup and Flower fund – Dave presented and update. Balance just over $200. Code of Conduct –Dave suggested Code of Conduct be updated for Board Members. Dave will work with Julie on this project. November Board Elections –The upcoming November meeting will include Board Elections. To maintain continuity, Dave is offering to stay in the Chair’s position for the coming year. Monica and Valerie will send an email out to the Board to request input for upcoming elections. Motion made by Peggy Roberts to move Board meetings to bi-monthly beginning in November and seconded by Rob. Motion carried. Kirk questioned progress in ceasing utilizing certain housing services. Real Estate Committee will be reviewing alternatives. Next Executive Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, November 22nd at The Coffee Shop. Next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, November 29th. Location TBD. Jennifer moved to adjourn, Monica seconded, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM and Board voted to move into closed session. Respectfully submitted by Frances A. Lesher, Secretary 11 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Board Minutes Jan. 30, 2012 In attendance: Fran Lesher, Kirk Benton, Rob Bryan, Monica Hussey, Mark Hoover (departed early), Kate Southard, Julie Fritsch, Reg Strickland, Jennifer Gillespie (arrived during financial discussion) Not in attendance: Dave Bruner, Peggy Roberts, Valerie Armendariz Staff attendance: Fr. Rusty Smith, Vickie Palmer A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held at Wells Fargo Bank, Albuquerque, New Mexico and called to order at 5:32 pm with a majority of the Directors present thereby constituting a quorum. Proper notice of the meeting was given to each Director electronically (at least three days before the meeting) by email on Jan. 25, 2012. The Board approved the minutes of the Nov. 29, 2011 meeting as presented by the Secretary. The Directors discussed updating the Ethics Policy to be more specific for the Board than the general policy for SMHC employees. The Personnel Committee to distribute draft to Board for review before the next Board meeting in March. The Directors discussed the next draft of the Board Guide. It was decided that each Director should review the draft distributed at the Nov. 27, 2011 Board meeting and revisions should be forwarded to the Secretary who will incorporate the revisions and distribute a proposed first release before the next Board meeting. Mr. Hoover presented to the Board an overview of the annual audit. The minutes of Finance Committee meeting held on Jan. 23, 2012 were previously distributed to the Board. Overall the audit found SMHC in good standing. There was one notable finding regarding the timeliness of completing the 2010 audit which was a consequence of the interaction with Optum. Mr. Hoover reported that the Finance Committee recommends to the Board approval of the annual audit with corrections, the Form 990 with corrections and to retain Ollie Waters of Moye, Waters and Associates, LLC as auditor for the current fiscal year. Mr. Hoover will distribute in the next few days to the Board for consideration of acceptance the final annual audit for the year ended June 30, 2011 and the final federal tax Form 990 submission for the year. The Board approved proceeding with hiring Mr. Waters of Moye, Waters and Associates, LLC as auditor for the current fiscal year subject to any findings on Mr. Water's peer review. The consensus of the Board is to have the auditor present the audit at a Finance Committee meeting rather than at a regular Board meeting. It was resolved to accept the resignation of Dave Bruner from the office of Chairman. Mr. Bruner resigned due to personal reasons. The Directors and Executive Director expressed their deep appreciation for all of the work and leadership provided by Mr. Bruner in his capacity of Chairman for these past several years. It was further resolved to grant Mr. Bruner a leave of absence as a Director. The Nominating Committee presented Ms. Lesher for the Chairwoman office. The Board elected Ms. Lesher as Chairwoman. Ms. Southard recommended that an executive coach be sought to provide development for the Chair. Dr. Bryan raised the issue of the voting by proxy by Board members. Following discussion, the Board reached a consensus that proxies shall not be allowed. 12 The Directors discussed increasing the membership of the various standing and ad hoc committees of the Board. Several Directors agreed to join the various committees. The Secretary will distribute an updated list of committee membership before the next Board meeting. The Associate Executive Director reported that the following SMHC reports were signed by a Director during January: ACT Program - signed by Fran Lesher, Board Member January 11, 2012 Shelter + Care Housing Program - signed by Fran Lesher, Board Member January 11, 2012 Supporting Housing Program - signed by Fran Lesher, Board Member January 11, 2012 Homeless Meals Program– signed by Kirk Benton, Vice Chair January 24, 2012 Shelter Job Placement Program- signed by Kirk Benton, Vice Chair January 24, 2012 Shelter Displaced Tenant Relocation Program- signed by Kirk Benton, Vice Chair January 24, 2012 Day Shelter Program - signed by Kirk Benton, Vice Chair January 24, 2012 The Associate Executive Director and the Executive Director reported to the Board on the activities of SMHC. A discussion followed clarifying various aspects of the reports. The reports highlighted that the Optum SAPT audit went extremely well; SMHC received a PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) grant in the amount of $138,460 effective 7/1/12; the shelter build out is complete; no relapses were reported during the holidays at our residential programs which is solid evidence that having staff on site during times that are triggers for our clients, has been effective; Lobby Day during the current Legislative session was well attended by St. Martin’s staff who spoke with several representatives about homeless issues and specific bills being addressed; the city has funded an additional Heading Home Case Management position; SMHC received good press regarding the shelter being open on Christmas and SMHC's funders are reporting that they are pleased by the shelter remaining open during holidays and inclement weather; and the staff turnover for the calendar year 2011 was 45% compared to 37% for calendar 2010. The reports further highlighted SMHC income (some areas up and some down) and expenses (2011 down compared to 2010) including a reduction in the percentage of administration expenses; the current results of the Coffee Shop including seven clients placed into full-time jobs and the addition of lunch service and catering; the results of the Holiday mailing at $62,000 and a United Way site on Feb. 10, 2012. The Executive Director also provided the Board with an update on the Stone Soup fund raising event. Extensive preparations, including sponsorships, ticket sales, auction items, are underway for what should be an exciting evening communicating SMHC mission and activities to existing and potential supporters. Mr. Benton reported that the Personnel Committee is scheduled to meet during the month of Feb. 2012. Ms. Hussey reported that the Nominating Committee is seeking a former client of SMHC as a potential Director as well as other potential candidates along with targeted skills. Mr. Benton reported on the annual Adopt-a-Family program. The Board decided to hold the next regular meeting on April 3, 2012 at 5:30 pm at a location to be determined. One topic for the meeting will be the major goals for the organization for the next fiscal year. The Executive Committee set March 27, 2012 at 7:30 am at The Coffee Shop for the next coordination meeting. There being no further business, the Meeting then ended at 7:44 pm. Respectfully submitted by Robert Bryan, Secretary 13 SMHC Board Meeting Agenda 3 April 2012 Vote on prior meeting minutes Board member resignation Real Estate Committee update Development Committee update and next event Associate Executive Director report SHMC quarterly reports Executive Director report Vote on Board Guide Plan for strategic planning session Finance Committee update Personnel Committee update Nominating Committee update Social Entrepreneurship committee update Opens Schedule next meeting St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Board Minutes April 3, 2012 In attendance: Fran Lesher, Kirk Benton, Rob Bryan, Julie Fritsch, Peggy Roberts, Valerie Armendariz, Dave Bruner (left early) Not in attendance: Reg Strickland Staff attendance: Fr. Rusty Smith, Vickie Palmer Guest(s): none A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held at Sandia Foundation, Albuquerque, New Mexico and called to order at 5:36 pm with a majority of the Directors present which thereby constitutes a quorum. Notice of the meeting was given to each Director electronically at least three days before the meeting by email on Mar. 27, 2012. The Board RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Jan. 30, 2012 meeting as presented by the Secretary. The Board acknowledged the resignations of Mark Hoover and Jennifer Gillespie. Both expressed an inability to devote the necessary time to appropriately participate on the Board. Mr. Hoover will remain on the Finance Committee as a non-Director participant. The Board also acknowledged that Monica Hussey and Kate Southard terms as Directors came to an end in March 2012. Ms. Hussey will remain on the Nominating Committee as a non-Director participant. The Directors expressed their appreciation for all of the work, leadership and contributions from Ms. Gillespie, Ms. Hussey, Ms. Southard and Mr. Hoover. Dr. Bryan noted that the By-laws do not explicitly require the Board to accept the registration of a Director. The Board discussed and concluded Director resignations are automatically effective 24 hours from when the notice is received in writing. Fr. Smith provided the Board with an update of the current real estate challenges for SMHC including (1) the need to pursue alternative housing for clients in the Solid Grounds program as the current location is detrimental to the recovery objectives of the clients housed there. The current lease expires in Sep. 2012 resulting in an immediate need to actively pursue options; (2) an overall housing expenditure of approximately 14 $220,000 per quarter; (3) a $25,000 per quarter expenditure for motel vouchers for recently displaced clients; (4) the inadequate condition of the administration space with a estimate of $45,000 to make appropriate repairs and upgrades; and (5) the option for acquiring the property on the north east corner of 3rd and Mountain. The Real Estate Committee was tasked to work with SMHC staff to pursue specific options to address the real estate needs of the organization and report back to the Board with a recommended course of action. Dr. Bryan was appointed to chair the Real Estate Committee with Ms. Southard's departure. Mr. Benton joined the Real Estate Committee. Dr. Bryan reported two additional non-Board members on the Real Estate Committee: Ed Paschich, a general contractor and Chuck Sheldon, a real estate professional with a Certified Commercial Investment Member designation. The Board directed that the Real Estate committee closely look into the previous HUD/City of Albuquerque refusal to flow money through SMHC if SMHC owned the facility housing clients. Fr. Smith provided the Board with a report on the Stone Soup fund raising event. The event grew from last year bringing in a total of approximately $65,000 between donations, ticket sales and auction items. The event help SMHC communicate to a larger audience about its mission, successes and challenges. The next fund raising event will likely be an event for large donors. SMHC is also beginning to work on a concert to be held in 2013. The Development Committee of the Board will work with SMHC staff on the preparations of these events. The Board also discussed the expectations of the Directors and the committee. The Associate Executive Director reported that the following SMHC reports were signed by a Director: Shelter Displaced Tenant Relocation Program- signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- March 13, 2012 Displaced Tenant Relocation Program-signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 Day Shelter Program-signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 Homeless Meals Program-signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 Job Placement Program-signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 Motel Voucher Program - signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- March 13, 2012 Motel Voucher Program (corrected) – Signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair-March 27, 2012 ACT Program – signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 Albuquerque Heading Home Program – signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 City of Albuquerque Motel Voucher Grant -signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- March 15, 2012 McCune Foundation Grant signed by Fran Lesher, Board Chair- April 3, 2012 The Associate Executive Director and the Executive Director reported to the Board on the activities of SMHC. A discussion followed clarifying various aspects of the reports. The reports highlighted that SMHC passed the New Mexico state Department of Health audit in March; Optum's review of SMHC with regards to being a Core Service Agency was positive; SMHC commenced retention meetings between the Executive Director, Associate Executive Director and Behavioral Health program directors out of which actions included leadership training for program managers and supervision training; certain staff departures, replacements and a promotion; grants and outreach; client events; program intakes, graduations and discharges; shelter activities as well as success stories from different program areas. The Executive Director also provided the Board with a report on the best practice drive on Health Homes and Trauma Informed Care programs; intervention at Supportive Housing Services at Silver Gardens; focus areas for strategic planning; and Development activities. The Board discussed the plans for the annual staff appreciation picnic with a target date on June 22, 2012.Dr. Bryan will pursue securing a location for the event and Ms. Armendariz will explore options for food. 15 Ms. Lesher proposed a strategic planning session for the Board and SMHC executives with a target date of Sep. 8, 2012. Ms. Lesher will look into a securing a third-party facilitator. The Executive Committee will meet to organize and plan the strategic organization session. The Directors discussed the release of the Board Guide that had been previously distributed to all Directors. A fulsome discussion ensued regarding various aspects of the Board Guide and the guidance contained therein. The Board RESOLVED to accept the Board Guide as a guide for Directors as currently drafted with the elimination of item 3 of the Personnel Functions. Ms. Roberts opposed the resolution. Ms. Roberts reported on the Finance Committee meeting at which Kathy Westby presented documentation regarding the current insurance which includes employee theft and fraud and Directors and Officers liability insurance; the committee reviewed and discussed the financials for the quarter ending December 31, 2012; liquidation of the SWS Securities account with the proceeds being moved into SMHC's Wells Fargo account; the goal to have high liquidity for the short term to support any actions related to real estate activities; the need of a revised investment policy when funds are available in the future. Ms. Lesher reported on the discussion with the Albuquerque Community Foundation on the return of the money sent by SMHC to the Foundation. The Foundation's Board will need to decide on the request at their May 15, 2012 meeting. Ms. Fritsch report that the Personnel Committee will meet next week. The updated Ethics Policy will be part of the agenda. The Board agreed that only material changes to SMHC's personnel policies needed to be brought to the full Board. Ms. Fritsch reported on the Nominating Committee meeting at which the committee agreed to recommend Mark Fidel as a SMHC Director, discussed two other candidates, discussed avenues to recruit a former client of SMHC as a potential Director and reviewed the Board skills matrix. Fr. Smith noted that a former client identified as an excellent candidate for being a Board Director unfortunately moved away from Albuquerque. Fr. Smith is working with his staff to identify alternatives for the Nominating Committee. Fr. Rusty will speak to a former Board member who is a former client about rejoining the Board. The Board RESOLVED to have Mark Fidel join the Board as a Director. Dr. Bryan reported on the Social Entrepreneurship Committee meeting at which Fr. Smith reported that twelve clients have graduated, the current revenues produced by the daily operations are covering approximately half of the expenses and the remainder are being covered by grants. We are expecting two upcoming grants and the and project that the year will end with the Coffee Shop in the black. About $30,000 in grants is being targeted for next year, with a focus on catering due to its coverage of expenses, and marketing plans to grow the customer base. Dr. Bryan also reported that SMHC has created a secure access to key documents for the Directors through the SMHC website. The Board decided to hold the next regular meeting on May 22, 2012 at 5:30 pm at a location to be determined. The Executive Committee set May 15, 2012 at 7:30 am at The Coffee Shop for the next coordination meeting. There being no further business, the Meeting then ended at 8:19 pm. Respectfully submitted by Robert Bryan, Secretary 16 Board Roster NAME TITLE OCCUPATION Frances Lesher Chair CONTACT INFO Assistant Vice President Work: 766-6365 (10/10 through 10/13) Sr Business Relationship Mgr. Wells Fargo Professional Banking Wells Fargo Bank 200 Lomas Blvd NW, 4th Floor Albuquerque, NM 87102 Kirk Benton Vice Chair (3/10 through 3/13) Engineer Work: 255-7802 ABQ Engineering 4 Loma Cordoniz Home: 856-7227 Peralta, NM 87042 Peggy Roberts Treasurer Certified Public Accountant (10/08 through 10/14 – 2 terms) 11611 Wilshire Ave NE Cell: 238-0726 Home: 292-3570 Albuquerque, NM 87122 Robert Bryan Secretary (4/11 through 4/14) Managing Director Avalon Solar Cell: 228-3885 4701 Winnetka Ct NE Albuquerque, NM 87111-3065 Valerie Armendariz Director (3/08 through 3/14 – 2 terms) 9525 San Diego Ave Albuquerque, NM 87122 17 Business Owner Cell: 366-9350 EAA Translating Services David Bruner Director (8/08 through 8/14 – 2 terms) 4706 Winnetka Ct NE Certified Financial Planner Work: 880-2704 Vice President – Investments UBS Financial Services Inc. Albuquerque, NM 87111 Julie K. Fritsch Director Attorney Work: 944-0033 (3/11 through 3/14) Moody & Warner, P.C. 4169 Montgomery Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 Dr. Robert (Reg) Strickland Director (12/11 through 12/14) Univ. of New Mexico Hospital 911 Avenida Manana Emeritus Professor Cell: 238- 9233 Home: 268-0466 Albuquerque, NM 87110 Mark Fidel Director (4/12 through 4/15) 4808 Piedra Rosa St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 Updated 4/11/12 18 President & Managing Partner Cell: 241-9669 CAaNES, LLC Home: 217-3745 19