The electronic 2010 W-2 forms are now available within Phoenix. Instructions for accessing your W-2 form are listed below. If you did not consent to receive your W-2 electronically, we will be mailing the W-2 forms on January 28th to your home address. To Access your 2010 W-2 Form electronically: · · · · Log-in to Phoenix on any TWU campus computer Choose TWU Self Service W-2 Information Choose the printer icon to print your form W-2 To sign up for electronic W-2 consent for 2011: If you have already consented to receive your W-2 electronically, no action is needed. To sign up for electronic W-2 for 2011, you may sign up through your Pioneer Portal. Choose “My Info” and “Electronic W-2 Consent Form” and check the box to consent. To verify your consent at any time you may log into your Pioneer Portal, My Info, and Electronic W-2 Consent Form and a confirmation message will appear. Frequently Asked W-2 Questions: Why doesn’t my W-2 form agree to the gross income on my payslip? Why doesn’t my W-2 form agree to my annual salary? Box 1 (Wages, tips, other compensation) on the W-2 form is your taxable income. Your taxable income can be obtained by reviewing your final payslip for 2010 (for most employees, this will be your 12/1/2010 payslip) and subtracting the YTD Pre-Tax Deductions from your YTD Gross Income. What is the difference between Box 1 and Box 3 on my W-2 form? Box 1 is your taxable income for federal income tax and Box 3 is your social security wages. The difference between these amounts is any pre-tax retirement contributions such as ORP, TRS, 403(b) or 457 contributions. When I try to open my W-2, all I see is a blank screen or a gray screen: The following instructions were used to fix the issue with Adobe X: Instructions for viewing W-2 forms with Adobe Reader X and Internet Explorer 7/8 Users with Internet Explorer 7/8 and Adobe Reader X installed on their computers can have trouble viewing their W-2 forms on the computer. In this case use the following instructions to be able to view your W-2 forms: Open Adobe Reader X on the computer and go to Edit > Preferences menu Click on 'Internet' category on the left column from the list of categories Uncheck the 'Display PDF in Browser' checkbox under the Web Browser Options (Top Center) and click OK Close Adobe Reader X. This will open your W-2 form in a separate Adobe Reader window and not within the browser window. Change the settings back after printing the W-2 following the same instructions above. When I log into Phoenix, I do not see TWU Self Service or TWU Student Self Service: Please contact the TWU Help Desk at (940) 898-3971 and they will be able to assist you. If you have other questions on the W-2 form, please email me at If you did not elect the electronic W-2 option and have questions on the status of your W-2 form, please email Jane Sewald at Please allow the postal service sufficient time to deliver your W2 form and reroute to a new address if you have moved. If you have not received your W-2 form by February 15th, you can submit a request for a duplicate copy.