Answers for the science investigation - Arman


Answers for the science investigation

Controls and variables-Part 1

Question 1-Patty Power

Which people are in the control group? My answer is Group B because it is the group that consumes the false sauce or the placebo.

What is the independent variable? An independent variable is something that you have right from the beginning, so it is the product being tested – the new sauce that is served to Group A.

What is the dependent Variable? The dependent variable is the result of the independent variable. The dependent variable is the reduction of gas after eating crabby patties.


Two hours after eating the new sauce 60% of Group A reported feeling having fewer gas problems .16% of Group B reported having fewer gas problems after eating the normal sauce.

What should Mr.Krabbs conclusion be? That the new sauce was a success and his hypothesis was right. The sauce fared well with a 60% success rate. The control group had only a 16% success from the placebo sauce. Knowing Mr.Krabbs from T.V.

I think he would charge a lot extra for people to get this sauce.

Why do you think 8 people in Group B reported feeling better? For testing all medicines a similar experiment is done. They have 2 groups like the one in the example. The people in the control group reported feeling better because of the psychological effect of the placebo. Who knows maybe the 8 people in

Group B decided to eat their green veggies that day.

Question 2-Slimotosis

What was the initial observation? Sponge Bob noticed the slime and horrible odor which was the main observation which drove him to find a cure for Slimotosis.

What was the independent variable? The cure for the problem was rubbing

seaweed and drinking Dr. Kelps therefore that is our independent variable.

What is the dependent variable? The dependent variable is basically what the independent variable is doing which would be cleaning away the slime and odor.

What should Sponge Bob’s conclusion should be? Both ideas seemed to work splendidly they cleaned away all that was needed to be cleaned. I think they should find a preventative for this problem but the duration it took to rid Gary’s shell was very short which was good.

Question 3-Marshmallow Muscles

Which person is in the control Group? Sponge Bob is the person in the control because he isn’t being experimented on nothing is done to him he doesn’t change at all.

What is the independent variable? The muscle cream is what is being experimented on.

What is the dependent variable? This answer I am not 100% sure on, I think it is the strength you have from lifting weights and doing exercise on your own. Patrick has a lot more strength in general.



Initial time

After 1 week

After 2 weeks









What should Larry’s conclusion be? The muscle cream wasn’t that effective.

However there were many favors towards Patrick because he started with a lot more strength then SpongeBob but in the end the improvement is only a difference of 3 in favors of Patrick. You could see drastic changes for both but the cream didn’t live up to the expectation it was suppose to.

Question 4-Microwave Miracle

What was Patrick’s hypothesis? That if fish eat food exposed to microwaves will become smarter and able to swim through the maze a lot faster than regular food feed to fish.

Which fish are in the control Group? It is the Group of fish that eat regular food which doesn’t have any special exposure to microwave heated food.

What is the independent variable? It is basically the special food exposed to microwaves which we are testing.

What is the dependent variable? It is the speed the fish swim through the maze and the time it takes

What should Patrick’s conclusion be? Both charts had 2 fish that didn’t improve but they took more time. The undeniably thing was that some fish had drastic change on both sides. This experiment had too many different personal things, some were already faster, and others just got lucky in the maze maybe they had lots of practice.

When I compared the 2 different groups I didn’t look at the end result I just observed the difference in time. I think to really get an answer you need more time and readings to find out if the food works.

Scientific Method

Question 1-Flower Power

What did SpongeBob do wrong? He placed the plants he was watering with normal water where there was no sun. He missed a step in the Scientific method which was research he needed to have a basic knowledge about growing plants and science. He gave both the plants different environments when he was comparing the growth and size to see if the fertilizer works better than just normal water.

What should SpongeBob do to test the effectiveness of the Fertilizer? Start with seed from the same plant and plant them in the most similar environment you can find. Research about the right way to plant normal plants then basically incorporate the fertilizer and keep a chart about the growth rate every day for 3 weeks then see the amount that it has grown.
