Deforestation Within the Amazonian Rainforest Bibliography

Work Cited
Butler, Rhett. “Amazon Destruction.” The Amazon. Rhett A. Butler 2010-2014, n.d. Web. 18
March 2014. <>
Cesareo, Kerry and Linda K. Walker. “Deforestation.” Threats. WWF, n.d. Web. 18 March 2014.
"Deforestation: Comprises of a Growing World." Causes Effects and Solutions to Deforestation.
Conserve-Energy-Future, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. <>.
The article of “Deforestation: Compromises of a Growing World” is from the larger
work of Causes Effects and Solutions to Deforestation. Its purpose is to inform people of the
damage happening in the Amazon and solutions to it. It’s values are that it is well organized and
easy to follow, however it’s limitations are that it is a secondary source and that it may be a bit
"Earth Day 2014." Rainforest Trust Acres for 50 Cents Can Do. Cedia and Rainforest Trust,
2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.
The origin of this is from the Rainforest Trust collaborating with CIDNA an organization
meant to protect the Amazonian Rainforest. Its purpose is to inform and persuade people about
the deforestation in the Amazonian rainforest and to donate at least 0.50$ to help provide money
to expand a nature reserve. Its value is that it has a realizable backing that it is a charity, so you
know they can be trusted with your money. Limitations are that because you know the money is
being sent to countries that have some government corruption it may not be accepted or it may
be used to pay government officials.
Eggleston, Emily. “Deforestation Robs Amazon Soil of Life.” Plants. 2014 Discovery
Communications, 17 January 2013. Web. 18 March 2014. <
HowStuffWorks. “Why is Deforestation the Biggest Threat to Earth’s Biodiversity?” Threats to
Biodiversity. Discovery, n.d. Web. 24 March 2014. <
The origin of this is from the biodiversity section of from Discovery a
science-based organization. Its purpose is to answer the question of “Why is deforestation the
biggest threat to Earth’s biodiversity? Its value is that the question is answered by scientist that
truly understand the topic of biodiversity, however its limitations are that it is very basic on the
answer since it is for a person that may not be able to understand scientific speech also that the
answer is somewhat short.
"Learn More About Trade in Brazil." OEC: Brazil (BRA) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade
Partners. The Observatory of Economic Complexity, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. <http://>.
The origin of “Learn More about trade in Brazil” is from the The Observatory of
Economic Complexity website. Its purpose is to inform mainly business men of the products that
we obtain from the country of Brazil and other countries as well. It’s values is that it shows
information in charts and graphs that are from this year, however its limitation is that since there
is so much data on the website it can run a little slow when trying to access information.
Mallén, Patricia Rey. “Reversal of Fortune: Deforestation of Amazon Rainforest Increases by
28% Over past Year.” Economy. IBTimes, 15 November 2013. Web. 24 March 2014.
The origin of this article is from the economy section of the International Business Times
by Patricia Rey Mallén. The purpose of this article is to inform not only the causes of
deforestation from people who need money and land but also to explain the monetary gain from
cutting down forests. The value is that it explains not only cause of deforestation for money (ie:
mining & farming) but also explains how much land has been cut down. The limitations are that
it does not go truly into depth about some areas of business from deforestation.
“Modern-Day Plague” Deforestation. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 18 March 2014 <http://
The origin of this paper is from Environment section on the National Geographic website.
Its purpose is to inform people how the causes and effects of deforestation. Its value is that it
explains the percentage of land being cut down and why the forests are being cut and the effects
on the environment, however its limitations are that this information might be somewhat dated
because the publication date of this article is unknown.
Ronca, Debra. "How Deforestation Works." HowStuffWorks., 10 June
2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2014
University of Maryland Department of Geographical Sciences. ‘Hansen, Ptapov, Moore,
Hancher et al, 2000. Web. 24 March 2014. <
The origin of this paper is from the University Of Maryland Department Of Geographical
Sciences. Its purpose is to show the visual representation of deforestation in the world
from 2000-2012. Its values are that it can show the worlds deforestation rates though, its
limitations are that it is somewhat dated since it is not the most recent of data.
Wallace, Scott. “Last of the Amazon.” Farming the Amazon. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 18
March 2014. <>
Wallace Scott in National Geographic writes the origin of the article “Last of the Amazon”
in the larger work of Farming the Amazon. The purpose of the article is to inform the people
about the problems that are occurring in the forests of Brazil, but also informs of the effects the
government is taking. The values are that it shows the points of views of people that don’t want
the land destroyed and a person who sold his land not think of the consequences, however, it
limitations are that it does not show a time of date so you are unable to tell if information is
current or not.
"Wood You Believe We Get So Much From Trees?" Wood You Believe We Get So Much From
Trees? Idaho Forest Products Commission, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. <http://www.>.
The origin of the article “Wood You Believe We Got So Much From Trees” is from the
Idaho Forest Products Commissions. Its purpose is to entertain the reader while informing them
of the products that we obtain from trees. Its values is that is contains a “list” of the products
made from trees, however its limitations are that there is no date so some of the products may not
even use tree parts anymore