Articulate (v) (adj)

Articulate (v) (adj)
To pronounce distinctly; to
express well in words (adj)
expressed forcefully and clearly
Syn: pronounce
Ant: mumble, slur
**art of speaking
Cavort (v)
To romp or prance around exuberantly
Syn: gambol
** one would cavort at a resort
Credence (n)
Belief, mental acceptance
Syn: credit, trust
Ant: disbelief, skepticism
** credible – believable
**creed – belief
Decry (v)
To condemn, express strong disapproval
Syn: denounce Ant: commend, praise
** give a “deep cry” out against
Dissemble (v)
To disguise or conceal, deliberately
give false impression
Syn: dissimulate, feign
**disguised person may
resemble something else
Distraught (adj)
Very much agitated or upset as a
result of emotion or mental
Syn: frantic, distracted
Ant: calm, composed
** disturbed
Eulogy (n)
Formal statement of commendation;
high praise
Syn: panegyric, encomium
Ant: philippic, diatribe
** gee, he was/is great!
Evince (v)
To display clearly, to make
evident, to provoke
Syn: exhibit, manifest
** to convince others one has to
evince a certain attitude
Exhume (v)
To remove from a grave; bring
to light
Syn: unearth, uncover
Ant: bury, inter
** get the human out
Feckless (adj)
Lacking in spirit and strength;
ineffective, weak
Syn: feeble, helpless
Ant: competent, effective
Murky (adj)
Dark and gloomy, obscure; lacking in clarity and precision
Syn: dim, cloudy
Ant: clear, transparent
** creatures lurk(y) where it’s murky
Nefarious (adj)
Wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards
Syn: reprehensible
ant: virtuous, honorable
Piquant (adj)
Stimulating to the tast or mind;
Syn: tangy, zestful
Ant: bland, mild, tasteless
**picante – spicy in Spanish
Primordial (adj)
Developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient
times; fundamental, basic
Syn: original, primal
** primitive, primary
Propinquity (n)
Nearness in place or time; kinship
Syn: proximity, similarity
Ant: remoteness, distance
** P and Q are in close proximity in
the alphabet
Unwonted (adj)
Not usual or expected; not in character
Syn: unusual, atypical, uncommon
Ant: usual, customary
** unusual, uncommon
Utopian (adj)
Founded up on or involving a visionary view of an ideal world; impractical
Syn: idealistic
Ant: realistic, pragmatic
**I’m hopin’ to live in a utopian world!
Verbiage (n)
Language that is too wordy or inflated
in proportion to the sense or content;
manner of expression
Syn: jargon, verbosity
** word garbage
** too many verbs
Verdant (adj)
Green in tint or color; immature in
experience or judgment
Syn: naïve, artless
Ant: scorched, sere, barren
** verde – green in Spanish
Viscous (adj)
Having a gelatinous or gluey
Syn: gummy, sticky thick
Ant: runny, watery
** mucous is viscous (sorry!)