Accessing SBCC Class Resources

Web Design
Santa Barbara
Accessing Santa Barbara City
College Online Class Resources for
MAT153 Web Design 1
Scott Nelson
Web Design Santa Barbara
Updated March 10, 2016
Accessing Santa Barbara City College Online
Class Resources
March 10, 2016
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2
Important Web Sites .................................................................................................. 2
Finding Moodle........................................................................................................... 3
Moodle Tools ........................................................................................................... 4
Email .................................................................................................................. 5
Syllabus .............................................................................................................. 5
Ask a Question Forum ........................................................................................... 6
Course Content Menu ............................................................................................ 6
Calendar.............................................................................................................. 6
Follow this Course on Twitter ................................................................................. 6
Course Menu ........................................................................................................... 7
Gradebook ........................................................................................................... 7
Assignments ........................................................................................................ 7
Forums ................................................................................................................ 7
MAT153 Online Office Hour Link ............................................................................. 7
Modules ................................................................................................................. 7
Assignments and Discussions ................................................................................. 8
Module Content Menu ............................................................................................ 8
Who to Contact for What ............................................................................................. 9
Creative Commons ..................................................................................................... 9
In order to be successful in a course where virtually all the assets are online and interaction
with the instructor and assignment submission is accomplished through a web interface, it is
important that you are comfortable finding and working with the class web sites.
This document is designed to assist you find and interact with the web sites associated with
the following courses.
MAT 153 Web Design 1
Important Web Sites
Santa Barbara City College
This is the main Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) web site. From this site you can
access your Pipeline account and related class sites, file storage, your final class grades,
and many other school services and information.
(you must first login to Pipeline)
Moodle is a class administration web application. Some of you may be familiar with
WebCT Vista. SBCC replaced WebCT Vista in 2008 with Moodle. If you use this link, click
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Class Resources
March 10, 2016
on the Login link at the bottom of the page, and then click on the CAS users link on the
Authentication choice page. You will be redirected to the SBCC pipeline page.
Web Design Santa Barbara
Web Design Santa Barbara is a “companion site” that will be available to you long after
the class is over. I use the site to store all of the assets from the class. Though you may
access the site directly, I recommend for the duration of the class you access the site
though the Moodle interface. As assignments, discussions and forums will be submitted
only through Moodle, it will serve as a portal for all of your resources.
Finding Moodle
1) Open the main SBCC web site, http://www.SBCC.Edu/ or Pipeline,
2) Click on the pipeline link on the SBCC Home Page.
3) Enter your Username and Password, and then click on the Submit button.
4) Once logged into Pipeline, click on the Class tab.
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Class Resources
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5) Find the Class Support section of the Class page. Click on the Log into Moodle link.
6) First-time into Moodle
You will be asked to edit your profile. Complete the required fields and add other
information as you want.
a) The only issue I found was the Time Zone question. I selected America/Los
b) Click on the Update Profile button at the bottom of the page.
You will not be prompted for this information again, although you can change it
7) If you have multiple online classes, then click on the class you want to access.
8) You are now at the MAT153 Moodle Home Page. You will find links to all of the
information you need to successfully complete this course.
Moodle Tools
The centerpiece of the course platform is MOODLE, a software e-learning platform
(also known as a Course Management System (CMS), or Learning Management Systems
(LMS), or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)).
The word Moodle is actually an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
Environment, although originally the M stood for "Martin", named after Martin Dougiamas,
the original developer.
Your MAT153 Moodle Home Page will look something like the following. It is important for
your success in this course that you master the Moodle interface and become comfortable
with where to find things and get help.
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Class Resources
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Use this email for
Assignment 01 –
Orientation. This proves to
me that you have successfully
logged into Moodle and were
able to use the Moodle email.
This is the first and best
method to contact me and
your fellow students. It sends
emails within the Moodle
Use this link for normal class
communications and for more
personal issues than can be
posted in the Ask a Question
Located on all of the Moodle
pages is the Syllabus link. The
Syllabus contains all of the course required assignments and discussion and when they are
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Class Resources
March 10, 2016
due. It also includes a link to a tabular printable version. This is the roadmap to the MAT153
course. Use the syllabus to
plan ahead. Use this link to
find out what is due and
Ask a Question
This is, quite possibly, one of
the most important links in
your Moodle classroom. This is
a place for you to ask
questions about the class of
the class. Allow the fellowship
of the class to answer your
questions. Be of service, if you
can, and reply to a fellow
student if you have a solution.
Course Content Menu
The Course Content Menu is
located in the left column of
the Moodle Home page (and in
the right column on all subsequent page) contains links to each of the course modules. All
modules include dates do that you can easily tell when you should be working on what.
The calendar includes all
important due dates for
Discussions, school
deadlines and office
hours. The calendar is
only available from the
Moodle Home page and
not on subsequent
Module pages.
Use the Online Office
Hour links in each
calendar item to access
the Adobe Connect virtual
Follow this Course on Twitter
I tweet! It is a great way for me to remind you of online office
hours, when some assignments are due and to let you know
when I am online answering emails, playing in the Ask a
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Class Resources
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Question Forum and the like. I strongly encourage you to follow this class for the semester.
I tweet when a broadcast email is too much! Find the Twitter web part at the bottom-right
of the Moodle Home Page.
Course Menu
The Course Menu is at the bottom-left of all Moodle
pages. The important links you will find are to the
Gradebook, Assignments, and Forums.
Use the Gradebook link to check the status of your
current scores and grade. The Gradebook is divided into
sections for Assignments, Exercises and Discussions.
This is a breakdown of the points.
6 Assignments (840 Points)
11 Discussions (110 Points)
Final Presentation (50 Points)
11 Exercises (Extra Credit 130 Points)
Showcase Entry (Extra Credit 30 Points)
Under the Assignments link you will find a list of all course Assignments and Exercises.
Individual Assignments are also linked directly from the Module who date span is when the
Assignment is due.
Under the Forums link you will find a list of all course Discussions to include the Ask a
Question forum and the News forum. I use the News forum to send my weekly lectures.
Individual Discussions are also linked directly from the Module who date span is when the
Discussion is due. Note that I use the term Discussion and Forum interchangeably.
MAT153 Online Office Hour Link
Online office hours are interactive and well-received by attending students. It allows you to
ask me questions and get instant (usually) and direct answers. I often demonstrate a
technique by sharing my screen with online attendees. I also have the ability to share your
screen so that I can see what you are doing and to assist in fixing specific issue you may be
having. The online office hour uses the SoMA Adobe Connect Server. There is a testing link
that you should use to make sure your system is up-to-date before you attend your first
office hour.
The course is split into Module pages. Each Module represents one week of class. Each
Module has menu in the left-column. The main Modules menu moves to the right-column.
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Class Resources
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Assignments and Discussions
When Assignments and Discussions are due during the week of the module, they will appear
in red text at the top of the Module page.
Module Content Menu
Each of the menu items is linked to a
Module asset. You are assigned to click
on and read the content and linked
content of each item in this menu.
Always start with the Overview link.
This will list the skills that you will
acquire and the tasks you will
accomplish by completing the module.
The Required Reading link will open a
list of links that are considered required
reading. It is important to read and
understand the articles and documents
linked from this page. When reading is
optional, that will be noted.
Lecture Notes are copies of my
weekly broadcast emails. I offer them
as a link in case you lose the email.
These emails are considered required
reading. I will post these each week.
This is the only course content that is
not available to you from the start of
the semester.
Asterisks (*) designate that the activity is supplemental to the course and exercises are
counted as extra credit. These exercises are excellent and will help you gain a fuller
command of the web design process. However, these items may not directly help you
accomplish the ultimate task of completing the Final Project Web Site.
Assignments and Discussions that are due the week of the Module will be linked at the
bottom of the menu.
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Class Resources
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Who to Contact for What
Problems with Moodle or Pipeline
Use the SBCC Student Support Web Form.
(805) 965-0581, extension 2949
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PT)
Problems with Web Design Santa Barbara
Use the Web Design Santa Barbara Web Form.
Creative Commons
This document was created by Scott Nelson for the purpose of assisting students of the
Santa Barbara City College, Multimedia Arts and Technologies, Web Design I, (MAT153)
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported License. You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work and to
adapt this work. You must attribute the work to Scott Nelson,
(but not in any way that suggests that I endorse you or your use of the work). You may not
use this work for commercial purposes. This license verbiage is attributable to Creative
Commons (
Registered Trademarks found in this document and are the sole property of their respective
legal owners.
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