03_CSITSharingElectives - State University System of Florida


CSIT: Sharing Electives

Michael Georgiopoulos

University of Central Florida, University of South Florida, Florida International University

April 17, 2015, 1:45-2:15

TEAm Grant Innovations Convening

Tampa, FL

2015 TEAm Grant Innovations Convening – Tampa, FL

Sharing Elective Courses

Sharing course electives is the first collaborative activity included in the CSIT TEAm proposal.

CSIT TEAm Collaborative Activities

(a) Sharing of On-Line Technical Electives

(b) Co-ordination of Student Training for Certifications

(c) Co-ordination of Career Services Efforts to facilitate Student Employment

(d) Co-ordination of Career Services Efforts to facilitate Student Employment

(e) Enhanced Tutoring for Gateway Courses and On-Line Shared Courses

(f) Recruiting Students at Freshman (FTICs) and Junior Level (Transfers)

(g) Enhancing Professional Student Advising

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Sharing Elective Courses


 The CSIT TEAm Curriculum Committee (21 faculty members) has thoroughly examined the curriculum offered in 11 different programs and selected a set of 10 courses for offering in Spring 2015.

 Course syllabi and course flyers were created and posted on the TEAm website. Also posted are step-by-step instructions for course registration via the Florida Virtual Campus.

 A Reserve Seat portal was created; 89 students reserved seat in the courses of their interest. Students started enrolling in the shared courses by the start date specified by each institution for transient non-degree students.

 The number of the students who have actually enrolled in the shared courses and paid the tuition fees is 40 students.

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Sharing Elective Courses

Responsible Committees



Curriculum & Retention Committee



& Retention




& Retention


2015 TEAm Grant Innovations Convening – Tampa, FL



& Retention




& Retention



Sharing Elective Courses

CSIT Project Committee

Michael Georgiopoulos Dean, College of Engineering and

Computer Science (UCF)

Rafael Perez Associate Dean, College of Engineering


Mark Weiss Associate Director, School of Computing

& Information Sciences (FIU)

Mostafa Bassiouni Professor and Director of the CSIT

TEAm Grant Effort (UCF)

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Sharing Elective Courses

Computer Science Curriculum & Retention Subcommittee

Gary Leavens

Annie Wu

Damla Turgut

Mark Weiss

Professor and Chair, CS Division (UCF)

Associate Professor, CS Division (UCF)

Associate Professor, CS Division (UCF)

Professor and Associate Director, CIS (FIU)

Ming Zhao

Tao Li

Assistant Professor, CIS (FIU)

Associate Professor, CIS (FIU)

Ken Christensen Professor, CSE (USF)

Mostafa Bassiouni Professor & Project Director, Ex-Officio


CS = Computer Science

CIS = Computing and Information Sciences

CSE = Computer Science and Engineering

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Sharing Elective Courses

Information Technology Curriculum & Retention Subcommitt

Gary Leavens

Ratan Guha

Professor and Chair, CS Division (UCF)

Professor, CS Division (UCF)

Mark Weiss Professor and Associate Director, CIS (FIU)

Nagarajan Prabakar Associate Professor, CIS (FIU)

Dave Armitage Associate Professor and Director, IT Division, CSE


Jim Andrews Associate Professor and Director, School of Information,


Ken Christensen Professor, CSE (USF)

Mostafa Bassiouni Professor & Project Director, Ex-Officio


CS = Computer Science

CIS = Computing and Information Sciences

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Sharing Elective Courses

Computer Engineering Curriculum & Retention Subcommittee

Zhihua Qu Professor and Chair, ECE Division (UCF)

Jun Wang Associate Professor, ECE Division (UCF)

Shekhar Bhansali

Jean Andrian

Professor and Chair, ECE (FIU)

Associate Professor and Associate Chair,


Alexander Perez-Pons Assistant Professor, ECE (FIU)

Ken Christensen Professor, CSE (USF)

Mostafa Bassiouni Professor & Project Director, Ex-Officio


CSE = Computer Science and Engineering

ECE = Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Sharing Elective Courses

Management Information Systems Curriculum & Retention


Monica Tremblay Associate Professor and Interim Chair,


Richard Kline Associate Professor, DSIS, COB (FIU)

Balaji Padmanabhan Associate Professor and Chair, ISDS, COB


Joni Jones Associate Professor, ISDS, COB (USF)

Mostafa Bassiouni Professor & Project Director, Ex-Officio


DSIS = Decision Sciences and Information Systems

ISDS = Information Systems Decision Sciences

9 2015 TEAm Grant Innovations Convening – Tampa, FL

Sharing Elective Courses

Proposing elective courses to be offered in Spring 2015

 During summer 2014, the four curriculum subcommittees exchanged information and examined the syllabi of a large number of elective courses that can be potentially offered in

Spring 2015.

 Eighteen (18) courses were proposed and their syllabi were posted on the TEAm website. Two courses were withdrawn leaving 16 courses for possible selection.

Selecting elective courses to be offered in Spring 2015

 The next phase was to select 10 courses from the list of 16 proposed courses. Another round of rigorous discussion was carried out over 4 weeks in August 2014 to identify the courses that will be of most benefit to the students. Table 1 shows the ten elective courses that have been selected.

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Sharing Elective Courses


















Table 1. Selected TEAm Shared Courses for Spring 2015

University Course Number and Title





CEN 4083 - Introduction to Cloud Computing

CAP 4453 - Robot Vision

CNT 4603 - System Administration and Maintenance

LIS 4930 - Information Discovery in Health Information

Management Systems

COP 3931 - ST 1: User-level introduction to Linux

COP 3931 - ST 3: Linux Networks Administration

EEL 4932 - Massive Storage and I/O for Big Data Computing

EEL 4789 - Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures

ISM 4400 - Management Support Systems

ISM 4480 - Electronic Commerce Systems

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Sharing Elective Courses

Creating the final course syllabi and course flyers

 The next activity for the curriculum committee was to update the course syllabi to reflect the course offerings in Spring 2015 and produce attractive course flyers that encourage the students to enroll in the selected courses and give them a high level idea of the contents of the course, the workload, along with meaningful graphics suitable to the course subject. The course flyers were created by the IT Staff at UCF and were posted on the TEAm website.

Specifying the course prerequisites

 An important step in offering the elective courses is to determine the prerequisites that the students must have to take before registering for these courses. This effort was needed because the different programs in the three institutions have different course numbers and some courses in one institution do not exist in another institution. The faculty advisors and undergraduate coordinators in each program carefully examined the syllabus of each course and identified the prerequisites for that course.

These perquisites were posted on the TEAm website.

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Sharing Elective Courses

Two example course flyers

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Sharing Elective Courses

Acceptance of the shared courses by the academic programs

 The different CS, IT, IS, CpE and MIS programs in the three institutions have obtained formal approval for the relevant courses using the appropriate mechanism

(e.g., by a vote of the entire faculty in the program). The formal approval of the elective courses makes it possible for UCF, USF, and FIU students majoring in CS, IT,

IS, CpE or MIS to take the shared elective online courses and have these courses count towards their BS degree. The information about the elective courses accepted by each program has been posted on the TEAm website.

Selecting the mechanism for course registration: Florida Virtual Campus

 The TEAm leadership and Project Committee examined different options for course registration and selected the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC https://www.flvc.org


Although there are some disadvantages with FLVC (e.g., complication with the residency requirement, extra approval effort for students receiving financial aid, students must apply as non-degree seeking students at the institution offering the course), FLVC was found to be the only mechanism that can be used to meet the tight schedule of deadlines for Spring 2015.

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Sharing Elective Courses

Providing step-by-step instructions for course registration

 Details instructions for course registration have been posted on the TEAm website.

These instructions were needed because the three institutions have

- different dates for the start of registration for transient non-degree students

- different start dates of classes

- different tuition payment deadlines, and

- different student IDs that must be used with FLVC

Creating the Reserve Seat portal

 A Reserve Seat link has been created on the TEAm website for each course. The students have been encouraged to reserve a seat in the course of their interest. The

Reserve Seat mechanism allows the administrators/staff at the three institutions to help the students enroll in the courses they have selected and communicate with them by email to give specific instructions or get further information.

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Sharing Elective Courses

Creating the Reserve Seat Portal

An example of the Reserve Seat window for the Shared Course EEL 4789

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Sharing Elective Courses

Marketing the select courses and processing the reserve seat requests

 The TEAm elective courses have been announced extensively to students in all three institutions. We have exchanged information of the students who submitted reserve seat requests among the officials and academic advisors at UCF, USF, and FIU.


 Total number of students who reserved seats

 Number of students who registered in classes

 Number of students who withdrew

 Number of students currently enrolled


43 (48%)


40 (45%)

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Sharing Elective Courses

Enrollment Numbers in TEAm Courses for Spring 2015


Area Shared Course #

















CNT 4603 - System Administration and Maintenance

CAP 4453 - Robot Vision

LIS 4930 - Information Discovery in Health IMS

MIS 4480 - Electronic Commerce Systems

EEL 4789 - Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures

CEN 4083 - Introduction to Cloud Computing

ISM 4400 - Management Support Systems









18 2015 TEAm Grant Innovations Convening – Tampa, FL

Sharing Elective Courses

Logistics For Proctored Exams

 The Project Committee has developed rules for administering proctored exams using the TEAm resources (personnel and testing space).

 The TEAm Project Director supervises all aspects of exam administration.

Example: Midterm Exam for EEL 4789 offered by FIU

 All transient 16 students taking the midterm exam are UCF students.

 The TEAm professional advisor at UCF contacted all 16 students and proctored the actual exam. Students were required to bring a picture student ID for the exam.

 Students had the option to take this 90-minute closed book closed notes exam at either 9:00 am or 4:30 pm on Monday, March 2, 2015 in Room HEC 101.

 The exam papers were shipped to the instructor by FedEx on Tuesday March 3, 2015.

 The instructor received the exam on Wednesday March 4, 2015, graded the exam in few days and reported that the UCF transient students and the FIU local students have the same level of performance in the exam.

19 2015 TEAm Grant Innovations Convening – Tampa, FL

Shared Elective Courses

Methods to Evaluate the Shared Courses

 The formal institutional evaluation conducted for each course. For example,UCF's

Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) has 11 questions and the Student Assessment of Instruction at FIU has 19 questions.

 Custom evaluation to be given to the TEAm transient students in shared courses to assess additional aspects not covered in the formal institutional evaluation. Examples of TEAm custom questions are

- why students took these courses (e.g., topic was of interest)

- if the students felt this course would enable them to graduate any earlier

- if the students felt the course was comparable to a home institution course

- Were you satisfied with the process to register for the course?

- Did the course meet your expectations?

Proposing and Selecting the TEAm shared courses to be offered in Fall 2015

 We have started the process of proposing and selecting shared courses using the same process described in the earlier slides. As of 4/3/2015, 5 courses have been proposed and accepted for offering.

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Thank You!

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