APUSH 1920's DBQ Essay Outline (10 points) Name: Date ______

APUSH 1920’s DBQ Essay Outline (10 points)
Name: _________________________________ Date ___________
Block _____
Prompt: The 1920’s were a period of tension between new and changing attitudes on the one hand and traditional values and nostalgia on the other.
What led to the tension between old and new AND in what ways was the tension manifests.
Step #:1 Historical Context
(Place the question within a time frame, decades, and or century. When?
Step #2: Prompt
(Restate the question in your own words and define key phrases and terms)
Step # 3: Brainstorm
Create a list of all the possible outside (non-document based) information you might use to answer the question.
Step #4: Thesis Statement
(Utilize the language of the question, take a position, utilize parallel structure, and include three topics. Full sentences.)
Step # 5: Categorize The Documents
(Place each document under a category and briefly explain why)
Identify the Topic/Category: __________
Topic/Category: __________
Topic/Category: _________
Place each document below a topic.
For example, Doc A and title, briefly explain
Step #6: Historic Evidence, Analysis, and Cite Documents
List proper nouns: facts, people, and events. Your ultimate goal is to incorporate and cite all the documents into your DBQ. Also include quotes. You may bullet
Doc A - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc B - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc C - Identify the topic correlation and cite outside
historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc. D - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc. E - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc. F - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc G - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc. H - Identify the topic correlation and cite
outside historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Doc I - Identify the topic correlation and cite outside
historical evidence. Include a short quote.
Step #7: Introduction
(Write an introduction that demonstrates understanding of the question/time period/info required/and continuum of history.
Provide historical context – who previous events lead to this moment in history. Full sentences.)
Step #8: Paragraphs and Evidence
(Rule of Three: Include three major topics and at least three pieces of detailed historical evidence for each topic)
Topic Sentence (1) with topic that parallels
Historical Evidence - Include three subtopics, incorporate documents, include specific outside factual evidence
and analysis. Cite documents as (Doc. A) and underline (Doc. A). Underline proper nouns.
the thesis. Full Sentences
Topic Sentence (2) with topic that parallels
the thesis. Full Sentences
Historical Evidence - Include three subtopics, incorporate documents, include specific outside factual evidence
and analysis. Cite documents as (Doc. A) and underline (Doc. A). Underline proper nouns.
Topic Sentence (3) with topic that parallels
the thesis. Full Sentences
Historical Evidence - Include three subtopics, incorporate documents, include specific outside factual evidence
and analysis. Cite documents as (Doc. A) and underline (Doc. A). Underline proper nouns.
Step # 9: Counterargument
(Provide the opposing viewpoint of your thesis to demonstrate your contextual knowledge. Make sure you do not negate your thesis. Full sentences)
Step #10: Conclusion
(Summarize the topic sentences and restate the thesis utilizing different phrasing. Full sentences)
Step #11: Review
(Review your work for errors that may negate your argument)
Less Proficient
All work is complete and there is
clear evidence of strong effort and
detailed analysis. All directions are
followed and the work is clearly
legible. All the documents are cited
and cited correctly. Work is clearly
All elements are complete however
some steps require more detail to
fully answer the question and
demonstrate understanding. Some
directions may not be followed. Most
of the documents are cited and cited
properly. Work is clearly legible
Several steps may not be fully
completed. Several steps require
more detail and analysis.
Demonstrates less effort. Some
directions may not be followed.
Several of the documents are not
cited. Work may not be completely
Several steps may not be fully
completed. Many components need
more detail and are not fully answered.
Some directions are not followed. May
not cite the most majority of documents.
Citation format may be incorrect.
Demonstrates minimal effort. Work
may not be legible.