8.4 Measuring g in lots of different ways Activity 130E: Experiment Often, the only way to improve a measurement is to find a better way of doing it. Here you can try a variety of different ways of measuring the acceleration g under gravity. The methods suggested here are: 1. g by tower using automatic release and electronic timing over a known distance (with one drop height measured many times or several drop heights) 2. g by free fall using two light gates for speeds at known separation 3. g by trolley accelerating down a slope (measuring the acceleration down slopes of several different gradients) 4. g by dropping a steel ball bearing from as large a height as possible and timing with a stop watch 5. g by videoing free fall Getting as close to g as possible by reducing uncertainty and eliminating systematic error In this experiment you will attempt to measure the local acceleration under gravity g. The point is to do this as well as you can, to know how well you have been able to do, and to compare your results with those of other groups that have tried a different method. You need to consider the percentage uncertainties in each measurement; these will come from repeated readings and cross-checking. You will need to assess the overall uncertainty in the value of g. At the end you should be able to state your best estimate for g and within what range you believe the true value to lie. In this experiment systematic error (bias) is often important. You need to think about reasons why your result may contain systematic error, in the measuring methods or in the assumptions that you are making. Any final graphs may help you to see if systematic errors seem to be present. 1: g by tower and electronic timer You will need an electronic timer / scaler capable of measuring to milliseconds or better using break to start, break to stop automatic switching a tower about 1 m tall fitted with shorting release mechanism to start (three metal pins, two with circuit connections) and a trapdoor, breaking the circuit to stop the clock (or use firmly clamped stands) four long connecting leads a steel metre rule a large-diameter ball bearing to fit the start mechanism 1 break-to-start contacts steel ball about 1 m break-to-stop contact trap door This method uses an electronic timer to time the fall of a ball. The timer is started by breaking contacts between the ball and a release device, and stopped when the ball hits a trapdoor, again breaking a contact. Here are detailed instructions: 1. The ball bearing is to be released from the shorting pins (breaking the circuit starts timer). It falls freely under gravity until it hits the trapdoor (and breaks a circuit to stop the timer). Practice with your partner dropping the ball bearing cleanly, by withdrawing your fingers rapidly. 2. Measure the height s dropped with an accurate ruler from the trapdoor to the bottom of the ball bearing. Repeat the drop several times (many times if you cannot vary the height of drop with your tower), and record the times. Decide if any are too different from the others and should be considered as unreliable outliers. If you have a reason why a result is wrong (e.g. you know you fumbled the release of the ball) then discard it and repeat. 3. If you can adjust the height dropped on your apparatus, repeat the drops for several different heights. Calculate the mean values of the times of drop and plot them on the x-axis against heights dropped on the y-axis. The raw data s plotted against t should fit a power law of order 2 since 1 𝑠 = 𝑔𝑡 2 2 (with start velocity u = 0). 4. s/t2. In another column of your data table you can estimate g for each of your times by tabulating 2 Take the mean of these as an estimate of g 2 5. To get your data into straight-line format make a new data column in your spreadsheet for values of t2 and plot s on the y-axis against t2 on the x-axis. Fit a best straight line. Twice the gradient gives you another estimate for g. Comment on any possible systematic error if your best-fit line does not pass through the origin. 6. Think about whether there could be bias in your experiment, giving a value which is systematically too high or too low. 7. Decide your final value for g together with your estimate of the uncertainty in the measurement and compare it with the mean UK value of 9.8 m s-2. 2: g by speeds measured at two light gate pairs of known separation You will need a data logger with light gates and PC set to measure velocities at A and B a metal cylinder to drop through the light gates (spheres tend to interrupt gates by a variable length – it is hard to keep the diameter aligned with gates). The cylinder needs to be a few centimetres long and of sufficient diameter to interrupt both beams reliably. Find out if the cylinder drops more stably with its axis vertical or horizontal a clamp stand with a G-clamp and bosses to hold light gates securely a steel rule to measure the distance between light gates a bucket and sand to catch the cylinder safely a plumb line (pendulum bob and thread) cylinder dropped through gates light gate light gate 3 This method measures the velocity of fall of a cylinder at two places a known distance apart, using light gates. Here are detailed instructions: 1. Clamp the light gates to the stand over the edge of the bench. Place the bucket just below the lower gate to catch the cylinder. Practice with your partner dropping the cylinder so that it interrupts both light gates reliably. You can release the cylinder from any height above the top light gate, but it is instructive to see the spread of initial speeds if you keep the height above the top gate fixed, for all separations of the gates. 2. The gates can be separated by vertical distances up to about 1 m. Use a plumb line to ensure they are in vertical alignment. Repeat the drop several times for each separation of the gates and record the initial speed u and the final speed v for each separation that you use. Decide if any values are too different from the others and should be considered unreliable outliers. If you have a reason to suspect that a result is wrong (e.g. you saw the cylinder tip over during the fall) then discard it and repeat the reading. 3. In another column of your spreadsheet table calculate the value of (v2 – u2). Plot values of (v2 2 – u ) on the y-axis against s on the x-axis. Fit a best straight line. The gradient divided by two gives you an estimate for g because (𝑣 2 − 𝑢2 ) = 2𝑔𝑠 Comment on any offset (possible systematic error) if your best-fit line does not pass through the origin. 4. In another column of your data table you can estimate g for each of your runs by tabulating (𝑣 2 − 𝑢2 ) 2𝑠 =𝑔 Take the mean of these as your measurement of g and look at their range, taking half the range as an estimate of the uncertainty. 5. Think about whether there could be bias in your experiment, giving a value which is systematically too high or too low. 6. Decide your final value for g together with your estimate of the uncertainty in the measurement and compare it with the mean UK value of 9.8 m s-2. 4 3: g by a trolley accelerating down a ramp You will need a data logger with a pair of light gates and PC set to measure velocity a runway with a trolley (as friction free as possible) a card set vertically a clamp stand, G-clamped to the bench to raise the runway at one end by small heights up to about 0.3 m for a 2 m runway spirit level to check that lab bench is horizontal when measuring the slope of the runway This method measures the acceleration of a trolley down a ramp of known slope, with a data logger recording two velocities and the time between which they are measured, so giving the acceleration . Here are detailed instructions: 1. Clamp the runway with a small angled slope so that trolley accelerates slowly but reliably down the ramp. 2. Measure the heights above the horizontal bench for each end of the runway and record them in a table, with an estimate of their uncertainty. Release the trolley and measure the velocity at the first gate and then at the second gate and the time between the gates. Use v = u + at to calculate the acceleration. Repeat the run several times and compare the accelerations. Decide if any are too different from the others and should be considered unreliable. If you have a reason why a result is wrong (e.g. you saw the wheels were not properly engaged in the track) then discard it and repeat. Take the mean of these accelerations and look at their range, taking half the range as an estimate of the uncertainty. 3. In your data table construct a column to calculate: sin(angle of slope to horizontal) = difference in heights / length along runway How uncertain is your slope estimate? In the absence of friction the component of the acceleration of gravity down the slope should be given by the equation a = g sinθ. Repeat for other angles of θ. 4. Plot values of a on the y-axis against sin θ on the x-axis. Fit a best straight line to your points. The gradient of the line gives your best estimate for g. Comment on any offset (possible systematic error) if your best-fit line does not pass through the origin. 5 5. Think about whether there could be bias in your experiment, giving a value which is systematically too high to too low. Can you reduce frictional drag any further? 6. Decide your final value for g together with your estimate of the uncertainty in the measurement and compare it with the mean UK value of 9.8 m s-2. 4.g by dropping a steel ball bearing large distances a steel ball bearing a stop watch a tape measure a long drop Here are detailed instructions: 1. The ball bearing is to be released from a given height s. Time how long it takes to reach the ground using a stopwatch. You will need to estimate the uncertainty in this measurement and what causes the uncertainty. 2. Measure the height s dropped with a tape measure. Repeat the drop several times and record the times. Decide if any are too different from the others and should be considered as unreliable outliers. If you have a reason why a result is wrong (e.g. you know you fumbled the release of the ball) then discard it and repeat. 3. Adjust the height dropped, repeat the drops for several different heights. Calculate the mean values of the times of drop and plot them on the x-axis against heights dropped on the y-axis. The raw data s plotted against t should fit a power law of order 2 since 1 𝑠 = 𝑔𝑡 2 2 (with start velocity u = 0). 4. s/t2. In another column of your data table you can estimate g for each of your times by tabulating 2 Take the mean of these as an estimate of g 5. To get your data into straight-line format make a new data column in your spreadsheet for values of t2 and plot s on the y-axis against t2 on the x-axis. Fit a best straight line. Twice the gradient gives you another estimate for g. Comment on any possible systematic error if your best-fit line does not pass through the origin. 6. Think about whether there could be bias in your experiment, giving a value which is systematically too high or too low. 7. Decide your final value for g together with your estimate of the uncertainty in the measurement and compare it with the mean UK value of 9.8 m s-2. 6 5. g by videoing free fall (see page 120 for the basic method) 1. Drop a light ball against a dark background with a ruler vertically placed. Video the event with your ipad on the ‘vernier video physics’ software. 2. Use the ‘vernier video physics’ software to: click on ‘calibrate’, set the scale by placing the markers from the top to the bottom of the ruler and setting the distance this corresponds to. set the origin and scale – align the (x,y) intercept with the release point of the ball and orient this carefully so it is in line with the vertical drop of the ball. Now step through the video until you get to the release point of the ball and click on the ball’s position. Move forward a frame, move the circle and click on the point where the ball is now. Continue until all the points are marked. Now set the circle to the size of the ball and place it at the release point. Click on track and the software should follow the actual path of the ball. Now click on top right hand corner graph icon and scroll through to the Ydistance and Yvelocity against time curves. Ydistance should be a curve as the distance travelled will increase every second as the ball is accelerating. Yvelocity should be a straight line through the origin as u = 0 ms -1. v = at What does the gradient give you? What are the uncertainties in this method? 7