DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE SYLLABUS ATTENDANCE o Driver Education is an 18-week course. It fulfills the 30-hour New Jersey State requirement for an insurance discount, and is also a district graduation requirement. o According to the attendance policy, any student with more than six (6) unexcused absences will not receive credit for Driver Education. o If you cut Driver Education you will not receive the insurance discount certificate. o You are responsible for all information, study guides, current events, quizzes, tests or class work missed during your absences. “I didn’t know” will not be accepted. o Always check the folder in the classroom designated for your mods upon return of any absence. o If you are absent the day of a quiz or test, see me about making it up. o If you are absent the day an assignment is due, turn it in immediately upon your return for full credit and on the top of the paper write “Absent” and the dates you were absent. ASSIGNMENTS o Assignments are usually collected at the beginning of class on the date due. o Assignments submitted after the beginning of class or any time thereafter will be considered late and receive points off. o Check the folder in the front of the room for missed assignments. o To earn the 30-hour insurance discount for DE, all assignments must be turned in. o Students with missing assignments may not be allowed to take the NJ State Exam. o Students missing more than four (4) assignments may not pass the marking period or the course. This would be considered failure to meet the course requirements. CLASS PARTICIPATION o Quality and Frequency of Oral Responses o Attendance/Tardiness/Behavior/Attitude o Preparation/Textbook/Notebook/Writing Utensil o Individual/Group Work FINAL GRADE o Your grade will be determined by a point system and should be viewed frequently on Homelogic. Please see your guidance counselor if you do not know how to do this! o I will simply divide the number of points you earned by the number of points possible. o 40% of your grade will come from each Marking Period. o 20% will be your Final Exam. HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK o Study Guides must be completed the week they are assigned. o Small individual or group assignments may be assigned. o You are expected to treat others as you wish to be treated. o Please be nice to your fellow classmates. o Manual worksheets will be good to use as a study tool for the State Exam. o All work must be completed to be eligible to take the New Jersey State Exam. NOTEBOOK All notes, assignments, and class related materials must be organized in a 3-ring binder with five (5) divided sections accordingly: SECTION 1: Course Syllabus, Project Info/Research, Quiz Corrections SECTION 2: Study Guide Worksheets SECTION 3: Manual Worksheets, Online Practice Tests, State Exam Review SECTION 4: Current Events & Miscellaneous Worksheets SECTION 5: Lecture Notes, Class Discussion Notes, Guest Speaker Notes, Video Notes PROJECTS o Projects are a major part of the marking period grade. o There will be class time and media center days to gather information for your projects. o Project must be handed in on the due date to earn the maximum points - No Exceptions! QUIZZES/TESTS/EXAMS o These will be given periodically on chapters in your textbook, the NJ driver’s manual, videos, and lectures. There will be a 9 and 18 week assessment. o The NJ State Exam will be counted as your Final Exam and will only be given to those students meeting the course requirements. o Those students not meeting the course requirements will take an alternate Exam. o Students must earn an 80% or better to use this exam for obtaining their permit. The NJ MVC website [] contains the complete NJ Driver’s Manual. If you have questions or concerns and you are not in class the best way to contact me is by e-mail