Classes: Part 2 Static vs. Dynamic Variables Generally speaking: ‘static’ is meant to be ‘non-dynamic’ Global and local variables Locals are automatic variables from the ‘stack’ of the memory, therefore called ‘static’ Dynamic variables are from the ‘heap’ of the memory. In C and C++, ‘static’ is well defined: ‘static’ variables are ‘global’ with the file scope 2 Static Variables in C and C++ Static variables are put somewhere ‘permanently’ or ‘globally’ in memory The static variable ‘s’ can only be accessed within the function but it is not deleted with the function A ‘local’ static variable is a ‘global’ variable for the function, not the others. int f(){ static int s = 0; return s++; } int main() { cout << f() << endl; cout << f() << endl; } Don’t do it unless you have a good reason! 3 Static Class Members like a kind of global variables but they have class scope (outside the class, they cannot be accessed) A variable that is part of a class, yet not part of an object of that class, is called a static member. There is exactly one copy of a static member per class, instead of one copy per object, as for non-static members. Only one copy of a variable shared by all objects of a class “Class-wide” information A property of the class shared by all instances, not a property of a specific object of the class A function that needs to access to members of a class, yet does not need to be invoked for a particular object, is called a static member function. 4 Static Class Members Can be declared public, private or protected Primitive (Fundamental-type) static data members Initialized by default to 0 If you want a different initial value, a static data member can be initialized once (and only once) A const static data member of int or enum type can be initialized in its declaration in the class definition Alternatively, you can also initialize it in file scope All other static data members must be defined at file scope (i.e., outside the body of the class definition) static data members of class types (i.e., static member objects) that have default constructors need not be initialized because their default constructors will be called 5 Static Class Members To access a public static class member when no objects of the class exist: Prefix the class name and the binary scope resolution operator (::) to the name of the data member Employee::count Also accessible through any object of that class Use the object’s name, the dot operator and the name of the member Employee_object.count static member function Is a service of the class, not of the object of the class Example: SEmployee.h, SEmployee.cpp, static.cpp Private ‘static’ members still can only be accessed by member functions! 6 Static Member functions Declare a member function static It cannot access non-static data members or non-static member functions of the class (because the object may not exist when the function is called) A static member function does not have a this pointer static data members and static member functions exist independently of any objects of a class, i.e., when a static member function is called, there might not be any objects of its class in memory 7 SEmployee.h Employee has a static function and a static data member class Employee { public: Employee(const char *const, const char *const); ~Employee(); const char* getFirstName() const; const char* getLastName() const; static int getCount(); private: char* firstName; char* lastName; static int count; // number of objects instantiated }; Static data member keeps track of number of Employee objects that currently exist; Static member function may be called even the object does not exist. 8 SEmployee.cpp (1/3) // define and initialize static data member at file scope int Employee::count = 0; // cannot include keyword static int Employee::getCount() { return count; } Even static count is private! static data member is defined and initialized at file scope in the .cpp file static member function can access only static data, because the function might be called when no objects exists 9 SEmployee.cpp (2/3) Employee::Employee(const char *const first, const char *const last) { firstName = new char[ strlen( first ) + 1 ]; strcpy(firstName, first); lastName = new char[ strlen( last ) + 1 ]; strcpy( lastName, last ); count++; cout << "Employee constructor for " << firstName << ' ' << lastName << " called." << endl; } Non-static member function (e.g., constructor) can modify the class’s static data members 10 SEmployee.cpp (3/3) Employee::~Employee() { cout << "~Employee() called for " << firstName << ' ' << lastName << endl; delete[] firstName; delete[] lastName; count--; } Remember to deallocate memory reserved for arrays 11 static.cpp (1/2) cout << "Number of employees before instantiation of any objects is " << Employee::getCount() << endl; Employee* e1Ptr = new Employee( "Susan", "Baker" ); Employee* e2Ptr = new Employee( "Robert", "Jones" ); cout << "Number of employees after objects are instantiated is “ << e1Ptr->getCount(); Calling static member function using class name and binary scope resolution operator Calling a static member function through a pointer to an object returns the value of the static variable Same as getting the value of Employee::count or calling Employee::getCount() 12 static.cpp (2/2) cout << "\n\nEmployee 1: " << e1Ptr->getFirstName() << " " << e1Ptr->getLastName() << "\nEmployee 2: " << e2Ptr->getFirstName() << " " << e2Ptr->getLastName() << "\n\n"; delete e1Ptr; e1Ptr = 0; // e1Ptr = NULL; delete e2Ptr; e2Ptr = 0; cout << "Number of employees after objects are deleted is " << Employee::getCount() << endl; Even when no object exists, we can still call static member function getCount() 13 static.cpp Sample Output Number of employees before instantiation of any objects is 0 Employee constructor for Susan Baker called. Employee constructor for Robert Jones called. Number of employees after objects are instantiated is 2 (same as calling Employee::getCount() = 2) Employee 1: Susan Baker Employee 2: Robert Jones ~Employee() called for Susan Baker ~Employee() called for Robert Jones Number of employees after objects are deleted is 0 14 Constant Static Variable #include <iostream> using namespace std; class F { public: static int getcount(); // static member function cannot have `const' method qualifier private: const static int count; }; // initialization of constant static variable: must be here; not in main() const int F::count = 2; int F::getcount() { cout << count; } int main() { F::getcount(); // print out 2 F::getcount(); // print out 2 cout << F::count; // wrong as 'const int F::count' is private return 0; } 15 Constructors with Member Initializers How to initialize a ‘const’ private member? class Increment { public: Increment(int c=0, int i=1); void addIncrement(){ count += increment; } void print() const; // prints count and increment private: int count; const int increment; // const data member }; const data member increment must be initialized using a member initializer 17 Increment::Increment(int c, int i) : count(c), // initializer for non-const member increment(i) // required initializer for const member { // empty body } Colon (:) marks the start of a member initializer list c is the initial count, increment is the increment step Member initializer for non-const member count Required member initializer for const member increment Not providing a member initializer for a const data member is a compilation error See Increment.h, Increment.cpp and const2.cpp 18 Constructors with Member Initializer X::X(parameter_list) : member_initializer_list { // body of constructor definition } Required for initializing ‘reference’ data members ‘const’ data members Member initializer list Appears between a constructor’s parameter list and the left brace that begins the constructor’s body Separated from the parameter list with a colon (:) Each member initializer consists of the data member name followed by parentheses containing the member’s construction and its initial value Multiple member initializers are separated by commas Executes before the body of the constructor executes 19 Examples of member initialization OK class F { public: F() : i(j), m(3), k(m), j(4) { cout << i << j << k << m << endl; } private: const int& i; const int j; // ANSI C++ cannot have const int j = 4; int& k; 4433 int m; // ANSI C++ cannot have int m = 3; }; OK class F { public: F() : i(j), k(m), j(4) { m=3; cout << i << j << k << m << endl; } private: const int& i; const int j; int& k; int m; }; class F { NOT OK public: F() : i(j), k(m) { m=3; j = 4; // compiler complains: assignment of read-only member `F::j' cout << i << j << k << m << endl; } private: const int& i; const int j; int& k; int m; }; 20 Example: Time Class Information hiding (Time.h and Time.cpp) Two types of constructors class Time { public: Time(); Time(unsigned initHours, unsigned initMinutes, char initAMPM); void set(unsigned hours, unsigned minutes, char am_pm); void display(ostream& out) const; ... private: unsigned myHours, myMinutes; char myAMorPM; unsigned myMilTime; }; // 'A' or 'P' // military time equivalent 21 Default Constructor Time::Time() : myHours(12), myMinutes(0), myAMorPM('A'), myMilTime(0) { // void } Time mealTime = Time(); mealTime myHours 12 myMinutes 0 myAMorPM A myMilTime 0 22 Explicit-Value Constructor Time::Time(unsigned initHours, unsigned initMinutes, char initAMPM) { set(initHours, initMinutes, initAMPM); //a member function } Time bedTime = Time(11,30,’P’); bedTime myHours 11 myMinutes 30 myAMorPM P myMilTime 2330 (a random value if myMilTime is not set in set()) 23 Constructors with Default Arguments Constructors can specify default arguments Can initialize data members to a consistent state Even if no values are provided in a constructor call Constructor that defaults all its arguments is also a default constructor Can be invoked with no arguments Maximum of one default constructor per class 24 Possible to specify default values for constructor arguments Time(unsigned initHours = 12, unsigned initMinutes = 0, char initAMPM = 'A'); Time t1, t2(5), t3(6,30), t4(8,15,'P'); t2 t1 t3 t4 myHours 12 myHours 5 myHours 6 myHours 8 myMinutes 0 myMinutes 0 myMinutes 30 myMinutes 15 myAMorPM A myAMorPM A myAMorPM A myAMorPM P myMilTime 0 myMilTime 500 myMilTime 630 myMilTime 2015 25 Copy Operations During initialization Time t = bedTime; t bedTime myHours 11 myHours 11 myMinutes 30 myMinutes 30 myAMorPM P myAMorPM P myMilTime 2330 myMilTime 2330 Same as: Time t(bedTime); and calls ‘copy constructor’. During assignment t = midnight; t midnight myHours 12 myHours 12 myMinutes 0 myMinutes 0 myAMorPM A myAMorPM A myMilTime 0 myMilTime 0 ‘assignment’, by default, memberwise copy of the left into the right object. 26 Other Class Operations Accessors: "get" functions unsigned Time::getMinutes() const { return myMinutes; } unsigned Time::getHours() const { return myHours; } unsigned Time::getAMPM() const { return myAMorPM; } unsigned Time::getMilTime() const { return myMilTime; } 27 Mutators: "set" functions void Time::set(unsigned hours, unsigned minutes, char am_pm) { // Check class invariant if (hours >= 1 && hours <= 12 && minutes >= 0 && minutes <= 59 && (am_pm == 'A' || am_pm == 'P')) { myHours = hours; myMinutes = minutes; myAMorPM = am_pm; myMilTime = toMilitary(hours, minutes, am_pm); } else cerr << "*** Can't set time with these values ***\n"; } 28 Display and Operator Overloading: do it later … 29 Explicit constructors (not explicit-value constructor Initialization T t = v; // assignment syntax Where v is of type V, the t is initilized by calling the constructor T::T(V v). T t(v); // explicit syntax If v is not of type T, convert v to a temporary T object temp_t; Initialize t using the copy constructor T::T(const T&) with temp_t as argument. In most cases, the compiler may optimize such that the effect of the two is the same. This is the case, e.g. if there exisit a (non-explicity) constructor T::T(V), where v has type V. 31 Avoid implicit type conversion class IntCell { public: explicit IntCell(int initialValue = 0) : storedValue(initialValue) {} } int read( ) const {return storedValue;} void write(int x) {storedValue = x;} private: int storedValue; An explicit constructor will be invoked only explicitly. Where a copy constructor is needed, an explicit constructor will not be implicitly invoked. 32 main(){ int x = IntCell IntCell IntCell 4; z(5); t; u = IntCell(x); IntCell y = x; // // // // // // same as int x(4); now 5 (call explicit-value constructor) now 0 (call default constructor) now 4 (call explicit-value constructor, then copy constructor) invalid implicit conversion: y = IntCell(x) … } Try to implicitly call IntCell (x), which is ‘explicit’! If no ‘explicit’ keywork, IntCell y = x; is OK. 33 Objects as class members Objects as Members of Classes A class can have objects of other classes as members Sometimes referred to as a ‘has-a’ relationship Example: Date.h, Date.cpp, Employee.h, Employee.cpp and composition.cpp class Employee { public: Employee(const const const const ~Employee(); char *const, char *const, Date&, Date&); void print() const; private: char firstName[25]; char lastName[25]; const Date birthDate; const Date hireDate; }; const char *const: see ‘pointer’ slides. 35 Employee’s constructor Initializing member objects Member initializers pass arguments from the object’s constructor to member-object constructors Before the enclosing class object (host object) is constructed If a member initializer is not provided, the member object’s default constructor will be called implicitly Employee::Employee(const char *const first, const char *const last, const Date& dateOfBirth, const Date& dateOfHire) : birthDate(dateOfBirth), hireDate(dateOfHire) { ... } Member initializers pass arguments to Date’s implicit copy constructor (equivalent to const Date birthDate = dateOfBirth;) A compilation error occurs if a const member object is not initialized with a member initializer in the constructor 36 Object reference and selfreference: the this pointer Pointers to Class Objects Possible to declare pointers to class objects Time* timePtr = &t; Time* timePtr = new Time(12, 0, ‘A’, 0); Access with timePtr->getMilTime() timePtr or (*timePtr).getMilTime() Call delete to free the memory t myHours 12 myMinute s 0 myAMorP M A myMilTim e 0 delete timePtr; // call destructor 38 A Member Function Returning a Reference We can have a member function which returns a reference. For example, if a member function returns an integer reference, there are 4 possibilities. int& f(); This is for non-constant objects. It returns an integer reference and hence can be subsequently changed. E.g., for a non-constant object ncfoo, we can call ncfoo.f() = 10; or i = ncfoo.f(); const int& f(); This is for non-constant objects. It has to be a rvalue. i = ncfoo.f(); // good ncfoo.f() = 10; // wrong: compilation error const int& f() const; This is for both constant and non-constant objects (constant object can call it only). It returns a constant reference and hence can only be rvalue. i = cfoo.f(); // good; or i= ncfoo.f(); cfoo.f() = 10; //wrong; and nor ncfoo.f() = 10; int& f() const; This returns a reference which can be a lvalue. However, because it can be called by a constant object (which should never be a lvalue), this should not be used. Therefore, you can have Either first or second for non-constant objects depending on what you want on the return value; and The third one for constant objects The compiler will make the call depending on whether the object is constant or not. 39 The this Pointer Every class has a keyword, this a pointer whose value is the address of the object Value of *this would be the object itself Class Object Function members *this Data members this 40 Using the this Pointer when you want to return the modified object: F& F::f(){ // … return *this; } Every object has access to its own address through a pointer called this (a C++ keyword) Objects use the this pointer implicitly or explicitly Implicitly when accessing members directly Explicitly when using keyword this Type of the this pointer (i.e., whether it can be modified or not) depends on the type of the object and whether the executing member function is declared const 41 Summary: static and non-static members class A { … int l; static int g; } A a,b,c,d, … ; A::g a.g = b.g = c.g = d.g = … = A::g (one copy) a.l b.l c.l d.l (multiple copies) Members of the class, not that of the objects member data, non-static, so far belong to ‘objects’ or ‘instances’ of the class member data, static, are ‘variables’ of the class, not the objects. General form of ‘constructors’ X::X(…) : … { … } Have to use ‘member initializers’ for ‘reference’ data members ‘const’ data members class A { … int& r; const int c; } 43 Separate compilation Interface and Implementation In C++ it is more common to separate the class interface from its implementation. Abstract data type What to do? The interface lists the class and its members (data and functions). The implementation provides implementations of the functions. How to do? 45 Interface Describes what services a class’s clients can use and how to request those services But does not reveal how the class carries out the services A class definition that lists only member function names, return types and parameter types Function prototypes A class’s interface consists of the class’s public member functions (services) 46 Separate File for Reusability .cpp source-code files .h header files Separate files in which class definitions are placed Allow compiler to recognize the classes when used elsewhere Generally have .h filename extensions Driver files Program used to test software (such as classes) Contains a main function so it can be executed See GradeBook4.h and Gradebook4.cpp 47 #include preprocessor directive #include "GradeBook.h" include header files Instructs C++ preprocessor to replace directive with a copy of the contents of the specified file Quotes for user-defined header files Preprocessor first looks in current directory If the file is not found, looks in C++ Standard Library directory Angle brackets for C++ Standard Library Preprocessor looks only in C++ Standard Library directory #include <iostream> 48 IntCell::IntCell(int initialValue) : storedValue(initialValue) class IntCell { { } public: explicit IntCell(int initialValue = 0 ); int read( ) const; int IntCell::read( ) const {return storedValue;} void write( int x ); void IntCell::write(int x) private: int storedValue; {storedValue = x;} } IntCell.h IntCell.cpp The interface is typically placed in a file that ends with .h. The implementation file typically ends with .cpp, .cc, or .C. 49 Separate Class Interface from Implementation Client code should not break if the implementation changes, as long as the interface stays the same Define member functions outside the class definition, in a separate source-code file In source-code file for a class Use binary scope resolution operator (::) to “tie” each member function to the class definition Implementation details are hidden Client code does not need to know the implementation In the header file for a class Function prototypes describe the class’s public interface 50 Class Libraries Class declarations placed in header file Given .h extension Contains data items and prototypes Implementation file Same prefix name as header file Given .cpp extension Programs which use this class library called client programs 51 Reality: the separation is not perfect Header files do contain some portions of the implementation and hint about others private members are listed in the class definition in the header file 52 Typical C++ Development Environment Edit Programmer writes program (and stores source code on disk) Preprocess Perform certain manipulations and file I/O before compilation Compile Compiler translates C++ programs into machine languages in object codes Link Link object codes with missing functions and data Load Transfer executable image to memory Execute Execute the program one instruction at a time 53 The Compilation and Linking Process Source-code file is compiled to create the class’s object code (source-code file must #include header file) Class implementation programmer only needs to provide header file and object code to client Client must #include header file in their own code So compiler can ensure that the main function creates and manipulates objects of the class correctly 54 Translating a Library Program Source File Program Object File C++ Compiler .o g++ -c Library Header File Linker C++ Compiler Library g++ -c Implementation File Program Executable File .o e.g., g++ foo.cpp bar.o fb.o Library Object File 55 library.h #ifndef ABC #define ABC int TestInt = 99; extern int TestInt; --------------int functionA( int ); #endif main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "library.h" using namespace std; int TestInt=99; int main(){ cout << "Hello"<<endl; cout << functionA(100) << endl; return 0; } source.cpp #include "library.h" int functionA( int i ){ return TestInt* i; } > g++ main.cpp source.cpp ld: fatal: symbol `TestInt' is multiply-defined: (file /var/tmp/ccvkmxE2.o type=OBJT; file /var/tmp/ccgj1SDu.o type=OBJT); ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to a.out collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Output: Hello 9900 56 Why #ifndefine #define #endif Statement? It is ok to have multiple declarations of a function prototype, but not for its definition In the .h file, put the prototypes there .h files are likely to be multiply-included In creating the .o file, there may be nested #include statement The nested #include statement may be recursive In main.cpp, #include “foo.h” In foo.h, #include “bar.h” In bar.h, #include “foo.h” To break the infinite “recursive” inclusion, use #ifndefine #define to define a “variable” in the compilation process of .o file If a variable has been defined, the compiler will skip the code segment between #ifndefine and #endif. 57 Data Integrity Data integrity are not automatic by putting data members as private The programmer must provide appropriate validity checking and report the errors Member functions that set the values of private data should verify that the intended new values are proper They should place the private data members into an appropriate state set functions can be used to validate data besides simply setting the value Known as validity checking Keeps object in a consistent state The data member contains a valid value Can return message indicating that attempts were made to assign invalid data 58 Gradebook6.h (with Validity Checking) #ifndef GRADEBOOK_H #define GRADEBOOK_H class GradeBook { public: GradeBook( string ); void setCourseName( string ); string getCourseName(); void displayMessage(); private: string courseName; }; #endif Same as Gradebook4.h, but with the interface, implementation and driver separated into three files Interface contains data members and member function prototypes only Note the #ifndef statements to prevent multiple inclusions 59 Gradebook6.cpp #include "GradeBook6.h" // include definition of class GradeBook void GradeBook::setCourseName( string name ) { // if name has 25 or fewer characters if ( name.length() <= 25 ) courseName = name; // if name has more than 25 characters if ( name.length() > 25 ) { // set courseName to first 25 characters of parameter name courseName = name.substr( 0, 25 ); cout << "Name \"" << name << "\" exceeds maximum length (25).\n" << "Limiting courseName to first 25 characters."; } } set functions perform validity checking to keep courseName in a consistent state GradeBook implementation is placed in a separate file Include the header file to access the class name GradeBook Binary scope resolution operator :: “ties” a function to its class 60 driver6.cpp (1/2) #include "GradeBook6.h" // include definition of class GradeBook int main() { // initial course name of gradeBook1 is too long GradeBook gradeBook1( "COMP104 Introduction to Programming in C++" ); GradeBook gradeBook2( "COMP152 OOP and Data Structures" ); cout << << << << "gradeBook1's initial course name is: " gradeBook1.getCourseName() "\ngradeBook2's initial course name is: " gradeBook2.getCourseName() << endl; Include the header file to use the class GradeBook 61 driver6.cpp (2/2) // modify myGradeBook's courseName (with a valid-length string) gradeBook1.setCourseName( "COMP104 C++ Programming" ); // display each GradeBook's courseName cout << "\ngradeBook1's course name is: " << gradeBook1.getCourseName() << "\ngradeBook2's course name is: " << gradeBook2.getCourseName() << endl; return 0; } Call set function to perform validity checking directly In Linux, compile them all together using g++ Gradebook6.cpp driver6.cpp Or using object files: g++ -c Gradebook6.cpp; g++ -c driver6.cpp; g++ driver6.o driver6.o 62 driver6.cpp Sample Output Name "COMP104 Introduction to Programming in C++" exceeds maximum length (25). Limiting courseName to first 25 characters. gradeBook1's initial course name is: COMP104 Introduction to P gradeBook2's initial course name is: COMP152 OOP and Data Stru gradeBook1's course name is: COMP104 C++ Programming gradeBook2's course name is: COMP152 OOP and Data Stru 63