CDT314 FABER Formal Languages, Automata and Models of Computation Lecture 5 Mälardalen University 2010 1 Content Midterm solutions Regular vs. Nonregular Languages Context-Free Languages Context-Free Grammars Derivation Trees. Ambiguity Push-Down Automata, PDA Applications 2 A Nonregular Language L {a b : i n} i i a0 a a a a a a a n 1 2 a1 b b0 b b b1 b b an b b bn 2 bn1 b DFA must have infinite number of states. States ai , a j are distinct for each i j 3 n l n l {a b c : n, l 0}{a : n 0} n! Non-regular languages Context-Free Languages n n R {a b } {ww } Regular Languages 4 Automata theory: formal languages and formal grammars Grammar Languages Automaton Type-0 Recursively enumerable Turing machine Type-1 Contextsensitive Linear-bounded nondeterministic Turing machine Type-2 Context-free Non-deterministic pushdown automaton Production rules No restrictions and Type-3 Regular Finite state automaton 5 Context-Free Languages 6 Context-Free Languages Context-Free Grammars Pushdown Automata 7 Context-Free Grammars 8 Example A context-free grammar G S aSb S A derivation S aSb aaSbb aabb 9 A context-free grammar G S aSb S Another derivation S aSb aaSbb aaaSbbb aaabbb 10 S aSb S L(G ) {a b : n 0} n n ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) 11 Example A context-free grammar G S aSa S bSb S A derivation S aSa abSba abba 12 A context-free grammar G S aSa S bSb S Another derivation S aSa aaSaa aaaSaaa aaabSbaaa aaabbaaa 13 S aSa S bSb S L(G) {ww : w {a, b}*} R 14 Example A context-free grammar G S aSb S SS S A derivation S SS aSbS abS ab 15 A context-free grammar G S aSb S SS S A derivation S SS aSbS abS abaSb abab 16 S aSb S SS S L(G ) {w : na ( w) nb ( w), and na (v) nb (v) in any prefix v} ( )( ( ( ) ) ) ( ( ) ) 17 Definition: Context-Free Grammars Grammar Variables G (V ,T , S , P) Terminal symbols Start variables Productions of the form: A x x is string of variables and terminals 18 Definition: Context-Free Languages A language L is context-free if and only if there is a grammar G with L L(G ) 19 Derivation Order 1. S AB 2. A aaA 3. A 4. B Bb 5. B Leftmost derivation 1 2 3 4 5 S AB aaAB aaB aaBb aab 20 Derivation Order 1. S AB 2. A aaA 3. A 4. B Bb 5. B Rightmost derivation 1 4 5 2 3 S AB ABb Ab aaAb aab 21 S aAB A bBb B A| Leftmost derivation S aAB abBbB abAbB abbBbbB abbbbB abbbb 22 S aAB A bBb B A| Rightmost derivation S aAB aA abBb abAb abbBbb abbbb 23 Derivation Trees 24 S AB A aaA | B Bb | S AB S A B 25 S AB A aaA | B Bb | S AB aaAB S A a a B A 26 A aaA | S AB B Bb | S AB aaAB aaABb S A a a B A B b 27 A aaA | S AB B Bb | S AB aaAB aaABb aaBb S A a a B A B b 28 S AB A aaA | B Bb | S AB aaAB aaABb aaBb aab S Derivation Tree B A a a A B b 29 A aaA | S AB B Bb | S AB aaAB aaABb aaBb aab S Derivation Tree A a a B A B yield b aab aab 30 Partial Derivation Trees S AB A aaA | B Bb | S AB Partial derivation tree S A B 31 S AB aaAB Partial derivation tree S A a a B A 32 S AB aaAB sentential form Partial derivation tree S yield A a a B aaAB A 33 Sometimes, derivation order doesn’t matter Leftmost: S AB aaAB aaB aaBb aab Rightmost: S AB ABb Ab aaAb aab S Same derivation tree A a a B A B b 34 Ambiguity 35 E E E | E E | (E) | a a a a E E a E a derivation (* denotes multiplication) E E E a E a E E a a E a a a E E a leftmost derivation 36 E E E | E E | (E) | a a a a derivation E E E E E E E E E E a E E a aE E a a a a leftmost derivation a a 37 E E E | E E | (E) | a a aa E E a E E E a E E a a E E E a a 38 E E E | E E | (E) | a a aa Two derivation trees E E a E E a E E a a E E E E a a 39 The grammar E E E | E E | (E) | a is ambiguous! String a a a has two derivation trees E E a E E E a E E a a E E E a a 40 The grammar E E E | E E | (E) | a is ambiguous: string a a a has two leftmost derivations E E E a E a EE a a E a a*a E EE E EE a EE a aE a aa 41 Definition A context-free grammar G is ambiguous if some string w L(G ) has two or more derivation trees (two or more leftmost/rightmost derivations) 42 Why do we care about ambiguity? a aa a2 E E a E E E a E E a a E E E a a 43 Why do we care about ambiguity? 2 22 E E 2 E E E 2 E E 2 2 E E E 2 2 44 Why do we care about ambiguity? 2 22 6 E 2 E 2 8 E 4 E 2 E 2 2 22 6 2 E 2 E 2 2 4 E 2 E 2 E 2 2 2 22 8 45 Correct result: 2 22 6 6 E 2 E 2 4 E 2 E 2 2 E 2 46 Ambiguity is bad for programming languages We want to remove ambiguity! 47 We fix the ambiguous grammar… E E E | E E | (E) | a E E T …by introducing parentheses () to indicate grouping, (precedence) E T T T F Non-ambiguous grammar T F F (E) F a 48 E E T T T F T a T a T F a F F a aF a aa E E E T a aa E T E T T F T T F F T F F (E) F a a T a F a 49 Unique derivation tree a aa E E T T T F F a a F a 50 The grammar G : E E T E T T T F T F F (E) is non-ambiguous F a Every string w L(G ) has a unique derivation tree 51 Inherent Ambiguity Some context free languages have only ambiguous grammars! Example: S S1 | S2 L {a b c } {a b c } n n m n m m S1 S1c | A S2 aS2 | B A aAb | B bBc | 52 The string n n n a b c has two derivation trees S1 S S S1 S2 c a S2 53 Definition: Context-Free Grammars Grammar Variables G (V ,T , S , P) Terminal symbols Start variables Productions of the form: A x x is string of variables and terminals 54 Definition: Regular Grammars Grammar Variables G (V ,T , S , P) Terminal symbols Start variables Right or Left Linear Grammars. Productions of the form: A xB A Bx or Cx x is string of terminals 55 n l n l {a b c : n, l 0}{a : n 0} n! Non-regular languages Context-Free Languages n n R {a b } {ww } Regular Languages 56 Context-Free Languages Context-Free Grammars Pushdown Automata stack automaton 57 Pushdown Automata PDAs 58 Pushdown Automaton - PDA Input String Stack States 59 The Stack A PDA can write symbols on stack and read them later on. POP reading symbol PUSH writing symbol y x z All access to the stack only on the top! (Stack top is written leftmost in the string, e.g. yxz) A stack is valuable as it can hold an unlimited amount of information. The stack allows pushdown automata to recognize some non-regular languages. 60 The States Input symbol Pop old reading stack symbol q1 a, b / c Push new writing stack symbol q2 61 q1 a, b / c q2 input a a stack b h e $ top Replace c h e $ (An alternative is to start and finish with empty stack) 62 q1 a, / c q2 input a stack b h e $ top Push a c b h e $ 63 q1 a,b / q2 input a a stack b h e $ top Pop h e $ 64 q1 a, / q2 input a a stack b h e $ top No Change b h e $ 65 Time 0 Example 3.7 Salling: A PDA for simple nested parenthesis strings ( ( ( ) ) ) Input (, / ( start s Stack ), ( / ), (/ q end 66 Example 3.7 Time 1 Input ( ( ( ) ) (, / ( start s ( ) Stack ), ( / ), (/ q end 67 Example 3.7 Time 2 Input ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ( (, / ( start s Stack ), ( / ), (/ q end 68 Example 3.7 Time 3 Input ( ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ( (, / ( start s ), ( / ), (/ q Stack end 69 Example 3.7 Time 4 Input ( ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ( (, / ( ), ( / Stack start s ), (/ q end 70 Example 3.7 Time 5 Input ( ( ( ) ) ( ) ( (, / ( start s ), ( / ), (/ q Stack end 71 Example 3.7 Time 6 Input ( ( ( ) ) ( ) ), ( / (, / ( start s Stack ), (/ q end 72 Example 3.7 Time 7 Input ( ( ( ) ) ) Stack (, / ( start s ), ( / ), (/ q end 73 Applications: Compilers 74 Machine Code Program v = 5; if (v>5) x = 12 + v; while (x !=3) { x = x - 3; v = 10; } ...... Compiler Add v,v,0 cmp v,5 jmplt ELSE THEN: add x, 12,v ELSE: WHILE: cmp x,3 ... 75 Compiler Lexical analyzer input program parser output machine code 76 A parser “knows” the grammar of the programming language 77 Parser PROGRAM STMT_LIST STMT_LIST STMT; STMT_LIST | STMT; STMT EXPR | IF_STMT | WHILE_STMT | { STMT_LIST } EXPR EXPR + EXPR | EXPR - EXPR | ID IF_STMT if (EXPR) then STMT | if (EXPR) then STMT else STMT WHILE_STMT while (EXPR) do STMT 78 The parser finds the derivation of a particular input derivation Parser input 10 + 2 * 5 EE+E |E*E | INT EE+E E+E*E 10 + E*E 10 + 2 * E 10 + 2 * 5 79 derivation EE+E E+E*E 10 + E*E 10 + 2 * E 10 + 2 * 5 derivation tree E E + E 10 E * E 5 2 80 derivation tree E E machine code + E mult a, 2, 5 add b, 10, a 10 E 2 * E 5 81 Parsing 82 Parser input string grammar derivation 83 Example: Parser input aabb S SS derivation S aSb S bSa ? S 84 Exhaustive Search S SS | aSb | bSa | Phase 1: S SS S aSb Find derivation of aabb S bSa S All possible derivations of length 1 85 S SS aabb S aSb S bSa S 86 Phase 2 S SS | aSb | bSa | S SS SSS S SS aSbS Phase 1 S SS bSaS S SS S SS S S aSb S aSb aSSb aabb S aSb aaSbb S aSb abSab S aSb ab 87 S SS | aSb | bSa | Phase 2 S SS SSS S SS aSbS aabb S SS S S aSb aSSb S aSb aaSbb Phase 3 S aSb aaSbb aabb 88 Final result of exhaustive search (top-down parsing) Parser input aabb S SS S aSb S bSa S derivation S aSb aaSbb aabb 89 Context Free Art 90 Context Free Art 91